In a new survey by a Turkish university, almost 40% said a woman who commits adultery deserves to be murdered.

    A survey by a university in Turkey has shown almost 40% support for the practice of “honour killing”.

    The results come days after a court in Istanbul gave a life sentence for the murder of a girl by her brothers for giving birth to a child out of wedlock.

    Turkish law, which used to be lenient on “honour crimes”, was heavily revised as part of the country’s preparation for EU accession proceedings.

    Turkey has started talks with the EU but is not expected to join for years.

    The survey questioned 430 people, most of them men. When asked the appropriate punishment for a woman who has committed adultery, 37% replied she should be killed.

    Twenty-five percent said that she deserved divorce, and 21% that her nose or ears should be cut off.