I think The Doctor asked that and I responded some time ago.

If you want to look at Government run health care there already is a model to look at, it's called Medicare.

And by all accounts, seniors are quite happy with it. So I don't understand where all the doom & gloom comes from.. Well, that's a lie actually, I know EXACTLY where it comes from.

As for the Graeme Frost story, The Frot parents came on Countdown yesterday to talk about the right wing slime machine.

One of the problems with wingnuts like Malkin and Limbaugh is that they never concede a point. They could have said, “OK, maybe the program helped this one kid but … blah, blah … socialized medicine … blah, blah, blah …”

But they can never give an inch. Ever.

That’s nuts!

There's a new S-CHIP ad out BTW since congress is going to try to overturn the Bush veto.

the family of the girl in the ad, The Wilkersons had THIS to say

The Wilkersons said they are fully aware of the possibility that their finances and personal lives may be investigated by opponents of the SCHIP bill.

“We rent a house, we have one car that is a junker. Let them dig away,” Bo Wilkerson said. “I have $67 in my checking account. Does that answer your question?”
