John Edwards has laid out his campaign themes:

    Among them: “Guaranteeing health care for every single American,” “Strengthening our middle class and ending the shame of poverty,” “Leading the fight against global warming,” and “Getting America and the world to break our addiction to oil.”

    He also listed “Providing moral leadership in the world — starting with Iraq, where we should begin drawing down troops, not escalating the war.”

In other news, the war on terror is over, apparently, since it doesn't seem to be one of the top five priorities.

I can hear someone arguing that that isn't a fair criticism - that "ending our addiction to oil" and "providing moral leadership" by drawing down troops are parts of the war on terror. But do those steps really address the threat of al-Qaeda?

Ending oil imports would probably reduce funding for terror groups, but it wouldn't eliminate it.

And I doubt all the "moral leadership" in the world would persuade al-Qaeda. If anything, that kind of "moral leadership" is just another example of "calling for surrender."