Edwards Furious with ABC News for Breaking Affair Story Early
  • Even as John Edwards was trying to appear sincere and apologetic in public, behind the scenes he was cynically attempting to manipulate the media in order to minimize the damage. He’s reportedly furious with ABC News for breaking the story of his extramarital affair early on Friday, instead of waiting for the Olympics opening ceremonies to start.

I, personally, don't think the fact he had an affair is that big of a deal, especially now that he's out of the race. However, it would appear to be yet-another example of his being a hypocrite:
  • John Edwards on Bill Clinton in 1999: “I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.”