
Everyone thinks they're right. Your crimes look as atrocious to them as theirs look to you. Granted, there's an obvious difference in scope that makes them the bigger nuts in the locker room (after all, I'm talking about radicals and not a whole culture even if you're not), but the fact that you're both blowing up babies when you could choose not to remains.

You're never gonna get along, first of all, because you both insist in judging a whole culture (do you even understand what "a whole culture" implies?) by their worst exponents, and secondly because you refuse to even consider viewing things from their perspective, which is how logic says problems should begin their solution. Not from the perspective of the terrorist (for fuck's sake), from the perspective of the guy in the street who leads a normal hard-working Allah-fearing life and is secretely glad them american infidels were given a taste of their own medicine, even though he generally doesn't say it out loud. It should be easy to get on his position, cause you feel exactly the same towards them. Both sides think they would live in peace if the other side ceased to exist, but you're both wrong.

I never judged the entire religion or culture. Peaceful Muslims do exist. Why they don't do something about the those who kill in Allah's name, I have no idea. There obviously are some aspects of the religion that cause and encourage the insanity of the attacks on 9-11, or the suicide attacks in Isreal, or the bloodshed in Iraq, or the violence against women in Afghanistan, or the human rights abuses in the Sudan, or the...

The peaceful Muslims are afraid of speaking out against the Crazy Muslims, lest they themsleves become the next target of the Crazy Muslims.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.