Posted By: Pig Iran Top Ten Sci Fi/Superhero/Cartoon Flicks.... - 2010-12-17 4:42 AM
Yeah, because we all love top ten lists and lists in general, but more because Pro was saying his movie appreciation list was sooooo weird. Anyway, now that Dark Knight and Avatar and shit are so close to your hearts-- what are your top five or ten movies in this set of categories? I find these three types tend to blur together in my mind, and they are all found together on one set of my DVD shelves...and if that doesn't make for a rational I don't know what does? If you have the time say 'why' for some of your obscure choices....ya know if you can be arsed to.

It can also be Fantasy like LOTR....
The Incredibles (what the Fantastic Four movies should have been)
Dark Knight
The Empire Strikes Back
Star Trek II
Forbidden Planet
The Secret of Nihm
Star Trek VI
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
The Incredibles (what the Fantastic Four movies should have been)

Yes, and now that Disney owns both Marvel and Pixar why the fuck aren't they moving the series in that direction?
These are my personal favorites, the movies I've watched over and over and would still watch over and over.

In ascending order:

  • The Dark Knight
    Star Trek: Wrath of Khan
    Back to the Future
    The Day the Earth Stood Still (the original, not the Keannubortion)
    Forbidden Planet
    Batman (1966)
    Raiders of the Lost Ark
    Superman (1978 Reeve version)
    Star Wars. Just "Star Wars." The film that came out in 1977 without amended titles or revamped special effects. That Star Wars.

There may be movies that I recognize to be better made or of higher artistic merit ("the Incredibles" and "Batman Begins," for example) but, for whatever reason, they don't pack the same emotional/nostalgic punch of the ones on this list.
In no particular order:

Blade Runner



Superman: The Movie

The Empire Strikes Back

The Black Hole

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Forbidden Planet

The Terminator

Time Bandits
Superman: The Movie
Empire Strikes Back
Wall-E (It could easily be Incredibles instead,but I watch this more)
War of the Worlds (original)
Megaforce (I can watch it endlessly on continuous play)
Ah! My Goddess: The Movie (The best looking and feeling anime IMO)
Tenchi Muyo: Tenchi In Love (My first DVD and most watched)
King Kong (1933 version)
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters
Flash Gordon (1980 version)

There is some newer stuff I've watched a bunch like Hulk VS., Justice League: Crisis on 2 Worlds, Iron Man 1, and Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, but I know my previous selections will hold up for me.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
The Incredibles (what the Fantastic Four movies should have been)

Yes, and now that Disney owns both Marvel and Pixar why the fuck aren't they moving the series in that direction?

Fox still holds movie rights I believe.
But isn't Disney moving to bring stuff back in house?
Yes, but some stuff like the mutants, Spidey, and FF are still out there for a few years. This is all live-action mind you--not toons and stuff.
FF, Spider-man, and the X-men movies are locked in at Sony and Fox as long as they keep making sequels. Fox may get tired of spending money on FF with little return and may let it slip, but the other two are still cash cows.

Disney has already clamped down on the animated projects.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

Disney has already clamped down on the animated projects.

So...wouldn't an animated Pixar-produced FF be possible?
Animated as in TV. Film rights are still at Sony and Fox.
They should wait 5 years or more and just redo Fantastic Four the right way.

Disney should start adapting stuff like Cloak and Dagger for channels like ABC Family. They should also concentrate on cartoons for their licensing department. Young avengers also comes to mind as it has all the angsty teen stuff in it.

Disney should try going in no-brainer directions with the properties like putting JJ Abrams on the Black Widow property--that kinda stuff.
Power Pack on Disney channel could also be a hit.

I can't see Fox letting go of their mutant cash cow or Sony giving up Spidey.