I think this is just a case of Democrats once again falsely demonizing Republicans, for something that is reasonable and logical.

PBS News Hour, Oct 3, 2007, Children's Health Insurance Legislation

The child care program would help families making up to $80,000 a year, who not only can afford health insurance, but already have health insurance. So if this bill passed, all these upper-income families would cancel their private insurance policies, and just take advantage of government freebies.

What would happen if Bush successfully vetoes this bill, is it would come back and the Republicans would change it from an 80,000-dollar-cap to a 60,000 dollar one (i.e., limiting it to families who really need the benefits).

This is just another political manipulation to emotionally charge the debate on a false issue.

I was especially repulsed by the photo-op by Nancy Pelosi, praying with children in front of the cameras for Bush to change his mind. The party opposed to prayer in schools, the party of abortion, the party of assisted suicide, the party of removing the Ten Commandments from our courthouses... praying for our President. What irony. What hypocrisy.