Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Haze. Surprisingly fun.

You are gay!

Now, I know "Haze" was overhyped, and for most people, a flop. However, when you're playing local multiplayer (splitscreen) it's actually quite good. That's the only way I play PS3 games -- at a friend's place with him, sometimes his wife, and maybe one or two other people. That said, the biggest complaint about "Haze" is the fact that only two can play at a time. That, and playing as Mantle Troopers can sometimes be too easy, particularly against bots. Though, it's kind of nice to be able to do splitscreen online.
Since we play most games with splitscreen in mind, Call of Duty 4 was, surprisingly, a bit of a disappointment to us. While the online multiplayer is good fun, and the campaign is nice, local multiplayer has severely limited options -- no bots, no online play, no stat tracking/unlocks/ranks. More often than not, we find ourselves wanting to play Timesplitters 3 instead of a newer game.

You are very gay if you rate Haze above COD4.
Go commit splt screen suicide!