Originally Posted By: thedoctor
And, face it, G-man's not going to admit that her argument is sad and pathetic.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Does he ever?

Wait just one minute.

There's a whole thread on Ann Coulter on this very board where I've said on more than one occasion that, while I agree with her on some issues, on others I've thought her arguments were, to use doc's terms, sad and pathetic.

In the case at hand, I've never said much about Malkin's column. I've only pointed out that questions arose about the kid's father's income and that it was not "attacking" the kid to ask those questions. I've also more or less echoed doc's point about how the family was not, perhaps, the best example of who the program should cover.

Apparently, however, no one here really wants to talk about the policies or consequences of socialized medicine. They'd just rather talk about whether it was "mean" to question a father who made a concious decision to inject himself and his kids into a debate about it.