
Pariah said:
There's a difference between war and terrorism. They terrorized and we went to war.

Yeah, the difference is in who you ask. If you ask them, it's a Holy War.

Listen, do you think the kid who gets his family blown apart gives a shit about the noble causes the US had for dropping that bomb? When someone comes offering him a way to punch back, how could he say no?


Nagasaki and Hiroshima ended up saving more lives then they took away. I don't find that we have to justify the destruction of those cities.

And yep, you guessed it, they don't see why they would have to justify the destruction of those two towers. Obviously I can understand your reasons for Hiroshima a lot better than I can understand the reasons behind 9-11, but that's only because we have similar cultural settings.


If it wasn't for the deterrent fear inspired by those bombings,

Yeah, fear worked real good in the Middle East.


The world would probably still be at war.

Isn't it?



Everyone thinks they're right. Your crimes look as atrocious to them as theirs look to you.

Yes, and we all already know what you define as "our crimes."

Mxy, I'm very worried about you. Perhaps you should take some midol and calm down.

In this case, I'm talking about what they percieve as your crimes. But thanks for worrying.


The rest of the Arab culture is a cheering accessory to the other terrorist segments. And the amount of belligerent Muslims in the mid-east is too startling to simply say, "We can't judge them all based on just a few examples." Well there aren't "just a few," they're terrifyingly voluminous--And this end result doesn't come from the people themselves, it comes from the traditions that make up their culture. The culture, in turn, is what crafts the mentality of the people.

So what are you gonna do? Nuke 'em all? Then the rest of the world will turn against you. Fuck, I'll sign up to fight you myself. What then? You gonna nuke us too? The way you're handling this, it's never gonna end.