These viewer comments on the CBS 60 Minutes story, go to the irony that the U.S. is baselessly called "evil", while the true and obvious evil cannot even be questioned, in a stacked-deck liberal atmosphere where all cultures have to be viewed as equally valued and of equal merit:

    Is Islam Evil?

    Given the recent worldwide attacks by Islamic terrorists, why isn't the question "Is Islam evil?"
  • With few exceptions (Turkey, for example), Islamic countries are fascist, autocratic or theocratic, where women are subjugated and minorities persecuted.
  • Islamic countries are rife with poverty and have been for centuries.
  • Polls show that in many Islamic countries a majority of Muslims lionize the man responsible for the atrocities of September 11th and the terrorist gangs who routinely slaughter civilians in Israeli buses and restaurants.
  • In Arab schools and on Arab television, children are taught the glory of becoming suicide bombers.
  • Almost everywhere that Islam borders other cultures, there is violence.

    The idea, then, that Islam is evil has far more plausibility than the idea that United States is evil.
    But merely, raising the question, "Is Islam evil?" provokes an instant, inevitable outcry: "Bigot!" "Racist!" "Zionist!"
    Indeed, the attempt to suppress debate on this question is so intense that few people in the mainstream will ask it.

    Posted by lars008 at 09:23 PM : Mar 25, 2007

In this excessively liberal political atmosphere, the true evil of Islam can't even be fairly examined.