More like ill-educated lunacy. But that caters to you just fine.


r3x29yz4a said:
but the Muslim terrorists see their cause as attacking nations who in the past have fucked up their homeland, and will probably do it again in the future.
The Iraqi insurgents are defending their home from Occupation.

I see. So essentially your defending murderers. That's great. That's fuckin' great. The insurgents may be "defending their homeland", but the war is over, and they're getting their own people killed. If you don't want to recognize that and just latch ont this ideal of 'Americans are bad, everyone else, no matter who, is good', then you can fuck off.

"In the past", we did nothing to hurt them except respond to their offenses. Other that that, all of their animosity towads us was/is undergrounded and hate-inspired.


Also, who are we to judge? With all the attrocities in our country what's to stop some foreign power from calling Bush evil and conquering us to "free" us?
It was up to the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam, or to live under his rule. That's what freedom is, the right to choose.
And had Bush's daddy not withdrawn his support for the Iraqi uprising in the 90's it would have ended then.


This wasn't about freeing the Iraqi people. This was about establishing our own security and, as an ulterior, with the rebuilding of Iraq, a gaining of a possible ally in an otherwise hostile middle-east.

You just wanted to get that out of your system didn't ya?


This whole notion that terrorists are supervillains sitting around plotting the end of America because they hate freedom is wrong.

They're not super-villians? How so? They kill mass amounts of innocents; how long before they they qualify, by your standards, as a villain?


okay, Pariah.

Exactly. I didn't. Review.

Last edited by Pariah; 2005-07-13 7:26 PM.