
Caitlin O'Malley - Witch Grrl said:
I decided to go into the Comic Shop today and see if anything new would catch my eye. Of course I saw cover after cover of "pamphlets" contaning nothing but pretentious stories that could be told in one or two issues instead of six part "arcs"(but that'd never make a good trade would it?)

BUT something did jump out at me, Birds of Prey #76 featuring the Wicca counterpart to Black Adam, Black Alice. For whatever reason, I decided to buy it.

Having read it all i can say is that THAT THING is not a "Wiccan".
Wicca is a Nature-based and Goddess-centered belief system. Wiccans DO NOT KILL, EVER but rather we care forthe world around us and the rights of others, interested only in living in peace.

I'd suggest before the "writer" of his comic Ms. Simone refers to someone as a Wiccan she actually do a little something called research. Something ALL writers, professional or not, should do.

Needless to say this has only discouraged that much more from the so called genius of new comics.

Still, can't say I didn't try.

Well, three more things about you, "sweetie". First, you're a CURRENT member of the DCMBs (since MOST of the body of what you posted came from something I put up there), second, you WERE a member of the Marvels of SHAZAM group long enough to find "your" user name posted there and third obviously have an axe to grind against me, hence stealing a bastardized version of MY character's name.

Why don't you just admit who you really are, baka, and make your life a fucking lot easier.