Clinton didn't sign the law because of the 'eevile' GOP threatening to pass a constitutional amendment. He supported it because he was against gay marriage:

    Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law during his re-election campaign in 1996 and vehemently opposed same-sex marriage

    In a June 1996 interview in the gay and lesbian magazine The Advocate, Clinton said: " I remain opposed to same-sex marriage. I believe marriage is an institution for the union of a man and a woman. This has been my long-standing position, and it is not being reviewed or reconsidered."

And, yet, because he's a democrat, you rationalize it as a good thing, and even out and out lie about his motives.


John Lennon sang
You live with straights who tell you you was king
Jump when your momma tell you anything
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?