Originally Posted By: whomod

It's kinda bullshit this argument I CONSTANTLY hear from people on the right, that if you're rich, then you must be insincere about helping poor people or you're somehow unqualified.

Actually, I would say that the knock on people like Edwards is that there's a disconnect between their rhetoric and the reality of their actions.

Case in point: is just watched "This week" with George Stephanopolis and George Will.
They played a clip of Edwards promising that, if elected President, there would be no one in his administration who'd worked as a corporate lobbyist or had financial ties to corporations.

It was an appealing populist message to democrat voters, they noted. However, Will pointed out, given Edwards past ties to corporate hedge funds, he arguably was disqualifying himself from his own administration.

Just as socially conservative Republican candidates render themselves vunerable to charges of hypocrisy if they betray "family values" by having affairs or being closted gays, populist Democrats who make money in ways they begrudge others come across as insincere or dishonest.