
Ariel AKA Warp said:
muslims have decided to kill until they take over the world. isn't that how christianity 'took over' the world? (the quotes are because christianity isn't the religion with the largest following) The crusades come to mind

The Crusades had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with territory whores. The only people who may have brought religious friction into the fray were the soldiers. And they certainly weren't the ones who laid out the reasons to go to war. They just fought it.


r3x29yz4a said:
Muslims as a whole don't want to conquer the world.

Then why exactly are they trying to force their culture on the parts of the world that they've decided to migrate to (see also: France, see also: Australia, see also: London)?


Jihad doesn't mean "holy war," its a very varied phrase with many meanings.

"Jihad" means "struggle." Which is synonymous with "Holy War." It was first concieved when the Muslim higher ups knew they would have to go to war and used it as a catchphrase (for the lack of a better word).


Jesus was not a white man with an english face and blue eyes. Jesus was a Jew.

It's typical that you'd try to make race an issue.


Muslims and Jews actually believe in Jesus, just not his divinity.

The Muslims believe Christ is a prophet. So He's not lacking divinity in their eyes. You're somewhat correct regarding the Jews: They believe that Christ was holy and wise, but not that he was God.