Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Chant
A 61 cent tax on cigarettes? It certainly does sound like a good idea to me. If for nothing else to add an incentive for people to stop smoking.

So....let's say that plan actually works and it gets people to stop smoking.

If that happens, the program funded by smoking has lost it's funding, hasn't it?

It's very foolish, or disingenuous, to fund a program with an activity you are trying to eliminate or curtail.

yeah, because all the other taxes put on cigarettes over the years has stopped smoking and bankrupted the system.
and no one is really trying to curtail smoking. smoking is a very frivilous thing that causes many health problems. it makes sense that cigarettes be taxed to help pay for healthcare when you figure the sheer number of people who end up needing healthcare because they smoked.

Bow ties are coool.