From the 60 Minutes interview:
    "We’d talk about the suffering of the Muslims all over the world," Butt tells [CBS reporter] Simon.

    [Hassan Butt: ] "We were very well-versed in the Koran, in the verses of the Koran, in the sayings of the Prophet and show how it was permissible for people to go around killing innocent men, women and children."

    [Simon, for CBS' 60 Minutes: ] "You would explain to them why it's permissible to kill innocent men, women and children?"

    [Hassan Butt: ] "Well, a better way to put it is, we would take away the innocence from the person so they were no longer innocent men, women and children"

    [Simon, for CBS' 60 Minutes: ] "So, men, women and children would become non-innocents?"

    [Hassan Butt: ] "Become non-innocent and hence, combatants and allowed to be targeted"