Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

First of all, they're just doctored photos, and none of these individuals have been indicted on any criminal charges, so there's no factual basis for giving them mug shots.

Second, five of the nine persons you displlayed images of are not even Bush officials anymore (Karl Rove, John Ashcroft, Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Hughes, and Paul Wolfowitz).

Third, at least two of the individuals criminalized in the fake photos should be held up as heroes to the left, not slandered as criminals. (1)John Ashcroft for not signing away civil liberties on his hospital bed, and (2)Colin Powell for doing his best to moderate excesses in the Bush administration while he was there, and for also voicing criticism of Bush after leaving as secretary of state.

Fourth, it's just fun to watch you fry in your own bile, in hatred of people who are mostly gone from office already. That's ultimately all you have, is remarkable boundless hatred for these people. To the point that you feel a need to slander them at every turn.
But the truth is, even though there are many legitimate points to criticize Bush on, you guys are, in truth, viciously partisan assholes toward any Republicans, and have been for the better part of three decades.
It was the same under Reagan.
It was the same under Bush Sr.
And conversely you made 10,000 excuses for the Clintons.
And now it's the same under W.Bush.

So don't even try to pretend that this is some treatment that's unique to the Bush administration. The liberal slander, lies, and partisan venom continue, regardless of the which Republicans these spiteful attacks are heaped on.
And as I've said repeatedly, with each of these attacks, the level of your malice, your divisiveness, and your total disregard for the truth, and ultimately your evil, are fully on display.

Not just as an aberration in a single incident.
Slander after slander.
Vicious attack after vicious attack.

You really are a stooge Wondy.

The point is that there all fuck ups. Go ahead and deny it but all that's gonna happen is we'll get into a lengthy conversation and I'll beat you again.
Oh I know I know

 Originally Posted By: WB's inevitable idiocy
Don't say you won Halo. All you've done is present facts, logic, and occurences that for the life of me I can't rationalize no matter how hard I try. That's not winning...that's typical liberal deceptions of denying my truth with reality. Don't you won, it hurts my feelings.