...that somewhere out there, King Snarf and Nowhereman, reading these boards in Anonymous mode, are sharing a chuckle together. Nowhereman cuddles him a little closer on the porch swing, whispering a sweet "cunt!" in his ear, as they stare off together into the sunset to live happily ever after.
...that Harley became one of Columbia's richest and well-respected Law Professors. She strips by night to pay for the law school. Still.
...that Sneaky Bunny's tits look just fucking awesome in the shower, when the suds wash over her small-but-perky nipples.
...that CJ's tits look also just fucking awesome in the shower, when the suds run over her melons like waterfalls of Rex's tears.
....that BASMS and Ray Adler joined forces and went underground, training for the post-2012 apocalypse. And that if you have a problem, and if you can find them, then maybe you can hire......them.
...that Wednesday is currently in a geosynchronous orbit with North America, arms folded, staring at us like Apollo in THE AUTHORITY. And still he waits.
...that Bastid is, in fact, the main chairperson behind the worldwide Illuminati Bilderberg Conspiracy group. He's currently responsible for the lower portions of Sweden and some of Canada. I don't know why.
...that Grimm settled a new nation-state near the equator. He called it "Grimm".
...that I am the warrior. And it's hard-too-hard-to-win---.....if you sur-viiiii-hive.....the warrior...yes, I am the warrior...and victory is miiii-hine. The warrior. The warrior.
...that no one will get that previous post.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
...that Grimm settled a new nation-state near the equator. He called it "Grimm".

Please post more Sneaky/CJ shower fantasies.
Someone needs to post pics of the following people:

Cowgirl Jacks (and her boobies)

Harley (she never posted boobies \:\( )

Stareena (and her boobies)

Sneaky Bunny (her tits too)

And any other posterses boobies. Except Llance.

Ok, why not? Him too.
 Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
Please post more Sneaky/CJ shower fantasies.

Not until you reveal your identity...
Last night, CJ took off my clothes, took me to the showers, and gave me a good soapy bath.

Then we went back to the bedroom, and she let me lie down for a while. Then she changed my diapers and gave me a bottle of milk.

The End.
...and remember that one time when Harley took me out for ice cream? That was awesome. I got chocolate ice cream all over my face and we laughed a lot.
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Someone needs to post pics of the following people:

Cowgirl Jacks (and her boobies)

Harley (she never posted boobies \:\( )

Sneaky Bunny (her tits too)

And any other posterses boobies.


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Someone needs to post pics of the following people:

Cowgirl Jacks (and her boobies)

Harley (she never posted boobies \:\( )

Sneaky Bunny (her tits too)

And any other posterses boobies.



Wow. You are a cunt. I know a few of those pictures that the posters who put them up didn't want in the public forums.
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

Wow. You are a cunt. I know a few of those pictures that the posters who put them up didn't want in the public forums.

Really? Because I only count one that I've never seen before in these forums. I guess two photos if you count the shame those two girls must've felt being groped by Knurkel...
Yes, really.
Certain ones were only posted in a certain hidden forum.
 Originally Posted By: Person who wanted to remain in private

oh, and fuck you, *******, for posting that stupid card in the general forums. I've requested that they stay out of reach of the general public.

The card spoken about had one of the pics Pro posted on it.
So that's what Harley looks like. Always knew there was a pic of her around but never saw it.
I honestly have no idea what Jaburg is talking about. Which one, man? How the fuck am I supposed to know? What "Hidden Forum" are you talking about? All you have to do is tell me and I'll take it off. Stop
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Really? Because I only count one that I've never seen before in these forums. I guess two photos if you count the shame those two girls must've felt being groped by Knurkel...

 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
So that's what Harley looks like. Always knew there was a pic of her around but never saw it.

It was an unused Interview picture. The only one besides the shot of her 8-year-old self I could get from her.

I tried getting in touch with her a few times since she disappeared. But, I imagine she was either a well-played alt, or shrunk from social media. Or, you know, life.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

Wow. You are a cunt. I know a few of those pictures that the posters who put them up didn't want in the public forums.

too bad they're not here to give a damn. someone facebook them about this quick!

Really? Because I only count one that I've never seen before in these forums. I guess two photos if you count the shame those two girls must've felt being groped by Knurkel...

haters gonna hate joe...haters gonna hate.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I tried getting in touch with her a few times since she disappeared. But, I imagine she was either a well-played alt, or shrunk from social media. Or, you know, life.

she was g-man the whole time. spoilers.
Two more of Sneaky.

This one from TK-069's cards, circa 2007.


Difficult Kind:

She's a brick----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.

She's a brick----house
She's the one, the only one,
who's built like an amazon
We're together everybody knows,
and here's how the story goes.

She knows she's got everything
a woman needs to get a man, yeah.
How can she lose with what she uses,
36-24-36, what a winning hand!

The clothes she wears, the sexy ways,
make an old man wish for younger days
She knows she's built and knows how to please
Sure enough to knock a man to his knees

Shake it down, shake it down now

She's a brick----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick----house !

And some more of TK-069's cards:

Damn son! Uschi's sporting a killer body! How did I miss these?
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Damn son! Uschi's sporting a killer body! How did I miss these?

Courtesy of photoshop, but still nice to see.
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns

too bad they're not here to give a damn. someone facebook them about this quick!

It's not enough that they cared about it when they still posted here?

After it's posted here in a public forum it could go anywhere.

It's not us this person was worried about. It was people just passing through who may spread the pic.
let me throw this scenario out there.

You have a girlfriend who lets you take nude pictures of her but asks that you never show them to anybody. They are for you to enjoy.

Do you think it's OK to flash them around your friends after a break up?
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

let me throw this scenario out there.

You have a girlfriend

Let's keep this within the realm of believability, sir!


King Snarf
The pic is gone, so this whole "morality debate" is laughable. I thought there were no rules, right "Jake"? \:lol\:

BTW, Doog, that's NOT Uschi's body. That's some fancy Photoshop. The rest are real, as far as I know.

Now, haters stop hating and enjoy the tits. JEEEEEEEZ Janice!
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I tried getting in touch with her a few times since she disappeared. But, I imagine she was either a well-played alt, or shrunk from social media. Or, you know, life.

she was g-man the whole time. spoilers.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Difficult Kind:

I wonder if Rob and DK are still married? He never mentions her anymore...

Doog, you still hitched?

I know PJP got a divorce. But, according to Twitter, he's perfectly happy whoring it up in NYC.
Yup, had our 5th year anniversary in October.
Congrats, brother! I feel your painful joy.

So, when can we expect pics in this thread?
I'd post some of MY wife, but I suspect others here would just take them and make Frontpage banners and the like out of them.

It's funny, "Jake". You're so worried about personal pics being posted here arbitrarily by another......yet, you yourself said it's okay to use pics of me because I posted them here.

Hmmm....paradox? Or selective morality? You decide!
Yeah, I have some. I haven't posted any pics since our one wedding pic I think.

Us meeting Brian Posehn, who is a hell of a funny dude! One of the best shows I've seen.

Later, at a "NO DRINKING OUT OF GLASSES!" party

She got a kick out of drinking from the baby head since every time she took a gulp its eyes would open and freak people out. She's kinda awesome.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I wonder if Rob and DK are still married? He never mentions her anymore...

Doog, you still hitched?

I know PJP got a divorce. But, according to Twitter, he's perfectly happy whoring it up in NYC.

Nice pics Doog! And yeah Pete is actually remarried and expecting his first kid very soon.
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I wonder if Rob and DK are still married? He never mentions her anymore...

Doog, you still hitched?

I know PJP got a divorce. But, according to Twitter, he's perfectly happy whoring it up in NYC.

Nice pics Doog! And yeah Pete is actually remarried and expecting his first kid very soon.

WHOA!! Didn't know he was hitched again. That's awesome!

BTW, I'm sure I missed it somewhere, but weren't you and Ash expecting?
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Yeah, I have some. I haven't posted any pics since our one wedding pic I think.

Us meeting Brian Posehn, who is a hell of a funny dude! One of the best shows I've seen.

Later, at a "NO DRINKING OUT OF GLASSES!" party

She got a kick out of drinking from the baby head since every time she took a gulp its eyes would open and freak people out. She's kinda awesome.

Man, she IS kind of awesome! You guys look happy as hell. Nice.

BTW, either there's some funny angles going on with those pics, or you're a big fellow, Doog. As in, towering...
Yeah, I'm 6'4 and she's a foot shorter than me.
Plus I got fat because, as it turned out, the chick can cook!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'd post some of MY wife, but I suspect others here would just take them and make Frontpage banners and the like out of them.

It's funny, "Jake". You're so worried about personal pics being posted here arbitrarily by another......yet, you yourself said it's okay to use pics of me because I posted them here.

Hmmm....paradox? Or selective morality? You decide!

I already have pictures of your wife. You should know, you posted them here.

So I already haven't photoshopped them, and already haven't frontpaged them.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I wonder if Rob and DK are still married? He never mentions her anymore...

Doog, you still hitched?

I know PJP got a divorce. But, according to Twitter, he's perfectly happy whoring it up in NYC.

Nice pics Doog! And yeah Pete is actually remarried and expecting his first kid very soon.

WHOA!! Didn't know he was hitched again. That's awesome!

BTW, I'm sure I missed it somewhere, but weren't you and Ash expecting?


 Originally Posted By: Glacier16

You know, in that one worded post, I immediately thought "Glacier is secretly Rob, and Ash is his wife DK, and they've been trolling us this WHOLE TIME!"

That would be so mind-blowingly awesome. \:lol\:

I like my post to Ash in that thread: \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Ummm....I don't think it's proper for the woman to be talking before JEFFERSON GLACIER has decided on a name publicly. You're lucky you're pregnant. He's Jeff Glacier, bitch.

Now, I personally suggest: GQ-Smoothie Clarkprometheus Awesomface. It has a snap. If it's a girl....have a penis surgically added immediately, and beg Jeff's forgiveness for your genetic weakness...

So, man, did you guys have the kid? What's up? Any details you feel like exposing? Happy daddy? Anything? If I didn't care, I wouldn't ask.
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Plus I got fat because, as it turned out, the chick can cook!

THANKYOU. I'm glad to see that's universal for new wives that cook. I was relatively thin my entire life. Our first year of marriage I put about thirty-pounds...

(I'm slowing losing it. Slowly.)
Six years ago I traded Marlboro for Cold Stone Creamery.

I haven't been to the Creamery in 4 years now, but I still have the reminder.
I like to call my belly Duncan Hines rape baby.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

So, man, did you guys have the kid? What's up? Any details you feel like exposing? Happy daddy? Anything? If I didn't care, I wouldn't ask.

Not yet, she is due around May 23rd. It's a boy and I don't mind sharing the details. Pretty stoked!
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Plus I got fat because, as it turned out, the chick can cook!

THANKYOU. I'm glad to see that's universal for new wives that cook. I was relatively thin my entire life. Our first year of marriage I put about thirty-pounds...

(I'm slowing losing it. Slowly.)

Sooo damn true
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Six years ago I traded Marlboro for Cold Stone Creamery.

I haven't been to the Creamery in 4 years now, but I still have the reminder.
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I like to call my belly Duncan Hines rape baby.

\:lol\: \:lol\: Yeah, I went through the same damn thing. I quit smoking the SECOND year we were married. So, that added what I'm still working off. My average weight now is right at 200lbs even. That wouldn't be terrible at 6'0. But, it all collects as one muffin top on my waist... \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
Not yet, she is due around May 23rd. It's a boy and I don't mind sharing the details. Pretty stoked!

Oh you haven't HAD it yet. D'oh! The board rules said there would be no math involved.... \:-\[

Well, keep us updated.

 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I like to call my belly Duncan Hines rape baby.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
Really? Because I only count one that I've never seen before in these forums. I guess two photos if you count the shame those two girls must've felt being groped by Knurkel...

haters gonna hate joe...haters gonna hate.

You know I s you.
add me to the list of men who got fat after getting married to a woman who can cook
I bet they did it intentionally so that we will no longer look sexually attractive to other bitches.
well played home-base vaginas. Well played.
If it weren't for those tasty home cooked meals, I would be receiving blowjobs left and right the moment I step out of the house!
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Plus I got fat because, as it turned out, the chick can cook!

Yeah. A woman that can cook can destroy a man.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I bet they did it intentionally so that we will no longer look sexually attractive to other bitches.
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
well played home-base vaginas. Well played.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
If it weren't for those tasty home cooked meals, I would be receiving blowjobs left and right the moment I step out of the house!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
Yeah, I'm in the got married then fat club, too. I think I just got a different membership card. My wife is not a cook. I usually cook the meals. What she did learn to do is...


and bake...

and bake...

and bake...

and bake some more...

Luckily, she hasn't figured out the art of pie yet. She ever does then I'm fucked.
Are you saying that you don't like you're wife's pie?
Sorry about that.
"Brownies." "Pie." What is it with your food-and-women fetish?
I'm a man. I'm hungry and horny. Did you fail biology or something?
 Originally Posted By: iggy

and bake...

and bake...

and bake...

and bake some more...

Pro just came all over his computer.
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: iggy

and bake...

and bake...

and bake...

and bake some more...

Pro just came all over his computer.

And just created a really awkward atmosphere in the coffee shop.
He ordered the FAPaccino with extra cream!
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
He ordered the FAPaccino with extra cream!

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: iggy

and bake...

and bake...

and bake...

and bake some more...

Pro just came all over his computer.

\:lol\: \:lol\: DAMN YUZE BAHSTAN!!! \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I'm a man. I'm hungry and horny. Did you fail biology or something?

"...I conquered biology! With my PENIS!"
If it's a lesson in love, watch out. I suffer from a very sexy learning disability....I call it Sexlexia...
Rock breaks scissors. But paper covers rock. And scissors cut paper! Kiff! ...we have a conundrum. Search them for paper...and bring me a rock...
Brannigan's Law is like Brannigan's love, hard and fast.
Kiff, show them my medal.
Well, this promises to be one disturbingly erotic date
But as a gentleman, I must warn you, if you so much as glance at another woman, I'll be on Leela like a fly on a pile of very seductive manure.
Kiff, I have made it with a woman. Inform the crew.
If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: iggy

and bake...

and bake...

and bake...

and bake some more...

Pro just came all over his computer.

And just created a really awkward atmosphere in the coffee shop.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: