
Wonder Boy said:

If you looked more carefully, his including your mention of Bush was incidental.
What he was really commenting on was your superficial endorsement of Joseph Biden, based solely on his appearance, because Biden projects "dignity", rather than any substantive --or even slight-- understanding of what Biden represents.

you do realize I said he was smart first and foremost? No one seems to be questioning that. And no one seems to actually challenge that he's more dignified than Bush.
Why is it superficial to suggest someone for president who is smarter and more dignified than the current guy?


As I've said repeatedly, I think Biden is a good candidate also. But I've based my opinion on what he's actually said, rather than just on the image he projects.

seriously, go back and read the quote that started this all. The first thing I said was that he was smart.


The way it is to you, and to other Bush-hating liberals.
As seen through a heavily edited, soundbyted distorting mirror.

not heavily edited. its not cut together snippets to misquote him. Its a collection of him doing foolish acts. And there's A LOT of those.


As I've said in previous topics, Rush Limbaugh ran similar clips of Clinton and his cabinet staff, every day on his show, during Clinton's presidency.
Clinton, Gore, Hilary, Donna Shalala, Madeline Albright, Robert Reich, and my absolute favorite, Jocelyn Elders.

Clinton was kind of goofy. Rush Limbaugh does have a history of editing stuff though. The videos I showed didn't alter anything, they just compiled it.


Yeah, I guess you've been somewhat nicer to me.
Except for speculating on my "frilly panties in a wad".

frilly panties show class.


I already answered this earlier in the post. G-man was commenting on your lack of understanding of Biden beyond his "looking dignified", not on your comparison of Biden to Bush.

again, for the hundreth time, my main point was that he was smart. I then added "air of dignity" and compared that with Bush. This of course was not said on a Biden thread but a thread about who you'd like to see run in 2008. Therefore i was saying Biden based on brains and running power.


I do read the topics before I respond. I even looked at all your anti-Bush propaganda soundbytes.

Its not really propaganda. It was true stuff in that he said and did it, and it was relevant in that the conversation was about Bush's "dignity" and "intellect." No one seems to be debating Biden's smarts, and I think the Indian comment really doesn't hurt his dignity so much as its a minor faux pas that's the exception rather than the rule.


I suppose you exemplify that debating skill ?

no. don't get me wrong, i have no delusions that i'm a master debater. I get irritated with you folks too easily and have littler patience for the BS. But the other liberal posters here are very good about presenting their cases, and G-man still tries to manipulate or ignore their valid points.


If by "re-hashing" you mean posting new links with new information, and usually writing out a few lines of my own opinion of what it signifies, then yeah, I guess that qualifies as "the same shit".
But I definitely read and consider what's been said, even when I disagree. You could learn a lot from the way M E M and Magicjay post. I often don't agree with them, but they offer a valid opposing counter-perspective.

Again, I get bored and irritated by the likes of G-man too easily and do the insults just because i know it irks him to have it here where he can't edit it.
Jay and MEM do a far better job than I at being civil and patient.
I actually can respect you and WBAM, because you guys put sincere thought into your posts. Pariah is hate-filled and nasty, G-man does have a history of manipulating topics to make himself look better.


Despite the sneering contempt and namecalling you so often indulge in, I still think you're an articulate kid, and that you're certainly capable of a better quality of debate, if you really tried.

Kid? I'm 47!


The clips I offer of Biden are unsoundbyted. If you want a better idea of his position on international issues, they're very much worth watching.

Which is one definite plus for Biden. The recent microphone mistake with Bush had a bit of dialogue that really offended me. Where he said that he didn't want to talk too long because everyone else talks too long. I contrast that with Biden's appearance on Bill Maher's show where he was asked about Iraq and went into a good 3-4 minute summary of the situation and the history.
I feel that the president should be smart, that he should speak at an intelligent level and take his time in presenting the issues.
I think what I hate most about Bush is his simplifying everything. Saying terrorists "hate us for our freedom" doesn't help anything, tracing back the conflict 50 years and analyzing it is a better course.
I think politics in general has been too dumbed down lately. I've always enjoyed listening to the Nixon/Kennedy debates of 1960. They both spoke with such intelligence that, having been born 20 years after the issues they were talking about, i was able to understand it all because they presented all the information.
But the Bush/Gore and Bush/Kerry debates were mean and spiteful and full of short t-shirt slogans.
And I think that's a disgrace. I want a smart president, which I why I put Biden's name on that thread.

Bow ties are coool.