Every time I start to accept that Halo82 might actually be a separate person, Halo posts something like this to further convince me that he has to be an alt for whomod.

Your an idiot. There's no more reason to believe I'm Whomod then there is to believe your Pariah. In fact there's more reason to believe you two are the same. Who and I have very diffrent writing styles, he's far more liberal then I am, and we've disagreed on issues like the whole license plate. You and Pariah have an almost identical type of idiocy. Your opinions on the whole Injin thing were almost exact.

He began posting here within a week of Whomod's return to these boards after 2 years.
What are the odds that another person on these boards could be this vitriolically anti-Republican, and have the same tendencies toward mocking caricatures and posting partisan propaganda images?

I don't know? What are the odds of Whomod inviting a friend who has similiar opinions here to argue against your kind of moral turpitude? I'd think pretty good.

And Whomod's more into posting articles and Youtube then I am. In fact I haven't the slightest clue how to embed Youtube into the posts.

And like Whomod, he finds things wildly funny, that are in truth just vicious and mean-spirited.

Who died and made you the arbiter of humor. Another thing you and Pariah have in common you both think your some unassailable authority.

i.e., they share the same hatred and pathological obsession.

No, I have hatred. Who has obsession.

The Statue of Liberty being vampire-bitten by Bush image is one Whomod posted to these boards repeatedly 3 or 4 years ago.

Fucking google search. No respect for my desire to be original.*

Wondy, your a broken, banal, and pathetic record. You can always find out if me and Who are the same. But I'm gonna show you something. Look around the members list here-


That site is how Whomod knows me. He sent me this

Hey Halo
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whomod Hey Halo, Sep 14 2007, 07:19 PM

The Whole Truth

Group: Co-Admins
Posts: 1,944
Joined: 7-September 06

I sympathize with you. I haven't been around these boards as much because frankly, i've started and contributed to posts in which no debate is enacted.

Right now I'm over at Kamphausen's boards where it's full of these Bush robots who are still all rah rah over the Iraq war. Somehow it feels ..I dunoo.. more useful to debate these fools than to simply get nothing or silent agreement. I don't know if You know what I mean.

You're pretty articulate and don't back down from a fight so if you'd like, the invitations open to get down politically speaking over there.

BTW, when are you due to ship out again?

*Sarcasm was used