Posted By: PJP How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 5:57 AM
Zito only lasted an inning and a third......Yanks are up 7-0 in the 2nd inning. I smell World Series.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 5:59 AM
Oh and the greatest player in baseball and reigning MVP Alex Rodriguez hit a grand slam.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:01 AM
Frank Thomas hit a home run it's now 7-1. I really wanted the shutout but I like Frank Thomas so I'm happy for him.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:03 AM
Where is harley? I'm going away Friday for a week and wll not be near a computer. I need her to update this next week. I know Rob can't be counted on.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:04 AM
PJP for Sports Mod?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:05 AM
Every forum. PJP and his mentors should be mods of every forum. I single handedly resurected the dead Comics and Wimmens foums.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:06 AM
Those clips at the Women's Forum were EPIC...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:07 AM
I just hope you don't get disappointed if Rob doesn't appoint you, PJP.

I should be mod of the Women's and Video Game boards, but I made fun of Howard Stern today, so I don't see it happening...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:07 AM
We can't epect TK or Sneaky to do that? Why is TK still a mod?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:08 AM
pjp, your racism is unbearable.

that aside, i like that bernie got the first rbi.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:09 AM

PJP said:
We can't epect TK or Sneaky to do that? Why is TK still a mod?

TK is the heir to the "acting commisioner" throne.

Tread lightly, my son!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:09 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
pjp, your racism is unbearable.

that aside, i like that bernie got the first rbi.

Me too Boss! Cano and Giambi aren't doing much.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:10 AM

MisterJLA said:

PJP said:
We can't epect TK or Sneaky to do that? Why is TK still a mod?

TK is the heir to the "acting commisioner" throne.

Tread lightly, my son!

I piss on him. He's probably in that fruity little secret mod forum club.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:16 AM
When Rob retires, you'll have to answer to TK. Just so you know...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:19 AM
I piss on him.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:24 AM
W H O A !
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:29 AM
Matsui hit a homer.....11-1 Yanks in the 4th.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 6:32 AM
Cano got a double.....I'm going to bed. I have to be up in 4 hours.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 7:04 AM
Psssssssssssssssssst!!! Red Sox won 7-3 today. Papi goes yard, Lowell goes yard, and Coco Crisp made a play that Johnny Damon could only dream of making.

(For the record, I'm not one of those psychos that'll boo Damon when he comes to Boston...)
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 8:41 AM
that's because his poster is probably in your bedroom right joe?
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 8:41 AM
frickin' reds...we suck
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 3:31 PM

Pig Iron said:
that's because his poster is probably in your bedroom right joe?

The poster of his wife. Naked.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 3:52 PM
is she pretty?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 3:56 PM

Pig Iron said:
frickin' reds...we suck

That was quite the pitching duel yesterday! I thought It was the Bengals and Bears playing.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-04 7:46 PM
Another meaningless homerun by A-Rod. That guy just never hits anything when it matters.

I don't think Damon will have a bad year(not in this lineup) or anything, but I have to say I'm way past tired of hearing the argument that Damon makes the Yankees better because he's a "true leadoff hitter", and Jeter isn't. Jeter and Damon both made their debuts in '95, and of the 10 seasons they've played since then, Jeter has had a better on base percentage in every single one of those seasons, except 2004(the year Jeter was hitting .190 in mid-May). Jeter and Damon are both excellent baserunners with good speed, but both are getting to an age where they steal very much, and in this lineup, stealing is almost pointless, anyway.

Jeter is perfectly suited to the leadoff spot. I'm not sure why the John Kruks of the world don't get that. Maybe it's because they think Jeter is still the same hitter he was in 1999, or maybe it's because he's Derek Jeter and that hitting leadoff is somehow beneath him. I dunno.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 6:01 AM
Red Sox are about to lose to Texas 10-4.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 6:08 AM

PJP said:
Red Sox are about to lose to Texas 10-4.


Posted By: big_pimp_tim Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 6:11 AM
huzzah rangers!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 7:30 AM

Animalman said:
but I have to say I'm way past tired of hearing the argument that Damon makes the Yankees better because he's a "true leadoff hitter", and Jeter isn't.

i think, think, the thought is that jeter would likely be a second or third hitter on many other teams, but on the yankees, he's simply put there "just because."

still, i agree. as my bias towards him grows, i really think he's one fuck of a great leadoff hitter.

will having damon in the top spot better suit the yankees? yes. why? because it doesn't hurt them. similarly, if the yanks put jeter in the leadoff spot and had damon second, it would make the yankees better.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 6:20 PM
I agree with Rob and Ani.

Also Oakland beat the Yanks 4-3 last night.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-05 6:40 PM
One could do a lot worse than having Damon as a leadoff man, that's for sure.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 2:32 AM
The Yanks play Oakland in the rubber match tonight! Wandg is pitching. The Yanks magic number is 160.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 3:15 AM
Yanks should trade Pavano for Pettite. You know the Astros will do it too.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 3:18 AM

PJP said:
Yanks should trade Pavano for Pettite. You know the Astros will do it too.

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 3:28 AM
i miss pettitte. yanks shoulda never given up on him.

perennial 15+ game winner, from a left handed starter... not exactly a dime a dozen. plus, coming up with the yankees, and absorbing so much (good!) post season experience -- what the yankees really need and exploit-best
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 5:13 AM
He's in the last year of his contract and the Astros want to unload salaries. It's a pretty good bet he will end up with the Yanks by mid-season.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 5:50 AM

PJP said:
He's in the last year of his contract and the Astros want to unload salaries. It's a pretty good bet he will end up with the Yanks by mid-season.

Wait...you were serious?

The Astros(right or wrong) think they can win, and they also think they have a shot at getting Roger Clemens. Neither of those things will be possible if they trade Andy Pettitte. A bad start to their season probably wouldn't cause too much alarm, given the huge comebacks the team has made in each of the last two years.

Even if they did put Pettitte on the market, the Yankees don't have an abundance of valuable trade chips.

I'd say the chances of Pettitte wearing pinstripes this year are very slim. Infact, considering how eager Andy was to come home to Houston, as well as the amount of success he's had there, he's not a sure bet to leave at any point.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 5:58 AM
P.S-I think Steve Smith, the Rangers third base coach, is on the Boston payroll.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 6:00 AM
It's hardly an original idea of mine. I've heard quite a few "experts" say it's possible. Who knows. If the stros are winning and leading there division then there is no way it would happen. If they are tanking it and know they don't want to give Pettite another big contract next year then they may ask for someone like Pavano.....who knows!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 6:07 AM
Yanks winning 4-0 in the 4th.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 6:07 AM

PJP said:
It's hardly an original idea of mine. I've heard quite a few "experts" say it's possible.

I've yet to hear that mentioned from anyone, "expert" or otherwise.

The Astros trading Pettitte wouldn't be the weirdest thing to ever happen, but it doesn't make much sense for them to...unless they were getting Johan Santana or something.


they may ask for someone like Pavano

This much I know won't happen. Pavano makes nearly as much as Pettitte, he's hurt, and he's coming off an awful year.
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 11:03 AM
I'm betting when it's all said and done Clemens will return to Beantown this season.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 4:02 PM

Animalman said:
P.S-I think Steve Smith, the Rangers third base coach, is on the Boston payroll.

I paid him well...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 4:03 PM

jafabian said:
I'm betting when it's all said and done Clemens will return to Beantown this season.

Personally, I'm thinking retirement or Houston.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 4:05 PM

PJP said:
Yanks winning 4-0 in the 4th.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 4:39 PM
Bastard. Yeah the Yanks lost night.....last time I checked it was 9-4 Oakland......lots of blame to go around. Oh Well.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-06 5:28 PM
Yanks are off tonight and play again Friday against the Anaheim Angeles Angels. I hate starting the season out in the West Coast.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:29 AM
I think the Yanks are 5-6....not sure though.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:33 AM
Yay! The Yankee thread is back! Thank G-d for PJP!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:37 AM

PJP said:
Where is harley? I'm going away Friday for a week and wll not be near a computer. I need her to update this next week. I know Rob can't be counted on.

Like I said, my "real" life has kept me busy and I probably won't be back here for a bit if things in the real world work out the way I hope - this is the first day in ages that I have the afternoon to myself, so I decided to stop by. Imagine my shock that this thread wasn't on page one! WTF! It's Yankee season fer cryin' out loud, it should always be on page one for the greatest baseball team evar! (shut up, Joe.)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:37 AM
Go Jankees!

So where've you been? Busy with work? Major case?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:39 AM

PJP said:
Go Jankees!

I forgot I told you about that! You have a damn good memory.


So where've you been? Busy with work? Major case?

Work and personal have been crazy, but good. I'll update you when there's more to tell...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:40 AM
oh and Happy Passover.

I saw Fever Pitch when I was away on vacation.....does that make me a bad person?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:44 AM
Jesus, you saw that and didn't cry your eyes out? Why, oh why, did you torment yourself like that?

Game 7 makes me shudder everytime I think about it. It will prolly haunt me for the rest of my days.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:45 AM
Oh, and thanks for the Passover wishes - I would kill for a slice or a bagel right now.

Your Easter starts next Sunday, no?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:47 AM
yup....today is Palm Sunday.....no meat all week. I would imagine it would be hard for klinton to be Greek Orthodox giving up meat for a whole week.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 12:53 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 1:11 AM
Yanks are winning 6-2.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 1:12 AM
I know!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 4:13 AM
Look at my sig...that's all I'll say about anything. I try not to be cruel to the elderly. Let me know if Randy or Gary (roid rage!) or Moose or whomever need help crossing the street.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 5:20 AM

Joe Mama said:
Look at my sig...that's all I'll say about anything.

You sig baffles me...


I try not to be cruel to the elderly. Let me know if Randy or Gary (roid rage!) or Moose or whomever need help crossing the street.

Fuck you!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 5:48 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Look at my sig...that's all I'll say about anything.

You sig baffles me...


I try not to be cruel to the elderly. Let me know if Randy or Gary (roid rage!) or Moose or whomever need help crossing the street.

Fuck you!

For the first two quotes, look no further than the World Baseball Classic thread. For the third, swing over here and look through the comments. And I was, of course, calling the Jankees (pronounced "Hankees" for all the crying Georgie did during the World Baseball Classic) old. I'd never call YOU old, Harley! My parents taught me to respect my elders. Your hair is a ravishing shade of blue, might I add.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:04 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Look at my sig...that's all I'll say about anything.

You sig baffles me...


I try not to be cruel to the elderly. Let me know if Randy or Gary (roid rage!) or Moose or whomever need help crossing the street.

Fuck you!

For the first two quotes, look no further than the World Baseball Classic thread. For the third, swing over here and look through the comments. And I was, of course, calling the Jankees (pronounced "Hankees" for all the crying Georgie did during the World Baseball Classic) old.


I'd never call YOU old, Harley! My parents taught me to respect my elders. Your hair is a ravishing shade of blue, might I add.

Actually, it's dark brown. You might be losing your eyesight there...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:09 AM

harleykwin said:
Actually, it's dark brown. You might be losing your eyesight there...

Oh, sure. It's ALL dark brown. (wink, wink) My mistake. (snicker) No blue in YOUR hair! (tee hee!) Nosiree bob! (chuckle) Not in YOUR hair, young lady. (chortle)

I like the "Go Yankees!" bumper sticker on your LARK, by the way.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:14 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Actually, it's dark brown. You might be losing your eyesight there...

Oh, sure. It's ALL dark brown. (wink, wink) My mistake. (snicker) No blue in YOUR hair! (tee hee!) Nosiree bob! (chuckle) Not in YOUR hair, young lady. (chortle)

I like the "Go Yankees!" bumper sticker on your LARK, by the way.

You're an ass!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:26 AM
Ah, it's nice to have the rivalry back!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:38 AM
Just like old times!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-17 6:42 AM
joe has gayed peejus!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-18 1:41 AM

Joe Mama said:
Ah, it's nice to have the rivalry back!


PJP said:

Just like old times!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-19 5:22 AM
Yanks lost and the Red Sux are about to win.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-19 6:44 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-19 4:49 PM
I hope you sleep with a 58 year old divorcee with no teeth this weekend!

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-19 4:50 PM

PJP said:
I hope you sleep with a 58 year old divorcee with no teeth this weekend!

You want him to sleep with Randy Johnson?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-19 4:54 PM
heh....that's worse than what I was suggesting so why not!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-20 5:24 AM
Yanks won 3-1 today ...Mussina got the win.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-20 8:24 PM


Acosta, Trejo die in accident in Dominican Republic

NEW YORK -- New York Yankees minor league manager Oscar Acosta and team official Humberto Trejo were killed in a car accident in the Dominican Republic, the New York Post reported Thursday.

Acosta, the manager of the Gulf Coast Yankees of the Rookie League, and Trejo, the Yankees' field coordinator in the Dominican, were killed in an accident on a highway outside of Santo Domingo on Wednesday night, the newspaper reported.

"Not much is known at this time," Mark Newman, head of the Yankees' minor league operations, told the newspaper.

Acosta, 49, was the pitching coach at Triple-A Columbus from 1996-98, and served in a similar capacity at the major league level with the Chicago Cubs and Texas Rangers. He was in his third year as manager of the Gulf Coast team, which he led to league championships the past two seasons.

Trejo, 38, was in his 16th season working for the Yankees, serving in a number of capacities, including as a manager, coach and coordinator of the team's Latin America player-development program.

Condolences to their families, and to the Yankees organization and their fans.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-22 1:19 AM
He wasn't with the Rangers big league team very long(he was the pitching coach in 2002, prior to Orel Hershiser), but I do vaguely remember him. Francisco Cordero said that Acosta completely reworked his mechanics in '02, which turned his career around.

Too bad.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-24 5:47 AM
Yanks won 2 in a row!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-24 5:49 AM
giambi's back on the juice!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-26 5:20 AM
Yanks won 9-1!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-26 5:37 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-27 5:58 AM
Yanks are about to lose 4-2......although they do have 2 guys on and 2 out with Derek Jeter up so you never know!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-27 6:00 AM
Jeter got a hit....bases loaded for Sheffield.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-27 6:06 AM
Tampa wins 4-2...shef grounded out.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-27 3:52 PM

PJP said:
Tampa wins 4-2...shef grounded out.

You lost to the second worst team in the AL. I watched wakefield get shelled...again...

Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-28 5:56 AM
Having seen seven passed balls in two Wakefield starts, I kind of get the feeling that Boston misses Doug Mirabelli, which, to be honest, is something I would have laughed at had somebody else said in December when he was traded.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-28 2:19 PM
you forgot to add what a good year Bronson Arroyo is having for the Reds!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-28 6:00 PM
oh and Chris Oakley is a fucking moron!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-30 4:26 AM
17-6 today

johnson didn't look that great, but giambi continues to kick ass, and damon started to really pull through.

on a day he wasn't (really) sposda play, jorge had a good day at the plate AND made a sweet defensive play.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-04-30 4:32 AM
Blue Jays =
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-02 3:32 PM
Yanks lost last night 7-3 to the Sux. Someday they will build a very big statue of David Ortiz and put it up in the middle of Boston.....and he'll deserve it!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-02 3:52 PM
Johnny Damon deserved a better reception than he received. Mike Myers, on the other hand, got exactly what he deserved.

In other - related - news, thank God for Doug Mirabelli, Mike Timlin, and Jonathan Papelbon.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-05 5:54 AM
Yanks won last night and tonight they won 10-5!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-05 6:45 AM

PJP said:
you forgot to add what a good year Bronson Arroyo is having for the Reds!

I wonder how willie mo is doing.....???? Hahahahahha
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-05 6:53 AM
He's having a great year so far, hitting .322/.369/.559, which makes him the third best hitter on the team after the big two of Ortiz and Manny.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Pena will provide more value to the Red Sox in his career than Arroyo will to the Reds.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-05 1:05 PM

Animalman said:
He's having a great year so far, hitting .322/.369/.559, which makes him the third best hitter on the team after the big two of Ortiz and Manny.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Pena will provide more value to the Red Sox in his career than Arroyo will to the Reds.

Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-05 3:30 PM
If Arroyo wins 29 games I'll take it back.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-08 8:45 PM
Torre wins his 1,000th game. On behalf of all Rangers fans, you're welcome, and please don't come back again.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 5:31 AM
Yanks got blown out by the sux....14-3.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 5:40 AM
What a great game! Lowell is a doubles machine! Great show of offense. Great performance by Beckett! Seanez actually did the job, as did Foulke (Foulke'll be a nice piece of trade bait this July). All in all, a game that fans can be proud of.

That home plate ump sucked. Neither Villone nor Foulke meant to hit any batters, so the warning was unnecessary. Save that stuff for when the Yankees cave in to the New York Post and plunk Big Papi.

Scumbag New York Post...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 5:40 AM
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:18 AM
RACK Nowhereman.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:18 AM
The Red Sox game strategy against the Yankees has always been to hit the batters. The Sux are the scumbags.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:37 AM
that's what I thought.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:42 AM

PJP said:
that's what I thought.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:44 AM

PJP said:

PJP said:
that's what I thought.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 3:46 PM

PJP said:
The Red Sox game strategy against the Yankees has always been to hit the batters. The Sux are the scumbags.

Villone hit first. Piece of shit Yankees. Gutless scumbags. Scared of Big Papi, so they wouldn't hit him. And they weren't gonna hit anyone while Beckett was out there because, let's face it, Beckett woulda drilled Jeter or Slappy with a 97mph fastball and ended their season. The Yankees are a team of cowards, fags, castoffs, and old men. That look on Torre's face isn't intensity or constipation. It's shame.

(Sorry my retort is so late. I went to bed early. I hope the venom in this post makes up for it.)

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 5:45 PM
that's some pretty good venom....you make PJP proud.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 6:11 PM
That's what a good night's rest can do. Imagine what I could do if I used my power for GOOD!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-10 8:01 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 4:55 AM
Moose pitched a gem and Arod hit a dinger......7-3 Yanks in the 7th.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 4:56 AM
a-rod hit something because steinbrenner called him out..wimp!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 4:57 AM
go and fuck a 50 year old skank!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 5:24 AM
scumbag sux lost!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 5:27 AM
We felt bad about the stern ass-whipping we delivered unto the shitty Yankees. We didn't want to embarrass them two nights in a row and have George throw yet another tantrum - not this early in the season. So consider this a gift from the Red Sox - a charity win so you can save face.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 5:28 AM
charity you dumbass!

where is harley?.....she'd put you in your place real good.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 5:45 AM
That's what I said - charity!

As for Harley...I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected her. The same way that you will be corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 5:50 AM
post pics!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-11 6:06 AM
does anyone wanna trade for griffey jr????
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-12 5:20 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-13 11:28 PM

Pig Iron said:
does anyone wanna trade for griffey jr????

Matsui for Griffey?

Poor li'l nip...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-15 11:23 PM
robinson cano = soriano

oh, that big stein!

be great if cano could put up some alfie power numbers. i definitely think he could clear 30 homers -- with a 330 average, on the side.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-17 5:58 AM
that was probably the craziest game i've ever seen

14-13 yanks. ridiculous.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-17 6:05 AM
definitely.....what a fucking game! Yanks were down 9-0 then took the lead....then went into the bottom of the 9th down a run and ended up winning 14-13!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-17 6:17 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-17 6:43 PM
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-18 5:02 AM
Yanks win 4-3!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-18 6:20 AM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-18 6:23 AM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-18 6:24 AM
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-18 6:26 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-19 12:07 AM
Yanks lost 6-2 today.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-19 1:42 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-21 2:21 AM
Yanks beat the Mets 5-4 today after losing last night thanks to Randy Johnson....again.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-21 8:49 AM

PJP said:
Yanks beat the Mets 5-4 today after losing last night thanks to Randy Johnson....again.

That's nice, dear. All the Red Sox did was beat the Phillies 8 - 4 behind a gem from Josh Beckett and some great offense. Like the home run that Josh Beckett hit. Did I say that RHP Josh Beckett hit a home run??? Why, I believe I did!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-21 10:37 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Yanks beat the Mets 5-4 today after losing last night thanks to Randy Johnson....again.

That's nice, dear. All the Red Sox did was beat the Phillies 8 - 4 behind a gem from Josh Beckett and some great offense. Like the home run that Josh Beckett hit. Did I say that RHP Josh Beckett hit a home run??? Why, I believe I did!!!

he's an NL man....big deal....if Carl Pavano ever played for us I bet you he'd hot 20 home runs.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-22 5:57 PM
Anyone catch he final score of last night's Yankees/Mets game? I watched the first three innings, but went to bed early.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-22 9:10 PM
they lost ARod choked again!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-22 9:16 PM

PJP said:
they lost ARod choked again!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 5:01 AM
Yanks lost 9-5 to the sux....I didn't watch it...season finale of 24 was on and was pretty damn good.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 6:20 AM
Boy, you gotta hand it to A-Rod (though Slappy would just smack it out of your hand), that sumbitch is CLUTCH! Big two run homer in the 9th to make it...9-3.

Meanwhile, the Red Sox are 4-1 in the season series and we're doing it without Coco, a legit 5th starter, with a 1st baseman that people thought should be playing third, a 3rd baseman who was a throw-in in a trade for our future ace, a shortstop who isn't hitting, and a team that "experts" picked for 3rd place.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 2:24 PM
the so called experts don't know shit. I could have told you they would be either 1st or 2nd place for sure. I'm not too worried. I rather see injuries happen early in a season and pitchers struggling now instead of October. It's a long way till October so we'll see. I'm just glad they don't hand the World Series trophy out in April and May cause Boston would have a hundred of them!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 3:30 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 4:08 PM

It's still early but as things stand right now the Red Sox should win the division with the Yanks a close second.

But we could always get Pettite and Clemens for a late season push and win the big one!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 5:00 PM
Pettitte? And what, pray tell, will you trade for Pettitte?

(Clemens is going back to Houston. Or retiring...)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-23 5:15 PM
you'll see.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-24 5:39 AM
Yanks won 7-5!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-24 5:39 AM
Yanks won 7-5!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-24 9:27 AM

Animalman said:
One could do a lot worse than having Damon as a leadoff man, that's for sure.

This is still true, but I think it's worth pointing out that as of this writing Damon's OBP is .357, and Jeter's OBP is .438. That's fairly important, although I'd expect by the end of the year for Jeter's numbers to go down a little.

In the grand scheme of things, with a lineup like the one New York has, having Damon before Jeter probably won't be the difference between winning or losing a World Series.

However, on an average scoring team(a team that scores between 700-750 runs over hte course of a regular season; well below what the Yankees usually score), a difference of nearly 100 points in on base percentage means a difference of about 25-30 runs scored, which could cost a team four or five wins, and, in a close race, a first place finish. Unquantifiable elements("luck") can alter that projection positively or negatively, but at this rate the Yankees losing at least a win or two because Damon's batting before Jeter is a mathematical certainty.

Again, though, if the Yanks play well enough to win the World Series, Damon alone probably wouldn't keep them from that goal. They'd just be more likely to win in spite of him than because of him.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 3:58 AM
The Truth About Yankees Fans Revealed!!!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 5:56 AM
Willy Mo Pena

Yanks won 8-6!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 5:58 AM
Farnsworth striking out Ortiz in the 8th and then Mariano getting Manny out in the 9th........FINALLY. I got to see the Yanks stop being such pussies around these guys. Mariano pitched him real tight inside and got him to fly out. You have to move these guys around the plate. I'm not saying to be a scumbag like the Boston pitchers and hit the batter.....that's the Red Sox game plan.....but you got to give them a little chin music.

I'm happy.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 6:02 AM
yanks win 2 outta 3 from the bosox in may! i declare them world series winners!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 3:31 PM
Kyle Farnsworth is a fucking scumbag piece of shit who should be banned from playing any form of baseball except (maybe) beer league softball. It was clear that he was throwing at Mark Loretta AND David Ortiz! It must be nice to know that you have Bob Watson in your pocket when you join the Yankees so you'll never be disciplined. And Mariano Rivera HAD to throw at Manny - the Red Sox own his ass like a pimp owns his ho! The whole Yankee team is a collection of scumbags, cheaters, and pussies.

(No one out-PJPs PJP like I do!)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 4:12 PM

Joe Mama said:
Kyle Farnsworth is a fucking scumbag piece of shit who should be banned from playing any form of baseball except (maybe) beer league softball. It was clear that he was throwing at Mark Loretta AND David Ortiz! It must be nice to know that you have Bob Watson in your pocket when you join the Yankees so you'll never be disciplined. And Mariano Rivera HAD to throw at Manny - the Red Sox own his ass like a pimp owns his ho! The whole Yankee team is a collection of scumbags, cheaters, and pussies.

(No one out-PJPs PJP like I do!)

so is that why they bean Jeter 8-9 times a year. If a certain player is killing your team you have to after them......The Red Sux have been doing this for 5 years now.....we do it 1 game and you're upset. Anyhoo I hope they keep it up.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-25 4:44 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:
Kyle Farnsworth is a fucking scumbag piece of shit who should be banned from playing any form of baseball except (maybe) beer league softball. It was clear that he was throwing at Mark Loretta AND David Ortiz! It must be nice to know that you have Bob Watson in your pocket when you join the Yankees so you'll never be disciplined. And Mariano Rivera HAD to throw at Manny - the Red Sox own his ass like a pimp owns his ho! The whole Yankee team is a collection of scumbags, cheaters, and pussies.

(No one out-PJPs PJP like I do!)

so is that why they bean Jeter 8-9 times a year. If a certain player is killing your team you have to after them......The Red Sux have been doing this for 5 years now.....we do it 1 game and you're upset. Anyhoo I hope they keep it up.

Jeter gets beaned so much because he leans into the strike zone. Someone should explain to him that he needs to wait until AFTER the game to try and catch balls in his mouth. I hope Farnsworth is the next Yankee to go down.

(I figured the venom would be spilling in June, maybe July. Nice to be starting the feud early! Hey, Peter, check out your Myspace blog!)
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 7:41 AM
Red Sox beat Scott Kazmir (nice trade, Mets!!! ) while the Yanks lost to the Royals. Let me say the again.



To the.


Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 7:42 AM
W H O A ! !
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 1:00 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 1:00 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 1:00 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 7:02 PM
The Royals. The Yankees lost to 'em!!!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-27 7:45 PM

PJP said:

Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-29 10:53 PM
Randy Johnson managed to pull his head out of his ass today! My fantasy team thanks him.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 4:05 AM

Jeremy Bonderman.....

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 12:57 PM

PJP said:

Jeremy Bonderman.....

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 2:13 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 4:28 PM

PJP said:

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 8:05 PM

PJP said:

PJP said:

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 8:41 PM

And here...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-30 8:41 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-31 3:38 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-31 5:13 PM
Yanks beat "the best team in baseball" 11-6 last night!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-31 5:14 PM
I was being sarcastic.....they beat the shitty Tigers who are over rated since they haven't played any good teams yet. I'll be cheering for the Red Sox and Blue Jays the rest of the week.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-05-31 5:35 PM
Detroit Tigers=
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 5:58 AM
moose pitchin a nice lil game. goin for the CG.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:02 AM
1 out away. I wish we could play Detroit eevry night!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:03 AM

PJP said:
Detroit Tigers=

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:06 AM

PJP said:

PJP said:
Detroit Tigers=

Moose struck him out and won his 7th game of the year! Yanks win 6-1 over the shitty Tigers!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:06 AM
I wish we could play Detroit every night!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:55 AM
One has to wonder out loud.....................do you think Penne Pasta would be so silent had his bleoved yet fraudulent Tigers won some of these games?

One has to wonder?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 6:56 AM

PJP said:
I wish we could play Detroit every night!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 7:05 AM
Really though..................one has to wonder.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 7:06 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-01 7:17 AM
i agree with peejus.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 5:36 AM
Yankees lost 7-6 to the loser Tigers.

I'm not laughing 'cause they lost.

I'm laughing 'cause these scumbag Tigers just got embarrassed for 3 games straight and are acting like they won the World Series. Then you have there scumbag low class no good loser fans chanting "Yankees Suck".... Oh please. This is comedy gold. I wish we could play these losers every day. Let's go Boston! Boston will sweep them .......easily.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 6:06 AM
yanks lost in their split squad game today.

wang pitched a good game, tho.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 6:07 AM
Rob would like to catch for Wang!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 4:16 PM
Two points:

1) The only reason the Yankees lost is because PJP went to the well one too many times. There's no doubt in my mind that this series should've been swept. Karma's a bitch.

2) Peter, that is EASILY the worst avatar I've ever seen! I don't know where you scrounged it from, but I hope you have the sense to change it. Awful. Simply awful. Worst avatar ever. And it scares me. But it won't stop me from adding your latest comment to my sig.
Posted By: Papa Smurf Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 4:36 PM
The Tigers are as Smurfy as Gargamel's soiled underpants!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 6:19 PM
original joe mama's first point shows how much he wants the yankees to win!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 6:38 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
original joe mama's first point shows how much he wants the yankees to win!

No, only that I caught chunks of the game and know that the Yankees should've won. But they didn't so they're a half game back on the Sox. Tra la!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 6:53 PM
you said:


Joe Mama said:
The only reason the Yankees won


but you're right, they definitely should have. it'd also be nice to get the rest of their split squad back.

the red sox have won the may pennant, once again
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 7:04 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
you said:


Joe Mama said:
The only reason the Yankees won


but you're right, they definitely should have. it'd also be nice to get the rest of their split squad back.

the red sox have won the may pennant, once again

Whoops. Silly me. I will fix.

I heard Sheff may be out for the year. And isn't Rivera's back giving him trouble? Christ, between Yankee injuries and Red Sox injuries, the Blue Jays may actually take the pennant!!!

Naw, that's crazy talk!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 7:50 PM
shef and matsui are essentially off the team. granted, the yanks have 15 other powerhouses, but thats a significant loss. 60+ homers, 200+ runs batted in. any number of seasoned-veteran-only clutch basehits.

mo is hurt and jeter is hurt, which makes these current games pretty difficult. for example, i think its a pretty safe bet that mo woulda closed the game and completed the sweep yesterday.

don't gemme wrong, i actually prefer yanks using their farm and minor league systems moreso than the imports.

but, cabrera, phillips, long, cairo... just doesn't have the same punch as the team predicted to score 1,000 runs, "with ease" -- and it'll just take all that much longer to have them operate as a team if the roster keeps changing.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 8:40 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 8:43 PM

MisterJLA said:
I just hope you don't get disappointed if Rob doesn't appoint you, PJP.

I should be mod of the Women's and Video Game boards, but I made fun of Howard Stern today, so I don't see it happening...

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 8:46 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
don't gemme wrong, i actually prefer yanks using their farm and minor league systems moreso than the imports.

but, cabrera, phillips, long, cairo... just doesn't have the same punch as the team predicted to score 1,000 runs, "with ease" -- and it'll just take all that much longer to have them operate as a team if the roster keeps changing.

I agree with you. I'd rather see a Yankee team based on free agency AND strong development than just free agency. Thing is, none of those names strike fear into the hearts of opponents (unless they confuse Melky with Miguel...), which has always been an x-factor in New York's favor - you look at the opposing line-up, then see who's pitching, and pray that your team somehow survives the series. The loss of Sheff and Matsui, the injuries to Damon and Jeter, and the patchwork starting staff hurt that mystique. still, the Yankees are a dangerous team...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 8:49 PM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
don't gemme wrong, i actually prefer yanks using their farm and minor league systems moreso than the imports.

but, cabrera, phillips, long, cairo... just doesn't have the same punch as the team predicted to score 1,000 runs, "with ease" -- and it'll just take all that much longer to have them operate as a team if the roster keeps changing.

I agree with you. I'd rather see a Yankee team based on free agency AND strong development than just free agency. Thing is, none of those names strike fear into the hearts of opponents (unless they confuse Melky with Miguel...), which has always been an x-factor in New York's favor - you look at the opposing line-up, then see who's pitching, and pray that your team somehow survives the series. The loss of Sheff and Matsui, the injuries to Damon and Jeter, and the patchwork starting staff hurt that mystique. still, the Yankees are a dangerous team...

they are definitely still dangerous and they should finish 1 or 2 in the East. I actually am enjoying watching this team play......they have become very gritty and that will serve them well if they are to go far in October.

I just hope the Red Sox sweep the Tigers and then the Blue Jays do the same afterwards. People from Detroit don't deserve to be happy.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 8:59 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
don't gemme wrong, i actually prefer yanks using their farm and minor league systems moreso than the imports.

but, cabrera, phillips, long, cairo... just doesn't have the same punch as the team predicted to score 1,000 runs, "with ease" -- and it'll just take all that much longer to have them operate as a team if the roster keeps changing.

I agree with you. I'd rather see a Yankee team based on free agency AND strong development than just free agency. Thing is, none of those names strike fear into the hearts of opponents (unless they confuse Melky with Miguel...), which has always been an x-factor in New York's favor - you look at the opposing line-up, then see who's pitching, and pray that your team somehow survives the series. The loss of Sheff and Matsui, the injuries to Damon and Jeter, and the patchwork starting staff hurt that mystique. still, the Yankees are a dangerous team...

they are definitely still dangerous and they should finish 1 or 2 in the East. I actually am enjoying watching this team play......they have become very gritty and that will serve them well if they are to go far in October.

I just hope the Red Sox sweep the Tigers and then the Blue Jays do the same afterwards. People from Detroit don't deserve to be happy.

I'm not saying they're not dangerous. Injuries or not, they're a potential postseason team. I'm saying that the intimidation factor isn't there as much because of the injuries and everything else. Opposing teams, in my mind, aren't as intimidated as they've been in the past.

I want to believe that this team is slowly becoming similar to the teams of the mid-to-late 90s - a good mix of stars and role-players. But I fear that some of these players will just be used in trades...George never learns, methinks.

NO Detroit people? Not even Bunny?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-02 9:01 PM
yes Bunny ....no gay Pen Wing!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-03 4:57 AM
pjp speaks wisely.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-03 5:20 AM
Yanks beat the O's 6-5 on Jeter's big hit!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-03 5:24 AM
trade arod!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-04 11:56 PM
Yanks lost by alot to the O's.....11-4 I think. Worst possible news is they may have broke Jeter's hand or thumb today when another scumbag pitcher threw at him.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-04 11:57 PM
I'm happy though 'cause in other news the fraudulent Detroit Tigers lost 2 out of 3 to the Red Sox......Gee it's funny what playing good teams does to your record!

I'd ask Penne what he thinks but he is pretty upset right now.
Posted By: PenWing Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-05 1:35 AM
Poor Yankees couldn't sweep the Tigers. Anyone whose been following the Tigers and isn't smoking whatever some local media types are know that the Tigers just don't have a strong enough line-up to compete with the big boys this year. Why get my hopes up when this is only the sixth year of a rebuilding process that will take about eight before the team is really a threat. Of course, by then, the Yankees will be too old to pose much of a threat to the league, and it will be the Tigers, the White Sox, and the Red Sox who will be duking it out for the AL. I have a the patience to hold onto my wad, PJP. You just go on shooting yours over anyone is willing to suck it up.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-05 6:44 AM
Keep sucking boy......keep sucking!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-05 8:37 AM

PJP said:
they may have broke Jeter's hand or thumb today when another scumbag pitcher threw at him.

reports say its not broken, and he's listed as day-to-day
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 2:56 AM
2nd inning Yanks Red Sox and it's already 4-2 Yanks......both Beckett and Moose look hitable tonight.....this could be one of those games.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 2:57 AM
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 3:01 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 3:08 AM
Go and turn on ESPN PenWing!!! Andale Andale Arriba Arriba!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 3:10 AM

PJP said:
Keep sucking boy......keep sucking!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 3:30 AM

PenWing said:
Poor Yankees couldn't sweep the Tigers. Anyone whose been following the Tigers and isn't smoking whatever some local media types are know that the Tigers just don't have a strong enough line-up to compete with the big boys this year. Why get my hopes up when this is only the sixth year of a rebuilding process that will take about eight before the team is really a threat. Of course, by then, the Yankees will be too old to pose much of a threat to the league, and it will be the Tigers, the White Sox, and the Red Sox who will be duking it out for the AL. I have a the patience to hold onto my wad, PJP. You just go on shooting yours over anyone is willing to suck it up.

Oh and Penne.....I would think that most people would say the Yankees youngsters are better than any shit you got crybaby. I'm happy with Robbie Cano, Melky Cabrera, Terrence Long, Andy Philips, Bubba Crosby, Kevin Thompson.......and we still have Eric Duncan waiting to come up!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 3:47 AM
13-2 now....the Yanks batted around the order in both the 2nd and 3rd innings.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 4:46 AM
this is just how the series used to be.

yanks win game one by 20 runs. boston wins game two by 12. third game is nail-biting close.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 4:47 AM

PJP said:
Go and turn on ESPN PenWing!!! Andale Andale Arriba Arriba!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 5:56 AM
Yanks won 13-5! 3 more games to go....they will probably split the series. Both teams are good with good players.....unlike the shitty Tigers of Detroit.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 8:50 AM

PJP said:
Oh and Penne.....I would think that most people would say the Yankees youngsters are better than any shit you got crybaby. I'm happy with Robbie Cano, Melky Cabrera, Terrence Long, Andy Philips, Bubba Crosby, Kevin Thompson.......and we still have Eric Duncan waiting to come up!


Don't listen to him, Penwing, he's gone mad! No-one is "happy with" Terrence Long!
Posted By: PenWing Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 5:51 PM

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-06 6:44 PM
I win again!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 2:53 AM

PenWing said:

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 2:57 AM
Penne it's obvious

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 3:53 AM
Pauley is pitching real good for the Sox tonight....pitcher's duel so far 1-1 on homers by Bernie and Ortiz.

The Tigers and their fans are worthless scumbags.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 4:41 AM
How fucking gritty is this Yankees team!

How fucking awesome are their young players....especailly Melky Cabrera who just robbed Manny of a game tieing HR!

And then you got Johhny Damon pumped up! These young guys are making everyone play better!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 4:42 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 4:52 AM
Yankees win 2-1!

Big team win!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 5:12 AM
Seanez is a cuntface. Walked in the winning run. I hope he gets gang-raped by a pack of Royals fans.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 5:23 AM

PJP said:

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 5:24 AM

Joe Mama said:
Seanez is a cuntface. Walked in the winning run. I hope he gets gang-raped by a pack of Royals fans.

Pauley looked damn good! Him and Papelbon will be there a long time!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 5:32 AM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:
Seanez is a cuntface. Walked in the winning run. I hope he gets gang-raped by a pack of Royals fans.

Pauley looked damn good! Him and Papelbon will be there a long time!

Unless Pauley gets traded for an established starter. Or bullpen depth. Fucking Seanez. I'd like to snap off his nose and shove it up his stupid twat. Piece of shit.

Papelbon's a machine. Did you catch him strike out Pudge for his 20th save? Perfection.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 5:37 AM
he is perfect....I'm jealous....he's Mariano 10 years ago.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 9:49 PM
I hope the White Sox win tonight!

I hope the Yanks and Sox get to play tonight! It ain't looking too good here in the NYC area tonight.....mucho rain. We don't need to make up any more games.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 10:40 PM

PJP said:
Pauley looked damn good!

Lowered his ERA to 6.55, cool!

Boston promoted him directly from Double-A, which was a mistake, and now they've promoted Craig Hansen(who's minor league numbers are deceptively mediocre). Lester probably isn't far away. I know the pitching staff has had injury issues, but Boston isn't going to help themselves down the line by throwing a bunch of guys who aren't ready yet into the fire.

Also, Papelbon is being wasted in the pen. Not to use an Oakleyistic exaggeration here, but if he's not a starter by the end of next year, criminal charges should be filed.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 10:45 PM

Animalman said:

PJP said:
Pauley looked damn good!

Lowered his ERA to 6.55, cool!

Boston promoted him directly from Double-A, which was a mistake, and now they've promoted Craig Hansen(who's minor league numbers are deceptively mediocre). Lester probably isn't far away. I know the pitching staff has had injury issues, but Boston isn't going to help themselves down the line by throwing a bunch of guys who aren't ready yet into the fire.

Also, Papelbon is being wasted in the pen. Not to use an Oakleyistic exaggeration here, but if he's not a starter by the end of next year, criminal charges should be filed.

Why? Pauley had 1 bad game against the Jays and 1 excellent game.....I didn't say he was the next Schilling I just said he looked good. He rebounded well after a shellacking....

and as for Papelbon?????? Why would you mess with a good thing? The Yankees would have won 3 more World Series' probably in '01 '03 and '04 when Mariano blew 2 saves against the Sox......if Mariano was as dominant as he was in the 90's. A good closer is hard to find....a dominant one is damn near impossible. Let's see how he does in a playoff situation but so far this guy looks to be one of the best closers in the game.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 10:48 PM
dominance is not invincibility. there are no mario stars in baseball... outside of super mario baseball.

mariano had one of his greatest seasons ever, just last year. but even at his peak, he'll drop a game or two.

the '04 bosox series had a lot riding on it. aside from being the frickin amazing '04 bosox team, and the standard playoff pressure, the sox have the "advantage" of facing mariano up to 25 times a year now. thats quite a good opportunity to figure out what works. all that in addition to fenway fans "whose your poolboy" chants, immediately following his nephew's death. can't be pleasant.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 11:11 PM

PJP said:
Why? Pauley had 1 bad game against the Jays and 1 excellent game.....I didn't say he was the next Schilling I just said he looked good. He rebounded well after a shellacking....

He held his own against the Yankees("excellent" might be going a bit far), I don't deny that. However, to promote a decent at best prospect with marginal stuff from Double-A when you're in a pennant race seems unwise to me.


The Yankees would have won 3 more World Series' probably in '01 '03 and '04 when Mariano blew 2 saves against the Sox......if Mariano was as dominant as he was in the 90's.

Rivera was not the only reason the Yankees lost those years(just as he was not the only reason the Yankees won previously), and as Rob pointed out, Rivera's best season was just last year. Infact, his last three years('03-'05) were even better than his first three as the full-time Yankee closer('97-'99), with the middle three years only being moderately spectacular.


A good closer is hard to find....

No, not really. It's not easy, but it's not particularly hard, either. Derrick Turnbow, Danys Baez, Dustin Hermanson, Todd Jones, Brian Fuentes, etc etc. Teams stumble upon guys like this that hold down closers jobs all the time, and there are plenty of guys that probably could do the job, but don't get the chance(Scott Shields, Fernando Rodney, Bob Howry, Juan Rincon, just to name a few off the top of my head).


a dominant one is damn near impossible.

The shelf-life of the average closer isn't that long, so I would say it's difficult to find a closer who can remain at the top of his game for an extended period. However, it's much more diffcult to find an ace than an elite closer, and there's no question that a #1 or #2 pitcher is more valuable than a top of the line closer. Actually, and this is something that I doubt those who pray at the alter of Rivera will understand or appreciate, but over the course of a season, even an average, middle of the rotation starter is more valuable than a top of the line closer, simply because he pitches two, three or four(depending on the team) times as many innings.

In any event, my point is: Papelbon has the talent and ability to be an elite starter, and not at least trying him out in that role first(like the Yankees did with Rivera) seems pretty stupid.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-07 11:16 PM

Animalman said:

PJP said:
Why? Pauley had 1 bad game against the Jays and 1 excellent game.....I didn't say he was the next Schilling I just said he looked good. He rebounded well after a shellacking....

He held his own against the Yankees("excellent" might be going a bit far), I don't deny that. However, to promote a decent at best prospect with marginal stuff from Double-A when you're in a pennant race seems unwise to me.


The Yankees would have won 3 more World Series' probably in '01 '03 and '04 when Mariano blew 2 saves against the Sox......if Mariano was as dominant as he was in the 90's.

Rivera was not the only reason the Yankees lost those years(just as he was not the only reason the Yankees won previously), and as Rob pointed out, Rivera's best season was just last year. Infact, his last three years('03-'05) were even better than his first three as the full-time Yankee closer('97-'99), with the middle three years only being moderately spectacular.


A good closer is hard to find....

No, not really. It's not easy, but it's not particularly hard, either. Derrick Turnbow, Danys Baez, Dustin Hermanson, Todd Jones, Brian Fuentes, etc etc. Teams stumble upon guys like this that hold down closers jobs all the time, and there are plenty of guys that probably could do the job, but don't get the chance(Scott Shields, Fernando Rodney, Bob Howry, Juan Rincon, just to name a few off the top of my head).


a dominant one is damn near impossible.

The shelf-life of the average closer isn't that long, so I would say it's difficult to find a closer who can remain at the top of his game for an extended period. However, it's much more diffcult to find an ace than an elite closer, and there's no question that a #1 or #2 pitcher is more valuable than a top of the line closer. Actually, and this is something that I doubt those who pray at the alter of Rivera will understand or appreciate, but over the course of a season, even an average, middle of the rotation starter is more valuable than a top of the line closer, simply because he pitches two, three or four(depending on the team) times as many innings.

In any event, my point is: Papelbon has the talent and ability to be an elite starter, and not at least trying him out in that role first(like the Yankees did with Rivera) seems pretty stupid.

Well it's hard to argue with that. I bow to your superior baseball wisdom. I din't think they will take him out of the closer role though......the front office and Francona have said as much.....we will see.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 12:41 AM
tonights game was postponed due to rain and no make up game was scheduled.....Jaret Wright was due to lose against Schilling.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 12:51 AM

PenWing said:

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.

How's my little Bitch doing today?

Go and get Daddy a soda!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 12:51 AM

PenWing said:

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.

How's my little Bitch doing today?

Go and get Daddy a soda!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 12:51 AM

PenWing said:

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.

How's my little Bitch doing today?

Go and get Daddy a soda!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 4:44 AM

PJP said:

PenWing said:

PJP said:
the game is on ESPN so everybody should be watching this right now. Especially PenWing so he knows what good baseball teams look like.

Sorry, I watched game one of the Stanley Cup Finals. I was a baseball fan first, but Hockey is the cooler sport.

Fun Fact: Had Todd Jones not blown two games during the Tigers' seven game series against the only teams PJP cares about, the Tigers would have come out of it 4-3, with a split agianst the Yankess and a win against the BoSox.

It can't be said enough. In baseball, you are either humbled, or about to be humbled. Depending on how arrogant you are, the fall is all the more greater. Like that time the Yankees had a 3-0 series lead over the BoSox in the ALCS, but then became the only team in the history of Baseball to to lose the bottom four games of a seven game series. There is nothing more humbling than that. At least in Hockey, while the Red Wings were frist, in 1942 to the Maple Leafs, they weren't the last. But in baseball, the Yankees are all alone.

Disclaimer: Sorry to mention this Rob, it's nothing against you.

How's my little Bitch doing today?

Go and get Daddy a soda!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 4:55 AM
7th inning and the White Sox are leading the fraudulent Tigers 3-2.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:23 AM

Joe Mama said:
That's what I said - charity!

As for Harley...I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected her. The same way that you will be corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected.

Oh, really? I must have slept through that.... seems like your performance is just as poor as your favorite baseball team's....

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:24 AM

Joe Mama said:
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!

OMG.... there's a picture I so desperately wanna post right now....
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:28 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!

OMG.... there's a picture I so desperately wanna post right now....

please post it and then explain your disappearance.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:31 AM

PJP said:
How fucking gritty is this Yankees team!

How fucking awesome are their young players....especailly Melky Cabrera who just robbed Manny of a game tieing HR!

That was a fuckin' awesome play!

Hey, Pete - did ya make sure that Dave is aware that we'v e kicked his ass the last two games? Cause as his friend, you should let him know that.

Cuz that's what friends do. Keep them informed...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:34 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
How fucking gritty is this Yankees team!

How fucking awesome are their young players....especailly Melky Cabrera who just robbed Manny of a game tieing HR!

That was a fuckin' awesome play!

Hey, Pete - did ya make sure that Dave is aware that we'v e kicked his ass the last two games? Cause as his friend, you should let him know that.

Cuz that's what friends do. Keep them informed...

I have .....but we have come to a detente of sorts while I concentrate my efforts on that insect from Detroit PenneWing.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:36 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!

OMG.... there's a picture I so desperately wanna post right now....

please post it and then explain your disappearance.

I can't! Dave would kill me!

But if the Yanks sweep Boston, I just might...

As for the disappearance - shit, I think I've only been here 2 or three times in the last three months - what have I missed? Has Elisa given it up? Has JLA revealed his true identity? Do the Red Sox still suck ass? (Wait, that last one was rhetorical - hiya, Dave! )

My disappearance? Well, real life needed me for a while - there've been a whole lotta changes - most good, one really shitty - pretty much like everyone else's life, me thinks...

How you be, Jankee boy?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:37 AM
Same shit....different day.

I killed 2 chipmunks and a squirel today.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:38 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
How fucking gritty is this Yankees team!

How fucking awesome are their young players....especailly Melky Cabrera who just robbed Manny of a game tieing HR!

That was a fuckin' awesome play!

Hey, Pete - did ya make sure that Dave is aware that we'v e kicked his ass the last two games? Cause as his friend, you should let him know that.

Cuz that's what friends do. Keep them informed...

I have .....but we have come to a detente of sorts while I concentrate my efforts on that insect from Detroit PenneWing.

Waitaminnit - this isn't a hockey thread....
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:39 AM

PJP said:
Same shit....different day.

I hear that.


I killed 2 chipmunks and a squirel today.

Y'mean, you left some alive?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:41 AM
not many......over the past 2 weeks I have killed over 30 chipmunks and squirels....the squirel today was a smart one he had been avoiding my traps.......so I shot him.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:45 AM

PJP said:
not many......over the past 2 weeks I have killed over 30 chipmunks and squirels....the squirel today was a smart one he had been avoiding my traps.......so I shot him.

Is your aim as good as Cabrera's?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:46 AM
I can impregnate a girl from a mile away!

wait you weren't talking about that aim.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:47 AM

PJP said:
I can impregnate a girl from a mile away!

wait you weren't talking about that aim.

Fuck! Stay away from me!

But on the positive note, babby daddy, your boys can swim!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 7:49 AM
Elisa likes hers in the face.

glacys told me so.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 4:01 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
That's what I said - charity!

As for Harley...I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected her. The same way that you will be corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected.

Oh, really? I must have slept through that.... seems like your performance is just as poor as your favorite baseball team's....

(Good to see you again.)
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 4:02 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!

OMG.... there's a picture I so desperately wanna post right now....

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 4:16 PM

harleykwin said:
I can't! Dave would kill me!



But if the Yanks sweep Boston, I just might...

I'll miss you after I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrect you and dispose of your Yankee-lovin' body.


As for the disappearance - shit, I think I've only been here 2 or three times in the last three months - what have I missed? Has Elisa given it up? Has JLA revealed his true identity? Do the Red Sox still suck ass? (Wait, that last one was rhetorical - hiya, Dave! )

Glad to see you back (until I actually read your sports-related posts ). To answer your questions: A lot; no, she's dating Glacier who is now known as GQ Smoothie; no, he's as enigmatic as ever; and piss off. (HI!!!)


My disappearance? Well, real life needed me for a while - there've been a whole lotta changes - most good, one really shitty - pretty much like everyone else's life, me thinks...

Hope that your life is back in order for the positive.


How you be, Jankee boy?

Read my sig. Apparently, he and I are at peace while he turns his attention to Detroit fans. It's disturbing. So I'm sure you can understand why I'm especially glad you're back - I need a foil...a nemesis...someone to feud with.
Posted By: PenWing Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:02 PM

PJP said:

I win! That takes way more effort.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:11 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
That's what I said - charity!

As for Harley...I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected her. The same way that you will be corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrected.

Oh, really? I must have slept through that.... seems like your performance is just as poor as your favorite baseball team's....

(Good to see you again.)

Awwww, you know I luvs ya- - you and Southie - two good people who have been brainwashed by Red Sox nation...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:12 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Damn...you look goooooooooooooooooood in drag!

OMG.... there's a picture I so desperately wanna post right now....


Oh, c'mon! Think of the joy and laughter it'll bring Pete! He's your friend! Don't you wanna make him happy?

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:17 PM
I'm very curious!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:25 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I can't! Dave would kill me!


But would I die a happy girl?


But if the Yanks sweep Boston, I just might...

I'll miss you after I corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrect you and dispose of your Yankee-lovin' body.

Yes, I know you'll miss me! Pete's off chasing hockey fans, so you need me to sparr with...

But why do I have a terrible feeling that if you're the one disposing of my dead Yankee lovin' body, that my body won't go unmolested...?




As for the disappearance - shit, I think I've only been here 2 or three times in the last three months - what have I missed? Has Elisa given it up? Has JLA revealed his true identity? Do the Red Sox still suck ass? (Wait, that last one was rhetorical - hiya, Dave! )

Glad to see you back (until I actually read your sports-related posts ). To answer your questions: A lot; no, she's dating Glacier who is now known as GQ Smoothie;

whoa - are they seriously dating - like in real life?



and piss off.

you know you luvs me....


My disappearance? Well, real life needed me for a while - there've been a whole lotta changes - most good, one really shitty - pretty much like everyone else's life, me thinks...

Hope that your life is back in order for the positive.

Thanks, it's been all good, 'cept for one shitty and sad thing, but what can you do except hope and pray? I 'preciate the thoughts.


How you be, Jankee boy?

Read my sig. Apparently, he and I are at peace while he turns his attention to Detroit fans. It's disturbing. So I'm sure you can understand why I'm especially glad you're back - I need a foil...a nemesis...someone to feud with.

So, did you see Cabrera's catch?

bwaa haa haa
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:28 PM

PJP said:
I'm very curious!

Pete, if anyone can convince Dave to let me post this pic, it's you.

I have utter faith that you can do it.

The Force is strong in this one...

I gotta run - I gotta get a cab back to class...

Hasta, baby.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:37 PM

harleykwin said:
Oh, c'mon! Think of the joy and laughter it'll bring Pete! He's your friend! Don't you wanna make him happy?

No, I want his hopes and dreams crushed. Because I'm good like that.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:38 PM

PJP said:
I'm very curious!

Satisfy your curiosity with Klinton, you Greek bastid!!!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:44 PM

harleykwin said:
But would I die a happy girl?

Happy and exhausted.


Yes, I know you'll miss me! Pete's off chasing hockey fans, so you need me to sparr with...

But why do I have a terrible feeling that if you're the one disposing of my dead Yankee lovin' body, that my body won't go unmolested...?



Exactly. I have no sparring partner.

If you're worried about necrophilia, how 'bout this: all molestation will occur before...corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrection. No post-corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrection touchy-feely. Deal?

(Hell, I'm no pervert. Or, at least, not THAT TYPE of pervert...)



and piss off.

you know you luvs me....

Yeah...tee hee!


So, did you see Cabrera's catch?

bwaa haa haa

Yep...helluva catch. I'm not like certain Yankee zombies. I give credit where it's due. Yankee or no, a great play is a great play. Unless it's damon who makes the play. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Kidding. I'm not one of those imbeciles who chooses to ignore what damon did for my team. Damon doesn't pay for a meal in Boston if I have anything to say about it.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 8:48 PM
you would eat damon's meal!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 9:31 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
you would eat damon's meal!

No, I'd send it to the starving children in Hoboken.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 10:32 PM
=the above 2 posts!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 10:56 PM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
you would eat damon's meal!

No, I'd send it to the starving children in Hoboken.

as bait.

...and then you'd eat the starving children!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 10:59 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
you would eat damon's meal!

No, I'd send it to the starving children in Hoboken.

as bait.

...and then you'd eat the starving children!

No, I'd sell them to Disney as "spare parts". With the money made, I'd buy the world's largest Gobstopper.

THAT I would eat!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-08 11:12 PM
y'can't stop the gob.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 1:16 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
But would I die a happy girl?

Happy and exhausted.


Yes, I know you'll miss me! Pete's off chasing hockey fans, so you need me to sparr with...

But why do I have a terrible feeling that if you're the one disposing of my dead Yankee lovin' body, that my body won't go unmolested...?



Exactly. I have no sparring partner.

If you're worried about necrophilia, how 'bout this: all molestation will occur before...corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrection. No post-corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrection touchy-feely. Deal?

(Hell, I'm no pervert. Or, at least, not THAT TYPE of pervert...)


But here's the problem - I'm a Yankee fan, so there's really nothing to correct! Cheering for the perfect team makes you a perfect fan. Don't believe me? Just ask Pete!



and piss off.

you know you luvs me....

Yeah...tee hee!


So, did you see Cabrera's catch?

bwaa haa haa

Yep...helluva catch. I'm not like certain Yankee zombies. I give credit where it's due. Yankee or no, a great play is a great play.

You got that right. That catch was fuckin' sweet.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 1:55 AM
Has the game been called off cause of the potential rain, or what? I haven't heard anything saying yay or ney yet....
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 2:02 AM
I'm pretty sure they are playing.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 2:02 AM
I'm pretty sure they are playing.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 2:02 AM
I'm pretty sure they are playing.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 2:35 AM
Damon tied it up 1-1!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 5:23 AM
Sox beat the Yanks 9-3.....bullpen looked awful.

Hey Bitch Boy go and get me a soda.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 5:29 AM

PJP said:
Sox beat the Yanks 9-3.....bullpen looked awful.

Hey Bitch Boy go and get me a soda.

Ray's been willful lately. I think he needs to be beaten.

Great job by Papelbon...again. Struck out Giambi and A-Rod. NOICE! Harley's presence turned things around for the Sox. I just hope she stays around!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 5:35 AM
I was talking to Penne not Ray!

Penne is my little Bitch....I own him and his 49% share of this forum.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 5:37 AM

PJP said:
I was talking to Penne not Ray!

Penne is my little Bitch....I own him and his 49% share of this forum.

Well that contributes to the problem. You've been coddling Ray-Ray. Making him think he can just not get us sodas. You focus all your attention on PenWing while the rest of us go sodaless. IT MUST STOP!!!

Did you know that A-Rod, before he was K'd on three pitches, was only hitting .071 for the month? Wowzer...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 5:42 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:01 PM

PJP said:
I'm pretty sure they are playing.

I almost wished they hadn't.

What the fuck happened last night?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:08 PM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
I'm pretty sure they are playing.

I almost wished they hadn't.

What the fuck happened last night?

Well, Schilling won his AL-leading 9th game. While the Yankees got three home runs in the games, they were solo shots and the Sox ended up winning 9-3. The game was closed out by Papelbon (who has earned the right to be referred to by the one name), who didn't get a save, but DID strike out Giambi and A-Rod AND lowered his already ridiculous ERA.

That's what happened last night. And all because you came back. Your new nickname is "Mo". Yankee Killer.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:26 PM

Joe Mama said:
Great job by Papelbon...again. Struck out Giambi and A-Rod. NOICE! Harley's presence turned things around for the Sox. I just hope she stays around!


So, over 40 of us went out last night - http://www.bansheepubnyc.com/ - to support Southie for her debut as a bartender. We filled the place with about a 50/50 split of Yanks/Sox fans and got drunk off our asses and ignored the two Mets fans in our midst. Southie knows a lot of Sox fans here in NYC and I brought my fellow Yankees fans. I never realized how many Sox fans have infested my beloved city until I became friends with one. You people come outta the woodwork like cockaroaches. It seemed like everytime I looked up at the TVs, the Sox had scored. My sister and I were so pissed. (In both senses of the word). Southie stopped pouring my drinks everytime I cheered for the Yanks last night (which sadly wasn't that often ) but on a positive note, she had a very heavy hand whenever the Sox scored. And apparently, as guest bartender, she drank as much as her "patrons".

Mockery and drunken debates ensued. For the record, "Yankee Bitch" and "Red Sox Whore" are terms of endearment. And since the Yanks did not sweep the Sox as I had hoped, Dave's picture stays hidden and he gets to hold onto his pride for another day.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:28 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
I'm pretty sure they are playing.

I almost wished they hadn't.

What the fuck happened last night?

Well, Schilling won his AL-leading 9th game. While the Yankees got three home runs in the games, they were solo shots and the Sox ended up winning 9-3. The game was closed out by Papelbon (who has earned the right to be referred to by the one name), who didn't get a save, but DID strike out Giambi and A-Rod AND lowered his already ridiculous ERA.

the word "rhetorical" is lost on you, huh?


That's what happened last night. And all because you came back. Your new nickname is "Mo". Yankee Killer.

I hate you.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:45 PM

harleykwin said:
You people come outta the woodwork like cockaroaches.

And, being a native New Yorker and Yankees fan, you are an expert on cockaroaches.


Southie stopped pouring my drinks everytime I cheered for the Yanks last night (which sadly wasn't that often ) but on a positive note, she had a very heavy hand whenever the Sox scored. And apparently, as guest bartender, she drank as much as her "patrons".

Your friend is one of my favorite people now, and she does the Nation proud. Hopefully, this Pavlovian exercise has trained you well. Soon, you'll be cheering for the Good Guys not because you need to, but because you want to!


And since the Yanks did not sweep the Sox as I had hoped, Dave's picture stays hidden and he gets to hold onto his pride for another day.

I would think that the trust and confidence I placed in you would be enough inspiration. Guess not - I'll have to send word to Nation leaders to pass a message along to your bartending friend. You need to be reminded of our power...

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 6:48 PM

harleykwin said:
the word "rhetorical" is lost on you, huh?

Completely. You mean you DIDN'T need a recap of last night's event?

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 7:03 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
You people come outta the woodwork like cockaroaches.

And, being a native New Yorker and Yankees fan, you are an expert on cockaroaches.

You missed an excellent opportunity to make a Puerto Rican Joke. Silly Davey.


Southie stopped pouring my drinks everytime I cheered for the Yanks last night (which sadly wasn't that often ) but on a positive note, she had a very heavy hand whenever the Sox scored. And apparently, as guest bartender, she drank as much as her "patrons".


Your friend is one of my favorite people now, and she does the Nation proud. Hopefully, this Pavlovian exercise has trained you well.

Oh, sweetie, put down your crack pipe, because that "training" is never happening.


Soon, you'll be cheering for the Good Guys not because you need to, but because you want to!

Hells no! Next time I'm guest bartending and fuck if she gets a drop 'o vodka outta me!

And I already am cheering for the good guys! My boys in pinstripes, baby!


And since the Yanks did not sweep the Sox as I had hoped, Dave's picture stays hidden and he gets to hold onto his pride for another day.


I would think that the trust and confidence I placed in you would be enough inspiration.

Oh, it is, hon - but sometimes I can't help but laugh at the idea of "outting" you. You are one ugly chica!


Guess not - I'll have to send word to Nation leaders to pass a message along to your bartending friend. You need to be reminded of our power...

Eh, power shmower - besides, the lead bartender was a Yankee fan (good man, that one) and he rescued me from the Red Sox Whore's liquor withholding machinations. You forget, there may be Sox fans here, but you're in Yankeeland, baby. It takes a nation of millions to hold us back! And y'all don't have what it takes....



Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 7:15 PM
Hey - I just realized that your name is not in green anymore. When the fuck did you stop being a mod? What happened?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 7:22 PM
he fucked a motherless goat....Rob frowns upon that sort of thing.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 7:28 PM
If that's the case, then how are you still mod? *smirk*
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 7:40 PM

harleykwin said:
You missed an excellent opportunity to make a Puerto Rican Joke. Silly Davey.

Not my style. Too easy. But, since you asked...

"Reminded you of your first pet, Harley?"

(Sorry, the heart wasn't in it...)


Oh, sweetie, put down your crack pipe, because that "training" is never happening.

Your training has already begun, young Jedi (pronouced "Head-eye" I'll bet...there, that was better)

And I already am cheering for the good guys! My boys in pinstripes, baby!

Nope...not this time. WAY too easy...


Oh, it is, hon - but sometimes I can't help but laugh at the idea of "outting" you. You are one ugly chica!

Yes. Yes I am. But you'd still do me. Wouldn't you?

(I wouldn't...)


...you're in Yankeeland, baby.

No I'm not, thank Xenu. I'd hate to be forced by law to give a standing-O every time Bernie Williams left the dugout, hobbled to his position, made a play, hobbled to the dugout, picked his nose, or showed any signs of life. More on this later...this series genuinely confused me about you Yankee fans.


It takes a nation of millions to hold us back!

Okay, Flavor Flav.


And y'all don't have what it takes....

Papelbon, Mo. Papelbon.

(God, I've missed you.)

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 8:09 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
You missed an excellent opportunity to make a Puerto Rican Joke. Silly Davey.

Not my style. Too easy. But, since you asked...

"Reminded you of your first pet, Harley?"

(Sorry, the heart wasn't in it...)

Awww, I know you can do better than that...


Oh, sweetie, put down your crack pipe, because that "training" is never happening.

Your training has already begun, young Jedi (pronouced "Head-eye" I'll bet...there, that was better)

OMG - I just heard that with my mom's voice and accent!


Oh, it is, hon - but sometimes I can't help but laugh at the idea of "outting" you. You are one ugly chica!

Yes. Yes I am. But you'd still do me. Wouldn't you?

Yes, you're a hot woman! Hot enough to make me wanna be a lesbian!

Oh, wait: that's to show you the sarcasm - y'know, just so you're sure its sarcastic now. Better?

(I wouldn't...)

No one would, hon - not even klinton...


...you're in Yankeeland, baby.

No I'm not, thank Xenu. I'd hate to be forced by law to give a standing-O every time Bernie Williams left the dugout, hobbled to his position, made a play, hobbled to the dugout, picked his nose, or showed any signs of life.

I LOVE BERNIE! You did NOT just besmerch him! Blasphamey!


More on this later...this series genuinely confused me about you Yankee fans.

Por que?


It takes a nation of millions to hold us back!

Okay, Flavor Flav.

I was thinking more along the lines of Chuck D.

Yo, Publc Enemy was fucking awesome back in the day! I was wondering if you were gonna catch the reference...


And y'all don't have what it takes....

Papelbon, Mo. Papelbon.

(God, I've missed you.)

Awww, first you say something like that which warms my heart...

but then you do something like this:



and ruin it my warm fuzzy feelin'....

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 8:17 PM

harleykwin said:
If that's the case, then how are you still mod? *smirk*

I wore a condom.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 8:18 PM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
If that's the case, then how are you still mod? *smirk*

I wore a condom.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-09 8:30 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-10 8:39 AM
The Yanks lost and not even a night filled with Guinness has made feel better about it.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-10 1:02 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-10 3:51 PM

harleykwin said:
The Yanks lost and not even a night filled with Guinness has made feel better about it.


Look on the bright side. The Red Sox won. So now they're 1/2 game up on the Yankees. See? Everything works out for the best.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-11 6:48 PM
So, the Yanks lost ... again...

This is bullshit.

And Joe, if you "Mo" me again, I'm going to talk to the Greek Mafia and have your Red Sox lovin' ass kneecapped....
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-11 7:01 PM
Can't seem to make up that 1/2 game, can yez, MO?

(You're sending the Greeks against a Guinea? Good luck with that...MO.)











Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-11 7:28 PM
You're an ass....

Where is Pete when I need the Mafia? Fuckit, I'll take you out myself! And I'm bringing the PR parade with me! Thousands of PR Yankee fans unite!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-11 9:09 PM

harleykwin said:
You're an ass....

Where is Pete when I need the Mafia? Fuckit, I'll take you out myself! And I'm bringing the PR parade with me! Thousands of PR Yankee fans unite!

The whole Puerto Rican Day parade? All of them? Coming out just to deal with me???

Won't that be too much like work? My money says you won't get past the city limits before they give up on you. Unless they're all riding their pet cucarachas...then they might make it to the state line...


(Who says I can't bust out with a little racial humor?)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-11 9:52 PM

PJP said:

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-12 12:14 AM
Yanks got swept by the A's.

In further news Yanks change their name to the Tigers!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-12 4:53 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
You're an ass....

Where is Pete when I need the Mafia? Fuckit, I'll take you out myself! And I'm bringing the PR parade with me! Thousands of PR Yankee fans unite!

The whole Puerto Rican Day parade? All of them? Coming out just to deal with me???

Won't that be too much like work? My money says you won't get past the city limits before they give up on you. Unless they're all riding their pet cucarachas...then they might make it to the state line...


(Who says I can't bust out with a little racial humor?)

Eh, we were all too tired and too tipsy to try an make it to the boonies to hang ya...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-12 4:54 AM

PJP said:
Yanks got swept by the A's.

Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-13 11:27 PM
We split the series with Boston; the least you could have done was return the favor.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 4:40 AM
Yanks win 1-0 against the Indians in a classic pitcher's duel. Wang Pitched great and Cano hit a HR to give the Yanks a much needed win.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 4:52 AM
PJP likes Wang!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 4:53 AM
Stop making fun of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 7:29 AM

MisterJLA said:
PJP likes Wang!

No, no, no....PJP likes Dave's wang.

Or is it the other way around? I ferget.

BTW, Dave. The Yankees won.

You Red Sox Whore.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 10:06 AM
Johan Santana had that Boston lineup for dinner. Manny and Ortiz: 0-10, 6 K's.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 3:36 PM

harleykwin said:

MisterJLA said:
PJP likes Wang!

No, no, no....PJP likes Dave's wang.

Or is it the other way around? I ferget.

BTW, Dave. The Yankees won.

You Red Sox Whore.

That's nice, Mo. Your point, Mo?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 3:42 PM

Animalman said:
Johan Santana had that Boston lineup for dinner. Manny and Ortiz: 0-10, 6 K's.

This game was amazing on both sides...until the bottom of the 12th. Top of the 12th saw the Red Sox take a 2-1 lead despite a gorgeous attempt at a double play by the Twins' shortstop. Then we get to the bottom of the 12th and Julian Tavarez gets an out, hits one guy, gives up a ground-rule double, intentionally walks Torii Hunter...and gives up a grand slam to some no-name DH. Twins win 5-2.

Fucking Tavarez. I want to propose a three-way deal between the Red Sox, Cubs, and Mets. The Sox would send Tavarez to the Cubs. The Cubs would ship Steve Bartman and that legendary goat to the Mets. And the Mets would package their new theme song with the writers of said song and send them to the Red Sox.

I think it's fair...or are the Cubs overpaying?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 5:13 PM
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 8:38 PM

Joe Mama said:
Fucking Tavarez. I want to propose a three-way deal between the Red Sox, Cubs, and Mets. The Sox would send Tavarez to the Cubs. The Cubs would ship Steve Bartman and that legendary goat to the Mets. And the Mets would package their new theme song with the writers of said song and send them to the Red Sox.

You actually want those "our team, our time" guys?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 8:43 PM

Animalman said:

Joe Mama said:
Fucking Tavarez. I want to propose a three-way deal between the Red Sox, Cubs, and Mets. The Sox would send Tavarez to the Cubs. The Cubs would ship Steve Bartman and that legendary goat to the Mets. And the Mets would package their new theme song with the writers of said song and send them to the Red Sox.

You actually want those "our team, our time" guys?

Over having to watch Tavarez blow a game AGAIN? Yes. A song and its writers don't play in games. Plus a song about the Mets wouldn't be played in Fenway anyways. So basically we free up a roster spot at no real cost.

See? I'm thinkin' cuz I'm like wicked smahhhhhhhhhht!!!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 8:45 PM
I'd trade those guys to Detroit just to see the fans riot.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 9:03 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

MisterJLA said:
PJP likes Wang!

No, no, no....PJP likes Dave's wang.

Or is it the other way around? I ferget.

BTW, Dave. The Yankees won.

You Red Sox Whore.

That's nice, Mo.

It is, isn't it? Glad you agree.

There may be hope for you yet.


Your point, Mo?

Just trying to keep you informed. Cause that's what friends do.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 9:18 PM
I like you a lot better when you're your usual jinx-tastic self, Mo.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-14 9:20 PM
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-15 5:31 AM
Matt Clement, eh?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-15 5:38 AM
yanks stumble/climb into first again, by half a game
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-15 5:49 AM

Animalman said:
Randy Johnson managed to pull his head out of his ass today! My fantasy team thanks him.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-15 7:06 AM
6-1 Yanks!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-15 9:31 AM
PJP misses his Wang!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-16 2:53 AM

MisterJLA said:
PJP misses his Wang!

give it back to me!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-16 2:54 AM
Yanks lost 8-4 today....Randy Johnson got suspended for 5 games and Torre for 1 game for yesterdays actions.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-17 12:38 AM
get your own Yankees email account!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-17 10:42 PM
great game last night, where bernie kicked some ass.

yanks are also largely favored in the national's in-house crowd during last night and especially today's game. its purdy weird.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-18 6:07 AM
they lost 11-9 today after leading 9-2. I can't wait to play the Tigers again and get some easy wins.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-19 6:34 PM
tough loss yesterday for the Yanks....their Wang pitched a great game but they lost off a walk off homer in the 9th 3-2.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-19 11:47 PM
PJP can't stop writing about Wang...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 12:50 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 4:17 AM

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 5:12 AM
Yanks lost to the Phillies 4-2.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 5:32 AM
That sucks.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 5:47 AM
Where is Mo when we need her?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 5:49 AM
Probably coming home from the game.

(Who picked up the save for Philly?)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 5:51 AM
Gordon which is the only reason why I'm pissed.......he was so fucking inconsistent with the Jankees. I think he is a shitty reliever personally with a shitty attitude. I hope we get another crack at him.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:48 PM

PJP said:
Where is Mo when we need her?

Et tu, Panayotis?

You fuck!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:49 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:51 PM

PJP said:
he was so fucking inconsistent with the Jankees.

I think i you....

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:52 PM

What did I tell you? PJP is one of us now!


How was the game? Must've been nice, being able to jinx them up close and personal. Thank you.


Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:54 PM

Joe Mama said:

What did I tell you? PJP is one of us now!


How was the game? Must've been nice, being able to jinx them up close and personal. Thank you.


I didn't jinx them!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-20 8:58 PM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
he was so fucking inconsistent with the Jankees.

I think i you....

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:00 PM
So what's the plan tonight? Push Mussina under a ladder? Walk across a crosswalk in front of Torre's car? Smash a mirror while wearing a A-Rod jersey?


Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:04 PM

Joe Mama said:
So what's the plan tonight? Push Mussina under a ladder? Walk across a crosswalk in front of Torre's car? Smash a mirror while wearing a A-Rod jersey?


Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:07 PM

Joe Mama said:
So what's the plan tonight? Push Mussina under a ladder? Walk across a crosswalk in front of Torre's car? Smash a mirror while wearing a A-Rod jersey?


Eat me, bitch!

Quit calling me a jinx, or I'll post your boobs for all to see!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:09 PM

harleykwin said:
Eat me, bitch!

I knew you'd turn. I ust didn't know it'd be so drastically...so completely...so deliciously...

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:11 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Eat me, bitch!

I knew you'd turn. I ust didn't know it'd be so drastically...so completely...so deliciously...


I see your tah-tahs making their debut any day now....

And you're right, I am delicious....
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:14 PM

harleykwin said:
Quit calling me a jinx, or I'll post your boobs for all to see!

A Yankee Killer AND an oath-breaker??? Have you no honor???

Oh yeah...Yankees fan...that answers that question...
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:14 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
So what's the plan tonight? Push Mussina under a ladder? Walk across a crosswalk in front of Torre's car? Smash a mirror while wearing a A-Rod jersey?


Eat me, bitch!

Quit calling me a jinx, or I'll post your boobs for all to see!

yes please
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:17 PM

harleykwin said:
I see your tah-tahs making their debut any day now....

Shouldn't yours make their appearance first? After all, you did promise Doc...


Posted By: Bizarro PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:20 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I see your tah-tahs making their debut any day now....

Shouldn't yours make their appearance first? After all, you did promise Doc...


Me am think harley should not post boobie pics.

Me am think Joe Mama is am god.

Me am think red sux best team in baseball.
Posted By: Bizarro PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:21 PM
Me am think harley should not send me PMs with dirty pics and dirty nasty cavewoman talk.
Posted By: Bizarro PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:24 PM
PJP is bad guy.
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:31 PM
What a good looking fellow that Bizzaro guy is!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:34 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I see your tah-tahs making their debut any day now....

Shouldn't yours make their appearance first? After all, you did promise Doc...


Ah, how quickly they forget - he asked, I denied - I never made such an promise....
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:36 PM

Bizarro PJP said:
Me am think harley should not send me PMs with dirty pics and dirty nasty cavewoman talk.

Ok, I'll stop....
Posted By: notwedge Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:52 PM
Don't call her a jinx. If it wasn't for Harley's prediction I don't know if the White Sox would have won the World Series last year. This does not negate her obligation to PM boobie pics to PJP and thedoctor, however.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 9:59 PM
She wields her mutant jinx powers well.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:01 PM
Wow. You have a gobdamned good memory - I totally forgot about that....

What "obligation"? Unfortunately, in other respects it seems that your memory is as skewed and faulty as JM's and doc's re: any "obligation to show my tah tahs (I can't stop saying "tah - tahs" - It makes me laff too much!) - and how PJP got rights to see them, I dunno!
Posted By: notwedge Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:04 PM
Well, it was thedoctor's birthday and PJP, well, what else does he have, really?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: go Jankees!!!!! - 2006-06-20 10:04 PM

Joe Mama said:
She wields her mutant jinx powers well.


I hate you.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:08 PM

NotWedge said:
Well, it was thedoctor's birthday and PJP, well, what else does he have, really?

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:08 PM
PJP got the right to see the bubbies???

S'not fair...

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: go Jankees!!!!! - 2006-06-20 10:08 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
She wields her mutant jinx powers well.


I hate you.


Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:13 PM

Joe Mama said:
PJP got the right to see the bubbies???

S'not fair...


No, no, no...

Brit, sweetie, Pete hasn't seen the boobies - no one on this board has ...
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 10:38 PM

harleykwin said:

Bizarro PJP said:
Me am think harley should not send me PMs with dirty pics and dirty nasty cavewoman talk.

Ok, I'll stop....

you're supposed to do the opposite of what he says!
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-20 10:40 PM

harleykwin said:

NotWedge said:
Well, it was thedoctor's birthday and PJP, well, what else does he have, really?

I'll take a sympathy boobie pic!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-20 11:46 PM
I love the title of this thread!!

Now if I could only fix my fucking avatar....
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-20 11:53 PM

harleykwin said:
(I can't stop saying "tah - tahs" - It makes me laff too much!)

Yes, "tah-tahs" is a funny word. Now show me yours, damnit!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Mo Is A Jankees Asesina!!!! Arriba!!! - 2006-06-20 11:54 PM

harleykwin said:
I love the title of this thread!!

Now if I could only fix my fucking avatar....

You jinxed your avatar...? Wow.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jinx! Yankee Killer!!! - 2006-06-21 12:11 AM

thedoctor said:

harleykwin said:
(I can't stop saying "tah - tahs" - It makes me laff too much!)

Yes, "tah-tahs" is a funny word. Now show me yours, damnit!

Too late! It's not your birthday anymore!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Mo Is A Jankees Asesina!!!! Arriba!!! - 2006-06-21 12:12 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I love the title of this thread!!

Now if I could only fix my fucking avatar....

You jinxed your avatar...? Wow.

Ooooh, FUUUUUUUCK you!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 12:14 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

NotWedge said:
Well, it was thedoctor's birthday and PJP, well, what else does he have, really?

I'll take a sympathy boobie pic!

Both you and doc apparently... lol
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 1:15 AM
I love the new avatar K!

....and user title...

I just took an hour nap. I feel like the Jankees did when they won the Series in '96!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 2:58 AM

PJP said:
I love the new avatar K!

....and user title...

I just took an hour nap. I feel like the Jankees did when they won the Series in '96!

Thanks, honey! And how could I not use that title?! It fuckin' rocks! (though I was tempted to use "Not Mo" at one point... lol)

As for the avatar - it's a Linsner piece I got outbid on on ebay, but I kept the image...me likey - especially Linsner...I had to call TK to help me fix my fuck up with the avatar:

TK: Hola, harley.
Me: Can you fix my avatar?
TK: That's what you called me for?

So, anyways...go Jankees!

PS - Happy belated anniversary - it was yesterday, no?
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:03 AM
yes anniversary was yesterday....thanks for the well wishes.

tk and you on the phone....

I like the fact that you can see harley's nipples in your avatar.......here's hoping life imitates art some day!
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:05 AM
Giambi just hit a solo shot to make the score 3-2 Phillies.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:06 AM

PJP said:
yes anniversary was yesterday....thanks for the well wishes.


tk and you on the phone....

I know. Our conversations are ridiculous - half the time I'm drunk - this time I was sober though!


I like the fact that you can see harley's nipples in your avatar.......here's hoping life imitates art some day!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:09 AM

PJP said:
Giambi just hit a solo shot to make the score 3-2 Phillies.

Yeah, I just got home - I'm watching too.
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:10 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:11 AM

And, yup, nice to have 'em back...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:12 AM
I love Bernie...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:14 AM
Yes! Tied it up! Wo0t!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:22 AM
FUUUUUCK!!! Phillies HR'd.
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:23 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:25 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:30 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Harley Is A Jankees Goddess!!!! - 2006-06-21 3:57 AM
Ugh, you had to show that pic?

Posada homers!

Bernie hits a double!

harleykwin said:
Ugh, you had to show that pic?

Of course he did! He's one of us now! Speaking of Yankees pics, here's one that reveals the truth about the Jankees/Hankees and their fans:

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 4:50 AM
I have no idea why I am posting in this thread as I havent even bothered reading it since PJP had a new spine installed last year!
Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 4:51 AM

Can't call me a spineless bastard anymore!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 4:53 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Ugh, you had to show that pic?

Of course he did! He's one of us now! Speaking of Yankees pics, here's one that reveals the truth about the Jankees/Hankees and their fans:


Britney, you're bitchier than even the tabloids say....
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 4:55 AM

Nowhereman said:
I have no idea why I am posting in this thread as I havent even bothered reading it since PJP had a new spine installed last year!

Don't worry - not much has changed - the Red Sox still suck!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 4:57 AM

PJP said:

Can't call me a spineless bastard anymore!

To me you will always be Old Orange Bastard!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:00 AM
Is he blonde again? Orange skin and blonde hair...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:02 AM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
I have no idea why I am posting in this thread as I havent even bothered reading it since PJP had a new spine installed last year!

Don't worry - not much has changed - the Red Sox still suck!

Thats good, now show me your boobies!

Since you stopped posting here I brought in a new era of greatness for this forum.
I got rid of old wank biscuit & his hockey threads, had a new hip young mod instated to appeal to the younger crowd, and initiated a new policy of female posters having to post nude before they can take part in any discussion.

If you have any problems with this new policy, I can be contacted through the forum thats so secret even the secret mods forum doesnt know about it!
Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:04 AM

Nowhereman said:

PJP said:

Can't call me a spineless bastard anymore!

To me you will always be Old Orange Bastard!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:04 AM
Awesome post! But still no boobies!

On the plus side - Bernie scored!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:04 AM

harleykwin said:
Is he blonde again? Orange skin and blonde hair...

just from the waist down....I'll send you pics!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:05 AM
Um, that last post was in response to NWM's post and the new rules and all...

Damon better fuckin' hit one out of the park...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:06 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
Is he blonde again? Orange skin and blonde hair...

just from the waist down....I'll send you pics!

Damon hits a triple! Fuck yeah! 8-7 Yanks!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:06 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:07 AM
when did Joe grow a beard?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:08 AM

PJP said:
when did Joe grow a beard?

looks like...
Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:09 AM
When did Rob grow a beard!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:11 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:11 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 5:12 AM

harleykwin said:
Britney, you're bitchier than even the tabloids say....



Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:13 AM

PJP said:
When did Rob grow a beard!


So, the rumors are true! How low (heh) will Joe go to get his modship back?!?!

Yanks lead 9-7!

Nowhereman said:
I have no idea why I am posting in this thread as I havent even bothered reading it since PJP had a new spine installed last year!

I fixed your subject header.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:15 AM

Nowhereman said:

That's just wrong...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:15 AM

harleykwin said:
So, the rumors are true! How low (heh) will Joe go to get his modship back?!?!

I'd be seen with you in public.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:15 AM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:

That's just wrong...

Fuck that...it's hilarious!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:17 AM
Damn you, Nowhereman...damn you and your modship!!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 5:18 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Britney, you're bitchier than even the tabloids say....




You're a bad mom and you root for the wrong team you redneck bitch!

Will the horror never end?!?!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:19 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
So, the rumors are true! How low (heh) will Joe go to get his modship back?!?!

I'd be seen with you in public.

And be the envy of all, while my reputation would be ruined...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 5:19 AM

harleykwin said:
You're a bad mom and you root for the wrong team you redneck bitch!

Will the horror never end?!?!

Only when you stop jinxing your team, Miss Mo "Two Games Back Of The Red Sox"...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:20 AM

Joe Mama said:
Damn you, Nowhereman...damn you and your modship!!!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:20 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:

That's just wrong...

Fuck that...it's hilarious!


It is. lol
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:21 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
So, the rumors are true! How low (heh) will Joe go to get his modship back?!?!

I'd be seen with you in public.

And be the envy of all, while my reputation would be ruined...

The homeless don't count.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Joe likes young boys - 2006-06-21 5:23 AM
Everything must be this way
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:23 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 5:25 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
You're a bad mom and you root for the wrong team you redneck bitch!

Will the horror never end?!?!

Only when you stop jinxing your team, Miss Mo "Two Games Back Of The Red Sox"...

Oh, go bleach your pubes, Brit. And for fuck's sake, go shave your legs! No man will ever fuck you again otherwise...(well, mebbe a Red Sox fan ... or Rob), but don't you have higher standards for yourself...?

Oh, wait.

You're a Red Sox fan....

Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:26 AM

Nowhereman said:

I just vomited, pissed myself and assploded all at once!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:27 AM

Nowhereman said:

Posted By: PJP Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:27 AM
Bernie is 5 for 5!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:27 AM

PJP said:

Nowhereman said:

I just vomited, pissed myself and assploded all at once!

You wanna see a doctor bout that!
Posted By: Boston Strangler Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:32 AM
Ah, the wedding picture.

Happy days.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:34 AM

PJP said:
Bernie is 5 for 5!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:38 AM
And the Yankees win!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 5:55 AM

harleykwin said:
Oh, go bleach your pubes, Brit. And for fuck's sake, go shave your legs! No man will ever fuck you again otherwise...but don't you have higher standards for yourself...?

Are you saying all that for my benefit, or your own? Listen, I accept you the way you are...full-body pelt and all. I even look past your Yankee fandom. There's no need for such hurtful words. Pookie. Sweetie. Mo.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:55 AM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:


Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 5:55 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
And the Yankees win!

So do the Sox!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:00 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Oh, go bleach your pubes, Brit. And for fuck's sake, go shave your legs! No man will ever fuck you again otherwise...but don't you have higher standards for yourself...?

Are you saying all that for my benefit, or your own? Listen, I accept you the way you are...full-body pelt and all.

Actually, I've been going here lately - www.completelybare.com - so, no pelt for you, sugar...


I even look past your Yankee fandom. There's no need for such hurtful words. Pookie. Sweetie. Mo.

Baby. Honey. Snookums. Brit.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Joe likes young boys & fat women - 2006-06-21 6:01 AM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
And the Yankees win!

So do the Sox!

Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:02 AM
If you need help with that home wax kit let me know.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:03 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Oh, go bleach your pubes, Brit. And for fuck's sake, go shave your legs! No man will ever fuck you again otherwise...but don't you have higher standards for yourself...?

Are you saying all that for my benefit, or your own? Listen, I accept you the way you are...full-body pelt and all.

Actually, I've been going here lately - www.completelybare.com - so, no pelt for you, sugar...

But...but...I loves my Wookie Pwincess!!!

Why not save money and buy a John Deere Tractor Mower? That'd be some sweet foreplay...



I even look past your Yankee fandom. There's no need for such hurtful words. Pookie. Sweetie. Mo.

Baby. Honey. Snookums. Brit.

You know just the right things to say to me...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:03 AM
No home waxing, baby - I go to the spa - I'm bendy, but even I have my limits...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:06 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Oh, go bleach your pubes, Brit. And for fuck's sake, go shave your legs! No man will ever fuck you again otherwise...but don't you have higher standards for yourself...?

Are you saying all that for my benefit, or your own? Listen, I accept you the way you are...full-body pelt and all.

Actually, I've been going here lately - www.completelybare.com - so, no pelt for you, sugar...

But...but...I loves my Wookie Pwincess!!!

Sweetie, that's why you have Rob...


Why not save money and buy a John Deere Tractor Mower? That'd be some sweet foreplay...

Your idea of foreplay scares me...



I even look past your Yankee fandom. There's no need for such hurtful words. Pookie. Sweetie. Mo.

Baby. Honey. Snookums. Brit.

You know just the right things to say to me...

Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:11 AM

harleykwin said:
No home waxing, baby - I go to the spa - I'm bendy, but even I have my limits...

maybe I could just inspect the spa's work....make sure they are doing a good job. Or at the very least post a pic!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:17 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
No home waxing, baby - I go to the spa - I'm bendy, but even I have my limits...

maybe I could just inspect the spa's work....make sure they are doing a good job. Or at the very least post a pic!

Requests for boobies pic; requests for ass pics; and now a request for snatch pics...don't you boys go to the wimmin's forum for this?

They do a great job, sug - you'll just haveta take my word for it. C'mon! The word of a Yankeegirl is strong and true! Trust me! (Shaddup, Dave!)
Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:18 AM
we'll have to see what thedoctor says about all this.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:23 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
No home waxing, baby - I go to the spa - I'm bendy, but even I have my limits...

maybe I could just inspect the spa's work....make sure they are doing a good job. Or at the very least post a pic!

Requests for boobies pic; requests for ass pics; and now a request for snatch pics...don't you boys go to the wimmin's forum for this?

They do a great job, sug - you'll just haveta take my word for it. C'mon! The word of a Yankeegirl is strong and true! Trust me! (Shaddup, Dave!)

I, for one, do not want you to send me boobie pics, butt pics, OR snatch pics!!!

I want pics of full nudity.

I'll vouch for your honor (and maybe even say some kind words about the Yankees) if you'll hook me up. Deal?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:35 AM

PJP said:
we'll have to see what thedoctor says about all this.

Honey, he's not a Yankees or a Red Sox fan - he ain't never comin' back to this thread...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 6:36 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:

harleykwin said:
No home waxing, baby - I go to the spa - I'm bendy, but even I have my limits...

maybe I could just inspect the spa's work....make sure they are doing a good job. Or at the very least post a pic!

Requests for boobies pic; requests for ass pics; and now a request for snatch pics...don't you boys go to the wimmin's forum for this?

They do a great job, sug - you'll just haveta take my word for it. C'mon! The word of a Yankeegirl is strong and true! Trust me! (Shaddup, Dave!)

I, for one, do not want you to send me boobie pics, butt pics, OR snatch pics!!!

I want pics of full nudity.

I'll vouch for your honor (and maybe even say some kind words about the Yankees) if you'll hook me up. Deal?


Waitaminnit! You? Say kind words about the Yanks?!?! This is a hoax!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 7:21 PM
This thread is getting seriously off topic.
I been reading the last few pages & not once was there any mention of hockey!

Now either get this thread back on topic, get nekkid if you are Harley or talk about what a great mod I am, or I will report this insubordination to the members of the double secret mod forum that even the members of the secret mod forum dont know about.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 7:38 PM

Nowhereman said:
This thread is getting seriously off topic.
I been reading the last few pages & not once was there any mention of hockey!

Now either get this thread back on topic, get nekkid if you are Harley or talk about what a great mod I am, or I will report this insubordination to the members of the double secret mod forum that even the members of the secret mod forum dont know about.

Nowhereman is the bestest mod evar!

The Yankees are the bestest baseball team evar!

The Red Sox suck!


We're back on topic.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 7:41 PM
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?
I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 7:46 PM

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!


I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 8:05 PM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!


I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!


Would this include demoted mods who still have access to the mythical super-duper secret hush-hush mod forum?

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 8:07 PM

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!

Baseball, hockey, cricket, all the same to me.
Hitting things with sticks!

If this thread isnt about hockey, no wonder my old co-mod was so pissed off!

As for soccer (or football as the whole world outside America calls it), its a crappy game played by silly homasexuals, and I never want it mentioned in this forum ever again!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 8:41 PM

Nowhereman said:
As for soccer (or football as the whole world outside America calls it), its a crappy game played by silly homasexuals, and I never want it mentioned in this forum ever again!

You are my God...after MisterJLA.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 8:54 PM
Being Satan is prefered!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 9:02 PM

Nowhereman said:
Being Satan is prefered!

Consider it done!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 9:07 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!


I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!


Would this include demoted mods who still have access to the mythical super-duper secret hush-hush mod forum?

blah, blah, blah....nobody cares ...



Face it, Brtiney, it may be Pete's hairy ass that you lust after, but its me you really luv...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 9:08 PM

Joe Mama said:

Nowhereman said:
Being Satan is prefered!

Consider it done!

I thought that was Pete's job?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 9:10 PM
Poopass is Greek.
Please try to keep up!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 9:12 PM
I'm trying!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 10:11 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!


I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!


Would this include demoted mods who still have access to the mythical super-duper secret hush-hush mod forum?

blah, blah, blah....nobody cares ...

Bitterness is not an attractive emotion. Nor is envy.


Face it, Brtiney, it may be Pete's hairy ass that you lust after, but its me you really luv...

I use Pete's hairy arse to remind myself of how you feel before waxing - your full-body pelt is LUXURIOUS!!!

Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 10:40 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:24 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Nowhereman said:
Are the Yankees a good hockey team then?

Silly Welshman... baseball! Not hockey! This shouldn't confuse you - its not like you boys calling soccer "football" or anything that would confuddle you!


I would ask PenWing but he is no longer a mod so it is forbidden for me to talk to him!
Demoted mods are social rejects!


Would this include demoted mods who still have access to the mythical super-duper secret hush-hush mod forum?

blah, blah, blah....nobody cares ...

Bitterness is not an attractive emotion. Nor is envy.

If by "bitterness" you mean “indifferent” and envy you mean , then, yeah, I guess I am.


Face it, Brtiney, it may be Pete's hairy ass that you lust after, but its me you really luv...


I use Pete's hairy arse to remind myself of how you feel before waxing - your full-body pelt is LUXURIOUS!!!


Wasn’t me.

But I understand why you would wish it was.

Oh, Brit, – I understand - in order for you to stand even the slimmest chance of getting laid you need to surprise something hairy enough to grab onto and do your two pumps before it has the chance to run screaming in horror from your grasp (run, Pete, run!!!), but that just makes me pity you almost as much as knowing you're doomed to be a Red Sox fan forever.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:33 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Bitterness is not an attractive emotion. Nor is envy.

If by "bitterness" you mean “indifferent” and envy you mean , then, yeah, I guess I am.

At least you're able to admit it. To me and yourself.


Oh, Brit, – I understand - in order for you to stand even the slimmest chance of getting laid you need to surprise something hairy enough to grab onto and do your two pumps before it has the chance to run screaming in horror from your grasp (run, Pete, run!!!), but that just makes me pity you almost as much as knowing you're doomed to be a Red Sox fan forever.

That's a who' lotta words just to say you love it when I shampoo you and then shave you poodle-style.
Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:33 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:35 PM
Oh...and I forgot:

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-21 11:37 PM
bernie, btw, is approaching a 300 average after his latest 5-hit game
Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:38 PM
My WOW was for harley's clever insult not that same old tired rubbish Britney spouts!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:39 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
Bitterness is not an attractive emotion. Nor is envy.

If by "bitterness" you mean “indifferent” and envy you mean , then, yeah, I guess I am.

At least you're able to admit it. To me and yourself.

What? the indifference? What's to admit?


Oh, Brit, – I understand - in order for you to stand even the slimmest chance of getting laid you need to surprise something hairy enough to grab onto and do your two pumps before it has the chance to run screaming in horror from your grasp (run, Pete, run!!!), but that just makes me pity you almost as much as knowing you're doomed to be a Red Sox fan forever.

That's a who' lotta words just to say you love it when I shampoo you and then shave you poodle-style.


harley said

Wasn't me.

And Brit, what you do with Pete, really isn't anyone else's business...
Posted By: PJP Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:39 PM
how do I keep getting dragged into this?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:40 PM

PJP said:
My WOW was for harley's clever insult not that same old tired rubbish Britney spouts!

I you.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: My name's not MO!!!! - 2006-06-21 11:42 PM

PJP said:
how do I keep getting dragged into this?

Well, according to Britney, by your hair...

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-21 11:46 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
bernie, btw, is approaching a 300 average after his latest 5-hit game

I know! Bernie was fuckin' awesome last night!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:13 AM
Yanks won 5-0!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:25 AM
Sox finish their sweep of another National League team, beating the Nationals 9-3. Jon Lester completely dominated Frank Robinson's boys, walking two and striking out ten in six innings of work. I believe the Mets are in town this weekend - that'll be an interesting series!

In other news, the Sox traded for Jason Johnson. Spot starter and possible bullpen help, Johnson could take the roster spot filled by...oh, I dunno...JULIAN TAVAREZ!!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:45 AM

PJP said:
Yanks won 5-0!

I was out on a date with a Mets fan ( ) flirting my ass off (imagine my surprise when I checked and it was still there!), so I missed the game.

But we won, so "yay!"
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:53 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
Yanks won 5-0!

I was out on a date with a Mets fan ( ) flirting my ass off (imagine my surprise when I checked and it was still there!), so I missed the game.

But we won, so "yay!"

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:55 AM
Was Bernie as good tonight?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:58 AM
it was all the role players tonight....Cairo and Melky....Even Jaret Wright almost hit a home run.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:01 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:01 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:02 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:03 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-22 5:05 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-23 8:12 AM

Nowhereman said:

This almost makes me want to take up driving...
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-24 4:39 AM

So whats that one make you wanna take up?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-24 3:24 PM

Yanks won last night.....I'm not too sure of the details. I got Drunk!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-24 5:56 PM

Nowhereman said:

So whats that one make you wanna take up?

Honey, you can't take up what you never stopped doing...

Yankees won, bitches!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-24 5:57 PM

PJP said:

Yanks won last night.....I'm not too sure of the details. I got Drunk!

Me too!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-26 1:27 AM
Yanks were ppd. yesterday so today they are playing 2!....they just won the first one 2-1 and Moose got the win!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-26 7:34 AM
Well, win one, lose one....
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-26 7:39 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-26 7:46 AM
I know. I only caught the last three innings and I had stop watching before the 9th was done.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:35 AM
Yanks won 5-2.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:37 AM
They better have. Atlanta sucks bad this season. If the Sox can sweep 'em, I expect nothing less from New York.

PS: Would the Yankees like to trade for Rudy Seanez? All I'm asking for in return is that they use him in actual games. Or are the Yankees overpaying?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:38 AM

PJP said:
Yanks won 5-2.

Of course they did!

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:39 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:42 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 5:52 AM
No thanks!
Vegetable give me the shits!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 6:26 AM
Salud! SALUD!!! Not salad!

Silly Brit..
Can't speak proper English, can't speak Spanish...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-27 10:47 PM
language burn!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 12:10 AM
Yanks lost 3-2 in extra innings.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 12:10 AM

in my game, they won 4-3 in extra innings.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 12:14 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 12:51 AM
ARod won it with a 2 run HR in the 12th! I figured they lost for sure!!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 12:51 AM
ARod won it with a 2 run HR in the 12th! I figured they lost for sure!!!!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-29 1:46 AM

harleykwin said:
Salud! SALUD!!! Not salad!

Silly Brit..
Can't speak proper English, can't speak Spanish...

Its not my fault you spelled salad wrong!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-06-30 6:02 PM

Nowhereman said:

harleykwin said:
Salud! SALUD!!! Not salad!

Silly Brit..
Can't speak proper English, can't speak Spanish...

Its not my fault you spelled salad wrong!

Can't ... respond ... brain... filled with... too many...salad tossing jokes.... ah!

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-04 7:27 AM
Yankees lose, 5-2.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-05 4:43 AM
Indians 19, Yankees 1
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-05 4:51 AM
Yankees almost sounds like Wankees!
Red Sox sounds like Dead Cocks!

Wankees & Dead Cocks go together like King Snarf & toupees!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-05 5:35 AM

MisterJLA said:
Indians 19, Yankees 1

Jesus. That looks like a fuckin' football score.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-06 12:33 AM

If Trade Is Made, Torre Will Take Hitter Over Pitcher

Published: July 5, 2006

CLEVELAND, July 4 — Joe Torre continues to insist that the Yankees' fortunes depend on starting pitching. But a team has to score runs to win, of course, and the Yankees have not done enough of that lately.

So, as General Manager Brian Cashman hunts for deals before the July 31 trading deadline, Torre, the manager, would prefer an outfielder over a pitcher if he had to make a choice. "That's a heck of a question," Torre said, before settling on his answer. "Offense has been a problem for us. I'd say more on the offensive end of it."

The Yankees' injured outfielders, Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield, could return late in the season. But by then, the Yankees might be too far back in the pennant race for it to matter. If they simply wait for Matsui and Sheffield, Torre said, they would need to play outstanding baseball until then.
"To have a little bit more offense would probably ease a lot of the stress," Torre said, referring to the pressure on Alex Rodriguez and others to produce. "Someone who will help the team, and I don't know who that person is. A lot of stuff hasn't made sense, when they know it's you and they know you need somebody."

Discounting their 16-run outburst on Sunday, the Yankees have averaged less than three runs a game since June 23. But Cashman said he had not made offense a priority over pitching. "I'm looking for pitching and offense," he said Tuesday. "Whichever comes first, it doesn't matter to me. My approach hasn't changed. If I can find ways to improve the club, then I'll do that."

The best outfielders who could be dangled in trades this month include Washington's Alfonso Soriano and José Guillen, Milwaukee's Carlos Lee, Philadelphia's Bobby Abreu and Kansas City's Reggie Sanders. Lesser options could include Philadelphia's David Dellucci, Pittsburgh's Jeromy Burnitz, Kansas City's Emil Brown and Cleveland's Todd Hollandsworth.
One general manager, who asked not to be identified because of baseball's tampering rules, said the Yankees relievers T. J. Beam and Matt Smith would have value in trades.

Pitching prospects like Steven White and Jeff Karstens have also drawn interest, but the Yankees' best prospects, pitcher Phil Hughes and outfielder José Tabata, are unlikely to be dealt.

Referring to Hughes, Torre said: "If you're going to give a player of that ability up, you certainly want a player you're not going to rent for the rest of the year. You want someone who's going to help you down the road. That would be my guess."

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS George Steinbrenner, the principal owner, turned 76 on Tuesday, and Joe Torre made sure to call him. Torre, who did not speak with Steinbrenner during the Mets series last weekend, said Steinbrenner had been encouraging this season.

"He's been very supportive," Torre said. "He said, 'How are you today?' I said, 'I'd be better if we won last night.' He said, 'You'll be all right.' That kind of exchange is what it's been — the go-get-'em, cheerleading type of thing. The conversations haven't been long."
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-06 8:49 AM
The Yanks have enough hitting. IMO, they should have gone after Clemens.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-06 8:49 PM
Yankees beat the Indians 11-3. Finally.

Still three games behind Boston though...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 5:05 AM
Yanks won 10-4!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:24 PM
Yay! You hear that Joe! We won! I'm not Mo!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:30 PM
You're not going on one of your "flick the bean to the Yankees" tirades, so it doesn't count Mo. By the way, so did we.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:41 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:47 PM

harleykwin said:
I'm Mo.

Fixed your post for you.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:49 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I'm Mo.

Fixed your post for you.

you're a fuckin' ass!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-07 10:57 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 5:49 AM
Yanks won 1-0!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 5:50 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:04 AM
Against the Devil Rays!!!

Sox beat Chicago, 7-2.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:36 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:41 AM
(Pssssssssst! Mo!!!)
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:42 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:44 AM
Have you ever tried to read that graemlin's lips? It's saying"Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo..."
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 7:56 AM

Joe Mama said:
Have you ever tried to read that graemlin's lips? It's saying"Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo-Mo..."


OMG, that's fuckin' hysterical! I just cracked up! I think...

waitaminnit.... that's not funny at all... grrr....
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 8:16 AM
Hey! HEEEEEY!!!! Don't think I didn't get your "mo" message, ya bastid!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-08 8:23 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-10 12:16 AM
Yanks lost 6-5.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-10 9:00 PM

PJP said:
Yanks lost 6-5.


Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-10 9:14 PM
Look on the bright side. we have three days where we can set aside the hatred and focus on one goal...one objective: the AL's victory in the All-Star Game. As a peace offering, I promise that I will not use Harley's nickname for the duration of the All-Star Break.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-10 9:32 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-12 7:28 AM
That's Ms.Jiggles to you, buster.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-12 5:24 PM
The Yankees will have home field advantage in the 2006 World Series after the AL won the All Star game!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-12 5:34 PM

PJP said:
The Yankees will be watching the 2006 World Series from home! Oh, and the AL won the All Star game!

Fixed your post for you.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-16 6:14 AM
Yanks took 2 straight from the White Sox!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-16 8:09 AM
Y'know, for some reason I have that deja vu feeling. But when has an AL East team done that before? It seems that this happened, like, last week...

Let's face it, as good as the AL Central teams may be, their records are certainly helped by getting to play the Royals a sick amount of times. I'd love to see a breakdown of which teams have that harder schedules...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-16 3:24 PM

Joe Mama said:
Y'know, for some reason I have that deja vu feeling. But when has an AL East team done that before? It seems that this happened, like, last week...

Let's face it, as good as the AL Central teams may be, their records are certainly helped by getting to play the Royals a sick amount of times. I'd love to see a breakdown of which teams have that harder schedules...

I'm with you.....I get a kick out of people saying how good the Central teams are... ....Let's see what happens in October.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-17 4:29 AM
Yanks beat the White Sox 6-4! Mariano earned his 400th save! Yeah baby! Wo0t!

Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-18 7:53 AM
Rivera gets save #401 in a sloppy 4-2 win over the M's. Both teams totalled 7 errors, with ARod getting three of them. He also went 0-4 and struck out looking with the bases loaded.

What's interesting in this game is Torre replaced him in the field in the 8th inning. ESPN did a feature where the Yankee brass has concerns that ARod may have a confidence problem throwing the ball from 3rd. ARod has already stated privately he still isn't comfortable playing the corner.

Let's wait and see here....
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-20 12:27 AM
Yanks lost 3-2 today but took 2 out of 3 from the M's. I'll take it considering that Posada was out last night and the game should have been over in the 9th.

Yay for home field advantage!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-20 2:15 AM
Facts About the Bull Semen Industry

All Associated Press News(AP) - _ Five companies do 95 percent of the collecting and distributing of bull semen in the U.S. They are Wisconsin-based ABS Global, Alta Genetics, Cooperative Resources International and Accelerated Genetics, and Plain City, Ohio-based Select Sires Inc.

_ Artificial insemination is mostly used in dairy cattle because farmers keep them in pens and can better monitor their heat, compared to beef cattle which typically roam pastures.

Recent investing newsPacific Continental Reports Second Quarter 2006 ResultsJudge Overturns Wal-Mart Health Care LawModine Manufacturing Company Announces DividendFacts About the Bull Semen IndustryAbbott 2Q Profit Dips 30 Pct; Outlook Up
_ The conception rates with artificial insemination, done properly, and the natural process are comparable at about 65 to 70 percent.

_ It's also recently become possible for farmers to pick the offspring's sex, but it's more expensive.

_ The U.S. Department of Agriculture rates dairy bulls based on milk quality, udder health and fertility, among other things, of the first daughters they produce at about a year old. The whole process takes about five years and only one of about 10 bulls make it to service. After that, they're rated four times a year. Beef breed associations do their own genetic evaluations and rank bulls.

_ Popular bulls can supply 100,000 doses per year. There are several bulls that make more than $3 million a year.

_ It's estimated that about 65 percent of the nation's dairy cattle were conceived through artificial insemination and about 10 percent of the beef cattle.

_ Dairy bull semen sells domestically on average for about $8 a unit and internationally for $6. Beef semen is generally higher, but the figures are unknown because it's usually sold privately.

_ 25-year-old sperm has produced calves, but it's unknown when sperm loses its fertility.


Sources: Gordon Doak, president of the National Association of Animal Breeders and Paul VanRaden, a genetic researcher at the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory of the USDA.

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-20 6:24 AM

PJP said:
Yanks lost 3-2 today but took 2 out of 3 from the M's. I'll take it considering that Posada was out last night and the game should have been over in the 9th.

Yay for home field advantage!

Admit it. Lopez thru out the runner at first and the umpire blew the call!

IMO, they should have called the game in the 8th the way the rain was coming down. But I understand why they didn't.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-20 7:22 PM
I did admit it.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-22 6:18 PM
ARod hit his 2,000th career hit yesterday and is now the youngest player to hit his 450th HR, but yet the Yanks keep losing.

What. The. Fuck.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-22 6:24 PM

harleykwin said:
ARod hit his 2,000th career hit yesterday and is now the youngest player to hit his 450th HR, but yet the Yanks keep losing.

What. The Fuck.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-22 6:32 PM
I know. This is starting to get depressing...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-22 8:54 PM

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 5:15 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?

Yanks won tonight 5-4.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 10:33 AM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?

Yanks won tonight 5-4.

I notice you didn't answer my question. The one about potentially trading A-Rod. The one that has been getting a lot of ink in the NY newspapers. Is that because you have no opinion, or because the idea of losing your Yankee spankee material is too much for you to bear?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 9:48 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?

Yanks won tonight 5-4.

I notice you didn't answer my question. The one about potentially trading A-Rod. The one that has been getting a lot of ink in the NY newspapers. Is that because you have no opinion, or because the idea of losing your Yankee spankee material is too much for you to bear?

I don't hate the guy like you do....but I also don't care either way. As long as they continue to win games I'm happy. And considering all the adversity they have had this year they are doing a fine job.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 9:56 PM
I don't hate the guy as might as you might like to convince yourself. But when the rumors are swirling as much as they have been, and his defense is as down as it's been to the point where it's costing games and forcing the team's ace to comment on it, I think it's a relevant question to ask.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 10:19 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 11:46 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

What would you do?

First thing I would do is get rid of all the annoying Red Sox fans.

Oh, but that's not what you meant, is it?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 11:48 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
I know. This is starting to get depressing...

For whom?

A-Rod for Aramis Ramirez...A-Rod and cash for Miguel Cabrera...A-Rod and Melky Cabreara for Bobby Abreu and Tom Gordon and David Bell. Nah, that last one's silly. But would you trade him? A team-leading 18 errors, including four over the last two nights, make one think about it. What would you do?

Yanks won tonight 5-4.

I notice you didn't answer my question. The one about potentially trading A-Rod. The one that has been getting a lot of ink in the NY newspapers. Is that because you have no opinion, or because the idea of losing your Yankee spankee material is too much for you to bear?

I don't hate the guy like you do....but I also don't care either way. As long as they continue to win games I'm happy. And considering all the adversity they have had this year they are doing a fine job.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-23 11:49 PM

Joe Mama said:
I don't hate the guy as might as you might like to convince yourself.

Suuure, JQ,, suuuure...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:18 AM
Wow, one Yankee fan gives a half-assed answer. The other one avoids the question entirely. Good to know you're so passionate about your team.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:23 AM

Joe Mama said:
Wow, one Yankee fan gives a half-assed answer. The other one avoids the question entirely. Good to know you're so passionate about your team.

ohhh, cranky...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:29 AM
Just asking the experts a serious question and watching as it gets ignored because I dared to question the golden God known as A-Rod. But whatever. Here's a safer question on the subject: how do you feel about him getting booed? And one more safe question: do you think the Yankees will make a deadline deal?

(Jeez, you'd think I called him Slappy or derided Jeter...)
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:43 AM

Joe Mama said:
Just asking the experts a serious question and watching as it gets ignored because I dared to question the golden God known as A-Rod. But whatever. Here's a safer question on the subject: how do you feel about him getting booed? And one more safe question: do you think the Yankees will make a deadline deal?

(Jeez, you'd think I called him Slappy or derided Jeter...)

Yes, cause you always coach your Yankees related questions "seriously" - whether they'r about A. Rod or not - how could we possibly think that you weren't just playing around...

Is your "safer" question serious too?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:49 AM
They're all serious, pookie. Believe it or not, I like to hear the opinions of other teams' fans around trade deadline time. Even yours. (Insert there). This is the first time I've heard multiple news sources discussing the possibility of the Yankees trading A-Rod. I think they could make a deal to boost their farm system, but I know they'd probably go strictly with a "win now, dammit" trade philosophy.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 4:55 AM

Joe Mama said:
They're all serious, pookie. Believe it or not, I like to hear the opinions of other teams' fans around trade deadline time. Even yours. (Insert there). This is the first time I've heard multiple news sources discussing the possibility of the Yankees trading A-Rod. I think they could make a deal to boost their farm system, but I know they'd probably go strictly with a "win now, dammit" trade philosophy.

You called me "pookie"! In the Yankees thread!

Ok, fine, I'm loathe to think about it, and I really hope they don't trade him, but I can't rule out the possibility of it - though I mean possibility, not probability...and if they do, then yeah, they'll do it with the "win now" mentality you mentioned...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 6:19 AM
Toronto 13, NY Yankees 5
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 7:20 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 6:46 PM
Rob Kamphausen Administrator prince of eternia Mon Jul 24 2006 11:35 AM Making a new reply
Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 6:47 PM

Joe Mama said:
the golden God known as A-Rod.

heh. awww, thats cute, joseph. you guys'd be great!


Joe Mama said:
I notice you didn't answer my question. The one about potentially trading A-Rod. The one that has been getting a lot of ink in the NY newspapers. Is that because you have no opinion, or because the idea of losing your Yankee spankee material is too much for you to bear?

this is a majority of the answer.


harleykwin said:
ARod hit his 2,000th career hit yesterday and is now the youngest player to hit his 450th HR

the rest? "meh"

so, ok, he had a bad week or month or game or series or whatever. what, is he only batting 280? are his 21 home runs embarassing? 100 hits thus far useless?

he's "cold" now. that'll change. specially if you keep flirting with him!

ny papers hype trade and "failure" outta this because thats what ny papers do. and, the only ones that really seem to make big deals out of this are newbie yankee fans and long-time red sox fans. you also both enjoy bemoaning home the 5 year "drought" the yanks have been in without a ring.

don't worry, we'll manage.


Joe Mama said:
how do you feel about him getting booed?

this is also sortuva big city thing -- i'm sure i can remember a few bosox fans booing manny and nomar and schilling and pedro ...

with arod in particular, i don't really care, cuz he's no favorite of mine.


Joe Mama said:
do you think the Yankees will make a deadline deal?

more than likely. i'm not sure if it'll be the big abreu / shef deal that is being hyped. it might just be a series of more 'minor' pickups.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 8:04 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
heh. awww, thats cute, joseph. you guys'd be great!

Nah...I don't go for guys who wear purple lipstick in public. My men need to keep that stuff at home. Like you, f'r instance...


so, ok, he had a bad week or month or game or series or whatever. what, is he only batting 280? are his 21 home runs embarassing? 100 hits thus far useless?

he's "cold" now. that'll change. specially if you keep flirting with him!

I'm not criticizing his offensive numbers. They're, at absolute worst, respectable and, realistically, quite good. And I have no need or desire to discuss "clutch hitting" and all that garbage. as I've stated, his 18 errors so far this year stand out because they've been an aberration - his defense has been good since coming to the Yankees and playing third base. I guess my point is that his solid offense and prowess at shortstop make him attractive to try and acquire, even as his defensive woes and supposed "lack of clutch hitting" make his potentially desireable to trade.

No need to be jealous, Rober'. I'd flirt with you, if NWM weren't the jealous type - he sure is territorial when it comes to his Robbie!


ny papers hype trade and "failure" outta this because thats what ny papers do. and, the only ones that really seem to make big deals out of this are newbie yankee fans and long-time red sox fans. you also both enjoy bemoaning home the 5 year "drought" the yanks have been in without a ring.

Regarding NY papers, agreed. All newspapers do it to their city's team(s). Newbie Yankees fans? Sorry, Donnie, but I have no frame of reference. But you'd be surprised how little ink in Boston is dedicated to Yankee woes and A-Rod. We've got better things to bitch and worry about - starting pitching, getting Seanez and Tavarez out of Red Sox uniforms, hot and cold offense, etc. I've noticed the most discussion regarding your team on ESPN and Fox - media outlets that normally have what would be called a "New York bias".

As for your comment about "five-year droughts", I'll choose to ignore it. That's your hang-up, not mine.


this is also sortuva big city thing -- i'm sure i can remember a few bosox fans booing manny and nomar and schilling and pedro ...



i'm not sure if it'll be the big abreu / shef deal that is being hyped. it might just be a series of more 'minor' pickups.

I don't think anyone's gonna pick up Abreu. Maybe Detroit, but I doubt it. And I don't see any major trades/acquisitions in the AL East. I can see the Mets making a blockbuster, and Atlanta making a big move, but not anyone in our division...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 8:38 PM

MisterJLA said:
Rob Kamphausen Administrator prince of eternia Mon Jul 24 2006 11:35 AM Making a new reply
Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006

he's right!


Joe Mama said:
My men need to keep that stuff at home.

another sox fan outted!


Joe Mama said:
I guess my point is that his solid offense and prowess at shortstop make him attractive to try and acquire, even as his defensive woes and supposed "lack of clutch hitting" make his potentially desireable to trade.

his 450 hrs and 2,000 hits, as well as the prospect of another decade of solid play, are probably what most find intriguing.


Joe Mama said:
Newbie Yankees fans? Sorry, Donnie, but I have no frame of reference.

fans that bought their first yankee hats or shirts in november of 1996 -- and were older than 16 at the time (gotta give benefit of the doubt to the young'uns)

they are a group not only used to winning, but wait in expectation of it. its a nausiating type, with direct correlation to the lower tier seats going from $12 to $100 in 6 years and from $100 to not-even-available-on-open-market 5 years later.

its the type that boo mariano on the day he gives up the save, rather than cheer the 50 days he completed them. or the sort that note "arod struck out today? trade him!"

the NY sports press is their bible.

and certainly, yes, this is a big city thing, and one that has existed forever with the yankees. steinbrenners reign of terror during the 70s and 80s really made the knee-jerk reaction famous.

but in the past few years, its gotten so much horribly worse than its ever been before. hearing bar crowds bitch and moan that posada's sacrefice fly wasn't a homer, for example. its just silly now.


Joe Mama said:
As for your comment about "five-year droughts", I'll choose to ignore it. That's your hang-up, not mine.

nice try, boyo

you've mentioned it quite a few times within these humble forums in the mighty hate/love yankee battles.

personally, i think its just more of the same n00b yank fans-fare mentioned above.

but again, i think we'll manage.


Joe Mama said:
I don't think anyone's gonna pick up Abreu. Maybe Detroit, but I doubt it. And I don't see any major trades/acquisitions in the AL East. I can see the Mets making a blockbuster, and Atlanta making a big move, but not anyone in our division...

i am curious as to when the mets will drop their 25 game lead and lose the NL east. i'm thinking early september.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 9:42 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
his 450 hrs and 2,000 hits, as well as the prospect of another decade of solid play, are probably what most find intriguing.

I think it's less about what he's done, and more about what he will do. 450 home runs are nice, unless a player completely falls apart and can only manage 10 per year for however long he sticks around. In A-Rod's case, barring injury, he's a mortal lock for 500 and well more than 50% for 600. The fact that he can play SS and 3B also make him attractive.

Which is a long way just to say "I concur".


fans that bought their first yankee hats or shirts in november of 1996 -- and were older than 16 at the time (gotta give benefit of the doubt to the young'uns)

they are a group not only used to winning, but wait in expectation of it. its a nausiating type, with direct correlation to the lower tier seats going from $12 to $100 in 6 years and from $100 to not-even-available-on-open-market 5 years later.

its the type that boo mariano on the day he gives up the save, rather than cheer the 50 days he completed them. or the sort that note "arod struck out today? trade him!"

the NY sports press is their bible.

and certainly, yes, this is a big city thing, and one that has existed forever with the yankees. steinbrenners reign of terror during the 70s and 80s really made the knee-jerk reaction famous.

but in the past few years, its gotten so much horribly worse than its ever been before. hearing bar crowds bitch and moan that posada's sacrefice fly wasn't a homer, for example. its just silly now.

Wasn't really looking for a definition. Just saying I don't know enough about newbie Yankee fans to make a comment. But I know what you mean - out here, we have a buncha jackasses running around with "Red Sox Nation" cards. Basically, they paid $10 to join a fan club and think that somehow puts them on equal footing with us die-hards. But if you aske them where they were in 2003 during Game 7 of the ALCS, or for Game 6 of the 1986 WS, or what their first game was, damned if they know or remember. It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

N00bs suck.


i am curious as to when the mets will drop their 25 game lead and lose the NL east. i'm thinking early september.

S'funny cuz it's true. I think Atlanta's gonna shock a lot of people. Don't think they'll go deep in the playoffs, but I think they have a shot at AL East consecutive title #15.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-24 10:54 PM

Joe Mama said:
I think it's less about what he's done, and more about what he will do.

aye. figure he'll just turn 31 this week. in this new era of 40+ sluggers, that gives him another ten (or more) seasons to put up big numbers, all barring some form of griffy-esque explosion.

even if he faces a "major" slump, and is reduced to 25 homers a year from 2007 on. thats still 200-300 more, leading to a 700+ total. thus, its likely that whatever barry does will be meaningless in a decade.

and i still wont like either of them!


Joe Mama said:
It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

N00bs suck.



Joe Mama said:
I think Atlanta's gonna shock a lot of people. Don't think they'll go deep in the playoffs, but I think they have a shot at AL East consecutive title #15.

if the braves take the AL east, i'll be more than shocked!

still, i really don't understand how the NL east is as terrible as they are. marlins, braves, phillies, nationals... none of these teams are even close to .500 right now. last year at this time, the entire division was over 500, the braves and washington 10+ up.

what the fuck happened to them?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 4:04 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
the golden God known as A-Rod.

heh. awww, thats cute, joseph. you guys'd be great!

Forget it, gob - he'll never come out of the Red Sox closet on that one...


harleykwin said:
ARod hit his 2,000th career hit yesterday and is now the youngest player to hit his 450th HR

the rest? "meh"

Maybe "meh" to you- fine - but I hate seeing that Yanks lose.


so, ok, he had a bad week or month or game or series or whatever. what, is he only batting 280? are his 21 home runs embarassing? 100 hits thus far useless?

Did I say anything close to that?



he's "cold" now. that'll change. specially if you keep flirting with him!

Babe, I would flirt with A-Rod anytime!



You meant, Joe, didn'ya?


ny papers hype trade and "failure" outta this because thats what ny papers do. and, the only ones that really seem to make big deals out of this are newbie yankee fans and long-time red sox fans. .. don't worry, we'll manage.[/

true enough.


you also both enjoy bemoaning home the 5 year "drought" the yanks have been in without a ring.

Who "both"? I don't know if you're directing your sarcasm at me, Joe or Pete there.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:47 AM
Yanks won 6-2! I think harley and I should have a victory hug with our shirts off!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:51 AM
pants are also optional!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:57 AM

PJP said:
Yanks won 6-2! I think harley and I should have a victory hug with our shirts off!

Will there be beer?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:58 AM
of course!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:58 AM

PJP said:
pants are also optional!


(um, that last one was for the Yankees' win... )
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 5:59 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 6:01 AM

PJP said:
of course!

And a Rex Sox pinata?

You're the only other sane prson n this thread, Pete!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 6:02 AM

PJP said:

nonono...that first line was for you, nene, it was the 2nd line I was referring to..
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 2:22 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 6:00 PM

harleykwin said:
Who "both"? I don't know if you're directing your sarcasm at me, Joe or Pete there.

everything i said in these recent series of posts was towards joseph
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 6:04 PM
I'm the prince of eternia!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 6:55 PM
I'm the Keyholder to Harley's chastity belt!

By the way, see how I created tension among you Yankee-lovers? BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Dance, li'l puppets, dance!!!

(No, seriously. Dance. I have dollar bills to give away.)
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 7:30 PM

Joe Mama said:
I'm the Keyholder to Harley's chastity belt!

Um, yeah, about that belt...


By the way, see how I created tension among you Yankee-lovers? BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Dance, li'l puppets, dance!!!

(No, seriously. Dance. I have dollar bills to give away.)

Monopoly money don't count...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 7:44 PM

harleykwin said:
Um, yeah, about that belt...

I know, I know. And I knew when I noticed it was held with a Glad bag twist-tie.


Monopoly money don't count...


(Don't tell Rob or PJP! I've got a good thing going!!!)
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 7:50 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Um, yeah, about that belt...

I know, I know. And I knew when I noticed it was held with a Glad bag twist-tie.

See? Now that was cute...


Monopoly money don't count...


(Don't tell Rob or PJP! I've got a good thing going!!!)

hey, can you use that money at that rkmb-fest? Oh, wait. There has to be an rkmb-fest in the first place in order for you to use it...no pressure, Pete!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 7:54 PM

harleykwin said:
hey, can you use that money at that rkmb-fest? Oh, wait. There has to be an rkmb-fest in the first place in order for you to use it...no pressure, Pete!

Ah-HAH!!! I knew we'd find common ground!!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-25 8:03 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
hey, can you use that money at that rkmb-fest? Oh, wait. There has to be an rkmb-fest in the first place in order for you to use it...no pressure, Pete!

Ah-HAH!!! I knew we'd find common ground!!!

yay! C'mon Pete, this truce lies in your hands, now...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-26 6:39 AM
Yanks won 7-4!

And for the record the only thing in my hands is my Penis!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-27 6:33 AM
That was frustrating.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-07-30 4:48 AM
Tampa Bay 19, NY Yankees 6

Preview - Box Score - Recap

July 29, 2006

AP - Jul 29, 7:39 pm EDT
More Photos

NEW YORK (AP) -- A bad day for Randy Johnson quickly turned into a record-setting one for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.

Tomas Perez tied a major league mark with four doubles, going 5-for-5 and leading Tampa Bay to a 19-6 rout of Johnson and the New York Yankees on Saturday.

"They killed us," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "It was just a day we'd like to forget. It wasn't a whole lot of fun. It felt like it lasted a day and a half."

Damon Hollins homered to snap an 0-for-18 skid and drove in a career-best five runs for the Devil Rays, who matched a franchise record for runs. They earned their first road win this month and emphatically ended New York's four-game winning streak.

The only visiting team to score more than 19 runs in a game at Yankee Stadium was the Cleveland Indians in a 22-0 win on Aug. 31, 2004.


"It's just one win. There's nothing special about it," Tampa Bay manager Joe Maddon said. "I expect them to be very difficult to beat tomorrow."

Jonny Gomes, Jorge Cantu and Travis Lee also connected as Tampa Bay equaled a season high with 17 hits and won for only the fifth time in 19 games. All that offense sent right-hander Jae Seo to his first win with the Devil Rays.

"Jae Seo kept us in there and then it was the Hollins-slash-Perez show -- two guys that have not been playing much," Maddon said.

Derek Jeter and Jason Giambi hit consecutive homers in the first inning for the Yankees, but the game took a striking turn from there. New York gave up 19 runs for the second time this year, after losing 19-1 in Cleveland on July 4.

Johnson (11-9) was tagged for a season-high nine runs -- six earned -- and six hits in 3 1-3 innings, matching his shortest outing this year. He walked three and did not strike out a batter for the first time in 49 starts since May 15, 2005, at Oakland.

This was the first time in nine starts that Johnson failed to last at least six innings.

"I had a bad day at work. Just a bad game. Bad location, and I paid the price," he said. "Everything happened with two out. I just couldn't get the third out."

AP - Jul 29, 7:38 pm EDT
More Photos

The Big Unit had two outs in the second and a 2-0 lead when Johnny Damon failed to make a running catch of Hollins' drive to left-center. The ball squirted out of Damon's glove for an error, leading to three unearned runs.

Tampa Bay never stopped hitting after that, and the Yankees dropped 1 1/2 games behind first-place Boston in the AL East.

"I wish I could have cradled that ball. It just seemed like the floodgates opened after that. It's a funny game, how momentum changes very quickly," Damon said. "I'm not sure what happened, maybe I took my eye off it. It hit me on the heel of the glove. Unfortunately, when I saw it being bobbled, I tried to cradle it too quickly."

After getting only two hits against Chien-Ming Wang in a 6-0 loss Friday night, Tampa Bay tied the team record for runs set in a 19-13 victory at Toronto on June 24, 2004.

The Devil Rays, who began the day last in the AL with 445 runs, had lost 10 straight road games since beating Washington 11-1 on June 30.

"They gave us a pretty good whuppin' yesterday and we wanted to come out today and jump on them," Hollins said. "Everybody swung the bat well. It was just a team effort."

The only bad news all afternoon for Tampa Bay was this: Ty Wigginton broke a bone in his left hand when he was hit by a pitch from Shawn Chacon and is expected to miss four to six weeks.

Perez, batting ninth, scored four times and drove in two runs. He raised his average from .194 to .219, setting a franchise record for doubles in a game.

Many major leaguers have hit four doubles in a game. The last player to do it was Atlanta's Adam LaRoche on May 15, 2004, at Milwaukee, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.

Seo (1-5) was handed a 12-4 lead and lasted long enough for his first win since May 22 with the Dodgers against Colorado.

Acquired from Los Angeles in a June 27 trade, he had lost all five starts with Tampa Bay and seven consecutive decisions overall, dating to his stint with the Dodgers.

After cracking a nail on the index finger of his pitching hand during warmups, Seo allowed five runs and nine hits in 5 2-3 innings. He said the nail still hurt, but he expects to make his next start.

"Being that it was my daughter's first birthday and all, it was wonderful that everything kind of clicked into place," Seo said through a translator.

Wigginton was hit by a pitch in the fourth. He was replaced at first base by Lee in the bottom half.

Jorge Posada had a two-run double for New York.


Johnson dropped to 3-4 with a 5.23 ERA in 10 career starts against the Devil Rays. ... The Yankees lost for only the third time in 12 home games. ... Tampa Bay plans to play a man short Sunday and call someone up from the minors in time for Monday night's home game against Detroit -- possibly B.J. Upton. ... Seo was 2-4 with the Dodgers this season. ... Tampa Bay had scored only six runs in four games at Yankee Stadium this year. ... Seo improved to 1-11 lifetime in July.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-01 4:24 PM
x infinity
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-01 5:41 PM
...the power...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-01 5:42 PM

PJP said:
x infinity

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 5:00 AM

MisterJLA said:
Tampa Bay 19, NY Yankees 6


MisterJLA said:
Isn't Rob the one who is always telling us that the Yankees don't have an unfair advantage with "deals" like this?

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 5:01 AM
the injuns are winnin 6-1 at fenway in the 9th, and the yanks take a 5-1 lead into the 8th.

could be tied for first in an hour.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 5:46 AM
Yanks won 5-1 and it was a great game to watch. I have a good feeling about the rest of the year.
Posted By: harleykwin Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:20 AM

Yankees 5, Blue Jays 1
Yankees on Top of the World, and the A.L. East

Published: August 2, 2006

There are stretches when all the world seems pinstriped, and the Yankees are in one now. They moved into first place in the American League East last night by beating the Toronto Blue Jays, 5-1, finding an invigorating way to cap three blissful days.

After a victory Sunday, the Yankees announced a trade for a right fielder, Bobby Abreu, and a starting pitcher, Cory Lidle. The next day, they traded for a first baseman-outfielder, Craig Wilson.

Meanwhile, the Boston Red Sox made no significant trades while losing their team captain, catcher Jason Varitek, to a knee injury that requires surgery. With the Yankees’ victory and the Red Sox’ loss to Cleveland last night, the Yankees took over the lead in the division by percentage points.

The Yankees had not been in first place since June 17. They used a three-run double from Bernie Williams to cap a four-run fourth inning last night, and three relievers followed Jaret Wright (7-6) to close out the game.

The crowd was feisty despite a game-time temperature of 96 degrees. The Yankees took a few measures to conserve energy, turning off the scoreboards now and then and dimming some lights on the concourse level.

When Alex Rodriguez came up for the first time, the crowd cheered wildly. It was also Abreu’s first appearance with a bat, as he popped into the on-deck circle.

That stretch was uneventful; Rodriguez struck out, and Abreu grounded to second. Their next time through the order showed precisely why the Yankees added Abreu.

Derek Jeter walked to lead off the fourth inning, and he stole second with Jason Giambi at bat. Giambi singled to right center, putting runners at the corners for Rodriguez.

With the crowd chanting his nickname, Rodriguez got ahead in the count, 2-0. The pitching coach Brad Arnsberg scurried to the mound to confer with starter A. J. Burnett, who fired ball three with his next pitch.

Rodriguez had the green light on 3-0, and he lashed a low liner that bounced to the wall in right-center field. Jeter scored, Giambi stopped at third, and the Yankees had tied the score, 1-1. For all the talk about Rodriguez’s inability to hit in the clutch, that double brought his average to .300 with runners in scoring position.

Abreu came up next and fell behind in the count, 0-2. He checked his swing on the next pitch for ball one and then took two more pitches to run the count full. He fouled off the next three deliveries, a stretch that included a visit from the catcher, Gregg Zaun, to the mound.

On the ninth pitch of the at-bat, Abreu, who averages more pitches per plate appearance than any other hitter in the majors, checked his swing. The umpire called ball four, loading the bases.

In the Blue Jays’ dugout, Manager John Gibbons was livid, hoisting two fingers in the air — probably a reference to the two checked swings — and shouting at the third-base umpire, Ed Hickox.

After Jorge Posada struck out, the Blue Jays were a double play away from escaping the inning with the score tied. But Williams lined Burnett’s first pitch to left, where it carried over the head of a diving Reed Johnson.

Once the ball got past Johnson, all three base runners scored easily, giving the Yankees a 4-1 lead. Williams pulled into second with his 442nd career double, tying the hitting coach Don Mattingly for second on the Yankees’ career list behind Lou Gehrig (535).

The runs put Wright in position for a victory after he completed the fifth inning by striking out Vernon Wells with his 103rd and pitch. Wright would throw no more, leaving four innings for the bullpen to absorb.

That is the reality for the Yankees on the nights Wright pitches. They have accepted him as a five- or six-inning pitcher, which partly explains their need for Lidle, who will start tomorrow.

Lidle was the first of the three new Yankees to meet the news media yesterday. He was thrilled to have left Philadelphia, where trade rumors drove players to distraction, he said. There are no such worries with the Yankees.

“I’m ecstatic to be a part of it,” he said.

On the night when the Yankees surged into first place, that was easy to understand.

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:23 AM
Naked Yankee victory hugs for everyone!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:24 AM

PJP said:
Naked Yankee victory hugs for everyone!

Dave Mama:
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:26 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:29 AM
I was in Boston Friday night and despite drowning in a sea of Red Sox caps, wore my Yankees cap all over da place (though I did get a coupla stares). Bitches need to recognize the might of Yankee nation!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:35 AM
That's right Dave..........YOU BITCH!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 6:37 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

MisterJLA said:
Tampa Bay 19, NY Yankees 6


MisterJLA said:
Isn't Rob the one who is always telling us that the Yankees don't have an unfair advantage with "deals" like this?


Sorry, Rob. Playing with a loaded deck doesn't mean that they will win every game...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 6:39 AM

MisterJLA said:
Sorry, Rob.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 6:40 AM

MisterJLA said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

MisterJLA said:
Tampa Bay 19, NY Yankees 6


MisterJLA said:
Isn't Rob the one who is always telling us that the Yankees don't have an unfair advantage with "deals" like this?


Sorry, Rob. Playing with a loaded deck doesn't mean that they will win every game...

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 6:41 AM

Not really.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-02 6:43 AM
x infinity

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:44 AM

PJP said:
That's right Dave..........YOU BITCH!

That poll is brilliant!!!! Can we choose both answers?
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:44 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
That's right Dave..........YOU BITCH!

That poll is brilliant!!!! Can we choose both answers?

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 6:47 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
That's right Dave..........YOU BITCH!

That poll is brilliant!!!! Can we choose both answers?


Done and done!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 9:29 PM
I've noticed that Joe Mama has been strangely silent on this today....

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:01 PM
I'll ignore the poll which, as it comes from a Yankees fan is just par for the course, and put these simple thoughts out there:

1) You DO realize that there's over two months left in the season, right?

2) You also DO realize that, if the Red Sox should give you the wank material you so desperately need and fall into second place, that gives the Red Sox earlier crack at any waiver wire players. You realize that, right?

3) With the amount of injuries we've suffered over this year, we've still lasted in first place as long as we have. Why are you so quick to dismiss the team? Oh yeah, Yankees fans. Forgot.

Keep flappin' yer gums, Mo.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:32 PM
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:44 PM

harleykwin said:
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...

Sucks when someone uses facts to deflate Yankee arrogance, doesn't it, Mo?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:47 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...

Sucks when someone uses facts to deflate Yankee arrogance, doesn't it, Mo?

Oh, I forgot - apparently its only funny when you crack the jokes.

I'll remember your thin skin next time.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:48 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...

Sucks when someone uses facts to deflate Yankee arrogance, doesn't it, Mo?

Oh, I forgot - apparently its only funny when you crack the jokes.

I'll remember your thin skin next time.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 10:56 PM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...

Sucks when someone uses facts to deflate Yankee arrogance, doesn't it, Mo?

Oh, I forgot - apparently its only funny when you crack the jokes.

I'll remember your thin skin next time.

You used to be a better foe...

How many times does "Mo" have to be used before its meaning and context is clear?
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 11:25 PM

Joe Mama said:
You also DO realize that, if the Red Sox should give you the wank material you so desperately need and fall into second place, that gives the Red Sox earlier crack at any waiver wire players. You realize that, right?

joseph, this is the lamest competitor argument of all time

just topping "first is the worst, second is the best"


Joe Mama said:
With the amount of injuries we've suffered over this year, we've still lasted in first place as long as we have. Why are you so quick to dismiss the team?

shef, matsui, cano, damon... they've all seen some major DL time. i'd wager the yanks have suffered the larger injury set backs.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 11:30 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
shef, matsui, cano, damon... they've all seen some major DL time. i'd wager the yanks have suffered the larger injury set backs.

We've lost 3/5 of our starting rotation and had to fill holes with Dave Pauley, Kyle Snyder (who we got from the ROYALS), and JASON JOHNSON (shudder...baddreamsbaddreams...shudder). We lost a key member of our bullpen and have had to rely on RUDY SEANEZ and JULIAN TAVAREZ. I think I can safely argue your point.

Jason Johnson...the horror...the horror...where's the pukey graemlin?
Posted By: Pee Wee Herman Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 11:42 PM


Joe Mama said:
You also DO realize that, if the Red Sox should give you the wank material you so desperately need and fall into second place, that gives the Red Sox earlier crack at any waiver wire players. You realize that, right?

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-02 11:44 PM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
shef, matsui, cano, damon... they've all seen some major DL time. i'd wager the yanks have suffered the larger injury set backs.

We've lost 3/5 of our starting rotation and had to fill holes with Dave Pauley, Kyle Snyder (who we got from the ROYALS), and JASON JOHNSON (shudder...baddreamsbaddreams...shudder). We lost a key member of our bullpen and have had to rely on RUDY SEANEZ and JULIAN TAVAREZ. I think I can safely argue your point.

Jason Johnson...the horror...the horror...where's the pukey graemlin?

nobody told you retards to trade Arroyo for shit and then to seriously count on David Wells.
Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 1:40 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 1:43 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:14 AM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Bitterness is such an unattractive quality, Joe...

Sucks when someone uses facts to deflate Yankee arrogance, doesn't it, Mo?

Oh, I forgot - apparently its only funny when you crack the jokes.

I'll remember your thin skin next time.

You used to be a better foe...

Ok, now you're just being ricockuculous...


How many times does "Mo" have to be used before its meaning and context is clear?

How many times do I havta say it? It's "pookie" dagnammit! POOKIE!!

Can you not read the user title? <----- not saying "Mo"
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:17 AM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
shef, matsui, cano, damon... they've all seen some major DL time. i'd wager the yanks have suffered the larger injury set backs.

We've lost 3/5 of our starting rotation and had to fill holes with Dave Pauley, Kyle Snyder (who we got from the ROYALS), and JASON JOHNSON (shudder...baddreamsbaddreams...shudder). We lost a key member of our bullpen and have had to rely on RUDY SEANEZ and JULIAN TAVAREZ. I think I can safely argue your point.

Jason Johnson...the horror...the horror...where's the pukey graemlin?

nobody told you retards to trade Arroyo for shit and then to seriously count on David Wells.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:19 AM

harleykwin said:
Ok, now you're just being ricockuculous...

Oh, NOW you're just making words up...


How many times do I havta say it? It's "pookie" dagnammit! POOKIE!!

Can you not read the user title? <----- not saying "Mo"

Lookit his li'l mouf, all saying "Mo" like a li'l mantra. So cute...

(And you're not "Pookie" 'till I calls ye "Pookie"...Mo.)
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:24 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Ok, now you're just being ricockuculous...

Oh, NOW you're just making words up...

Yes, but I like it! And i'm gonna keep using it! So there!



How many times do I havta say it? It's "pookie" dagnammit! POOKIE!!

Can you not read the user title? <----- not saying "Mo"

Lookit his li'l mouf, all saying "Mo" like a li'l mantra. So cute...

(And you're not "Pookie" 'till I calls ye "Pookie"...Mo.)

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:29 AM

harleykwin said:
Yes, but I like it! And i'm gonna keep using it! So there!

I know a Freudian slip when I hear or read it! No coincidence that you directed that word in my direction...tee hee!!!



Did you say something, M...no, I'll let my li'l friend say it:

Look! A duet!

Power trio!

Mo quartet!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:34 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
Yes, but I like it! And i'm gonna keep using it! So there!

I know a Freudian slip when I hear or read it! No coincidence that you directed that word in my direction...tee hee!!!

Apparently, when I'm drunk, I make up words! I if I like 'em enough, I use 'em when I'm sober!



Did you say something, M...no, I'll let my li'l friend say it:

Look! A duet!

Power trio!

Mo quartet!

I used to like you... grrr lol

I guess i'll just have to comfort myself with the knowledge that the Yanks are on top of the world! HA!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:18 AM
Yanks won 7-2! Boston is about to lose.......

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:19 AM
Ah, life is beautiful....
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:34 AM
Sux got lucky and came back to win 6-5! They suck!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:38 AM
They do! they do! But the Yankees still won! yay!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:39 AM
hey you got 4000 posts! Woot!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:40 AM
Holy crap! I didn't even notice that! Go me!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:49 AM

harleykwin said:
Holy crap! I didn't even notice that! Do me!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 6:09 AM
Naked Yankee hug?
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 6:23 AM
I'm not gonna say no to that.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 3:44 PM

PJP said:
Yanks won 7-2! Boston is about to lose.......


Two outs. Bottom of the ninth. Doug Mirabelli up. And somehow - SOMEHOW - he gets on. Then Alex Gonzalez. Then Kevin Youkilis. And then Mark Loretta - Mark "third in the league with 103 singles" - gets a game-winning walk-off hit that just misses being a home run over the Green Monster.

Thank you for being such good luck for the Red Sox, Peter! You deserve a nickname. I think you shall be called Nelson, in honor of Pedro Martinez' li'l friend from 2004. You remember 2004, don'cha Pete?

Ma-how ma-how!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:51 PM
if getting lucky every other night is the Red Sox game plan, I think I will sleep pretty easily the rest of the year. They are a team in disaray and made up entirely of Hail Marys......they should have tried to trade Big Papi or Beckett to get some young players 'cause this year is a over.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 4:58 PM

PJP said:
Ma how Ma how!!!

Fixed your post, Nelson.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:30 PM
That's just wrong....
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:32 PM

harleykwin said:
That's just wrong....

Bet you're glad you got your nickname BEFORE I had time to think about it...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 5:38 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
That's just wrong....

Bet you're glad you got your nickname BEFORE I had time to think about it...

*snort* *giggle*

You got dat right!!!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 10:13 PM
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 10:20 PM

Nelson said:
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships

Boyoboy, methinks I hit a nerve. Maybe you could make a poll out of it?

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 10:26 PM

PJP said:
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships

Dear Peter:

Ma how ma how!


Still pissed about 2004?

PS: The past 103 year and 26 World Championships called. They said the 21st century sucks!!!

PPS: Next time you're in town, let me know. I'll buy you a Guinness!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 10:41 PM

Joe Mama said:

Nelson said:
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships

Boyoboy, methinks I hit a nerve. Maybe you could make a poll out of it?


Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:34 PM
Yanks just won 8-1 to complete the sweep of the Jays! Cory Lidle was the player of the game! In other news David Wells is still a Fat Fuck!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:40 PM

PJP said:
In other news David Wells is still a Fat Fuck!

In other new, Albany is the capital of New York. And humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

(C'mon, Nelson. Try harder. you know you have it in you!)
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:43 PM
OK Wellsy! You know Joe if you grew a moustache you'd look just like David Wells......you even have the same first name.....I just hope the comparisons end there I never took you for a guy with bad hygiene and a unhealthy love of Eddie Van Halen. But you never know.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:47 PM
Some recent pics of Joe Mama

he looks a little constipated in this one.

Hey Joe next time try some Raisin Bran instead of doughnuts!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:50 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-03 11:53 PM
Here is Joe Mama asking the Bat Boys to help him adjust his cup.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:15 AM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships

Dear Peter:

Ma how ma how!


PS: The past 103 year and 26 World Championships called. They said the 21st century sucks!!!

Dear Britney:

A coupla years without a ring isn't so bad. Try 86 years without one.


the 20th century Red Sox
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:19 AM

Joe Mama said:

Nelson said:
x infinity

the past 103 years and 26 World Championships

Boyoboy, methinks I hit a nerve. Maybe you could make a poll out of it?


Joe Mama/Wellsy/Boomer wants another poll.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:23 AM
"Britney" should be a choice.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:24 AM
we never saw the pic so it's just speculation for now.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:27 AM
Trust me. It's a totally appropriate name.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:31 AM
Boomer is pretty darn appropriate too!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:32 AM

PJP said:
I think I chased Joe Mama off the boards forever.......sorry Pixie P.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 12:34 AM

PJP said:

PJP said:
I think I chased Joe Mama off the boards forever.......sorry Pixie P.


You've broken PixieP's heart, Peter...just broken it....
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 4:21 AM
Wow...I completely hijacked this thread by doing nothing but giving PJP a nickname. I'm flattered and filled with pride. I must do something to show my thanks to Nelso...PJP.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 4:33 AM
A tribute to Peter Pappas.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:14 AM
triple Yawn. Yes Boomer you were the first person to ever hijack this thread or last years thread for that matter. (need I remind anyone harley and her ta tas were the first to hijack this thread)

x infinity x forever x a really really long time.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:17 AM

PJP said:
triple Yawn. Yes Boomer you were the first person to ever hijack this thread or last years thread for that matter. (need I remind anyone harley and her ta tas were the first to hijack this thread)

x infinity x forever x a really really long time.

Um...Peter? I'm not sure that you, as a manly man and all, want to be calling me Boomer. It's a bit gay...I mean, if I'm Boomer, would that make you my Boom-ee?
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:25 AM
hey you're the one with the Booming Ass!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:37 AM
And you're a man who loves the ass!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:46 AM

PJP said:
triple Yawn. Yes Boomer you were the first person to ever hijack this thread or last years thread for that matter. (need I remind anyone harley and her ta tas were the first to hijack this thread)

No, no, no, it was Joe's tah-tahs that first hijacked this thread...
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:47 AM
oh and if anyone cares (and harley and I do).....Beckett pitched great tonight(sarcasm) and the Indians beat The Red Sux 7-6!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-04 5:50 AM

PJP said:
oh and if anyone cares (and harley and I do).....Beckett pitched great tonight(sarcasm) and the Indians beat The Red Sux 7-6!

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-05 5:17 AM
Yanks just beat the O's 5-4 and won their 5th straight!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-05 9:50 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-05 11:17 PM
I'm the prince of eternia!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-06 12:10 AM
i said slurp me, not usurp me!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-06 4:31 AM
Baltimore 5, NY Yankees 0
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-06 9:29 PM
Boomer pitched great again for the Red Sux last night!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-06 11:55 PM
Yanks won 6-1 today!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-06 11:58 PM
but wait.....there's more!

After leading 6-4 in the 8th the Red Sox blew the lead and are now losing to the Devil Rays 7-6 in the 10th!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-07 12:02 AM
Red Sox lost 7-6!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-07 3:07 AM

PJP said:
Yanks won 6-1 today!


Red Sox lost 7-6!

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-09 6:45 AM
red sox lost to the Royals 6-4!

Yanks are in extra innings with the world champs. 5-5 in the 11th.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-09 8:48 AM
Yankees lost.

White Sox 6, Yankees 5

Posted By: Animalman Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-09 8:51 AM
That sucks.

You know what always helps me when my team loses? Signing up for the RKMB Yahoo fantasy football league!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 5:01 AM
It's the 7th inning in Chicago the Yanks are winning 5-0 and believe it or not Randy Johnson has a no hitter going. Let's see.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 6:59 AM
Yanks won 7-6....no no hitter.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 4:50 PM
let me just take a second here and address Joe Mama. Joe thinks I am mad at him or whatever. I am not nor have I ever been. I am just having fun with him as he is with me. With that said....
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 4:50 PM
Joe do you want to talk about it?
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 4:51 PM
I just know how much you love to laugh at the Yankees when they lose to the Royals (but always take 2 out of 3) so I am thinking you are pretty upset today.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 4:53 PM
you know last night the Red Sox were winning in the ninth and Papelbon allowed 2 runs in the ninth and the Red Sox lost their second straight to KC......I'm just saying.......do you want to talk about it?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 5:00 PM
I just hate you so much...

Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 6:01 PM

Joe Mama said:



To the.


i fixeded your post!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 6:05 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:



To the.


i fixeded your post!

I corrected the error you made.
Posted By: Animalman Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 6:28 PM
The Royals are 23-26 in their last 49 games. That's only marginally bad!

Of course, nothing washes away my sorrows like the warm feeling I get inside from knowing I've just signed up for a yahoo fantasy football league. It's quite cathartic.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 7:26 PM
you catch more flies with avatars and graemlins, ani.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-10 8:28 PM

PJP said:
let me just take a second here and address Joe Mama. Joe thinks I am mad at him or whatever. I am not nor have I ever been. I am just having fun with him as he is with me. With that said....

Yay! The daddies aren't fighting!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 4:17 AM
Tonight the Royals are going for the sweep against Boston. Curt Schilling is pitching tonight so there is no way I mean absolutely no way the Red Sox lose tonight.

cue Chris Oakley.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 4:18 AM
the Red Sox are 12-14 since the All Star break.

I'm just saying.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 5:14 AM
I just heard that Papelbon has blown 5 out of his last 10 Save opportunities.....is that good?
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 6:04 AM
the Royals were losing 4-3 to the Red Sox....they came back to win the game 5-4.

The Royals swept the Red Sox.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 6:42 AM
yanks are down 2 in the 6th
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 2:32 PM
Yanks lost 5-4 last night.....I'm pissed 'cause the 2 games they lost they left over 9 guys on base each game. Anyways they still are playing pretty well.....Angels coming up this weekend.
Posted By: Animalman Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 2:32 PM
I was listening to the Yankee-White Sox game on ESPN, and then watched Baseball Tonight afterwards, and I believe I heard someone say at least at three different points during the evening that David Ortiz should win MVP.

Now, Ortiz is having a fine year. Very fine. Terrific, to be sure. He's hardly a "bad" MVP candidate....but at this point, he's not a great one. He hits homers and drives in runs(thanks in no small part to having a tremendous number of chances to do so), but he hasn't been the best overall hitter this year. Not by OPS(fifth), not by OPS+(fourth) not by EqA(fourth), not by win shares(third) or any major offensive barometer. Infact, not only has he not even been the best hitting DH(or the second best DH for that matter), he hasn't even been the best hitter on his own team.

And while his proponents usually cite examples of his "clutch hitting" as proof he's an MVP, Hafner, Dye, Thome and Ramirez have all hit better with runners in scoring position. Then there's the fact that, if the playoffs were to start today, Boston wouldn't be included. Even if you eliminate Hafner from consideration due to his team's poor performance, Manny is still clearly better. His numbers are better, and he plays the field. Not expertly, but he does go out there. He doesn't get to rest between every at bat, and avoid fielding practices.

I don't have anything against Ortiz. I just find it interesting how the media tends to latch on to certain players and defend them jealously, while simultaneously shitting on other certain players at every opportunity. The outrage displayed by a lot of the national media last year in the A-Rod/Papi MVP race being a perfect example, I think.

Walkoff homeruns are great, and it does seem that Ortiz is the best at doing that, but those hits at the beginning and middle matter just as much, even if they are less dramatic.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 3:49 PM

PJP said:
the Red Sox are 12-14 since the All Star break.

I'm just saying.

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 3:55 PM
I don't know who I want to throttle more: PJP for reminding me of these situations or Theo Epstein and Terry Francona for facilitating these situations...
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 4:03 PM
throttle me!!!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 7:32 PM

PJP said:

PJP said:
the Red Sox are 12-14 since the All Star break.

I'm just saying.


Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-11 7:33 PM

Joe Mama said:
I don't know who I want to throttle more: PJP for reminding me of these situations or Theo Epstein and Terry Francona for facilitating these situations...

Why not throttle all three? Why choose?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-12 8:52 AM
LA Angels 7, NY Yankees 4
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-12 9:09 AM
damn you, captain america.

damn you.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-13 3:28 AM
Yanks won 5-2 today!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-15 5:05 AM
yanks are winnin 7-2 in the ninth

bosox are losin 7-4 in the ninth

chisox are up 9-1 in the seventh
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-15 5:07 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-15 5:09 AM
yanks win!

randy johnson wasn't shitty!

whole team hit well, everyone got at least one

attendance was 52k+ again (which is both impressive, and upsetting cuz the new statdium supposedly only supports 50k)
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 12:57 AM

Stage set for stadium groundbreaking
By Ryan Mink / MLB.com

    It won't be until 2009 when the Yankees will first play in the new Yankee Stadium. But they'll take their first step on Wednesday morning, culminating years of planning.

    The Yankees will break ground just across the street from the current Yankee Stadium, in Macombs Dam Park, at 10 a.m. ET, followed by a groundbreaking ceremony.

    The date, Aug. 16, is already significant in Yankees history because it's the same day Babe Ruth died 58 years ago. But it will undoubtedly be remembered for more as of Wednesday.

    The $800 million project will replace the third-oldest park in baseball and is part of a larger plan to revitalize the Bronx.

    "We decided we want to stay in the Bronx. We want to do the job here," Yankees principal owner George Steinbrenner said when the stadium's plans were unveiled more than a year ago. "We wanted to do something for the people who've always supported this team."

    The new Yankee Stadium will have 51,000 seats and will be completely paid for and maintained by the Yankees organization. New York City previously covered maintenance costs. The city will contribute $205 million to build 28 acres of recreational facilities around the stadium and build new public structures, including improved access for cars and trains.

    The new Yankee Stadium was designed by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum (HOK), which also crafted such retro stadiums as Oriole Park at Camden Yards in Baltimore, Minute Maid Park in Houston and PNC Park in Pittsburgh.

    While the park will add more luxury suites and wider concourses, it will also keep some of the most sacred aspects of current Yankee Stadium. Monument Park will be relocated and artist renderings showed the familiar white façade will be part of the design.

    The new stadium will have the same field dimensions and bullpen placement. It will also include some of the features of the original stadium, which was extensively renovated from 1973-75.

    "We lost many of the great characteristics of the original house," Yankees president Randy Levine said when the plans were released. "The new stadium will take us back to our origins. This isn't the end of the legacy, but a continuation."
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 2:36 AM
How bad did the citizens of NY get FUCKED on this deal?
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 2:49 AM
aw c'mon, i don't even want this new stadium!

but even still, i don't see how the people are getting fucked. any city spent money is going to areas around yankee stadium (which is currently pretty horrifying)

the park, itself, is being paid for by george and baseball.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 2:57 AM

This is a rarity...taxpayers usually have to front something, while the team's owner puts up next to nothing.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 3:01 AM
nah, george is a brazillionaire.

plus, there's some weird loophole deal relating to the shared revenue plan, where baseball ends up paying for a certain percentage of a new park if you meet certain requirements... or... something...

i don't remember the details, but i remember that it meant mlb would have to pay some of george's bill.

whatever the deal, bottom line is the yankees are paying for the entire park, which is like a 6-700 mil deal. new york's 200 mil is going to a massive area in the bronx around the park -- as well as enveloping the current (and then old) yankee stadium, for public use.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 3:06 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 3:14 AM
and i hate it.

i mean, the new stadium looks beautiful, i love all the throwbacks to the original, and all the upgrades to a modern facility. i love the fact that they're finaly developing the area surrounding the stadium -- hopefully with a "yankee village" type effort, with museums and barsaurants, etc.

but i am absolutely baffled by the seating capacity of 51k.

for the past decade, the yankees have drawn 40-45k, on average. this year, its a ridiculous 52k average. average! that means, on average, 1,000 people are kicked out. on a good night, or a post season night, upwards of 8,000 are outside.

i just don't get the logic. its new york! they're the yankees! make the stadium seat 65k. businesses will buy the tickets.

but above and beyond that illogical decision, i hate the fact that they're relocating the stadium. even if its just across the street.

one of my favorite parts about going to a yankee game with my father is the aspect that his players played in the same field mine did. same home plate, same right field, etc. yeah, they revamped the stadium in the mid 70s, but the locations stayed the same.

one of the greatest aspects about the yankees, love'em or hate'em, is their history. the legacy.

relocating that deals an enormous strike.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 3:57 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 4:02 AM
oh, peejus.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 4:03 AM
Only my friends can call me peejus!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 4:13 AM

peejus, don't be like that.

we'll talk about this when we get home.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 4:19 AM
will you do that thing that I like.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 4:21 AM
oh, boo
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:07 AM
yanks take a 4-3 lead goin into the 8th.

bosox already lost 3-2.

chisox are losing 4-2 in the 7th.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:08 AM
all for you, peejus.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:21 AM
I must admit that does take the sting of being one of the biggest contributors to this board NOT allowed in the secret mod forum away......even if it's for the briefest of moments.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:33 AM
we had something special, peejus.

lets not ruin it.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:34 AM
yanks're now 3 games up!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:40 AM
Yay for the Yanks!

Boo for the Banana Queer!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 5:51 AM

Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 7:04 AM
yay Reds....for a shitty budget they are doing well...
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 7:05 AM
how'd they do tonight? you should be a comic mod.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 7:12 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 9:06 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
yanks're now 3 games up!


Rob Kamphausen said:
but even still, i don't see how the people are getting fucked. any city spent money is going to areas around yankee stadium (which is currently pretty horrifying)

Actually, the South Bronx isn't bad, Bobbo. Certainly not what it was like 20 -hell, even 10 - years ago, but now? It's pretty cool - you just have to keep your head about you after dark, but I think that's due to Bronx Supreme being right there and night court (as it is in all the boroughs) is always a bit sketch. But still "horrifying"? Not even.

The money will change it - I hope you're right about it being for the better, though. Best case scenario is that they build up existing or more businesses in the area - which are currently split about 60/40 between being PR and DR owned - but then again, the current stadium is there and that hasn't brought in better businesses over the years, even with all the Yankee traffic that comes with it, so who knows?

Pig Iron: Good to see you again. Hope you're back to stay.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-16 11:07 PM

harleykwin said:
Actually, the South Bronx isn't bad, Bobbo. Certainly not what it was like 20 -hell, even 10 - years ago, but now? It's pretty cool - you just have to keep your head about you after dark, but I think that's due to Bronx Supreme being right there and night court (as it is in all the boroughs) is always a bit sketch. But still "horrifying"? Not even.

alright, alright, it "can be pretty crappy"

geebus. i exaggerate.

and yes, there is an upgrade between now and 10-15 yeras ago. but even still, the comparison between the money of those inside the (current) stadium, and those outside is substantial and jarring.

its not exactly the kinda place you'd want your car breaking down.


harleykwin said:
The money will change it - I hope you're right about it being for the better, though. Best case scenario is that they build up existing or more businesses in the area - which are currently split about 60/40 between being PR and DR owned - but then again, the current stadium is there and that hasn't brought in better businesses over the years, even with all the Yankee traffic that comes with it, so who knows?

well, like we both agreed, i think there have been improvements in the past decade or so. 15 years ago, yanks were drawing 15k a game. now, its 50k. big financial difference.

plus, new york has, as a whole, grown economically in the past ten years, notably through the giuliani era. its no longer the "bronx zoo" that it was when georgie first took yankees office.

but i think an entire new stadium, which based on the renders is moreso like an entire new complex that features a stadium, will do so much more.

it will force construction and development in the area, and bring nonstop attention to the zone, even moreso than it does now. development equals buzz and buzz equals money, so storefronts and such will jump at the opportunity.

plus, since they're leaving the existing stadium (or at least major playing field) they're essentially doubling the "safe area" of yankee stadium, which will do nothing but help the region.

honestly, i see this as really an enormous opportunity to take not-the-greatest of areas and entirely revitalize it, like the orioles did with their new stadium.

if a handful of yankee-themed restaurants or stores or museums open up around the block, maybe some special yankee-themed apartment buildings (look into it, joe!), it will just radiate outward.

its honestly a great boost.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-17 7:24 AM
yanks lost
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-18 4:33 AM
Baltimore 12, NY Yankees 2
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-18 5:30 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 1:09 AM
yanks take first game over bosox 12-4. 17 hits total; top 6 in the order, damon, jeter, abreu, giambi, arod and cano each having a multihit game.

wang pitched pretty well against the sox. he's really starting to become a great pitcher.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 1:14 AM
You mean Jason Johnson wasn't able to hold the Yankees to one run??? ZOUNDS!!!

Fuck Jason Johnson. Glad to see him get demoted after the botched that game. And, yes, I know the bullpen sucked too.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 1:23 AM
gotta figure the yanks were also pissed after having fucked the game wednesday, and getting their ass kicked yesterday.

they were due to explode like this.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 1:25 AM
oh, and the two teams combined to leave 48 runners on base. (28 yanks, 22 sox)

thats... amazing.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:13 PM
yanks swept the double header last night, even with fuck face ponson (???) trying fuck as much face as he wanted to. but a few big key innings, and a few big hits kept the yanks on top.

last night's game was, perhaps, the most typical of games in the yankees-red sox series. a combined 34 hits and 25 runs.

typically, the pattern in a three game series is:

game 1) one team humbles the other
game 2) a dual-lopsided offensive barrage
game 3) a low scoring, win-by-1 game.

they got games 1 and 2 right, so far.

in the third inning of game 3, the yanks are up 2-0, with unit pitching well.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:34 PM
Bud Selig said that they will probably consider contraction if Boston loses at least 4 games. Selig said, "The franchise will probably be dead after that(Red Sox lossing 4 or 5 games to the Yanks) seeing as how only lunatics and people with bad taste cheer for them. We probably should have done it sooner seeing as how it takes them over 80 years to get their shit together. Contraction is probably the best way to go and it will give a baseball franchise to a more deserving city like Las Vegas, Mexico City or San Juan Puerto Rico or even a third team in NYC."

I agree with Bud!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:38 PM
civil war: i agree with bud!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:42 PM
Jaburg made that banner Rob. He really is quite talented.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:47 PM
i only agree if its a caption, and i'm the one asking for the soda!

(and, in that case, it is coke with whiskey in it)
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:49 PM
yes that was the original intention.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:49 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:50 PM
I say you ban Jaburg!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 9:57 PM
but i love him...
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 10:45 PM
well, johnson blew the lead, then the yanks took it back, then boston tied it, and now yanks are up again cuz boston forgot how to pitch.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 10:46 PM
now jorge hits a bases loaded triple! jorge!

AND he had a stolen base today!

it'd be nice to take the first three games of this series.
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 10:47 PM
10-5 so far.


Rob Kamphausen said:
game 3) a low scoring, win-by-1 game.

Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-19 10:49 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
coke with whiskey in it

2, please.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-20 12:15 AM
I was just looking around Fenway and the game was still going on....the place was empty. Usually these games sell out. Oh well. Maybe there were more people there in the first few innings.

Yanks won 13-5.

Contraction is looking better and better for these guys.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-20 12:26 AM
As a Yankees fan I just want to thank the city of Boston, the Gay Cunts and their fans for this wonderful 2 days of batting practice. The extra practice should help us in the playoffs!
Posted By: Rob Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-20 3:07 AM
i agree with peejus!


Rob Kamphausen said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
coke with whiskey in it

2, please.

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-20 3:09 PM
I wonder how the Penis Warts feel about the end of their season coming in August?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-21 4:20 AM
yanks're down 2-0 in the third, but its a rain delay right now.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-21 4:23 AM
this will help them...schilling has thrown alot of pitches already plus if it's a long delay they will shelve him.
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-21 5:17 PM

PJP said:
I wonder how the Cunty Fucks feel about the end of their season coming in August?

That strikes me as a ridiculous question, considering that (A)there's still over a month left in the regular season and (B)the AL East is the most volatile division in baseball. I wouldn't order those World Series tickets just yet, PJP.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-21 9:22 PM
apologize to me for saying that.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-22 5:00 AM
Yanks won 2-1.

A 5 game sweep of Boston.

I suggest contraction.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-22 11:24 PM

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 12:17 AM

Chris Oakley said:

PJP said:
I wonder how the Bosox feel about the end of their season coming in August?

That strikes me as a ridiculous question, considering that (A)there's still over a month left in the regular season and (B)the AL East is the most volatile division in baseball. I wouldn't order those World Series tickets just yet, PJP.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 12:21 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 2:17 AM
i think that anyone mentioning the word redsox in a sentence should just add the phrase: "who are " cause damn. im and A's fan and that was still painful to watch for the granny fuckers-who are .
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 2:36 AM
No trying to post pics to get round my rules!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 3:24 AM

harleykwin said:

this just made my week! STEWIE FOR GOVERNOR!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 3:24 AM

harleykwin said:

this just made my week! STEWIE FOR GOVERNOR!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 3:50 AM
Thats two weeks now!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:17 AM

harleykwin said:

Chris Oakley said:

PJP said:
I wonder how the Bosox feel about the end of their season coming in August?

That strikes me as a ridiculous question, considering that (A)there's still over a month left in the regular season and (B)the AL East is the most volatile division in baseball. I wouldn't order those World Series tickets just yet, PJP.

That's NOT what the sign said!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:19 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

this just made my week! STEWIE FOR GOVERNOR!

I knew you'd like that!

Damn, I'm tempted to make that my next avatar!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:26 AM

harleykwin said:

harleykwin said:

Chris Oakley said:

PJP said:
I wonder how the Bosox feel about the end of their season coming in August?

That strikes me as a ridiculous question, considering that (A)there's still over a month left in the regular season and (B)the AL East is the most volatile division in baseball. I wouldn't order those World Series tickets just yet, PJP.

That's NOT what the sign said!

Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:30 AM

Nowhereman said:

harleykwin said:

harleykwin said:

Chris Oakley said:

PJP said:
I wonder how the Bosox feel about the end of their season coming in August?

That strikes me as a ridiculous question, considering that (A)there's still over a month left in the regular season and (B)the AL East is the most volatile division in baseball. I wouldn't order those World Series tickets just yet, PJP.

That's NOT what the sign said!


Aaaah. Ok. You're a good man.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 3:36 PM
Joe must be really really upset. Maybe that is why MisterJLA is sad. Because Joe is sad.

The No Cox Suck!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 3:47 PM

PJP said:
Joe must be really really upset. Maybe that is why MisterJLA is sad. Because Joe is sad.

The No Cox Suck!

Y'know what? I CAN believe that they failed to take advantage of losses by the Yankees, White Sox, AND Twins. I can completely believe that. As a matter of fact, when I saw those scores, I KNEW they wouldn't be able to capitalize. I told you, I'm shutting down for the season - until I see or hear something worthy of my fandom, I'm going into sports hibernation.

You messed up though, Pete. Call them the No Hearts. Cuz that's how they play!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:04 PM
Keep posting stuff like this & my new rule will be to delete all your posts in the sports forum!

Corrupt Mod
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:09 PM
You're the best Corrupt Mod EVAR!

The Douchebag Mod
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:18 PM
Yanks lost last night 6-5 to Seattle, but fear not the Tiny Testicles lost too to the Angels!

jafabian will be happy.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:47 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Joe must be really really upset. Maybe that is why MisterJLA is sad. Because Joe is sad.

The No Cox Suck!

Y'know what? I CAN believe that they failed to take advantage of losses by the Yankees, White Sox, AND Twins. I can completely believe that. As a matter of fact, when I saw those scores, I KNEW they wouldn't be able to capitalize. I told you, I'm shutting down for the season - until I see or hear something worthy of my fandom, I'm going into sports hibernation.

But, but...what about our rivalry?

No more "Mo"? "Britney"? Nada?

Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:48 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Joe must be really really upset. Maybe that is why MisterJLA is sad. Because Joe is sad.

The No Cox Suck!

Y'know what? I CAN believe that they failed to take advantage of losses by the Yankees, White Sox, AND Twins. I can completely believe that. As a matter of fact, when I saw those scores, I KNEW they wouldn't be able to capitalize. I told you, I'm shutting down for the season - until I see or hear something worthy of my fandom, I'm going into sports hibernation.

But, but...what about our rivalry?

No more "Mo"? "Britney"? Nada?

This is when you are supposed to say, "I Win Again!"
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 4:55 PM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Joe must be really really upset. Maybe that is why MisterJLA is sad. Because Joe is sad.

The No Cox Suck!

Y'know what? I CAN believe that they failed to take advantage of losses by the Yankees, White Sox, AND Twins. I can completely believe that. As a matter of fact, when I saw those scores, I KNEW they wouldn't be able to capitalize. I told you, I'm shutting down for the season - until I see or hear something worthy of my fandom, I'm going into sports hibernation.

But, but...what about our rivalry?

No more "Mo"? "Britney"? Nada?

This is when you are supposed to say, "I Win Again!"

thank you, message board god. I will be sure to say that.

I Win Again!
Posted By: PJP Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-23 5:02 PM
harley just Joe Mama.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:45 PM

Joe Mama said:
Ah, it's nice to have the rivalry back!

this was in April.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:48 PM

PJP said:
get your own Yankees email account!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:49 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Sox beat the Yanks 9-3.....bullpen looked awful.

Hey Bitch Boy go and get me a soda.

Ray's been willful lately. I think he needs to be beaten.

Great job by Papelbon...again. Struck out Giambi and A-Rod. NOICE! Harley's presence turned things around for the Sox. I just hope she stays around!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:49 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
I was talking to Penne not Ray!

Penne is my little Bitch....I own him and his 49% share of this forum.

Well that contributes to the problem. You've been coddling Ray-Ray. Making him think he can just not get us sodas. You focus all your attention on PenWing while the rest of us go sodaless. IT MUST STOP!!!

Did you know that A-Rod, before he was K'd on three pitches, was only hitting .071 for the month? Wowzer...

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:50 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
I'm pretty sure they are playing.

I almost wished they hadn't.

What the fuck happened last night?

Well, Schilling won his AL-leading 9th game. While the Yankees got three home runs in the games, they were solo shots and the Sox ended up winning 9-3. The game was closed out by Papelbon (who has earned the right to be referred to by the one name), who didn't get a save, but DID strike out Giambi and A-Rod AND lowered his already ridiculous ERA.

That's what happened last night. And all because you came back. Your new nickname is "Mo". Yankee Killer.

she was around this weekend!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 7:53 PM

Joe Mama said:
Boy, you gotta hand it to A-Rod (though Slappy would just smack it out of your hand), that sumbitch is CLUTCH! Big two run homer in the 9th to make it...9-3.

Meanwhile, the Red Sox are 4-1 in the season series and we're doing it without Coco, a legit 5th starter, with a 1st baseman that people thought should be playing third, a 3rd baseman who was a throw-in in a trade for our future ace, a shortstop who isn't hitting, and a team that "experts" picked for 3rd place.


happier times in May.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 9:41 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:
Ah, it's nice to have the rivalry back!

this was in April.

Joe apparently doesn't love the rivalry anymore...

What good is rooting for the good guys when Joe won't be my foe anymore?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 10:19 PM
you get to rub it in...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 10:24 PM
Yes, but if Joe isn't around to take my abuse, then what's the point? Every hero needs a good foil...and Joe won't do his part no more...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 10:25 PM
I'll still kick him when he's down.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-23 10:40 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
I'm pretty sure they are playing.

I almost wished they hadn't.

What the fuck happened last night?

Well, Schilling won his AL-leading 9th game. While the Yankees got three home runs in the games, they were solo shots and the Sox ended up winning 9-3. The game was closed out by Papelbon (who has earned the right to be referred to by the one name), who didn't get a save, but DID strike out Giambi and A-Rod AND lowered his already ridiculous ERA.

That's what happened last night. And all because you came back. Your new nickname is "Mo". Yankee Killer.

she was around this weekend!

Its true!

it's damn true!!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-24 4:02 AM

I'm here for Geico love.....let's not delve into my personal life.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-24 7:07 AM
Yanks up 7-0 bottom of the 6th.

I gotta go to bed - hopefully no bad surprises await in the morning.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-24 7:47 AM
Yankees 9-2, bottom of the 8th...
Posted By: jafabian Re: Yanks on top of the world! - 2006-08-24 11:00 AM

PJP said:
Yanks lost last night 6-5 to Seattle, but fear not the Tiny Testicles lost too to the Angels!

jafabian will be happy.

Barely paying attention, but yeah I saw that. I'm just glad that Adrian Beltre is figuring out AL pitching now. I had this big fear he was gonna turn out to be another Rich Aurilla or Jeff Cirillo. But the Mariners season pretty much ended in April. Of 2004.

What helped the M's is that they had a rookie pitcher on the mound who the Yankees never saw before. But Seattle doesn't have much of a farm system anymore because former GM Pat Gillick mortgaged almost the whole farm during his tenure, and didn't do much to restock. Just like he did in Baltimore and Toronto before him. Should be interesting to see where Philly will be in five years.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-24 1:55 PM

harleykwin said:
Yankees 9-2, bottom of the 8th...

They Won!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-24 8:15 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-28 6:05 AM
Yanks won 11-8 today! And finally get a day off tomorrow after 21 games in 20 days. Easy games against Detroit start Tuesday.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-28 4:45 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 3:40 PM
Boston lost 9-0 last night.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 4:32 PM
Beat-up Red Sox send Papi home for heart tests while the rest of the team's vaginas bleed excessively
Associated Press

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Red Sox slugger David Ortiz was scheduled to leave the team Tuesday and return to Boston to be examined again for an irregular heartbeat.

Big Papi was a late scratch for Boston's game Monday night at Oakland for what was first thought to be the flu. Ortiz, who on Sunday hit his major league-leading 47th home run at Seattle, already spent time in a Boston hospital earlier this month for the condition.

He said he thought it was caused by fatigue.

"He will get a clean bill of health before he plays again," manager Terry Francona said. "The games are important, but we have a responsibility to do what's right."

Said Sox reliever Mike Timlin: "It's not good. This game is nothing compared to someone's health or family. We don't play games with people's lives. I don't know any of the details. All I can do is pray for him."

Ortiz wasn't the only problem for the beat up Red Sox. Before Monday's game they placed rookie left-hander Jon Lester on the 15-day disabled list and sent him back to Boston for further evaluation of his troublesome back.

Then the Sox sent pitcher Kyle Snyder back to the hotel because of the bug that has been going around the clubhouse.

And All-Star left fielder Manny Ramirez was out of the starting lineup for the fourth time in five games with a sore right knee. Francona doesn't expect him to play again until the team returns home later this week.

The A's took advantage, getting homers from Frank Thomas and Nick Swisher in a 9-0 rout.

Ortiz was scheduled to be seen by Dr. Larry Roman.

Francona, general manager Theo Epstein and trainer Paul Lessard met with Ortiz just more than an hour before game time.

"We honestly think he's OK, but he can't play like that," Francona said. "We can't do it."

Lester, one of four rookies on the Red Sox pitching staff, originally was slated to start Monday's series opener at Oakland, but Kason Gabbard took his place in the rotation. The move is retroactive to Thursday.

Lester almost didn't take the mound Wednesday night against the Angels in Anaheim, where he beat Kelvim Escobar and threw 96 pitches over five innings.

"He came out of that start the other day with his back grabbing at him," said Francona, whose reeling Red Sox were coming off a three-game sweep by the Mariners in Seattle. "We just kind of felt we'd send him back to Boston and get him thoroughly checked. He's a big part of our future. We've asked a lot of him already. We're a little concerned."

Lester is 7-2 with a 4.76 ERA in 15 starts this year. Shutting him down for the rest of the season is not being considered at this point, though Francona will monitor him closely over the season's final month.

"He'll get a clean bill of health and we'll all feel better," Francona said. "We don't want to hurt this kid. ... If we had to shut him down, we would."

Boston purchased the contract of first baseman Carlos Pena from Triple-A Pawtucket to take Lester's roster spot and transferred Adam Stern to the 60-day DL with a hamstring injury.

Pena started at first base and on one play dived over the short padded wall along the first-base line and fell awkwardly into the crowd before getting up unharmed.

Even Francona, who has been taking blood-thinning medication for several years, was spitting out blood only hours before game time because of his bleeding vagina -- as well as during Sunday's game at Safeco Field. He had bitten a chunk out of the inside of his left cheek, causing the excessive bleeding.

When the team gets back to Boston, catcher Jason Varitek and right fielder Trot Nixon both will be close to rejoining the team now that their vaginas seemed to have stopped bleeding as well.

Varitek had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee Aug. 3, while Nixon has been on the 15-day DL since July 31 with a strained right biceps. Varitek will probably only play four or five innings when he first returns.

"We have to use some common sense," Francona said. "We have to try to find a way to survive and win games. Right now, we're not the team we were a month ago. We're beat up and playing different guys. Plus we really are nothing more than a bunch of pussies with bleeding vaginas. I suppose everybody knew that already though."

Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 5:02 PM

Even Francona, who has been taking blood-thinning medication for several years, was spitting out blood only hours before game time because of his bleeding vagina -- as well as during Sunday's game at Safeco Field.

That's just wrong...

Damn. The Red Sox are totally hemorrhaging at this point. Almost makes you feel sorry for them.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 5:13 PM


When the team gets back to Boston, catcher Jason Varitek and right fielder Trot Nixon both will be close to rejoining the team now that their vaginas seemed to have stopped bleeding as well.

Varitek had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee Aug. 3, while Nixon has been on the 15-day DL since July 31 with a strained right biceps. Varitek will probably only play four or five innings when he first returns.

"We have to use some common sense," Francona said. "We have to try to find a way to survive and win games. Right now, we're not the team we were a month ago. We're beat up and playing different guys. Plus we really are nothing more than a bunch of pussies with bleeding vaginas. I suppose everybody knew that already though."

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 5:17 PM

PJP said:


When the team gets back to Boston, catcher Jason Varitek and right fielder Trot Nixon both will be close to rejoining the team now that their vaginas seemed to have stopped bleeding as well.

Varitek had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee Aug. 3, while Nixon has been on the 15-day DL since July 31 with a strained right biceps. Varitek will probably only play four or five innings when he first returns.

"We have to use some common sense," Francona said. "We have to try to find a way to survive and win games. Right now, we're not the team we were a month ago. We're beat up and playing different guys. Plus we really are nothing more than a bunch of pussies with bleeding vaginas. I suppose everybody knew that already though."

You should be a sports reporter!!!

PJP tells it like it is!

Go Yankees!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-29 6:02 PM

PJP said:
Beat-up Red Sox send Papi home for heart tests while the rest of the team's vaginas bleed excessively


honestly, what the fuck happened to the bosox? a month ago, they lead the AL east divison.

they've only won 10 days since, a full 30 days later.

they're a pretty distant third in the wildcard race, and that could easily be 4th or 5th in the next week, if the angels got their shit together.

and where the fuck is joe? you stick with your team, damnit.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 1:33 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

PJP said:
Beat-up Red Sox send Papi home for heart tests while the rest of the team's vaginas bleed excessively


honestly, what the fuck happened to the bosox? a month ago, they lead the AL east divison.

they've only won 10 days since, a full 30 days later.

they're a pretty distant third in the wildcard race, and that could easily be 4th or 5th in the next week, if the angels got their shit together.

and where the fuck is joe? you stick with your team, damnit.

Didn't you read Pete's "fair weather fan" thread?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 2:14 AM
peejus and i are one in the same!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 5:56 AM
from the waist up!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 6:19 AM
he checked!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 11:11 PM
Wang and the Yanks just combined to 4 hit the shitty Tigers and win 2-0 while Wang got win number 16. They play again tonight!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 11:16 PM
wang is fucking aweshome. he is invited to thanksmas!

i am going to this evening's game. but wright is pitching
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-30 11:59 PM

PJP said:
Wang and the Yanks just combined to 4 hit the shitty Tigers and win 2-0 while Wang got win number 16. They play again tonight!

Fuck yeah!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 12:46 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
Wang and the Yanks just combined to 4 hit the shitty Tigers and win 2-0 while Wang got win number 16. They play again tonight!

Fuck yeah!

are you that excited about my Wang or the Jankees winning?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 12:54 AM

PJP said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:
Wang and the Yanks just combined to 4 hit the shitty Tigers and win 2-0 while Wang got win number 16. They play again tonight!

Fuck yeah!

are you that excited about my Wang or the Jankees winning?

Can't I be excited about both? Or is that 1st joy something only gob is allowed to have?

Go Jankees!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 12:58 AM
Rob and I aren't speaking anymore.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:15 AM

PJP said:
Rob and I aren't speaking anymore.

Oh, heeeeell no.

Is this becasue of the silly secret mod forum?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:26 AM
maybe it is ....maybe it isn't.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:34 AM
First, Joe leaves this thread because his Red Sox suck more than usual...

Now, you and gob are fighting (or whatever)...

What's next?!!

This ain't right.

It just ain't right, I say...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:37 AM
Maybe a naked Yankee victory hug will make you feel better.

I'm sure Rob and I will be ok. He just needs to learn his role.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:41 AM

PJP said:
Maybe a naked Yankee victory hug will make you feel better.

Can we make it a naked-birthday-Yankee-victory-hug?


I'm sure Rob and I will be ok. He just needs to learn his role.

Don't they all, baby, don't they all...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:42 AM
yes....just don't step on my blue suede shoes.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 1:45 AM
Sing it, baby!

I Elvis...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 6:33 AM
yankees lost at my game tonight.

because of that, i am no longer a fan for the season.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 6:42 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 7:30 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
yankees lost at my game tonight.

because of that, i am no longer a fan for the season.

Ah, Joe...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-08-31 11:51 PM
Yanks won 6-4 against the shitty Tigers. They took 2 out of 3 and 5 out of 7 for the season series. Detroit is a pretty shitty team. Their fans are even shittier.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-01 12:04 AM
oh, wait, they won today?

maybe i will cheer for them...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-01 12:09 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
oh, wait, they won today?

maybe i will cheer for them...


Alex Rodriguez snapped out of a 1-for-24 slump with three hits, including his 27th home run, backing Randy Johnson and leading the New York Yankees over the Detroit Tigers 6-4 on Thursday.

maybe we should cheer for A-Rod again. What is the etiquete of being a fair weather fan.....let's ask Joe!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-01 12:18 AM
arod is now the best player in baseball evar!!1!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-02 3:23 AM

Joe Mama said:
we have a buncha jackasses running around with "Red Sox Nation" cards. Basically, they paid $10 to join a fan club and think that somehow puts them on equal footing with us die-hards. But if you aske them where they were in 2003 during Game 7 of the ALCS, or for Game 6 of the 1986 WS, or what their first game was, damned if they know or remember. It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

what is you ask them where they were at the end of august 2006?

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-02 3:42 AM
yankes are averaging 51,362 in attendance, every home game now. 3.3 mil total, so far, with 15 or so left to go. that should push them over 4 mil again, for the year.

they're winning now, 3-0.

and rodriguez hit another homer


Rob Kamphausen said:
arod is now the best player in baseball evar!!1!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-02 3:47 AM
4-0 now after Arod got yet another RBI......bases loaded no outs. They should break the game wide open now.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-02 3:48 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
we have a buncha jackasses running around with "Red Sox Nation" cards. Basically, they paid $10 to join a fan club and think that somehow puts them on equal footing with us die-hards. But if you aske them where they were in 2003 during Game 7 of the ALCS, or for Game 6 of the 1986 WS, or what their first game was, damned if they know or remember. It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

what is you ask them where they were at the end of august 2006?

what does make you a fan Joe? Giving up on your team when they hit a rough patch?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-03 8:33 PM

PJP said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
we have a buncha jackasses running around with "Red Sox Nation" cards. Basically, they paid $10 to join a fan club and think that somehow puts them on equal footing with us die-hards. But if you aske them where they were in 2003 during Game 7 of the ALCS, or for Game 6 of the 1986 WS, or what their first game was, damned if they know or remember. It's nice to get your $10 card, your $100 jersey, and your $25 cap. But it doesn't make you a fan.

what is you ask them where they were at the end of august 2006?

what does make you a fan Joe? Giving up on your team when they hit a rough patch?

Ouch. The truth hurts.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-03 11:40 PM
Yanks won 10-1 and Darrell Rasner got his first win as a Yankee. Only his second start and he looked awesome. Yesterday the other new/young guy Karstens pitched and looked great. We may be seeing the future of the Yankees here along with Phil Hughes. The Yankees are really coming together when it counts and look great. Plus Jeter is only 6 points behind Mauer for the batting title!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-03 11:41 PM
also Arod has 5 homers in the past 3 games and looks to be feeling comfortable and gearing up for October!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 12:05 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
arod is now the best player in baseball evar!!1!

the lineup is lookin nice now, too. i sorta regret that matsui and sheff will soon return.

damon is having a great year. abreu, cano, and melky have been phenomenal for their roles. jeet could probably sure up an mvp trophy. giambi is the only regular with a hurting batting average (250-260s) but he can defend that with 30 plus homers, 100 plus rbis, and 100 plus walks.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 12:08 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
arod is now the best player in baseball evar!!1!

the lineup is lookin nice now, too. i sorta regret that matsui and sheff will soon return.

damon is having a great year. abreu, cano, and melky have been phenomenal for their roles. jeet could probably sure up an mvp trophy. giambi is the only regular with a hurting batting average (250-260s) but he can defend that with 30 plus homers, 100 plus rbis, and 100 plus walks.

I was worried/regretting it too Rob but let's just say Matsui and Sheff come back full strength. Torre said yesterday that Sheff would be playing First Base (an old position of his) and Matsui and melky would split time and Bernie would pinch hit since Giambi would be the DH. It would be crowded but that is a good problem to have this time of year.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 12:41 AM
Bernie and Cabrera were pretty good in August, but overall they've been holes in the Yankee lineup. Put a healthy Matsui and Sheffield in their places, and New York is set top to bottom. Given how inconsistent the rotation has been, they'll need all the offense they can get for the playoffs.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 3:32 AM
oh hush, annie.

melky and bernie have been fantastic of late. plus, they've had the season (particularly cabrerra) to develop and improve and ... well... season.

sheff and matsui are both basically in spring training mode during playoff season. granted, stat-line to stat-line, the two returning players are better fits for power-hungry yankee lineups. but i can't help but think they are a disruptance to a team at this point.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 3:36 AM
oh, and boston lost again.

joe might have to not be a fan next season, too.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-04 6:16 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
oh hush, annie.

melky and bernie have been fantastic of late. plus, they've had the season (particularly cabrerra) to develop and improve and ... well... season.

sheff and matsui are both basically in spring training mode during playoff season. granted, stat-line to stat-line, the two returning players are better fits for power-hungry yankee lineups. but i can't help but think they are a disruptance to a team at this point.

If Matsui and Sheffield aren't healthy, then it might be a disruptance. Otherwise...you're getting two All-Star veterans with major playoff experience and clubhouse clout. How is that a disruptance? It's not like they're two guys the team acquired at the trade deadline. I'd think it would energize the team to have the familiar faces back in the lineup.

I know everyone loves Bernie. He did a lot of great stuff once upon a time. He's probably a nice guy, too. But he's been hovering somewhere in between "sub-par" and "lousy" for four years, at the plate and certainly in the outfield. Gary Sheffield at 80% is still a significant improvement.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-05 2:29 PM
Yanks won 12 -5 last night. Magic number is 17.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-05 10:16 PM

Animalman said:

If Matsui and Sheffield aren't healthy, then it might be a disruptance. Otherwise...you're getting two All-Star veterans with major playoff experience and clubhouse clout. How is that a disruptance? It's not like they're two guys the team acquired at the trade deadline. I'd think it would energize the team to have the familiar faces back in the lineup.

I know everyone loves Bernie. He did a lot of great stuff once upon a time. He's probably a nice guy, too. But he's been hovering somewhere in between "sub-par" and "lousy" for four years, at the plate and certainly in the outfield. Gary Sheffield at 80% is still a significant improvement.

meh, i think this is where our baseball philosophies differ. you're a big fan of the stat line. i'm a big fan of the intangibles.

i don't see how it could not be disruptive, replacing players that have basically played the entire season -- and done so a lot better than you give them credit for. hell, even living in a stat world, i find it impossible to spit on a 285 batting average.

full season to full season ideal? sure, odds are, sheff and upperdecki will be significantly more important to a team than bernie and cabrera. but we didn't have the ideal this year, we had a rough spot to work through, and one the yankees have built off to become one of the best teams in baseball; two highlights of which were melky and bernie.

you don't think there could be a negative team impact by splitting up the gutty core?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-05 11:40 PM
btw, whattya think jeter's chancers are for picking up an mvp?
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-05 11:44 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
meh, i think this is where our baseball philosophies differ. you're a big fan of the stat line. i'm a big fan of the intangibles.

Yes, I suppose I am a "big fan of the stat line"(the object of baseball is to score runs and win games, which are, well, stats), but I mentioned intangibles, as well. I said, about Matsui and Sheffield, "two All-Star veterans with major playoff experience and clubhouse clout". Some mighty fine intangibles there, which Cabrera lacks in both cases.


i don't see how it could not be disruptive, replacing players that have basically played the entire season -- and done so a lot better than you give them credit for. hell, even living in a stat world, i find it impossible to spit on a 285 batting average.

Bernie was very good in August, as I said, but there's no denying that he's been a shell of himself the last four years. A .283 batting average is decent, but pretty close to meaningless when you examine the whole of his statistical production. He doesn't walk(of the eight Yankees to record 300 at bats so far this year, he's last in getting on base), he doesn't hit for much power, and he's lost nearly all his speed. If he was a dazzling defensive centerfielder, his offense would be passable, but he's neither dazzling nor a centerfielder anymore.

Bernie just isn't very good. I'm sorry, but it's true. Melky Cabrera might be good someday, but he's not very good, either(at the very least, he's not as good as Sheffield or Matsui).

If this were a situation where the Yankees were trading Bernie and Cabrera for two outfielders from another team, then I could perhaps see where you were coming from, but these are proven All-Stars and guys who have played with the Yankees for several years.

In the '04 ALCS, when New York lost to the Red Sox, while A-Rod was slapping people and Jeter was being very un-Jeterish, the two guys that carried the Yankee offense were Sheffield and Matsui. They had the most hits and the most RBIs.

What's going to be more disruptive, do you think: being down late in the game and having one of them on deck, or having a 22 year old rookie in Cabrera on deck? Which situation do you think Torre is going to be more comfortable with? Which situation would you rather be in?


you don't think there could be a negative team impact by splitting up the gutty core?

Cabrera and Bernie will still be a part of the team, and will still get at bats. Infact, considering what's gone on the last few years, I'm sure Bernie will still get plenty of at bats. He's too beloved not to. Nobody has the heart to tell him he can't play. It's somewhat similar to what went on with Jeff Bagwell in Houston up until recently. It's painful to watch your heroes and admit they just aren't starter material anymore.

To answer your question: anything could happen, but do I think it's likely? No, not really. The team knows what Matsui and Sheffield can do. They've earned the right to re-assume their roles now that they're(presumably) healthy. They're also smart enough to realize that makes them better, not only improving their starting lineup, but deepening their bench. The bench can play a vital role in the playoffs, especially in the World Series.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 12:01 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
btw, whattya think jeter's chancers are for picking up an mvp?

Well, he's Jeter, so his chances are very good. Sportswriters love high batting averages, and he has that in spades. He plays a critical position, on a playoff team. Giambi's had a great year at the plate, but overall, Jeter has probably been the most valuable player on the team.

Given the way the Red Sox have tanked, and Papi's recent absence, I think Jeter's the favorite at this point.

Now, the best player in the AL has been Travis Hafner, hands down, but that rarely seems to affect the MVP voting. They should really change the award to the MIP: Most Indispensable Player. Or, perhaps, MVPOGT: Most Valuable Player On Good Team. Value is value, if you're 5 games out of first place, or 50 games out of first place.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 12:25 AM

Animalman said:
Yes, I suppose I am a "big fan of the stat line"(the object of baseball is to score runs and win games, which are, well, stats)

players can be significantly better or worse than their slugging percentage dictates, for any number of reasons. as can teams. many of the past few ring wearers were the "little stat" guy.

hell, there are whole franchises out there (courtesy of billie beane -- very interesting books, that guy) who think all the worshipped stats are garbage.


Animalman said:
Matsui and Sheffield, "two All-Star veterans with major playoff experience and clubhouse clout". Some mighty fine intangibles there, which Cabrera lacks in both cases.

dunno whats covered out there, but on not-rare-enough occasion, sheffield has been anonymously "critiqued" by yankee players, as not exactly being the most team-minded person. at best. and matsui ...knows a dozen or so words of english.

amazingly great players, both. but i can't exactly support the claim that they are clubhouse champions or cubscout den mothers.

cabrera, on the other hand, is a rookie upstart that has proven himself over the course of an incredibly tough spot and tough year. instant respect. and bernie is an unspoken captain.

again, i'll be the first to tell ya, at years start, i like the sound of "matsui and sheffield" in my lineup much more than what we had. and i'm not even saying i'd rather have the two "big guns" sit out now. certainly, just their mere presence in a lineup is tremendously more intimidating to an opposing pitcher. its a boon.

i just feel you're all-too quickly overlooking the benefit bernie and melky provided, and could provide, to the team.

they are the "hot hand." the date you came with or the horse you rode in on. ...or even the date you rode in on. they're a force partially responsible for getting the team to where it is today.

and, frankly, i can't accept a point of view that feels their removal isn't disruptive -- even if, in the end, sheff and matsui prove the better pair.


Cabrera and Bernie will still be a part of the team, and will still get at bats.

actually, what i'm hearing now is that cabrerra will be the starting outfielder, indefinitely -- torre not wanting to risk injuring matsui's hand in the outfield.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 2:50 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
players can be significantly better or worse than their slugging percentage dictates, for any number of reasons. as can teams. many of the past few ring wearers were the "little stat" guy.

There is no one end all-be all stat. Even comprehensive stats like OPS, EqA, VORP, win shares, etc. have to be contextualized. I know this, as every competent fan should.

Obviously, I love watching baseball, and I do believe a part of that is allowing myself to form personal opinions about players and teams that go beyond stats. However, I also believe that statistical analysis in baseball is, by far, the best way to objectively evaluate an individual's value, assuming you look at the right stats, in the right context.


hell, there are whole franchises out there (courtesy of billie beane -- very interesting books, that guy) who think all the worshipped stats are garbage.

Beane hasn't written any books to my knowledge(though he had a book written, in part, about him, by Michael Lewis). Do you mean Bill James? It's his work that Beane, among others, has utilized in running his team. James believes that there are certain stats that are worthless, yes. Specifically, stats like batting average and RBI. That's not to say James doesn't believe in stats, though. Quite the opposite, actually. James, like me, believes that stats are the best way to look at a player's contribution objectively, and, I admit, a great many of my thoughts about baseball are influenced by his work, which is terrific. James is to sabremetrics what Plato was to philosophy.


amazingly great players, both. but i can't exactly support the claim that they are clubhouse champions or cubscout den mothers.

I didn't make that claim. I said they're proven All-Star players with a lot of playoff experience. I can't tell you what every player thinks of him, and I don't think you can tell me, either. But I'd be willing to bet that both are respected, and trusted to produce when it counts. Sheffield was a big part of a World Series team, and Matsui probably knows more about pressure than anybody in baseball, as he has a whole country following his every move.


i just feel you're all-too quickly overlooking the benefit bernie and melky provided, and could provide, to the team.

I think they provide two solid bench bats. I'm not suggesting either guy be left off the playoff roster or be relegated to towel-twirler.

They were both hitting well in August, and August was a big month for the Yankees, so I give them credit for that. The other side of that coin also applies, though, and over the course of the season(as evidenced by their statlines), they've had more downs than ups.


and, frankly, i can't accept a point of view that feels their removal isn't disruptive -- even if, in the end, sheff and matsui prove the better pair.

Well, I'm a little perplexed by the notion that something can be disruptive, but better. Maybe it's semantics, but, to me, disruptive implies worse.

If it makes the team better, and gives the team its best chance to win, then it can't be much of a disruption, right?


actually, what i'm hearing now is that cabrerra will be the starting outfielder, indefinitely -- torre not wanting to risk injuring matsui's hand in the outfield.

Hurm. Where does that leave Sheffield? Cabrera, Abreu, Damon, Sheffield, Matsui. Even with Matsui DHing, that's four outfielders. Unless Sheffield is hurt to the point where he won't be near ready even by the playoffs, that doesn't seem like a wise move.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 4:27 AM

Animalman said:
However, I also believe that statistical analysis in baseball is, by far, the best way to objectively evaluate an individual's value, assuming you look at the right stats, in the right context.

i'll agree that, for objective comparison, stat-vs-stat is really the only "fair" judge. but i'll also hold, strongly, that watching player A vs player B, rather than their stats, will often give you a more realistic and appropriate read -- allbeit a more difficult one to debate on message boards.

for example, i'd readily nominate jeter as mvp in most any season, despite (many) others having monumentally higher stat lines.


Animalman said:
Beane hasn't written any books to my knowledge(though he had a book written, in part, about him, by Michael Lewis).

aye, thats the main one i was refering to. "moneyball"


Animalman said:

amazingly great players, both. but i can't exactly support the claim that they are clubhouse champions or cubscout den mothers.

I didn't make that claim.

true, but i refuted it all the same, as it is my argument that the intangible aspects of the game that leaders like bernie provide have more merit than it sounded like you had given credit for.


Animalman said:
They were both hitting well in August, and August was a big month for the Yankees, so I give them credit for that. The other side of that coin also applies, though, and over the course of the season(as evidenced by their statlines), they've had more downs than ups.

well, for that argument, matsui has had more downs than any of the four this season (hand asplosion, aside)


Animalman said:

and, frankly, i can't accept a point of view that feels their removal isn't disruptive -- even if, in the end, sheff and matsui prove the better pair.

Well, I'm a little perplexed by the notion that something can be disruptive, but better. Maybe it's semantics, but, to me, disruptive implies worse.


you can hire a bunch of NFL linebackers to be on your college scrimmage team, too, to kick some ass. humorously, even. but it'll still be a disruption to the former team.


Animalman said:
Hurm. Where does that leave Sheffield? Cabrera, Abreu, Damon, Sheffield, Matsui. Even with Matsui DHing, that's four outfielders. Unless Sheffield is hurt to the point where he won't be near ready even by the playoffs, that doesn't seem like a wise move.

sheff, believe it or not, has been training to play first base.

that'd basically be platooning first base, DH, and the entire outfield until one "clicks". and, if i'm not mistaken, this could be put into practice as early as the yanks' next series, against baltimore.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 7:20 AM
Yanks lost 5-0 tonight.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 7:45 AM

PJP said:
Yanks lost 5-0 tonight.

Well, that sucks.

Does this mean I should no longer be a fan?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 7:46 AM
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 8:05 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
but i'll also hold, strongly, that watching player A vs player B, rather than their stats, will often give you a more realistic and appropriate read -- allbeit a more difficult one to debate on message boards.

for example, i'd readily nominate jeter as mvp in most any season, despite (many) others having monumentally higher stat lines.

I'm sure just about anybody who watched Jeter on a frequent basis would arrive at the conclusion that he's pretty good. Probably even pretty great.

The only problem(and I'm not picking on Yankee/Jeter fans; this is simply continuing your example) is in saying that Jeter is the MVP of the league, on the basis that...well, you watched him. It's not like you watched most of, or even half of the games every other player in the AL played. Even those who watch a lot of baseball only get to see certain players in small, inconsecutive pockets.

One of the principle ideas in the book you mention, "Moneyball", is that the eyes can often deceive. We can watch players that look spectacular, compared to players that, well, don't, and our eyes tell us that the spectacular looking guy is better, when that isn't always the case.

Incidentally, I do think Jeter is a legitimate MVP candidate this year(for the first time this millenium). Not who I'd pick as "the guy" at this point, but certainly, given the position he plays, top 5. His best season since '99.


aye, thats the main one i was refering to. "moneyball"

It's a good book, and many of the theories expressed in it are based on the work of the great Bill James.


true, but i refuted it all the same, as it is my argument that the intangible aspects of the game that leaders like bernie provide have more merit than it sounded like you had given credit for.

Fair enough. It is my argument that any intangible qualities he provides he will still be able to provide as a bench hitter and occasional starter, and that his replacement, whether it be Sheffield or Matsui, will provide better tangible qualities(i.e hitting and fielding). Thus, everybody wins.


well, for that argument, matsui has had more downs than any of the four this season (hand asplosion, aside)

His batting average was lower, but even in his off year, he still had better all-around numbers than both Bernie and Melky. His walk-rate was better, he hit with more power, he had a higher OPS. Of course, this was all in a fairly small sample size. Only 119 at bats. Less than a fifth of the season.



you can hire a bunch of NFL linebackers to be on your college scrimmage team, too, to kick some ass. humorously, even. but it'll still be a disruption to the former team.

I don't see how this comparison fits. The Yankees aren't bringing Matsui and Sheffield back just to practice with the team. If you put a bunch of NFL linebackers on your college team, to play, chances are, that college team would be better.

You really haven't specified how it's a disruptance. I doubt they'll be much resentment, on anyone's part. Afterall, they're all professionals, and they must know who the team has a better chance to win with. You've admitted that Matsui and Sheffield are likely to produce more, if healthy. Where's the disruptance? Are you saying that the difference between Bernie's intangibles and Sheffield/Matsui's intangibles is going to overcome the large difference in their onfield production? What of Melky Cabrera's intangibles? Are you now attributing similar greatness to him, a 22-year-old kid with no playoff experience, marginal prospect hype and a knowledge of English that isn't any better than Matsui's?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 8:20 AM

Animalman said:
The only problem(and I'm not picking on Yankee/Jeter fans; this is simply continuing your example) is in saying that Jeter is the MVP of the league, on the basis that...well, you watched him. It's not like you watched most of, or even half of the games every other player in the AL played. Even those who watch a lot of baseball only get to see certain players in small, inconsecutive pockets.

though i do think, based solely on what i can see (through whatever outlets i have available to me) he's still top choice... i'll admit, there's a shit load of players i've never seen play.

whoakay then. more specifically, i'd say he's almost always been the mvp of the yankees, despite other yankees winning, or being in the running for, the actual league award.


Animalman said:
You really haven't specified how it's a disruptance.

its like you've never seen teen wolf.


Animalman said:
Are you saying that the difference between Bernie's intangibles and Sheffield/Matsui's intangibles is going to overcome the large difference in their onfield production?

i'm saying that, currently, the yankees are a near-dominating first place team, playing exceptionally well. they're constantly flirting with a season-high record, and many things about them are "clicking" to a fantastic degree.

to me, any change, even one that later pans out to be "for the better," will disrupt the flow of a currently great team.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 8:30 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
its like you've never seen teen wolf.

Steinbrenner's hatred of facial hair finally makes sense.


to me, any change, even one that later pans out to be "for the better," will disrupt the flow of a currently great team.

So, you're saying, you'd rather the Yankes be better now and worse later, than worse now and better later, when "later" could mean the playoffs?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-06 5:44 PM

i'm saying that the two returning players are disrupting a team.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 5:46 AM
bosox lost. AGAIN.

chisox beat'em, so they obviously won. and twins dropped a game.

yanks just won 8-3.

jorge hit 2 hrs, jeter had another two hits bringin him to 344 -- a single point outta first.
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 8:04 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 8:06 AM
magic number is 15
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 6:46 PM
do you think the blue jays will take the #2 spot in the AL east?

what do you think, joe?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 6:53 PM
People should know when they're conquered!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-07 6:56 PM
so, whats the deal, joe comes back next year, when the sox might be good again?

thats dumb.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 3:33 AM
The Red Sox on pace to win 87 games. Talk about ridiculous expectations.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 3:52 AM
being totally honest... it actually really annoys me that joe'd just give up on the team this year.

i've been fans of shitty teams forever (minus these golden yankee years) and have no problem continuing to flaunt my pitiful obsession. jets? pirates? whatever, i'm there. hell, even when these current yankees bomb in unthinkable series situations, i wade through it.

yer sposda!

if there's one thing in sports that i absolutely can't stand, its fair weather fans. i hate the fans that buy a yankee hat when the yanks are 3 games up, and then a sox fan when they win 4 straight.

joe knows about this, both from when i've ranted about it and from personal experience -- he's a friggin redsox fan. thats a long stretch of tough losses he's suffered through. often, here!

whats worse ... he and i just talked about the very topic like 10 pages back in this thread.

now, his team goes on a losing stretch, notably marked by a 5 game loss to the yanks at home, and he's done. in fucking august. with 50+ games of baseball left. fuck, even now, the sox are "only" 8-9 games out of first, and 6 games out of the wildcard. with still 25+ to go.

so, what, in the not-too-unlikely instance that the red sox get hot again, and surpass the twins for first in the wildcard, joe comes back? gives it another try?

i hate that. i thought he did too.

don't be like that, mama!!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 5:10 AM
The Rangers most likely won't win 85 games this year, and it's actually been a pretty decent season for them!

To be honest, I kind of prefer the relative anonymity of my team. I don't have to listen to pithy comments made by national columnists or television analysts, most of whom have no idea what they're talking about. Nobody pays much attention to the Rangers, and as a result I'm allowed to go about enjoying them privately, and without interruption.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 5:22 AM
the rangers are a hockey team.

we're talking about baseball.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 5:26 AM
[insert sad graemlin here]
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 5:30 AM
dooooo iiiiiit!!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 5:37 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 6:51 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
being totally honest... it actually really annoys me that joe'd just give up on the team this year.

i've been fans of shitty teams forever (minus these golden yankee years) and have no problem continuing to flaunt my pitiful obsession. jets? pirates? whatever, i'm there. hell, even when these current yankees bomb in unthinkable series situations, i wade through it.

yer sposda!

if there's one thing in sports that i absolutely can't stand, its fair weather fans. i hate the fans that buy a yankee hat when the yanks are 3 games up, and then a sox fan when they win 4 straight.

joe knows about this, both from when i've ranted about it and from personal experience -- he's a friggin redsox fan. thats a long stretch of tough losses he's suffered through. often, here!

whats worse ... he and i just talked about the very topic like 10 pages back in this thread.

now, his team goes on a losing stretch, notably marked by a 5 game loss to the yanks at home, and he's done. in fucking august. with 50+ games of baseball left. fuck, even now, the sox are "only" 8-9 games out of first, and 6 games out of the wildcard. with still 25+ to go.

so, what, in the not-too-unlikely instance that the red sox get hot again, and surpass the twins for first in the wildcard, joe comes back? gives it another try?

i hate that. i thought he did too.

don't be like that, mama!!

I agree totally. I miss the banter we had with our once-upon-a-time-red-sox-fan. Honestly, not only do I miss the bullshit ragging we did with him, but I'm completely surprised that he just laid down and quit. So, your team has hit a rough patch. So what? I've been teasing Southie about it and I get a resounding "Fuck off!" and a horrid reminder that the Yanks dropped their pants and bent over in 2004. Lord knows, I cringe every time I'm reminded of Game 7, but I still cheered for my Bronx boys - then and now. No matter what, no one can tell me they are not the best gobdamned team in the world. And Southie still loves her team despite what's happened. Isn't what what real fans do?

Joe, come back to us. Love your crap Red Sox like a fan should. Bitch about the Sox, but still love 'em. Don't wait for spring to suddenly be a "real" fan again.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-08 6:53 PM
Yeah Joe!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-09 1:29 AM
Dammit...every time I try to get out, they pull me back in. I'm on my way out for some din-din with friends, so I'll make this quick and expand later.

Rob: You're wrong. I was tempted to call you an idiot, but you should have to wait an hour or two for me to explain why I was joking and respond to you....

PJP: Awwwwwwwwwwwww...I've missed you too.

Harley: You're wrong. But you've missed me so I'll call you Pookie instead of Mo.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-10 12:54 AM

Joe Mama said:

Harley: You're wrong.

About the Yankees being the best team in the world?

Nope, I'm right about that.

About the Red Sox sucking?

No, I'm right about that too.

About you no longer being a real fan?

I'm waiting for your response...


But you've missed me so I'll call you Pookie instead of Mo.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-10 4:08 AM
Yanks won 3-2 today and magic number is 13.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-10 8:28 PM

Joe Mama said:
Dammit...every time I try to get out, they pull me back in. I'm on my way out for some din-din with friends, so I'll make this quick and expand later.

i didn't even think joe would eat a 3 day dinner.

unless, of course, promises weren't doing well lately, so you gave up on them, too!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-10 11:44 PM
Yanks won 9-4!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 5:11 AM

PJP said:
Yanks won 9-4!

Yeah, baby!

I think the magic number is now 12...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 5:13 AM
You are correct! Boston also won today so it only went down by one.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 5:15 AM
I is good with da numbers!

Joe prolly doesn't know that Boston won, seeing as he's no longer a fan...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 5:41 AM

harleykwin said:
I is good with da numbers!

Joe prolly doesn't know that Boston won, seeing as he's no longer a fan...

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 6:37 AM
jeter also went 2-for-4, with a homer, rising the average up to 345. he's 5 points behind mauer.

and thats a 20 game hitting streak
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 6:29 PM
I'll give you all the short version (I started typing a response at 1am saturday morning, but beer and sleepiness equaled a fucking long-winded post that went nowhere). I still love the team. I support them just as much as I always have (Rob, you may have supported bad Yankee teams, but you never supported a team as bad as the Butch Hobson-era Red Sox). What I don't support is ownership's seeming desire to do nothing at the trade deadline (there's no way I believe that NO deal could've been made without Lester, Hansen, or Delcarmen...too many other deals were made without other teams giving up major prospects). I don't support inexplicable trades AFTER the deadline (HINSKE??? WE NEED PITCHING!!!). I don't support ownership's attitude of "we give up, we'll re-tool for next year". I don't support ownership seemingly wave the white flag - I feel betrayed as a fan. And I don't support pitchers blaming the hitting and hitters blaming the pitching for team woes instead of shouldering their responsibility and working that much harder towards winning. Dammit, I tells ya: This wouldn't be happening if Millar (MILLAH!!!!!!!!!!) was still around...even if he would be hitting .220 with next to no power...

BUT(!!!), that said, that's not even the full reason why I stopped watching the games or following the team. Simply put, watching the team fall apart (you can't do anything about the injuries, but the finger-pointing and the general negativity sucked to watch and read) and generally lose direction became too much to bear. I can handle the losing. It's the apathy that seems to be coming from the team and ownership that I can't stomach. 8-21 for August doesn't hurt nearly as much if the team looks like it's giving 100% every game. But they haven't been, and it's been obvious. So why waste two months of my time - time that could be spent reading, watching movies, spending time with friends, family, and loved ones, etc - watching a team sleepwalk through the rest of the season? If the team doesn't care enough to play hard, why should I watch? Why should I vehemently defend the team on these boards when they give me NOTHING that I can use to defend them?

PJP: The Red Sox can't buy a win this month!!!
Me: Yeah? Well...um...uh...you like butt sex!

Harley: The Yankees are on a tear while the Red Sox are getting swept by last place teams!!!
Me: Errrrrrrr...hmmmmmmmmmm...well fuck you MO!

Kinda weak, methinks. Even reminding you all of 2004 seems a bit lame. Add to the fact that I agree with Bill Simmon's position that there should be a 5-year grace period before fans can bitch about their after the team wins a championship, and you understand why I'd rather say nothing that whine. So, rather than be Chris Oakley and make lame arguments and psychotic mis-predictions, I choose to accept my losses with a level of grace, concede that ownership gave up, and wait for the offseason...

(As an aside, how many times have I said they needed to cut Rudy Seanez? And they waited till AUGUST to do it??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 6:32 PM
I'm going to punch you in the face!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 6:42 PM

PJP said:
I'm going to punch you in the face!

Dammit, don't half-ass it! I demand 100%, or I'll shut down my PJP-support! Now say it with me:


And don't forget to make a non-sensical prediction like "The Colts are gonna go 0-27 this season and Peyton Manning will get traded to the Texans!!!"
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 6:44 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 7:13 PM

Joe Mama said:
Rob, you may have supported bad Yankee teams, but you never supported a team as bad as the Butch Hobson-era Red Sox.

80s yanks had some glorious years.

but if you wanna clear-cut it, i'll take you to a jets game one day!

you will believe a man can fly!


Joe Mama said:
I don't support ownership's attitude of "we give up, we'll re-tool for next year".

that was your attitude!


Joe Mama said:
What I don't support is ownership's seeming desire to do nothing at the trade deadline (there's no way I believe that NO deal could've been made without Lester, Hansen, or Delcarmen...too many other deals were made without other teams giving up major prospects). I don't support inexplicable trades AFTER the deadline (HINSKE??? WE NEED PITCHING!!!).

thats cool. there are a multitude of yankee decisions i hate and have hated. getting rid of my favorite players, and/or team icons, dumping mountains of cash on unworthy names, amongst them.

(i'd also like to throw in steinbrenner going over his team spending limit... then deciding to make it back by dropping his employees dental plans)

so, to a point, i can understand your side, now that i see what it is.

but, still, ....

like, i guess i can understand your points n'all. since losing good chunks of the team after october '04, i'd be pretty pissed too as a sox fan.

but i always think of the redeeming qualities to keep me around. even if i'm pissed at management, coaching, and pitching, and two or three bitchy players, there's always still one or two guys that you know are playing their hearts out that you wanna cheer for.

or to continue having fun in this thread, which you've often spent not talking about baseball a lotta the time. or you could take the lumps and tell us why you hate the team or this player or whatever. give us a soxian view. like how much i dislike arod or coudln't stand knoblauch (whatta fucking scumbag!)

or, fuck, just for the sake of watching the game with my pals or my dad. even if we're bitching out every onscreen move we see.

i guess i don't think i could pass up on all that.

i like the bad parts as much as the good.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 7:49 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
but if you wanna clear-cut it, i'll take you to a jets game one day!

you will believe a man can fly!

I'm not much of a football fan, but I know enough about the Jets, particularly their draft history, to have much respect for you for continue to support them.


so, to a point, i can understand your side, now that i see what it is.

but, still, ....

like, i guess i can understand your points n'all. since losing good chunks of the team after october '04, i'd be pretty pissed too as a sox fan.

My issue isn't with ownership breaking up the '04 team. I knew that would happen. I was more than willing to accept the decisions they made and the reasons they made them, even if I didn't agree. As good as D-Lowe was in the postseason, he was atrocious in the regular season. So I didn't gripe about them letting him go. As much as I hated losing Pedro and using that money to pick up Clement and Wells, I was willing to buy into the whole "Pedro's shoulder won't last four years" argument. Didn't like it, but I bought it. The Renteria-over-Cabrera deal made no sense to me. Didn't Renteria play for the losing team in the World series? Didn't we trade a beloved player for Cabrera and didn't Cabrera's defense and occasional pop at the plate help us win the World Series in '04? But, again, I bought into ownership's philosophy.

I'm not upset at '05. The Red Sox did the best they could. They gave their all. They came up short. It happens. The important thing, for me, is that they played hard all season and took responsibility when they succeeded AND failed. Graffanino showed a lotta class taking responsibility for his costly error.

My issue is the air of surrender that has been the norm since the trade deadline. In a region where our hockey team's owner openly doesn't care whether the team wins games, but our football team's ownership works hard and smart to put a winning team on the field, the Red Sox's air of futility and apathy is unacceptable. If I wanted to follow a Red Sox team whose ownership never gave a shit about the team or its fans, I'd hunt down tapes of the Yankey/Harrington-run teams.


but i always think of the redeeming qualities to keep me around. even if i'm pissed at management, coaching, and pitching, and two or three bitchy players, there's always still one or two guys that you know are playing their hearts out that you wanna cheer for.

Which is one of the reasons I keep sneaking peeks. I caught the 1-0 win against the White Sox. I've seen bits and pieces all month. I couldn't escape the Toronto series, what with being in Toronto that weekend and all. I'll say it again: I love this team - I'm psyched to hear that 'Tek and Trot and Big Papi are back and Wily Mo is in the line-up. I just won't actively seek the games out or give ownership my time or dollars.


or to continue having fun in this thread, which you've often spent not talking about baseball a lotta the time. or you could take the lumps and tell us why you hate the team or this player or whatever. give us a soxian view. like how much i dislike arod or coudln't stand knoblauch (whatta fucking scumbag!)

And here lies another rub. I love this thread. I love clashing swords with you and PJP and Harley. I love talking about the game and the rivalry. Love it. But last month, I wasn't enjoying it because every time I thought about the team I'd get a little angrier at management. Which would lead to typing posts that weren't funny but were needlessly scathing and then deleting them. If I'm gonna participate in this thread, it damn well better be in the spirit that this thread is meant. Being a whiny bitch, or - worse - not being able to carry my load, isn't fair to you three. You need a rival who can hold his own and still be as scathing as he's been. I've just been angry.


or, fuck, just for the sake of watching the game with my pals or my dad. even if we're bitching out every onscreen move we see.

i guess i don't think i could pass up on all that.

i like the bad parts as much as the good.

I absolutely see your point. I'll tell you a funny li'l story about this weekend. I read this thread on Friday night. On Saturday I was in a golf tournament with my Dad. Now my Dad is a Yankees fan, has been ever since he moved to NJ in '95 to work in Manhattan. Now that he's back in NE, that hasn't changed. We swap Red Sox/Yankees gifts at XMas.He has a Yankees head cover for his driver. And for my birthday I got a Sparky Lyle autographed baseball...in a Yankees gift bag (yes, I know he played for both teams...hee hee!). After the tourney, we stuck around for the dinner and raffle. My Dad won his choice of golf packages, so he chose the Red Sox head cover and Red Sox style Calloway golf balls. He kept the golf balls - he plays with Calloways and likes the idea of "smacking the Red Sox around a golf course". Then, purposely in front of me, he traded the head cover for a King Cobra ballcap. Bastid.

My point is that I agree with what you're saying. I never had the intention to end my fandom entirely. I'd miss my feud with my Dad. I'd miss the rivalry in this thread. And I'd miss what makes this li'l guy ----> so special.

(Lookit him! Picking up where things were left off. You see that, Harley? You see his li'l mouth?)

In the end, you're right. So, as many times as I'll be gritting my teeth as I post in this thread (damn ownership), I'll still be posting. But I reserve the right to curse out whatever ineptness I see in my team. I'll be doing it with love.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 11:19 PM

Joe Mama said:
I'll give you all the short version (I started typing a response at 1am saturday morning, but beer and sleepiness equaled a fucking long-winded post that went nowhere).

And this is different from your other posts, how...?


I still love the team.


and then Dave-Mama proceeded to give us a "fucking long-winded post" ...

...that, I hate to admit, actually made sense ...

I actually see your point of view, which prolly means I can't torment you as not being a fan anymore.



PJP: The Red Sox can't buy a win this month!!!
Me: Yeah? Well...um...uh...you like butt sex!

Harley: The Yankees are on a tear while the Red Sox are getting swept by last place teams!!!
Me: Errrrrrrr...hmmmmmmmmmm...well fuck you MO!

Its funny cuz its true.

'Cept that "Mo" part. That ain't true.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 11:20 PM
They put in a new internet security system at work - so I can't fuckin' edit my posts - so, now it looks all weird and I can't fix it.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 11:49 PM

harleykwin said:
They put in a new internet security system at work - so I can't fuckin' edit my posts - so, now it looks all weird and I can't fix it.

And I can't read it. <----tee hee! Lookit 'im!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-11 11:49 PM
but at least you're secure!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 12:29 AM
Updated: Sep. 11, 2006, 10:31 AM ET

Ortiz says he should still be considered for MVP

David Ortiz, the American League leader in home runs and RBI, says Boston's fall from the American League playoff race should not disqualify him from the race for the AL's Most Valuable Player award.

But Ortiz told reporters after the Red Sox's 9-3 win over the Royals on Sunday that he thinks that's what's going to happen.

"I'll tell you one thing," Ortiz said. "If I get 50 home runs and 10 more RBI [which would give him 137], that's going to be a round number that no one else in the American League will have."

"But they'll vote for a position player, use that as an excuse. They're talking about [Derek] Jeter a lot, right? He's done a great job, he's having a great season, but Jeter is not a 40-homer hitter or an RBI guy. It doesn't matter how much you've done for your ball club, the bottom line is, the guy who hits 40 home runs and knocks in 100, that's the guy you know helped your team win games.

"Don't get me wrong -- he's a great player, having a great season, but he's got a lot of guys in that lineup," Ortiz continued. "Top to bottom, you've got a guy who can hurt you. Come hit in this lineup, see how good you can be."

Ortiz said if he had a vote, he might cast it for Jermaine Dye or Paul Konerko of the Chicago White Sox, or Justin Morneau of the Minnesota Twins.

"All depends on who makes the playoffs," he said. "Dye is having an unbelievable season, an incredible year. Konerko, too.

"Morneau, he's having a great season, but in Minnesota, there's no publicity. I bet you nobody knows who he is."

Ortiz also noted that Alex Rodriguez won the MVP in 2003, despite the fact his Texas Rangers finished last in the AL West. That season, A-Rod hit .298 with 47 home runs and 118 RBI.

"I'm right there," he said, "but I'm not going to win it. They give it to [Rodriguez] one year, even though his team was in last place, so now they can't play that BS anymore, just because your team didn't make it. They gave it to Alex that year because of his numbers. But they always have a reason to vote for whatever, so that's why I don't worry about it."
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 12:31 AM
Well somebody is a selfish bitter little Bitch!

I guess the fact that Jeter has a 60 point higher batting average doesn't count for anything.

I never cared for Ortiz as a person...he's a scumbag 100% and now his true colors are coming out. FAT FUCKING BABY!!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 1:53 AM

that was a lot of dumb commentary.

sure, defense, batting average, base stealing, on base percentage, and leadership, plus limiting yourself to under 8 meals a day... what good are they?

he goes out of his way to backhandedly insult his own team ... then squashes his whole argument by bringing up arod's win in '03.

why can't anyone learn to just quit talking?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:03 AM

PJP said:
but at least you're secure!

oh, eat me! I was only fixing the way it looked, not what I said! And apparently what I said got me banned from the Yankee thread at work so I couldn't even access it afterwards!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:05 AM

harleykwin said:
oh, eat me!

You just love giving them material, don't you?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:05 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:
They put in a new internet security system at work - so I can't fuckin' edit my posts - so, now it looks all weird and I can't fix it.

And I can't read it. <----tee hee! Lookit 'im!

He's saying "Pookie"!!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:07 AM

Animalman said:

harleykwin said:
oh, eat me!

You just love giving them material, don't you?

I think you may be more bitter than rex. And its nothing I wouldn't say to my "real life" friends.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:09 AM

PJP said:
Updated: Sep. 11, 2006, 10:31 AM ET

Ortiz says he should still be considered for MVP

David Ortiz, the American League leader in home runs and RBI, says Boston's fall from the American League playoff race should not disqualify him from the race for the AL's Most Valuable Player award.

But Ortiz told reporters after the Red Sox's 9-3 win over the Royals on Sunday that he thinks that's what's going to happen.

"I'll tell you one thing," Ortiz said. "If I get 50 home runs and 10 more RBI [which would give him 137], that's going to be a round number that no one else in the American League will have."

"But they'll vote for a position player, use that as an excuse. They're talking about [Derek] Jeter a lot, right? He's done a great job, he's having a great season, but Jeter is not a 40-homer hitter or an RBI guy. It doesn't matter how much you've done for your ball club, the bottom line is, the guy who hits 40 home runs and knocks in 100, that's the guy you know helped your team win games.

"Don't get me wrong -- he's a great player, having a great season, but he's got a lot of guys in that lineup," Ortiz continued. "Top to bottom, you've got a guy who can hurt you. Come hit in this lineup, see how good you can be."

Ortiz said if he had a vote, he might cast it for Jermaine Dye or Paul Konerko of the Chicago White Sox, or Justin Morneau of the Minnesota Twins.

"All depends on who makes the playoffs," he said. "Dye is having an unbelievable season, an incredible year. Konerko, too.

"Morneau, he's having a great season, but in Minnesota, there's no publicity. I bet you nobody knows who he is."

Ortiz also noted that Alex Rodriguez won the MVP in 2003, despite the fact his Texas Rangers finished last in the AL West. That season, A-Rod hit .298 with 47 home runs and 118 RBI.

"I'm right there," he said, "but I'm not going to win it. They give it to [Rodriguez] one year, even though his team was in last place, so now they can't play that BS anymore, just because your team didn't make it. They gave it to Alex that year because of his numbers. But they always have a reason to vote for whatever, so that's why I don't worry about it."

Not taking away from the fact that he's a great player, but damn...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:41 AM
Bottom of the 5th Yanks up 2-1.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:42 AM
Fuck - just as I typed that Baltimore scored - 3-2 now...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 4:18 AM
Stopped to watch Bush's address and come back to a 5-2 Baltimore lead.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 4:20 AM
I'm ready to eat you now.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 4:23 AM

PJP said:
I'm ready to eat you now.




Shhh, I think all the flirting upsets Ani...

Bases loaded! Yay Jeter! Let's get a grand slam now! Abreu is up!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 4:30 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:22 AM
ARod hits a HR! 9-6 Yanks! Bottom of the 9th...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:28 AM
I was brushing my teeth and I miss it!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:33 AM
It was beautiful. Your teeth can wait.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:38 AM
We win! Yay!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:43 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:46 AM
i thought i was your dancing devil ...uh... pepper thing.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:48 AM

PJP said:


Joe, no doubt, will come back with the "Pookie" graemlin...silly Red Sox sometimes fan...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:50 AM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:


silly Red Sox sometimes fan...

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:51 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
i thought i was your dancing devil ...uh... pepper thing.

Don't be sad, gob, I'm sure your, uh...um... "pepper thing" ... is still PJ's favorite...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:51 AM

not like he'd ever tell me...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:52 AM
We're having a Civil War!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:52 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:56 AM
He's the strong but silent ( ) type...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:59 AM

harleykwin said:
He's the strong but silent ( ) type...

Um, I was responding to Gob's original sadness...(that's what I get for not responding faster...)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:59 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Rob hasn't cried like that since the time Joe Mama did him without lube! He called it "The Ortiz!"
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:01 AM
I wouldn't expect Joe to be hung like Big Papi.

Hell, I didn't expect Joe to be hung.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:05 AM

harleykwin said:

I think you may be more bitter than rex. And its nothing I wouldn't say to my "real life" friends.

...it was a joke. Relax.

Don't do it, when you want to go to it.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:21 AM
Frankie Goes To Hollywood!

Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:50 AM
Don't do it!!!!!!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:59 AM
[ackbar]It's a trap![/ackbar]
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:51 PM

harleykwin said:
I wouldn't expect Joe to be hung like Big Papi.

Hell, I didn't expect Joe to be hung.

But I've got HUGE balls. I'll change the damn part in your hair from ten yards back!

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 3:53 PM

PJP said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Rob hasn't cried like that since the time Joe Mama did him without lube! He called it "The Ortiz!"

He was wearing his A-Rod shirt and calling me "Jeter". It was uncomfortable to the point where I lost my erection.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 4:23 PM
what do you think of Big Douchies comments yesterday?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:13 PM
On the one hand, I think his comments are a bit ill-advised and certainly won't win him any support from those voters still on the fence. On the other hand, you can't say he's lying. MVP voters have been finding ways to not give it to DHs for years. That said, I like how he says he'd vote for Dye or Konerko or Morneau...anyone but Jeter. Heart o' the Red Sox till the end.

Need I remind you that Steinbrenner told Cashman to sign Big Papi after he was let go by the Twins in 2003?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:18 PM
I know and he's a very good DH who does nothing but hit HRs we have one of those too and his name is Giambi. Doesn't change the fact that he's a scumbag as a person. Good player bad person. Definitely not MVP worthy. Maybe they'll give him like 10 free large pepperoni pizzas if he gets the HR title.....that sounds fair.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:30 PM
He's a bad person because he voiced his admittedly ill-advised opinion? I guess that makes Sheffield a TRUE piece of shit for every time he's shot his mouth off. And Steinbrenner becomes a real cunt for his comments and the underhanded shit he's done since owning the Yankees. To name two.

(There we go...getting back into a groove for this rivalry to re-commence...)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:53 PM

Joe Mama said:
He's a bad person because he voiced his admittedly ill-advised opinion? I guess that makes Sheffield a TRUE piece of shit for every time he's shot his mouth off. And Steinbrenner becomes a real cunt for his comments and the underhanded shit he's done since owning the Yankees. To name two.

(There we go...getting back into a groove for this rivalry to re-commence...)

As far as Steinbrenner goes ...Lucchino and John "scarecrow" Henry have done and said far worse with far less success. I won't even argue that any further cause it's an open and shut case.

I won't deffend Sheffield cause he's just as bad a person as Big Douchie. Very talented player but very much a scumbag....even though he did show alot of restraint that one time some scumbag Bostonian took a swipe at him when he was trying to field a ball on the ground.

Big Douchie has tried to start fights with fans twice (total scumbag move but typical of a Red Sox player) and has caused trouble other times with many different players on many different teams. He's a fat fuck with a bad attitude who happens to be able to hit HRs but won't be able to if he ever lost the weight. Anyhoo as Jeter said today..." no one here(the Yankees) is focused on individual awards.....we still have something to play for."
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 5:57 PM
Maybe they'll give Big Douchie like 10 free large pepperoni pizzas if he gets the HR title.....that sounds fair.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 6:50 PM

PJP said:
Maybe they'll give Big Douchie like 10 free large pepperoni pizzas if he gets the HR title.....that sounds fair.

no wonder he's upset!

winning the home run title gets him nothing new!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 8:02 PM
Ortiz should still be considered(which is in the title of the article, but I don't know if he used those words himself). I've always said that MVP voters place far too much emphasis on the success of the team. Value is value.

As for the DH thing, bias or no bias, Ortiz was not the best hitter in the AL in '05, not by nearly any standard. A-Rod had more batting win shares, a higher OPS, a better EqA, a batting average and on base percentage 20 points greater, more home runs, more total bases, and more runs created, and that's before you adjust for the fact that Ortiz plays in a hitters park(while Yankee Stadium isn't kind to righties). Alex Rodriguez was the best hitter in the AL, and should have been named MVP, even if he never put on a glove. That he did only distanced him further from Ortiz(as did his 21 stolen bases). If Jeter had put up those numbers, nobody would have even considered Ortiz. Instead of inventing ways of discrediting him by referencing obscure, random stats, they'd come up with new ways in which he makes everybody better. "Jeter's hair is perfectly aerodynamic", "Jeter always picks up the tab at restaurants", "Jeter reads Gary Sheffield bedtime stories and tucks him in at night", etc.

Really, the first, last, and only full-time DH to deserve the MVP was Edgar Martinez in 1995, who lost the award to another loudmouthed Red Sox slugging fatass, Mo Vaughn.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 8:06 PM
Jeter pwns Ortiz

and Yes Ani those were Ortiz's own words.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 8:13 PM
Jeter probably knows he's going to win it. I'd be surprised if he didn't.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 8:18 PM
Rangers Vs. Tigers tonight! You and Bradwing going to bet?
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 8:25 PM
I'll bet $100 that one of the two teams win.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 11:15 PM
I broke Joe Mama again. Twice in one month now.

I win again.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 11:28 PM
Just waiting for you to tell me what Henry et al did that was worse than the shit Steinbrenner pulled with Winfield, particularly regarding certain payments to his charity that weren't made. Worse than taking away employees' dental benefits. You made some nasty accusations towards ownership and towards Ortiz, but you don't tell me where they come from. Can't really respond to or defend unsubstantiated accusations, now can I? And it'd be too easy to point out real, documented instances of assholery on your team's part...

I won't defend the arsehole who took a swipe at Sheffield. I think I mentioned in this thread that I was at that game and thought it was shitty and not what a TRUE fan would do. But I think I can safely point out that plenty of Yankees fans (and plenty of Red Sox fans) have done similar things to the opposing teams.

I agree with most of Ani's point, though I wonder what he thinks of Travis Hafner, another DH who warranted consideration last year.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 11:29 PM
I wipe my ass with David Ortiz.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 11:32 PM
Not surprising that you like having David Ortiz in your ass.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-12 11:47 PM
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 2:37 AM

PJP said:
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful.

How could I ever hate you? You're TOO beautiful!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 3:10 AM

Joe Mama said:
I agree with most of Ani's point, though I wonder what he thinks of Travis Hafner, another DH who warranted consideration last year.

I think Hafner is the best hitter in the AL, and has been the last three years. Unfortunately, injuries(mostly of the freakish kind) seem to follow him. He's yet to play more than 140 games in a season. If he played the rest of this year, barring collapse, he probably would have been my pick for MVP.

Based on the way the writers usually vote, my guess is the MVP will be Jeter, Dye, or Santana. Ironically, Ortiz may end up with the best numbers(and I don't mean homeruns or RBI, which I think Ortiz attaches a bit too much value to in his complaint), thanks in no small part to the injuries that have plagued Hafner, Ramirez, and Thome. I find that ironic because it would mean that, in just one year, Ortiz had gone from the guy sportswriters undeservingly championed as the MVP, to the guy sportswriters unfairly cast aside due to his team's collapse.

Disqualifying Hafner, I would vote for Dye as the MVP right now. He and Ortiz are very close offensively, but Dye's defensive value puts him ahead. Jeter, Manny and Mauer would round out my top 5.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 3:17 AM
Jeter would have more RBIs if he batted 4th or 5th .....don't fault the guy for batting 2nd.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:14 AM
offensive stats aside...

how much clout do you feel a gold-glove calibur defense carries? and also, how much clout do you feel the typical "team-leader" intangible aspects carry?

both in how the mvp award is awarded and how you feel it should be awarded?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:15 AM
btw, the yankees are raping the "lets see how this guy does" orioles, 12-0 in the sixth.

and the just-returned matsui is 4-for-4 with some mighty impressive swings thus far.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:28 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
offensive stats aside...

how much clout do you feel a gold-glove calibur defense carries? and also, how much clout do you feel the typical "team-leader" intangible aspects carry?

both in how the mvp award is awarded and how you feel it should be awarded?

I think you need to look at the entire picture. I don't argue what Jeter means to his team year in, year out. I won't even argue that Ortiz isn't the #1 pick for MVP this year. The offensive and defensive categories, to me, mean just as much as the intangibles you mentioned. Which is why I'd say that Ortiz deserved the MVP last year - A-Rod wasn't even the most valuable player on his TEAM, how was he the most valuable player in the LEAGUE?

This year, I'd give it to Dye, Morneau, or Jeter. Whichever team goes deeper into the playoffs.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:30 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
btw, the yankees are raping the "lets see how this guy does" orioles, 12-0 in the sixth.

How does that happen when the Orioles are playing in Boston?

(Tampa Bay...pay attention, reax.)
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:31 AM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
btw, the yankees are raping the "lets see how this guy does" orioles, 12-0 in the sixth.

How does that happen when the Orioles are playing in Boston?

(Tampa Bay...pay attention, reax.)

i am shamed

i give up on the orioles and rays for the season!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:35 AM

Joe Mama said:
The offensive and defensive categories, to me, mean just as much as the intangibles you mentioned.

does... that... mean a lot?

i mean, do you have a guesstimate statistical breakdown? (30% for offensive skills, 10% for defense, 60% for swimsuit, etc...)


Joe Mama said:
Which is why I'd say that Ortiz deserved the MVP last year - A-Rod wasn't even the most valuable player on his TEAM, how was he the most valuable player in the LEAGUE?

i almost always think jeter earns it, but arod clearly had the better statistical season last year -- which, i feel, is what the award is truly defined as.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:35 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:
btw, the yankees are raping the "lets see how this guy does" orioles, 12-0 in the sixth.

How does that happen when the Orioles are playing in Boston?

(Tampa Bay...pay attention, reax.)

i am shamed

i give up on the orioles and rays for the season!

You fair-weather fan. Don't give up on them! Be a man! Follow them to the bitter end!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 4:39 AM
Godzilla returns to Big Apple

    Godzilla is back.

    Four months and one day after fracturing his left wrist, Yankees slugger Hideki Matsui was listed as the Yankees' designated hitter and No. 8 hitter for Tuesday's game.

    And while the Yankees have built a record that's 30 games over .500 without him, they were sure happy to see him in uniform and preparing for the Devil Rays, not just drills.

    "I'm happy he's back; it'll make us deeper," Yankees manager Joe Torre said. "No question, you can never have too much talent."

    Matsui fractured his wrist on May 11, diving for a line drive hit by Boston's Mark Loretta. The injury snapped his 1,768 consecutive games played streak that began in Yomiuri in Matsui's native Japan and covered four seasons with the Yankees.

    Now Matsui is starting from square one. Asked if he thought he would be nervous, Matsui said he wasn't sure. Even he said he's curious to see how he's going to do.

    "I'm very excited," Matsui said through an interpreter. "I've been preparing for four months for this day so I think I'm ready. ... I was really waiting for that moment [to put on the uniform]. So I'm just really happy."

    Matsui went 3-for-11 (.273) with one double, one RBI, one run scored, six walks and two strikeouts in four rehab starts with Double-A Trenton. Matsui was hitting .261 with five homers and 19 RBIs in 32 games before suffering the injury.

    The 32-year-old Matsui had never experienced a major injury before in his career so it's still unknown how he'll bounce back. It was unknown if Matsui was even going to be able to return at all this season.

    "You can never judge because he's never gone through anything like this before," Torre said. "But you know one thing, if discipline had anything to do with it, he had a heck of chance. I started believing for a while that he was going to be back in August just hearing how he was talking about it."

    Matsui underwent surgery 12 hours after sustaining the injury and immediately went to work rehabbing it. He apologized to his teammates for not being able to help the team.

    "I felt like -- as a starter -- starters have a responsibility," Matsui said. "Obviously, it wasn't what I caused; it was an accident. But as a starter, the team depends on you to be out there. The fact [was] that I wasn't going to be able to be [a] strength [for] the team; I felt bad."

    Matsui first proclaimed that his goal would be to come back some time this season. He later targeted a Sept. 1 return date, but some soreness in the wrist pushed batting practice up a bit.

    He said doesn't feel any pain when swinging, but ices his wrist for precautionary reasons.

    Matsui was vigilant about his rehabbing. He would run on the Yankees outfield among the sprinklers after games and even during rain, when the throng of Japanese media, along with everyone else, had retreated inside.

    He did anything he could -- having other people catch for him while he threw with his right hand -- and just practicing his swing with a miniature bat about a month ago.

    "I wasn't really paying attention to coming back this season or next season," Matsui said. "I was just focused on making sure this injury is healed and that's really what preoccupied my mind. I'm just really happy to come back as early [as I am] this season."

    Now the question will be where Matsui fits into what is becoming a crowded Yankees outfield. With Gary Sheffield possibly returning later this week and Melky Cabrera having done a solid job in his stead, the Yankees don't yet have a timetable of when Matsui will be able to reclaim his spot in left field.

    Matsui said he feels he is ready to play the field and Torre said he wants to talk more with general manager Brian Cashman before making a decision to put Matsui in the outfield. But he did say he wouldn't be afraid to do so if he felt Matsui was healthy enough.

    As far as Matsui's contribution at the plate, Torre had more answers for that.

    "I don't think it's going to take him very long to get his stroke back," Torre said. "It's just a matter of we'll see when he's ready to hit in the middle [of the lineup]."
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:05 AM
jeter, btw, had 4 at bats -- 3 walks and 1 hit-by-pitch.

thus, despite getting an rbi and 3 runs, tonights game technically does not count against his 20-game hitting streak. its as if the game never happened, and the streak can continue in the next game.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:11 AM
magic number is 9....Yanks win 12 - 4.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:18 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
offensive stats aside...

how much clout do you feel a gold-glove calibur defense carries? and also, how much clout do you feel the typical "team-leader" intangible aspects carry?

both in how the mvp award is awarded and how you feel it should be awarded?

Gold glove caliber defense certainly carries some weight. Not as much weight as offense, but definitely some weight, and especially so if it comes at a key defensive position(the middle spots: catcher, second, short, centerfield). If you want a statistical perspective, through the win share system, the average player derives around 15-20% of his overall value through defense(the number is slightly lower among the elite players). Now, if we're talking about Jeter, there is some debate on just whether or not he really is gold-glover caliber, but it seems apparent to me that Jeter has improved greatly over the years, and, this year, has provided more value with his glove than most(perhaps all) of the sluggers who are offensively superior.

Intangibles...are difficult to define. "Leadership", especially, is a quality that, to be used attributively, relies almost exclusively on word of mouth, and on faith. If enough people tell you its true, you'll believe it, even if you never see any evidence of it firsthand(and, sometimes, even if you instead see evidence to the contrary).

I believe that such qualities have an impact on the game, but a minimal one. Jason Giambi, or Alex Rodriguez, or Gary Sheffield, or whoever...you can't convince me that they would perform much differently if Derek Jeter was a jerk instead of a super nice guy, or if he was ugly instead of handsome, or if he was quiet and reserved instead of outgoing and charming. They're professionals. They're paid millions of dollars to perform tasks that they are astonishingly skilled at, and have practiced and perfected through years and years of repetition. Any significant effect Jeter has on them comes through his own skills, not leadership.

Many of the great teams in history had rosters filled with boisterous, ego-centric, assholes who despised one another and were anything but leaders. The '86 Mets are a recent, notorious example.

Now, if you want to have the "team leader" award, the MVL, that's fine. To be a player means you field and/or hit, though, and, logically, intangibles don't do much there.


Joe Mama said:
The offensive and defensive categories, to me, mean just as much as the intangibles you mentioned. Which is why I'd say that Ortiz deserved the MVP last year - A-Rod wasn't even the most valuable player on his TEAM, how was he the most valuable player in the LEAGUE?

If you think Jeter was more valuable than A-Rod last year, then you must think the intangibles mean a lot more than offensive and defensive categories, because A-Rod was superior to Jeter in virtually every stastical category last year. Better batting average, more doubles, homers, walks, RBI, runs, steals, a higher on base percentage, slugging percentage, vastly superior EqA, VORP, win shares...he even hit better with runners in scoring position, or in "close and late" situations, which is supposed to be Jeter's bread and butter.

Basically, to say that Jeter had the better year is to say stats mean next to nothing.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:26 AM
Ani...you can't totally discount the leadership angle. Yes, sheff, giambino and matsui are paid to perform whether Jeter is a nice guy or not....but....even sheff last year said he's inspired by Jeter. He plays hurt all the time. A reporter had asked sheff if he would miss a game cause of some injury....and he said, "how can I? when I look at the locker next to me and see Jeter hurting more than me suiting up." "He's a warrior."

that's leadership.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:48 AM

PJP said:
Ani...you can't totally discount the leadership angle. Yes, sheff, giambino and matsui are paid to perform whether Jeter is a nice guy or not....but....even sheff last year said he's inspired by Jeter. He plays hurt all the time. A reporter had asked sheff if he would miss a game cause of some injury....and he said, "how can I? when I look at the locker next to me and see Jeter hurting more than me suiting up." "He's a warrior."

that's leadership.

I don't totally discount it, but at the end of the day, Derek Jeter isn't doing it for Gary Sheffield. He's not his mom, or even his hitting coach. Infact, given what we've all heard about Sheffield, I doubt they're even friends(though I'm sure Gary respects Derek).

You can find all kinds of similar stories and quotes from all kinds of players, coaches, fans, reporters, etc. Some are totally genuine, some are embellished, some are simply fabricated. Most actually mean a lot less than they might seem to. Afterall, players play hurt. A lot. Playing professional baseball at its highest level requires a great deal of skill, a great deal of motivation, and engenders an even greater deal of compensation($$$). Therefore, logically, one can assume that those who play it are unlikely to be drastically swayed, positively or negatively, by the subtle actions of those around them.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:49 AM

PJP said:
Ani...you can't totally discount the leadership angle. Yes, sheff, giambino and matsui are paid to perform whether Jeter is a nice guy or not....but....even sheff last year said he's inspired by Jeter. He plays hurt all the time. A reporter had asked sheff if he would miss a game cause of some injury....and he said, "how can I? when I look at the locker next to me and see Jeter hurting more than me suiting up." "He's a warrior."
that's leadership.

i agree.

granted, its nearly impossible to quantify, i think it has more value than you let on.

whether its the donnie baseball work ethic, curt schilling's bloody sock, the gippers... uh... gipping, rudy's solitary play, or any other mythical figure, inspiration is ginormous.

many coaches, aside from their actual play-making decisions, are heralded as amazing and inspiring leaders.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:53 AM

Animalman said:

PJP said:
Ani...you can't totally discount the leadership angle. Yes, sheff, giambino and matsui are paid to perform whether Jeter is a nice guy or not....but....even sheff last year said he's inspired by Jeter. He plays hurt all the time. A reporter had asked sheff if he would miss a game cause of some injury....and he said, "how can I? when I look at the locker next to me and see Jeter hurting more than me suiting up." "He's a warrior."

that's leadership.

I don't totally discount it, but at the end of the day, Derek Jeter isn't doing it for Gary Sheffield. He's not his mom, or even his hitting coach. Infact, given what we've all heard about Sheffield, I doubt they're even friends(though I'm sure Gary respects Derek).

You can find all kinds of similar stories and quotes from all kinds of players, coaches, fans, reporters, etc. Some are totally genuine, some are embellished, some are simply fabricated. Most actually mean a lot less than they might seem to. Afterall, players play hurt. A lot. Playing professional baseball at its highest level requires a great deal of skill, a great deal of motivation, and engenders an even greater deal of compensation($$$). Therefore, logically, one can assume that those who play it are unlikely to be drastically swayed, positively or negatively, by the subtle actions of those around them.

I respectfully disagree....I played competitive sports my whole life and there were times I was one of the best guys on the team and knew I had to lead by example....and there were times where I played with some people way better than me that pushed me harder and made me want to practice harder and play better....plus there was always a friendly competition amongst teammates that would make us always push each other.
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 5:55 AM
I'll take Jeter over ARod for the simple fact that he inspires his teammates to be winners, and winners who get rings. ARod has shown his personal philosophy is to look out for #1. His complaining in the past while on the Rangers on when he didn't win the MVP award had to grate on his teammates as well. I know it did in Seattle when Juan Gonzalez won the award adn the difference was two votes. And two Seattle reporters didn't vote for him.

So when your best player is looking out for himself, even one who statistically shows he's one of the best, how does that carryover to the rest of the team? By the same token, if one of your best players shows to be putting out 110% every day, how does that affect the team?
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 6:23 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
whether its the donnie baseball work ethic, curt schilling's bloody sock, the gippers... uh... gipping, rudy's solitary play, or any other mythical figure, inspiration is ginormous.

Gipp's famous quote, while super nifty sounding, is apocryphal, so really, the only inspiring thing any of us know he actually did was...well, die.

The bloody sock...Schilling won that game(a close game) himself, through his tangible ability. If he doesn't throw a great game, Boston loses the series, and he goes home, bloody sock and all. Now, I know everyone likes to say that it inspired the team to win game 7 and then sweep the Cardinals(which might even be true), but how many times has a terrific, amazing performance ostensibly worthy of inspiring others...not?

For example, last year's NLDS. John Smoltz, with a shoulder so stiff he could barely raise his arm above his head, throws seven innings of one run baseball, beating Roger Clemens. Sure, there was no blood, but that sounds pretty inspirational to me. It was the only game the Braves won.

So, I guess, it would seem inspiration is only as good as the people you're inspiring.


PJP said:
I respectfully disagree....I played competitive sports my whole life and there were times I was one of the best guys on the team and knew I had to lead by example....and there were times where I played with some people way better than me that pushed me harder and made me want to practice harder and play better....plus there was always a friendly competition amongst teammates that would make us always push each other.

With respect, I think your sports experience is a bit different than that of a professional athlete the caliber of Jeter, A-Rod, etc.

I played high school basketball, but the kinds of personalities, motivations, abilities in the NBA are, obviously, different.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 6:54 AM

Animalman said:
how many times has a terrific, amazing performance ostensibly worthy of inspiring others...not?

an inspired team, or a team playing better, does not necessarily equal a championship team or the one with the best record.

just as arod's undeniably amazing offensive performance couldn't lift the rangers out of the basement, samples like mattingly's amazing inspiration shouldn't be ignored because of record.

i believe you made the argument that arod was able to help the team win (theoretically) 30 games that they would't have won without him, because of his numbers and talent. i'd theorize that players like mattingly and jeter help to inspire X amount of wins in the same fashion.

as said, many coaches are legendary because of their leadership skills -- often valued above any play making.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 7:33 AM
Then how does one know who's a leader and who's not? Who's inspirational, and who isn't? Afterall, isn't the whole argument against A-Rod that he hasn't "inspired" his teammates to a World Series? If winning the championship or having the best record isn't required, what gives?

To draw a parallel to PJP's earlier anecdote about Jeter playing through injuries, Alex Rodriguez played in all 486 games during his time as a Ranger(finishing at nearly 600 overall). Didn't miss one. Surely, during that time, he had to endure many injuries. How is it leadership for Jeter, but "looking out for #1" for A-Rod?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 6:36 PM

Animalman said:
Who's inspirational, and who isn't? Afterall, isn't the whole argument against A-Rod that he hasn't "inspired" his teammates to a World Series? If winning the championship or having the best record isn't required, what gives?

To draw a parallel to PJP's earlier anecdote about Jeter playing through injuries, Alex Rodriguez played in all 486 games during his time as a Ranger(finishing at nearly 600 overall). Didn't miss one. Surely, during that time, he had to endure many injuries. How is it leadership for Jeter, but "looking out for #1" for A-Rod?

and yet, even with all this debate, through a flurry of statistical differences, its been clearly noted by fans and players, alike, that of the two, jeter is hands-down the more inspiring, leader type.


Animalman said:
Then how does one know who's a leader and who's not?

probably best seen through the eyes of other players and the coach. in the case of the yankees, as quoted by peejus, that is annually jeter -- formerly, donnie. with the bosox, its been veritek. i'd wager many teams could claim their own.

again, the argument for how to quantify such stock is certainly difficult.

but it can't be all that much more challenging than determining if 50 homers has greater value than a 340 batting average (etc)

at the very least, it should be a factor in the award, particularly with a title named on "value"
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 10:41 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:
and yet, even with all this debate, through a flurry of statistical differences, its been clearly noted by fans and players, alike, that of the two, jeter is hands-down the more inspiring, leader type.

But, don't you see the double-standard?

If Jeter plays through injuries, he's inspiring. If A-Rod does it, he's padding his stats. If Jeter compliments his team in the press, he's a leader, if A-Rod does it, he's trying too hard to be PC.

I won't argue that Jeter is a nicer guy, a more selfless guy. I just don't see how A-Rod's vastly superior career production can be declared moot against Jeter's unquantifiable, unprovable, intangible qualities. It can't be measured, it can't be analyzed, it certainly can't be compared, and it has no required result. Without yarn-weaving sportswriters and self-aggrandizing former ballplayers, I wonder if any of these ideas would be given any credence at all.


again, the argument for how to quantify such stock is certainly difficult.

but it can't be all that much more challenging than determining if 50 homers has greater value than a 340 batting average (etc)

50 homers and a 340 batting average are only large parts of the whole. You don't compare them, you compare the whole. So no, it's not challenging at all.


at the very least, it should be a factor in the award, particularly with a title named on "value"

Unquantifiable, unprovable value.

Of course, I'm sure Red Sox fans feel just as strongly about Ortiz's leadership and intangibles as Yankees do Jeter's. Twins fans are hardly going to concede that Joe Mauer does less for his team on and off the field as a catcher than Jeter does as a shortstop, even if he is young. Most Ranger fans wouldn't take Jeter over Michael Young and his intangibles for all the Toby Keith CD's you could find.

Just about every fan will agree his or her player is the best leader, and that you have to watch them every day to see it. And there can be no right or wrong answer(unless you pick A-ROd, of course), because there's no argument to be had. No proof. No evidence. Which is OK, but if you're going to have an award based on value, it shouldn't be a deciding factor.

Now, if you want to have the "leader award", like I mentioned earlier, great. I'm fine with that.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 10:49 PM
I could live with Joe Mauer or Dye getting the awars over Jeter. I personally can't see ever giving the award to a DH again. It's not MVP of the Red Sux, it's MVP of the entire League which Ortiz is clearly not. Unless we are talking about eating pizzas.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 10:57 PM

Animalman said:
I just don't see how A-Rod's vastly superior career production can be declared moot against Jeter's unquantifiable, unprovable, intangible qualities.

i've never argued to remove stats and base the award on perception. no one asks that jeter's intangibles don't discredit arod's stats, at all.

but i can't believe you're ready to ask the reverse.

do you honestly not feel there's a variance, at all? you see no non-numerical weight? does an intangible mean something doesn't exist?

there's a difference between batting with 2 outs in the 8th and no outs in the 3rd, but your stats don't reflect that. picking up slack when other players on your team are injured
doesn't come across any differently on the back of your baseball card.

stats never have told the whole story, and it doesn't make sense to expect them to.


Animalman said:
50 homers and a 340 batting average are only large parts of the whole. You don't compare them, you compare the whole. So no, it's not challenging at all.

exactly. i would add "leadership qualities" to the comparitive whole.


Animalman said:
I'm sure Red Sox fans feel just as strongly about Ortiz's leadership and intangibles as Yankees do Jeter's.

and yet they don't. just ask joe.

...assuming he's a fan today.


Animalman said:
Just about every fan will agree his or her player is the best leader, and that you have to watch them every day to see it

well, i don't feel this should be based on fan perception. but i do feel there should be great value placed on the opinion of other players and coaches.

they know the game. they have pretty equal distribution over what and who they see. they also have countless experts and scouting reports giving as much statistical basis to the intangibles as possible.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-13 10:58 PM

PJP said:
Unless we are talking about eating pizzas.

10, nightly!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 4:02 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
i've never argued to remove stats and base the award on perception. no one asks that jeter's intangibles don't discredit arod's stats, at all.

Joe's argument for Ortiz being the MVP last year was that A-Rod couldn't be because he wasn't the MVP of his own team, thanks to Jeter and his intangibles.

You've said in this thread that you'd pick Jeter for team MVP every year, including last year, based on those intangibles.

Statistically, there was a very, very large difference between A-Rod and Jeter last year. My stance is not, nor has it ever been, that Jeter's intangibles(or anyone elses') count for nothing. It is merely that they cannot reasonably, logically remove that difference and give Jeter the edge. To suggest otherwise is to suggest that stats mean basically zip; that they have very little "value".


there's a difference between batting with 2 outs in the 8th and no outs in the 3rd, but your stats don't reflect that. picking up slack when other players on your team are injured doesn't come across any differently on the back of your baseball card.

The idea of the "clutch hitter" is something that is, for the most part, a fabrication perpetuated by those that wish to lionize their favorite players. That isn't to say that clutch performances don't exist, just that there isn't a player who performs significantly better in clutch situations every year. The same is true for the idea of the "choker". This has been the subject of numerous sabremetric publications. Baseball Prospectus has devoted quite a bit of time to it. Wikipedia mentions the study done by Dick Cramer, the seminal work on the matter, in my opinion. Incidentally, and I just noticed this, the wikipedia entry mentions Jeter and A-Rod, though part of the argument it offers is kinda poorly stated.

Even if such an exclusive ability did exist, value is based on what is done, not when. If, hypothetically, player one goes 1-4 and hits a solo homerun in the 3rd inning, tyng a game, and then player two goes 1-4 and hits a solo homerun in the 9th, winning it, they've both contributed the same value: four bases. Without player one's contribution, player two's contribution wouldn't have resulted in a win, and vice versa.

To take this concept further, if, in a season, player one hits 50 homeruns, and player two hits 40, both with identical batting average, walks, RBI, etc, with the caveat that player one's homeruns all came in the 3rd inning, and player two's homeruns all came in the 9th, player one has still provided more value, even if his homeruns weren't as dramatic or exciting.


stats never have told the whole story, and it doesn't make sense to expect them to.

Stats, like everything, have to be looked in the right context. One of the big reasons I think the stat community is often discredited is that there are many stats that have incorrectly become accepted a part of the baseball paradigm.


exactly. i would add "leadership qualities" to the comparitive whole.

But you can't compare leadership. That's the point.


well, i don't feel this should be based on fan perception. but i do feel there should be great value placed on the opinion of other players and coaches.

To a certain extent, I agree, but I think the player's interpretation of the game changes from generation to generation. At the beginning Babe Ruth's batting career, a lot of players looked down on him because of his work ethic, his poor baserunning, his long swing that produced comparatively high strikeout totals, and because he did not utilize many of the standard techniques of the day, like the slap hit, and the bunt. Tris Speaker and Nap Lajoie claimed that Ruth was in a class below Ty Cobb(Cobb himself always said that Ruth "ruined baseball") for this reason, and they clearly weren't alone, as Cobb, as hated a person as he was, received more votes than Ruth for the first Hall of Fame class.

Today, pretty much everyone, fan, player or otherwise, agrees that Ruth was superior.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 4:30 AM

Animalman said:
You've said in this thread that you'd pick Jeter for team MVP every year, including last year, based on those intangibles

nossir. i said:


Rob Kamphausen said:
i almost always think jeter earns it, but arod clearly had the better statistical season last year -- which, i feel, is what the award is truly defined as.

i think intangibles have a lot of weight, but arod's numbers were by far and away superior to any weight jeter's leadership offered.

as said, i feel those aspects are all part of a whole, and only argue that they should not be ignored or dismissed -- not that they should outrank mathematics.


Animalman said:
Stats, like everything, have to be looked in the right context. One of the big reasons I think the stat community is often discredited is that there are many stats that have incorrectly become accepted a part of the baseball paradigm.



Animalman said:

exactly. i would add "leadership qualities" to the comparitive whole.

But you can't compare leadership. That's the point.

and thats where i disagree.

the whole award is based on comparisons. this season (to simplify it) it will be ortiz's 50+ homers versus jeter's 350 average. you then have to factor in rbis, stolen bases, on base percentage, and a myriad of other statistics. mathematically, sometimes jeter will come out ahead, sometimes ortiz will.

but there's no precise formula to calculate how many doubles equal an rbi or how many base hits equal a home run. are more homeruns more valuable than more basehits? if there's no explosive, runaway winner, the decision is already based on things that can not directly be compared, and rather on opinion and interpretation of facts and the game.

i'd simply advocate the addition of one more "incomparable" aspect.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 4:31 AM
oh, and the yanks are up 6-4 in the seventh. arod has a homer, cano has a homer, and jeter has continued his hitting streak.

red sox are losing in the 8th
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:19 AM
Magic number is 7 Yanks win 8-4.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:03 PM

Animalman said:
Joe's argument for Ortiz being the MVP last year was that A-Rod couldn't be because he wasn't the MVP of his own team, thanks to Jeter and his intangibles.

When did I ever say that Jeter deserved the MVP last year?

For the record, I do think Ortiz deserved the MVP last year. He had great all-around numbers (yes, I know he didn't steal many bases), didn't embarrass himself the admittedly few times he played the field, and had all the intangibles that most people value and you seemingly de-value in the face of every number stat you can find (leadershipand clutch hits, for example). I also think that, numbers aside, A-Rod was not the MVP of the Yankees - that honor would go to Matsui or Rivera or (maybe) Jeter.

That said, I also think there were other choices besides Ortiz or A-Rod. Johan Santana comes to mind, though the prejudice against pitchers as MVPs makes his winning difficult at best.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:18 PM
You just hate A-Rod. I bet it will really burn you if they win a championship this year.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:28 PM

PJP said:
You just hate A-Rod.

Yeah, but it's just lazy to say "Ortiz deserved it cuz I hate Slappy". Which is why I posted alternate choices.


I bet it will really burn you if they win a championship this year.

Nah...with what George is paying out to other teams by being over the "cap", he deserves some sort of gift. Though I'd rather someone just buy him a copy of "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" or made a charitable contribution in his name.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:29 PM
Jealousy really is an ugly emotion.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:35 PM

PJP said:
Jealousy really is an ugly emotion.

So's that one of Keanu:

Look at it! U-G-L-Y, it ain't got no alibi!

D'you think Slappy's jealous that Jeter will win this year's MVP? D'you he'd be jealous if Jeter won the regular season MVP and each postseason series' MVP? I think he would. But I also think he tries to smell Jeter's fingers for any lingering Mariah Carey stank.

(Y'know, this thread just got fun again...)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:37 PM
I don't think he'd be jealous at all. He's not this horrible guy who people make him out to be. Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and ARod go to Cooperstown and all he gets his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:37 PM
I don't think he'd be jealous at all. He's not this horrible guy who people make him out to be. Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and ARod go to Cooperstown and all he gets his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:48 PM

PJP said:
I don't think he'd be jealous at all. He's not this horrible guy who people make him out to be. Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and ARod go to Cooperstown and all he gets his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Not at all. Do you know how much Mama Luigi pays her celebrities for endorsements? A lot. When Jeter and Sir Slapz-A-Lot divorce, who gets custody of Cooperstown? I think Slapmaster D will. After all, there's NO WAY he gets the Yankees away from Jeter!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 5:55 PM


Prometheus said:

PJP said:
Let's burn this place to the ground..........JOIN ME!

we can't have 20 men to a shitter!

Nick....I shall call you Nickus!

slice this through a man's flesh and they shall love you for it!

I should have lived in that era!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 6:03 PM

PJP said:
Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and ARod go to Cooperstown and all he gets his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 6:31 PM
So, what are the chances of a New York/New York world series this year? I think that could really boost ratings.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-14 6:37 PM
they're the top two teams in the majors as of right now, so i'd gather they're the favorites for a world series.

however, at the time, their 2000 meeting produced some of the lowest ratings in a while -- mostly because its difficult for people to care about a team that is nowhere near them, and in the case of a subway series, thats 90% of the country.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 4:28 AM
did you guys know that Jeter leads the league in batting average when runners are in scoring position (over .400) and is now tied for the lead with Mauer for regular batting average. Just thought Joe....er you guys should know.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 4:43 AM
jeter not only has like a 22 game hit streak, but as of tonight, i think he has a multi-hit hit streak for like the past 10 games. frickin great.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 4:48 AM
Yanks are on track to win tonight while Boston is losing 5-4 in the 7th.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:00 AM
Yanks won 7-4.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:12 AM
pjp, did you know that boston is in 4th in the wildcard race now? and could drop to 5th in just 1 more game?
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:21 AM
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:26 AM
magic number is 6.....may be 5 if Boston loses tonight....they are 5-5 in the 9th.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:29 AM
i hope they win.

ortiz is hongree!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:29 AM
we should have a Pizza graemlin for him!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:31 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:33 AM

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:33 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:37 AM

Ortiz said:
I bet Jeter couldn't eat no pizzas


Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:38 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Ortiz said:
I bet Jeter couldn't eat no pizzas



you're killing me!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:54 AM
Boston won.....Yanks magic number is 6. If we win 3 games this weekend the division is ours.....again.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 5:57 AM
joe's dad is a real fan!
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-15 2:36 PM
Big Pap Smear should get a check up because there has to be a reason that his pussy hurts so badly.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 2:35 AM
Yeah, my computer crashed. As such, I don't think I can write any more about this subject.

...just kidding!


Rob Kamphausen said:
i think intangibles have a lot of weight, but arod's numbers were by far and away superior to any weight jeter's leadership offered.

I was referring to these set of quotes, from page 44:

"for example, i'd readily nominate jeter as mvp in most any season, despite (many) others having monumentally higher stat lines."

"more specifically, i'd say he's almost always been the mvp of the yankees, despite other yankees winning, or being in the running for, the actual league award."

I guess, then, you'd say that last year was one of the exceptions to the "almost always" part?


but there's no precise formula to calculate how many doubles equal an rbi or how many base hits equal a home run. are more homeruns more valuable than more basehits?

An RBI doesn't really equal anything, though. It is one of those stats I mentioned earlier that have been given far too much weight(batting average is another). It's a nice number to brag about with your buddies, but in terms of the value it actually represents towards the individual, it's pretty useless. Mickey Mantle, the greatest hitter of the last half century(who isn't suspected of using steroids, at least), drove in 100+ runs just four times, in 18 seasons. Juan Gonzalez did it eight times, in about 800 fewer games, and Gonzalez wasn't nearly as good a hitter as Mickey.

As for how many base hits equal a home-run, well, to put it simply...four. Four bases. But nobody really argues MVP's over "which is better, homeruns or base hits", nor should they. Even in just deciding who the best hitter was, you look at the total offensive performance, and you do that through tangible, comparable factors.


Joe Mama said:
When did I ever say that Jeter deserved the MVP last year?

You didn't. And I didn't say you did. I said you claimed Jeter was more valuable than A-Rod, and therefore, A-Rod couldn't be the MVP.


For the record, I do think Ortiz deserved the MVP last year. He had great all-around numbers (yes, I know he didn't steal many bases), didn't embarrass himself the admittedly few times he played the field, and had all the intangibles that most people value and you seemingly de-value in the face of every number stat you can find (leadershipand clutch hits, for example). I also think that, numbers aside, A-Rod was not the MVP of the Yankees - that honor would go to Matsui or Rivera or (maybe) Jeter.

I've already explained my position. Statistically, A-Rod was superior offensively, and significantly superior when you consider his statistical contributions outside the batters box(in the field, and on the basepaths). I do not dispute that Ortiz is the leader of his team, and that as such he should be afforded some extra points in MVP consideration. I simply don't see how something as undefinable and unquantifiable as "leadership" can overcompensate for the significant difference in what was definably and quantifiably clear. It's nonsensical. The MVP shouldn't be a popularity contest.


That said, I also think there were other choices besides Ortiz or A-Rod. Johan Santana comes to mind, though the prejudice against pitchers as MVPs makes his winning difficult at best.

I think it's less prejudice than it is reason. The five man rotation has drastically reduced the starting pitchers impact over the course of a full-season. There's just only so much they can do, playing once every fifth day.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 7:03 PM

Pig Iron said:
Big Pap Smear should get a check up because there has to be a reason that his pussy hurts so badly.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 7:04 PM

PJP said:
Boston won.....Yanks magic number is 6. If we win 3 games this weekend the division is ours.....again.

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 7:06 PM

PJP said:
I could live with Joe Mauer or Dye getting the awars over Jeter. I personally can't see ever giving the award to a DH again. It's not MVP of the Red Sux, it's MVP of the entire League which Ortiz is clearly not. Unless we are talking about eating pizzas.

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 11:39 PM
yanks are down 4-2 so far in the 8th.

jeter has another hit, batting 345

cano has a homer, the only yankee rbis so far, and is batting an unbelievably quiet 340. how many atbats do you need to qualify? he's past 400
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-16 11:46 PM

answers.com said:
The Major League Baseball batting average championship (often referred to as "the Batting Title") is awarded to the player in each league who has the highest batting average with at least 3.1 plate appearances per game that his team has played.

so in a 162 game season, that would be 502.2 plate appearances.

before today's game, cano has 419 atbats, and 17 walks, so about 440 plate apperances. i dunno how many sacrefices, but lets just say 10.

yanks have 16 games left after today. if he can get in 4 atbats a game in most of those, he'd have a pretty damn good shot at going 1 and 2 with jeter -- not unlike 1984's donnie and winfield
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-17 2:42 AM
Papelbon's season is over, as most know by now, but his days as a closer might be done, as well. Papelbon says he wants to start, which I think is a good idea.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-17 1:03 PM
they split yesterday....magic number is 4!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 5:51 PM
split squad yankees dropped both games yesterday. after rehearsing a buncha more high school players, they really fucked up the second of the two. and jeter dropped the hit streak.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 5:54 PM
big deal....I'm just glad we don't have to see those sumbags again till April......they really are a bunch of criminals and scum. They make me sick. I had sais on Thursday to some friends that I don't care if they got swept.....IT DON"T MATTER YO! I;m kind of glad the hit streak is over too.....that shit gets distracting.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:02 PM

PJP said:
big deal....I'm just glad we don't have to see those sumbags again till April......they really are a bunch of criminals and scum. They make me sick. I had sais on Thursday to some friends that I don't care if they got swept.....IT DON"T MATTER YO! I;m kind of glad the hit streak is over too.....that shit gets distracting.

The Yankess aren't ALL criminals and scum, Peter. Relax. They're still probably gonna clinch the division. Don't be so angry about losing three of four on Saturday and Sunday.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:05 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
big deal....I'm just glad we don't have to see those sumbags again till April......they really are a bunch of criminals and scum. They make me sick. I had sais on Thursday to some friends that I don't care if they got swept.....IT DON"T MATTER YO! I;m kind of glad the hit streak is over too.....that shit gets distracting.

The Yankess aren't ALL criminals and scum, Peter. Relax. They're still probably gonna clinch the division. Don't be so angry about losing three of four on Saturday and Sunday.

Wait, they won some games - does this mean you're a fan again?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:07 PM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:09 PM

Red Sox 6, Yankees 3 | Red Sox 5, Yankees 4
Boston’s Consolation Prize Is End of Jeter’s Streak

Published: September 18, 2006
The Boston Red Sox never recovered from a five-game sweep by the Yankees at Fenway Park in August. The Yankees’ lead was too wide, and the Red Sox’ luck was too bad. But if this is the month for moral victories, the Red Sox scored one at Yankee Stadium this weekend.

The Yankees could have eliminated Boston from the playoff race by winning three of four games over the last two days. Instead, it was the Red Sox who took three of four, including both games yesterday.

In the process, they put an end to Derek Jeter’s 25-game hitting streak, the longest by a Yankee in 64 years. In his fourth and final at-bat last night, Jeter swung at a 3-0 pitch for the first time since 2002, grounding out to first in the seventh inning to finish 0 for 4.

The Red Sox scored twice with Mike Myers pitching to tie the score in the top of the eighth last night. In the bottom of the inning, Coco Crisp stretched his glove over the center-field wall to pull back a two-run homer by Jorge Posada.

Mark Loretta’s sacrifice fly off Kyle Farnsworth put the Red Sox ahead to stay in the ninth, and they held on for a 5-4 victory. The Red Sox won the opener, 6-3, and avoided the indignity of watching the Yankees celebrate by beating them.

“We have work to do,” Manager Joe Torre said. “We still have to win a couple of ballgames and get this thing settled. But this isn’t going to linger.”

Jeter was on deck when Mike Timlin, who saved both games, retired Melky Cabrera on a fly ball to left to end the doubleheader with a runner on first.

With one out and a runner on second in the seventh, Jeter took three balls from reliever Craig Hansen. According to Stats, Inc., Jeter had taken 3-0 pitches 118 times in a row from the start of the 2003 season until last night.

This time, Jeter swung and grounded out to first base. In his other at-bats, he grounded to the pitcher, flied to right and reached on an obvious throwing error by shortstop Dustin Pedroia.

Jeter’s hitting streak was the Yankees’ longest since Joe Gordon hit safely in 29 consecutive games in 1942. Torre said he told Jeter to swing on 3-0 but was not trying to preserve the streak.

“I wanted him to swing on 3-0 because I trust him as much as anybody with runners in scoring position,” Torre said. “It had nothing to do with the hitting streak, either. It’s a matter of knocking in a run. He’s had the ‘hit’ on 3-0 before, but he didn’t have pitches to swing at.”

Jeter said Torre had given him the green light against Hansen on Saturday. “If he wants you to swing, he’ll let you swing 3-0,” Jeter said of Torre.

The Yankees now head to Toronto for a three-game series starting tonight. Any combination of three Yankees victories and Blue Jays losses will eliminate Toronto. Any combination of four Yankees victories and Red Sox losses will eliminate Boston.

Despite the losses, the Yankees upheld a tradition of rookie hazing. As they dressed for the flight to Canada, the rookies slipped into costumes mimicking the principal owner George Steinbrenner: blue blazer, white turtleneck, gray wig, dark sunglasses.

“All I want to know is, where’s my golf cart to the bus?” reliever T. J. Beam said.

Cabrera, the left fielder, was another costumed rookie. He was the only Yankee to start all four games of the doubleheaders, and he is in an awkward spot as the playoffs approach. Torre has said Hideki Matsui will return to left field during the final homestand, and Gary Sheffield is expected to play on the road this week.

Where does that leave Cabrera? Or, for that matter, the veteran Bernie Williams, baseball’s career postseason leader in runs, homers and runs batted in?

“We don’t have any egos here,” Johnny Damon said. “Hopefully, everybody gets hot at the same time and gives Joe a tough decision. But we’ll find a way. Melky will definitely play. Bernie will definitely be playing. It’s a great situation Joe’s in.”

Cabrera made a lunging, snow-cone catch of a blooper by Eric Hinske in the first game, and Damon praised his arm and range. Matsui is an earnest defender, but Cabrera is more skilled. Torre seems inclined to use him at least as a defensive replacement in October.

“Melky will be valuable, whether it’s going out there to pick Matsui up or whether he plays and we do something else with Matsui,” Torre said. “We’ve got to see how much Sheffield is going to be involved in the whole thing.”

Torre said Cabrera had given the Yankees far more than they expected, adding, “If he doesn’t start in the playoffs, it’s certainly not a failure in any way.”

Another issue for the Yankees is the status of reliever Ron Villone, who allowed four runs in the seventh inning to lose the first game.

Torre leaned heavily on Villone around midseason, but backed off this month after Villone’s performance suffered. Villone had pitched only once in 11 days before Saturday, and he said he is physically fine.

“I already had my rest,” Villone said. “I’m feeling pretty strong now. The results aren’t there, but I’ve got to keep chugging away.”

Villone (3-3) has been scored on in 11 of his last 12 outings. He has a 15.53 earned run average in that span, with 17 walks in 13 1/3 innings. Outwardly, at least, Torre was not concerned.

“We’ll get him back,” Torre said. “We’ve got time to get him back.”

The Yankees’ problems — finding roles for Cabrera and Williams, and getting Villone on track — hardly compare to the questions the Red Sox must ponder this winter. After reaching the playoffs for three memorable seasons, the Red Sox must regroup.

Kevin Youkilis, a bit player on the 2004 champions and a major contributor now, took no satisfaction in delaying the Yankees’ celebration.

“There is no glory here — they are still in the driver’s seat to win it and it doesn’t make us happy at all,” Youkilis said. “Our goal this year was to win the division, and we didn’t accomplish that.”

Michael S. Schmidt and David Pickercontributed reporting.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:12 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
big deal....I'm just glad we don't have to see those sumbags again till April......they really are a bunch of criminals and scum. They make me sick. I had sais on Thursday to some friends that I don't care if they got swept.....IT DON"T MATTER YO! I;m kind of glad the hit streak is over too.....that shit gets distracting.

The Yankess aren't ALL criminals and scum, Peter. Relax. They're still probably gonna clinch the division. Don't be so angry about losing three of four on Saturday and Sunday.

Wait, they won some games - does this mean you're a fan again?

Nah, I'm still done for the season. I watched the Pats/Jets before going to see Little Miss Sunshine with the girlfriend (good flick, by the way). But I saw the scores this morning and, in light of PJP's tirade, had to comment. To paraphrase Hellraiser: You called, I came.

Mo. --->
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:13 PM

Joe Mama said:
going to see Little Miss Sunshine

too bad he kept striking out, tho. poor big papi
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:14 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
going to see Little Miss Sunshine

too bad he kept striking out, tho. poor big papi

Except for that 49th home run, you mean, right?
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:17 PM

Joe Mama said:
To paraphrase Hellraiser: You called, I came.

Heh...too easy.


Mo. --->

POOKIE!!! dagnammit
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:27 PM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
To paraphrase Hellraiser: You called, I came.

Heh...too easy.

Yeah, that was kinda the point. I almost added "Twice." to that...

Mo. --->
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:29 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
To paraphrase Hellraiser: You called, I came.

Heh...too easy.

Yeah, that was kinda the point. I almost added "Twice." to that...

Then, you are apparently easier than I thought...


Mo. --->


Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:30 PM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
going to see Little Miss Sunshine

too bad he kept striking out, tho. poor big papi

Except for that 49th home run, you mean, right?

yes, i'm sure they threw him a few fish for that, which he gobbled whole to the applause of his friends and family.

but other than that, i was directly referring to the striking out and, no doubt, subsequent whining.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 6:32 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
going to see Little Miss Sunshine

too bad he kept striking out, tho. poor big papi

Except for that 49th home run, you mean, right?

yes, i'm sure they threw him a few fish for that, which he gobbled whole to the applause of his friends and family.

i thought it was pizza, not fish...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-18 9:40 PM
fat lards like big papi eat anything you throw at them.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-19 5:38 AM
Yanks beat Jays 7-6....Magic Number is 3. Jeter the MVP hit a HR.
Posted By: Joe Mama E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-19 8:04 PM
My father is an evil prick...


The Boston Globe

August 21, 2006

Roxbury MA (AP) - A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Boston courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his Parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible.

The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him.

After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Boston Red Sox, whom the boy firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone.

And then he wonders why I won't give him the $400 driver I won at the golf tourney we played in a couple weeks back...
Posted By: PJP Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-19 8:13 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-19 8:47 PM

Joe Mama said:
After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Boston Red Sox, whom the boy firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone.[/

Posted By: harleykwin Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 12:06 AM

Joe Mama said:
My father is a wise Yankee fan and one day I hope to be exactly like him...

fixed your post for ya...


The Boston Globe

August 21, 2006

Roxbury MA (AP) - A seven-year-old boy was at the center of a Boston courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his Parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible.

The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him.

After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Boston Red Sox, whom the boy firmly believes is not capable of beating anyone.

And then he wonders why I won't give him the $400 driver I won at the golf tourney we played in a couple weeks back...

That's awesohme!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 12:07 AM

PJP said:
Yanks beat Jays 7-6....Magic Number is 3. Jeter the MVP hit a HR.

yeah, baby!

And Mets fans are thrilled today - could there be a subway series in NY's future?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 1:11 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 1:39 AM

Nowhereman said:

I knew it! Lookit his roome! Joe is a Yankee fan!

thank you NWM for uncovering the truth!
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 1:44 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
My father is a wise Yankee fan and one day I hope to be exactly like him...

fixed your post for ya...

Dammit, Mo! Don't you be lyin' 'bout my Daddy!!! Wise...pffft!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 1:52 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
My father is a wise Yankee fan and one day I hope to be exactly like him...

fixed your post for ya...

Dammit, Mo! Don't you be lyin' 'bout my Daddy!!! Wise...pffft!

The truth shall set you free....


Posted By: Joe Mama Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 2:29 AM

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
My father is a wise Yankee fan and one day I hope to be exactly like him...

fixed your post for ya...

Dammit, Mo! Don't you be lyin' 'bout my Daddy!!! Wise...pffft!

The truth shall set you free....



There. Fixed YOUR post for YOU!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 3:06 AM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

Joe Mama said:
My father is a wise Yankee fan and one day I hope to be exactly like him...

fixed your post for ya...

Dammit, Mo! Don't you be lyin' 'bout my Daddy!!! Wise...pffft!

The truth shall set you free....



There. Fixed YOUR post for YOU!


I guess Red Sox fans just aren't as quick as us Yankees fans...
Posted By: PJP Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 5:40 AM
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 3:40 PM

PJP said:
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.

Are herein lies the problem. I've accepted that the Red Sox are out of the playoff hunt. If they get swept by the Twins, that helps Minnesota get home field advantage, which screws over the Yankees. So do I hope for my team to win what are admittedly meaningless games, or do I throw support for the Yankees not getting home field advantage? Which is stronger, my love of the Red Sox or my hatred of the Yankees? Either way, I can't really lose...
Posted By: PJP Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 7:09 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.

Are herein lies the problem. I've accepted that the Red Sox are out of the playoff hunt. If they get swept by the Twins, that helps Minnesota get home field advantage, which screws over the Yankees. So do I hope for my team to win what are admittedly meaningless games, or do I throw support for the Yankees not getting home field advantage? Which is stronger, my love of the Red Sox or my hatred of the Yankees? Either way, I can't really lose...

pretty lame...
Posted By: harleykwin Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 7:11 PM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.

Are herein lies the problem. I've accepted that the Red Sox are out of the playoff hunt. If they get swept by the Twins, that helps Minnesota get home field advantage, which screws over the Yankees. So do I hope for my team to win what are admittedly meaningless games, or do I throw support for the Yankees not getting home field advantage? Which is stronger, my love of the Red Sox or my hatred of the Yankees? Either way, I can't really lose...

pretty lame...

Well, he is a Red Sox fan afterall...
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 7:18 PM

harleykwin said:

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.

Are herein lies the problem. I've accepted that the Red Sox are out of the playoff hunt. If they get swept by the Twins, that helps Minnesota get home field advantage, which screws over the Yankees. So do I hope for my team to win what are admittedly meaningless games, or do I throw support for the Yankees not getting home field advantage? Which is stronger, my love of the Red Sox or my hatred of the Yankees? Either way, I can't really lose...

pretty lame...

Well, he is a Red Sox fan afterall...

You're both just jealous of my sweet bedroom set.
Posted By: PJP Re: Yankees 2006 World Series Champs - 2006-09-20 7:45 PM
not really
Posted By: harleykwin Re: E-Mail My Dad Sent Me... - 2006-09-20 7:52 PM

Joe Mama said:

harleykwin said:

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:
Boston lost....Yanks won....magic number is 1.

Are herein lies the problem. I've accepted that the Red Sox are out of the playoff hunt. If they get swept by the Twins, that helps Minnesota get home field advantage, which screws over the Yankees. So do I hope for my team to win what are admittedly meaningless games, or do I throw support for the Yankees not getting home field advantage? Which is stronger, my love of the Red Sox or my hatred of the Yankees? Either way, I can't really lose...

pretty lame...

Well, he is a Red Sox fan afterall...

You're both just jealous of my sweet bedroom set.

Now, if you would only come out of the closet about your Yankee fandom....
Posted By: PJP Re: Yankees 2006 World Series Champs - 2006-09-20 9:51 PM
besides his logic is retarded.....the Yanks have an easier time with Detroit than with Minnesota....and if Detroit finishes second they will most likely be the Yanks first opponent as the wild card since the Yanks are on track to have the number one seed......but honestly, who really gives a fuck? You are either good enough to win the World Series or you're not. It doesn't matter who you play.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:15 PM

Joe Mama said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

Joe Mama said:
going to see Little Miss Sunshine

too bad he kept striking out, tho. poor big papi

Except for that 49th pizza, you mean, right?

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:15 PM

PJP said:

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:15 PM

PJP said:

PJP said:

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:17 PM
Johan Santana lost last Friday to the Indians and all of a sudden the Santana for AL MVP talk stopped. Idiots.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:18 PM

PJP said:
Jealousy really is an ugly emotion.

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:19 PM

Rob Kamphausen said:

PJP said:
Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and A-Rod go to Cooperstown, and all he gets is his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:20 PM

PJP said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

PJP said:
Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and A-Rod go to Cooperstown, and all he gets is his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:20 PM

PJP said:

PJP said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

PJP said:
Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and A-Rod go to Cooperstown, and all he gets is his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:21 PM

PJP said:

PJP said:

PJP said:

PJP said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

PJP said:
Do you think Big Douchie will be jealous when Jeter and A-Rod go to Cooperstown, and all he gets is his picture up at Mama Luigi's for eating 20 large pizzas in one sitting?

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: Yankees 2006 World Series Champs - 2006-09-20 10:21 PM

PJP said:
besides his logic is retarded.....the Yanks have an easier time with Detroit than with Minnesota....and if Detroit finishes second they will most likely be the Yanks first opponent as the wild card since the Yanks are on track to have the number one seed......but honestly, who really gives a fuck? You are either good enough to win the World Series or you're not. It doesn't matter who you play.

Wow...thank you for taking my post more seriously than it needed to be.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:22 PM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:24 PM
I'll bet you think that's really my bedroom, too.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:26 PM
Don't take this the wrong way but I've never thought about your bedroom nor do I wish to ever see it. Big Douchie might be game though.....he'll have lots of free time in 2 weeks.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 10:37 PM
Y'mean the Red Sox WON'T make the playoffs like I already said??? EGADS!!!

Oh and, just so you know, if the season ended today, the Yankees would face Oakland (a team they're 3-6 againstt, not Detroit (5-2) or Minnesota (3-3). If you wanna debate facts, there they are. If you wanna toss insults, then you're a big stoopid ol' poopiehead who eats pies made of poop.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 11:41 PM

Joe Mama said:
I'll bet you think that's really my bedroom, too.

Posted By: Snarf Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 11:48 PM

Joe Mama said:
Y'mean the Red Sox WON'T make the playoffs like I already said??? EGADS!!!

Oh and, just so you know, if the season ended today, the Yankees would face Oakland (a team they're 3-6 againstt, not Detroit (5-2) or Minnesota (3-3). If you wanna debate facts, there they are. If you wanna toss insults, then you're a big stoopid ol' poopiehead who eats pies made of poop.

He already said he doesn't care who they face. If you're a good team it shouldn't matter! SNARF SNARF!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-20 11:49 PM
You tell 'em Snarf!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 1:08 AM

Joe Mama said:
Y'mean the Red Sox WON'T make the playoffs like I already said??? EGADS!!!

Oh and, just so you know, if the season ended today, the Yankees would face Oakland (a team they're 3-6 againstt, not Detroit (5-2) or Minnesota (3-3). If you wanna debate facts, there they are. If you wanna toss insults, then you're a big stoopid ol' poopiehead who eats pies made of poop.

Not that I really care but um Oakland can't beat the Yankees in the playoffs.....but with that said you have confused me. New York currently has the number 1 seed.....the best record in the AL. So wouldn't they play the wild card? I know that is not how it's done in baseball but it should be. I guess they go by record then.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 4:32 AM
sox just dropped a 2-1 lead in the 8th -- they're down 4-2 now.

if that holds, even if the yanks lose, they'll clinch postseason this evening.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 4:53 AM
Yanks just lost.


Magic number is still 1.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 5:13 AM
um... yeah, um...


Rob Kamphausen said:
sox just dropped a 2-1 lead in the 8th -- they're down 4-2 now.

if that holds, even if the yanks lose, they'll clinch postseason this evening.

and bosox are down 8 - 2 now
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 5:24 AM
aaaaaaaaaaaaand clinched!

Yankees clinch 9th Straight AL East title
By ROB GILLIES, Associated Press Writer

    The New York Yankees clinched their ninth consecutive AL East title on Wednesday night when the second-place Boston Red Sox lost to the Minnesota Twins.

    The Yankees began the day needing one win or a Red Sox loss to wrap up the division championship — and their 12th straight playoff berth. New York lost 3-2 in Toronto, but Boston's game went final about 30 minutes later — setting off a champagne celebration in the New York clubhouse.

    "The sooner we can get it over with, the better," manager Joe Torre said after the Yankees lost but before Boston was defeated.

    The race between the Red Sox and Yankees was close much of the season until New York swept a five-game series at Fenway Park from Aug. 18-21, increasing its lead to 6 1/2 games over Boston.

    The Yankees' lineup got a major boost when the team acquired right fielder Bobby Abreu in a trade with Philadelphia on July 30, while Boston was hurt by a rash of injuries and illnesses this summer. David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, Jason Varitek, Tim Wakefield, Jonathan Papelbon and Jon Lester were among the key players who missed extensive time.

    Last season, New York clinched the AL East title with a win in Boston on the penultimate day of the regular season.

    Bengie Molina homered for Toronto, and the Yankees couldn't take advantage after Blue Jays ace Roy Halladay left in the fourth with a strained right forearm.

    After Bernie Williams fouled off a pitch from Halladay, Toronto manager John Gibbons, pitching coach Brad Arnsberg and trainer George Poulis went to the mound.

    Halladay didn't even attempt a warmup pitch before leaving the field. The Yankees led 1-0 at the time.

    But New York's Sean Henn, making his first start of the season, allowed three runs in the bottom of the fourth.

    Molina tied the score with his 17th homer. Reed Johnson hit an RBI single off Brian Bruney, and Alex Rios added a run-scoring double to make it 3-1.

    Henn (0-1) gave up three runs and four hits in 3 2-3 innings.

    Williams cut it to 3-2 with a homer off David Romero in the sixth. Romero (1-0) pitched 2 1-3 innings for his first major league win.

    B.J. Ryan worked a perfect ninth for his 34th save in 38 chances.

    Robinson Cano's RBI double in the third gave New York a 1-0 lead.

    Notes:@ Torre said closer Mariano Rivera feels fine and will probably pitch this weekend. Rivera has been sidelined since Aug. 31 by a muscle strain near his right elbow. ... Gibbons said his team still has the goal of finishing in second place. "We've been stuck in that third-place rut for years now," he said. Toronto has finished third in the AL East seven of the past eight seasons.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 5:38 AM



PJP said:
I would have clinched better with my own baseball team.


harleykwin said:
Yanks and boobs rule!


Joe Mama said:

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 5:48 AM



MisterJLA said:
Congratulations to the Yankee$ on BUYING another pennant!


Nowhereman said:
The cunty Red Sox were destined to lose, because of cuntitude!


PJP said:


harleykwin said:
you're shmoopy!


Joe Mama said:
no you're shmoopy!

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 7:16 AM
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 7:18 AM

go gob!

Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 4:25 PM
Damn you Rob...

Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 7:35 PM
It's funny cuz its true.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 8:14 PM
I see your nipple.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-21 8:23 PM
What can I say? It's cold in here.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-22 1:21 AM
Steinbrenner feels good about health, postseason
Associated Press

NEW YORK -- George Steinbrenner says he's fit and feeling fine. And for those who don't believe him, the New York Yankees owner invites them to join him at the gym.

"No, I did not have a stroke. I am not ill. I work out daily," he said in a telephone interview last week from his office in Tampa, Fla.

"I'd like to see people who are saying that to come down here and do the workout that I do," he said.

Steinbrenner discussed his health, his team, the upcoming postseason and other topics in a rare, lengthy interview with The Associated Press. Despite rumors that his health has deteriorated, he seemed confident and upbeat, albeit a bit reserved at times.

Asked what he thinks about the Yankees' chances in ending their five-season drought of World Series titles this year, Steinbrenner is optimistic.

"We're going to win it," Steinbrenner said before the Yankees clinched their ninth straight AL East title. "We're going all the way."

As the once-towering figure has retreated from the public eye, the 76-year-old Steinbrenner's health has become a hot topic in baseball.

Speculation increased after he fainted during a memorial service for football great Otto Graham in December 2003 and was hospitalized, and his gait has been unsteady at times this year. During last month's groundbreaking for the new Yankee Stadium, his comments were short and clipped. His staff insulates him from reporters at games.

Steinbrenner spends most of his time in Tampa, and has slowly been giving up control of the operation to his family members, including son-in-law Steve Swindal, 50, and his sons Hank, 47, and Hal, 36. Steinbrenner has designated Swindal as his successor.

"I have relinquished pretty much all control of the Yankees," Steinbrenner said. "I had to make room for the young people. You can't hold them back."

Swindal has been especially involved with the Yankees operation lately, helping to make trades and renegotiate contracts. But that doesn't mean Steinbrenner isn't on the phone with general manager Brian Cashman and manager Joe Torre on a regular basis.

"I miss the day-to-day, but I still talk to Cashman every day," he said. "I talk to Torre a lot. I still offer my opinion. They still listen quite a bit."

"My sons and son-in-law are running the team," he said. "They learned hard under me about how to succeed. We have a lot of good guys signed."

Steinbrenner became known as "The Boss" because of the iron fist with which he ruled the Yankees, including his penchant for firing managers and dressing down players when they fail. His team made 20 managerial changes from 1973-95, but then he hired Torre and stability finally set in.

Steinbrenner, a prominent shipbuilder, purchased the floundering team in 1973 and rebuilt the storied Yankees into a winning dynasty, capturing six World Series championships and 10 American League pennants in his tenure.

He opened his wallet to buy high-priced talent and subjected them to strict discipline on things like players' hair and dress -- the kind of discipline he once faced as a student at Culver Military Academy.

He is considered one of the most successful owners in sports history.

"We are the first billion-dollar baseball team," he says. "I never dreamt the team would ever be worth that much when we bought it for $8.8 million ... I'd say that was a pretty good investment."

But his team struggled in the late 1980s and early '90s, failing to make the playoffs between their 1981 AL pennant and 1995 wild card berth. Steinbrenner also served two lengthy suspensions, one following a guilty plea for conspiring to make illegal campaign contributions and another for paying a small-time gambler money to get damaging information on outfielder Dave Winfield.

Steinbrenner returned and brought the Yankees back. The club this week clinched its 12th consecutive playoff berth.

Steinbrenner said most of his time is spent with his family now: his wife, Joan, their four children and 12 grandchildren.

"I would like to be a better husband and better father," he said. "I would also like to do more for the young people. I can never do enough for them."

Off the field, Steinbrenner has quietly put scores of less fortunate youngsters through school and made large donations to various colleges including Williams College, his alma mater. He has also been known to help total strangers in need, privately sending a check after reading about them in a New York tabloid.

Steinbrenner remains deeply committed to breeding and training thoroughbred race horses at his family's 750-acre farm in Ocala, Fla. One of Steinbrenner's horses, Hemingway's Key, finished third in the Preakness Stakes on May 20, the second jewel in the Triple Crown.

While Steinbrenner would love to win a Triple Crown race, he would also love to give another championship to Yankee fans, whom he described as "loyal and knowledgeable like no others in the world." He said fans would often come up to him on the sidewalk or in a restaurant in Manhattan and give him their opinions and advice.

"They are involved," he said. "They're the best."

He still attends many of the games, and the Yankees will always be his love, he said.

"I want the Yankees to keep on winning," he said. "To keep in contention. I hate to lose. To lose is a failure in my book. Losing is for lousy teams like the Boston Red Sox and their scumbag fans."

Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-25 3:34 AM

Devil Rays 11, Yankees 4

Mussina Hurt as Devil Rays Pound Yankees

Published: September 24, 2006
Filed at 5:54 p.m. ET


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -- Mike Mussina and the New York Yankees got a scare just over a week away from the playoffs. Mussina was hit on the glove hand by Carl Crawford's liner and left the Yankees' 11-4 loss to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in the fifth inning Sunday.

''It shouldn't be any issue,'' Yankees manager Joe Torre said.

Torre went to the mound after Crawford's hit and immediately removed Mussina (14-7), who allowed six runs and seven hits in 4 2-3 innings. Mussina is in line to pitch the third game of the Yankees' first-round playoff series, and the Yankees said Mussina sustained a mild bruise at the base of his left thumb.

''My thumb is OK,'' Mussina said. ''It's a little sore. It won't be a factor.''

New York has lost three of four since clinching its ninth straight AL East title on Wednesday night, endangering homefield advantage throughout the AL playoffs. Alex Rodriguez went 0-for-3 to extend his slide to 4-for-28, popping out with the bases loaded to end the fifth.

''It's something about the concentration in games like this, and I take nothing away from the Devil Rays,'' Torre said. ''The intensity of how you go about it, it's nothing you're going to have a meeting on. They know what's important. I've been very comfortable with the way we've approached it.''

Yankees center fielder Johnny Damon went 0-for-5 in his return after missing the three games with a cut on his left hand. Robinson Cano hit a solo homer for the Yankees and went 2-for-4, leaving his average at .341.

Ty Wigginton had a two-run single during a six-run fourth against Mussina and added a solo homer for the Devil Rays (60-95), who became the fifth team to lose 95 games overall with a winning record at home (41-39).

Crawford became the first player since Hall of Famers Earle Combs, Paul Waner and Charlie Gehringer in 1930 to have 15 or more triples in three consecutive seasons.

''When you reach a milestone like that, it's always a good thing,'' Crawford said. ''I have no clue why other guys haven't done it.''

Rookie Brian Stokes (1-0) allowed three runs and seven hits in 5 1-3 innings for his first major league victory. It was his third start and fourth appearance.

''It's a dream come true, especially against those guys,'' Stokes said.

New York loaded the bases with no outs in the second but scored just once, on Hideki Matsui's sacrifice fly.

Rocco Baldelli opened the fourth with a double and Delmon Young reached first when shortstop Derek Jeter was charged with an error for a throw in the dirt to Gary Sheffield, whose foot came off the first-base bag. Sheffield, coming back from wrist surgery, made his big league debut at first base on Friday night. He went 1-for-3 Sunday and is 1-for-8 since returning.

''I was happy to see it,'' Sheffield said. ''Those are the plays that we talked about you can't grasp until you go through it. It's on-the-job training. I will get it.''

Torre is still evaluating Sheffield's play at first, but has been pleased with most aspects thus far.

''He got a pocket-full today,'' Torre said.

Crawford's infield RBI single tied it, Greg Norton walked to load the bases and Wigginton hit a two-run single that put Tampa Bay ahead for good. B.J. Upton added an RBI double, and Ben Zobrist hit a two-run single to shallow right that made it 6-1.

''Things went from really good to really bad in a hurry,'' Mussina said. ''I really didn't feel like I made that many mistakes.

''Sometimes big innings happen with a bunch of small things. A roller down the line for a double, an error, an infield single and it kind of exploded from there.''

Wigginton hit his team-best 23rd homer off Ron Villone during a five-run sixth that extended the lead to 11-3. Baldelli had a two-run single, and Crawford drove in a pair with a triple. Notes:@ Yankees 1B Jason Giambi (left wrist) is scheduled to hit off a tee Tuesday and could play soon after. ... Torre said he is leaning toward having RHP Jaret Wright be the fourth starter in the playoffs. RHP Chien-Ming Wang or LHP Randy Johnson is expected to start the postseason opener. ... Yankees closer Mariano Rivera, coming off a strained right forearm, is expected to pitch on consecutive days this week. ... The game was briefly delayed in the bottom of the fourth when a security guard near the Tampa Bay dugout was taken off the field on a stretcher. The Devil Rays said the man experienced chest tightness, was treated at the stadium first aid center and released. ... Devil Rays 2B Jorge Cantu (fever) missed his third straight game.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-25 5:14 AM
Mussina will be ok....the Tigers clinched today.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-27 2:26 AM
shef is playin tonight, in front of a home crowd, for the first time in months.

oh, and the sox started today behind toronto in the al east.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-27 5:56 AM
Yankees 5, Orioles 4.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-28 4:47 AM
yanks're dominating the o's, 15-4 in the 7th right now.

5 yankee homers - giambi, posada, abreu, damon and cano

the still-silent cano is also batting 343 to jeter's 339 (mauer is currently at 349)
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-28 5:35 AM
Tampa Bay 11 Boston 0.....

No pizaa for you tonight Big Douchie!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-29 10:37 PM
Yanks pass 4 million in attendance
Bombers second team in history to reach mark more than once
By Peter Zellen / Special to MLB.com

    With Wednesday's crowd of more than 53,000, the Yankees passed the four million mark in attendance for the second straight year -- and doing it in just 77 dates. It makes the Bombers just the second team in Major League history reach that mark more than once.
    The Blue Jays did it three straight seasons from 1991-93.

    The Yankees lead the Major Leagues in total home attendance and average home attendance (52,367 through Wednesday).

    "I'd like to believe it's inherent in the city," manager Joe Torre said of the mark, when asked if it's the Yankees' winning ways that bring people to Yankee Stadium or if it's just the nature of the fans. "New York feels they have the inside track because at one time they experienced championships in just about all the sports, where different cities are bragging about a particular sport.

    "People are tuned into sports in this town. They're very knowledgeable."

    The Yankees also lead the Majors in total road attendance (3,080,263) and average road attendance (38,028), and they are one of only three teams in Major League history to top the three million mark in road attendance and the first team to do it more than once.

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-09-29 10:58 PM

Stadium article said:
The Yankees lead the Major Leagues in total home attendance and average home attendance (52,367 through Wednesday).

still annoys me that their average attendance is still nearly 1,500 more seats than the maximum capacity of their new stadium.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-03 6:03 PM
Sheffield to bat cleanup; Third baseman A-Rod moved down in order
By Ian Browne / MLB.com

    How loaded are the Yankees? They will open the postseason with the highest paid player in the game batting sixth. No, there was no misprint on the lineup card manager Joe Torre put together for Tuesday's Division Series opener against the Tigers.

    Alex Rodriguez will be hitting sixth for the first time in his three seasons with the Yankees.

    "I don't mind where I hit," Rodriguez said. "It's never been a big issue for me. Joe spoke to me, so it's not a big deal."

    A-Rod's most frequent lineup spot in 2006 was cleanup, where he batted in 88 games. He also started games in the second, third and fifth slots.

    Gary Sheffield, the feared slugger who missed nearly three months with wrist woes before returning on Sept. 22, will bat fourth in Game 1.

    Was Torre trying to take the pressure off of A-Rod, who has had his share of bumps in the road this season? Was he showing his faith in Sheffield?

    Torre didn't get into specifics. His best explanation was that his lineup is loaded.

    "I mean, I can shake them up and pull them out of a hat," said Torre. "As I told the players this morning when I read it to them, I said, I can hold it this way, that way, this way, it doesn't bother me. But you have to put them in order, and, you know, we basically separated the lefties and we let it fly."

    Johnny Damon will lead off, followed by Derek Jeter, Bobby Abreu, Sheffield, Jason Giambi, A-Rod, Hideki Matsui, Jorge Posada and Robinson Cano.

    "The biggest indication is [Cano] is hitting ninth," said Rodriguez. "Robby, for 90 percent of the teams, could be hitting third, it doesn't matter how you draw it up."

    Sheffield, one of those players who crave the pressure, had no qualms with hitting in the high-profile cleanup spot. He'll just try to blend in, even as he starts at first base, a position he just took a crash course in after returning from the disabled list.

    "Right now, I'm not even focused on me, per se," Sheffield said. "I'm just focused on a championship ring right now. That's the most important thing. I'm just trying to stay in there as long as I can and do positive things and contribute to this team. Wherever I'm hitting in the lineup, just do what I'm told and go from there. It just so happens I'm hitting fourth, and I'm thankful for that also."

    The story seemed to be more about where A-Rod wasn't hitting than where Sheffield will be. Despite his ups and downs, Rodriguez hit .290 with 35 homers and 121 RBIs in the regular season.

    "Under the circumstances, I think he had a phenomenal season," said Sheffield. "There aren't a lot of guys that can drive in 120 runs, regardless of what team you're on. The bottom line is that obviously puts him in a position where you know you don't have to carry this team, and rightfully so. He shouldn't carry all the burden. Everyone is responsible on this team. ... He does it year in and year out. He's a consistent player, and I think he handled himself well this year."

    But the rabid baseball fans of New York want to see how Rodriguez will fare in October.

    "Alex has been amazing," said Damon. "Having to deal with that [scrutiny] day in and day out. He won't really get to relax unless he delivers a championship here. We're looking for big things from him, and he expects big things from himself. I can't wait to see him in action."

    By now, A-Rod is well versed in answering questions about how much pressure is on him.

    "That never changes," said Rodriguez. "I'm just going to go out and do my best."

    And even if Torre is trying to ease the burden on Rodriguez, it's not as if he is trying to hide him. That's impossible in October.

    "Alex is one of the nine guys in the lineup," Torre said. "He's been having fun over the last week or 10 days or two weeks. He seems to be very comfortable. And yeah, it's important for him to hit, because he's one of our guys and we certainly need up and down that lineup to get contributions and to protect the guy in front of him and all that stuff.

    "But hopefully Alex will just allow his ability to talk, and if that's the case, then we feel pretty good. We all know Alex is very conscientious. He would like to do tons of things, and we feel that just to sort of allow things to happen, more so than just trying to do too much, is probably a better way to approach it."

    Meanwhile, Sheffield hit .250 (7-for-28) with two homers and six RBIs since returning to the lineup. He felt his swing getting back to where it needed to be in the past few days.

    "It's a lot better," said Sheffield. "I feel like I have a chance to get a hit every time up. Even if I don't, I feel like I have a chance. That's the most important thing. Obviously, it's all about confidence. When you go up there with confidence, positive things happen."

    No matter who hits where, it's hard for the Yankees not to have confidence with the mashing crew Torre has lined up for Game 1.

    "It's pretty amazing. Hopefully, we're all just sharp and we can produce like we have all season," said Damon. "It doesn't matter [where guys hit]. Anybody could be the leadoff hitter on this team, anybody could be the nine hitter, including two guys on the bench. It's pretty cool."

    "You could pretty much put our lineup any way," said Jeter. "We have a lot of guys who are capable of hitting. You could probably pull the names out of a hat."
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-03 6:08 PM
1. Johnny Damon, CF - .285 avg, 24 hrs, 80 rbis
2. Derek Jeter, SS - .343 avg, 14 hrs, 97 rbis
3. Bobby Abreu, RF - .297 avg, 15 hrs, 107 rbis
4. Gary Sheffield, 1B - .298 avg, 6 hrs, 25 rbis
5. Jason Giambi, DH - .253 avg, 37 hrs, 113 rbis
6. Alex Rodriguez, 3B - .290 avg, 35 hrs, 121 rbis
7. Hideki Matsui, LF - .302 avg, 8 hrs, 29 rbis
8. Jorge Posada, C - .277 avg, 23 hrs, 93 rbis
9. Robinson Cano, 2B - .342 avg, 15 hrs, 78 rbis

Starting Pitcher:
Chien-Ming Wang - 19-6, 3.63 ERA
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:13 AM
jeet already 2-2, with a double and a nice defensive play
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:15 AM
yanks go up 2-0 on abreu double!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:16 AM
3-0 on sheff single!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:18 AM
The Yanks sure had to give up a lot for Bobby Abreu. Yeah, they might win the World Series, but was it worth the price?

...oh, wait, they got him for basically nothing. Nevermind.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:20 AM
5-0 on a giambi homer!!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:21 AM

Animalman said:
The Yanks sure had to give up a lot for Bobby Abreu. Yeah, they might win the World Series, but was it worth the price?

...oh, wait, they got him for basically nothing. Nevermind.

don't you mean... "the yank$"? (Copyright © misterjla)
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:23 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
don't you mean... "the yank$"? (Copyright © misterjla)

It's just not fair how many championships the Yankees have bought the last five years, and then lent to other teams that actually won them.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 4:24 AM
fucking high priced juggernauts, like the marlin$.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 5:23 AM
jeet is 4-for-4, with 2 doubles now

and abreu knocks in two more runs, yanks up 7-3
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:23 AM
jeter goes 5 for 5, adding a homer!!!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:35 AM

yanks win game 1
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:35 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:39 AM
there is only one $!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:39 AM
Not the way they spend it!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:40 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:40 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:42 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:42 AM
Posted By: notwedge Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-04 6:43 AM
.,..and space?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-06 10:25 PM
dropped game 2 to detroit, which is bad, as the momentum and home field will now be on the tigers side.

that, plus an inconsistant 78 year old randy johnson.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-06 10:25 PM
Big Unit fit, ready for Game 3 start
By Jack O'Connell / MLB.com

    While the Yankees and the Tigers were finally getting back on the field in the American League Division Series on Thursday at Yankee Stadium, Randy Johnson was resting in a hotel in suburban Detroit.

    The Big Unit, who has a herniated disk in his lower back, has been pronounced fit to start for the Yankees in Friday night's Game 3 at Comerica Park and was sent ahead while his teammates and opponents were stuck in town for an extra day because of Wednesday night's postponement due to rain.

    Johnson has plenty of reasons to be anxious about his next start. Aside from concern about his back, the 6-foot-10 left-hander has had his share of horror games in Division Series. Johnson's career mark in the first round of postseason play is 2-7 with a 4.59 ERA in 11 appearances, including nine starts.

    Certainly, Johnson wants to replace the image he left with Yankees fans last October in Game 3 of the ALDS against the Angels. In that game, he received one of the harshest chorus of boos ever beset on a Yankees player at the Stadium as he walked off the mound after having allowed five earned runs and nine hits in three-plus innings in an eventual 11-7 loss.

    Yankees manager Joe Torre said that he told Johnson after the Yankees lost that ALDS that 2006 "will be a different year."

    "Last year was very different for him, coming over here and starting out the way he did," Torre said Thursday, referring to an altercation Johnson had with a TV camera operator. "I still think that had some kind of influence on his personality the whole year. The perception that everybody seemed to have of him was not what he wanted it to be, and it got off on the wrong foot. He never seemed to get in step. In Spring Training this year, I thought he was very different. He was more relaxed and less guarded as far as his personality."

    Game 2 losing pitcher Mike Mussina knows the anxiety Johnson, who has been in Detroit for some 36 hours, is going through. The Yankees left Mussina in Anaheim, Calif., last year in case there was a Game 5 in the ALDS against the Angels, which there turned out to be, and he started it.

    "That's 36 hours," Mussina said of Johnson's time away from the club. "I waited for, like, four days. He has been preparing for this, really, for the past 10 days. Whatever it takes for him to be ready to go out there and pitch [Friday] night, that's what he will do. Since we didn't play [Wednesday] or [don't] have a workout in Detroit [on Thursday], it makes it seem like he did nothing. But I'm sure he's not just laying on the bed watching TV all day."

    Johnson's back condition was diagnosed the last week of the season. He was given an epidural on Sept. 28, threw lightly the next day and had full bullpen sessions Sunday and Wednesday.

    "He threw really well in the bullpen [Wednesday]," Yankees pitching coach Ron Guidry said. "That was a good sign. He got a lot of extension, and it was a lot easier than it was the time before. As far as the problem he has, the back is always going to be stiff, but I think it's something that he works through. And if he throws just like he threw in the bullpen, he should throw pretty well [Friday]."

    Johnson, 43, will face Kenny Rogers, the Tigers' 41-year-old left-hander. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, Friday's matchup will be the first postseason game in which both starters are in their 40s.

    It will be another period of adjustment for Johnson, who has had to adjust in his two years with the Yankees to the aging process. Johnson, who was 17-11 with a 5.00 ERA in the regular season, cannot rely solely on blowing hitters away with fastballs that top out in the high 90-mph range. Guidry, a former power pitcher, has worked all year at helping Johnson adjust.

    "You can throw so hard so long," Guidry said. "And there's just so many real exceptional pitches in your shoulder, your arm, whatever. So as you get older, you might lose the consistency of your pitches. It doesn't mean you can't throw the same speed-wise, you know, 95-96 every once in awhile. The thing that you lose is the ability to throw it for nine innings. You have to learn to pitch with it for maybe five, six, seven innings.

    "It's an adjustment. Until you learn how to go about it fully, it's going to present a battle to you. You're really going to have to fight it. As far as RJ is concerned, that's some of the stuff that he went through this year, trying to become a better pitcher by throwing more pitches way out of the strike zone towards the outside part of the plate and not always trying to challenge guys inside. There are a lot of things you have to learn, but he's learning."
Posted By: PixieP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-07 6:42 AM
Tigers 6, Yankmees 0

Looks like NY's in big trouble now!!!
Posted By: sneaky bunny Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-07 9:09 PM

Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-07 11:42 PM

PixieP said:
Tigers 6, Yankmees 0

Looks like NY's in big trouble now!!!

did your boyfriend Joe Mama tell you to say that?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 1:00 AM
last nights game was garbage, and today's hasn't started much better.

peejus, unmake them!
Posted By: notwedge Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 2:41 AM

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 3:15 AM
damn you, bouncing toothy chinaman stereotype!
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 3:33 AM

Rob Kamphausen said:
last nights game was garbage, and today's hasn't started much better.

peejus, unmake them!

I knew when they lost Game 2 it was over. I knew that Wright and Johnson probably couldn't beat them in Detroit. My hat is off to the Tigers. I'm upset the Yanks lost but I'm happy for a young team full of young players....they have a very bright future together. I'll be cheering for the Tigers and Mets the rest of the way. Rob was right....putting Shef and Matsui in killed the chemistry this team had.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 3:52 AM
yes! i love being right!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 4:16 AM

PJP said:
I'll be cheering for the Tigers and Mets the rest of the way.

not for me. as the yanks leave, i'm done with baseball, too. rob mama style.

plus, this gives me a great opportunity to concentrate on the jets!


Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 4:18 AM
Yanks' postseason ends in Game 4
By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com

    Wright hit early, Bombers offense struggles again in loss

    A season of hope and promise came crashing to an ugly finish on Saturday, as the Yankees were ousted from the postseason by the Tigers.

    New York dropped an 8-3 decision to Detroit, as Jeremy Bonderman dominated the Yankees' lineup, following the lead of fellow starters Justin Verlander and Kenny Rogers.

    This marks the second consecutive season and third time in five years that the Yankees have been eliminated in the American League Division Series. New York, which hasn't won a World Series title since 2000, now faces another offseason of uncertainty.

    Jaret Wright was hit for four runs (three earned) in just 2 2/3 innings, as manager Joe Torre yanked him before the game got out of hand. Cory Lidle appeared to calm things down by retiring the first four hitters he faced, but the Tigers struck him for three runs in the fifth, breaking the game wide open.

    Before the game, Torre tried to shake things up by inserting Melky Cabrera into the lineup in left field, putting Gary Sheffield back at first base and dropping Alex Rodriguez to the No. 8 spot in the batting order.

    None of it worked, though, as Bonderman came out dealing, retiring the first 15 batters he faced to record five perfect innings. Bonderman pitched 8 1/3 innings, holding the Yankees to two runs on five hits, carrying the Tigers to the AL Championship Series, where they will face the A's.

    Rodriguez finished the series 1-for-14, his second dreadful postseason in a row. Last year, he went 2-for-15 in the ALDS loss to the Angels, and he was just 2-for-17 over the final four games of the 2004 ALCS against the Red Sox.

    Wright retired the side in order in the first, but Magglio Ordonez put the Tigers on the board with a solo homer to lead off the second. Three batters later, Craig Monroe blasted a two-run shot, giving Detroit a 3-0 lead.

    The Yankees' offense barely put up a fight against Bonderman, who threw just 31 pitches through the first four innings and 40 through five.

    Detroit added to the lead in the fifth, opening the inning with two runs on four straight hits against Lidle. Ivan Rodriguez tacked on an RBI sacrifice fly to boost the lead to six runs, sending the sellout crowd of 43,126 into an orange towel-waving frenzy.

    Robinson Cano broke up the perfect game with a leadoff single in the sixth, but the Tigers tallied another run in the bottom of the inning.

    The Yankees finally put a run on the board in the seventh on Hideki Matsui's RBI fielder's choice, but Bonderman avoided a potential rally, getting Cano to fly out with runners on first and second. Jorge Posada added a two-out, two-run homer in the ninth.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 4:38 AM
Just imagine how badly the Tigers would have beaten the Yanke$$ if they had an equal payroll...!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 4:41 AM

MisterJLA said:

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 5:00 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 5:48 AM

PJP said:

PixieP said:
Tigers 6, Yankmees 0

Looks like NY's in big trouble now!!!

did your boyfriend Joe Mama tell you to say that?

I find your anger delightful.

All comments and/or jokes about the Yankees aside, let me ask the resident Yankee fans a question: what now? Which free agents do they keep, which do they let go? How does the outfield line up? Does the long-rumored A-Rod trade happen after yet another poor postseason performance? Which free agents do they go after? What do you see for this offseason?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 6:42 AM
i actually would not be opposed to some knee-jerk, vengeful, "crazy eddie" reactions from a 1980s-minded steinbrenner.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 7:21 AM
i think the yankees should trade a-rod to the reds and agree to pay all his salary in exchange for adam dunn and george grande
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-08 10:25 PM

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

PixieP said:
Tigers 6, Yankmees 0

Looks like NY's in big trouble now!!!

did your boyfriend Joe Mama tell you to say that?

I find your anger delightful.

All comments and/or jokes about the Yankees aside, let me ask the resident Yankee fans a question: what now? Which free agents do they keep, which do they let go? How does the outfield line up? Does the long-rumored A-Rod trade happen after yet another poor postseason performance? Which free agents do they go after? What do you see for this offseason?

I have no anger....none whatsover. If the Red Sux the scum of the Earth were in it maybe...but no anger towards anyone else. I'mm looking forward to the rest of the playoffs.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-09 1:34 AM

PJP said:

Joe Mama said:

PJP said:

PixieP said:
Tigers 6, Yankmees 0

Looks like NY's in big trouble now!!!

did your boyfriend Joe Mama tell you to say that?

I find your anger delightful.

All comments and/or jokes about the Yankees aside, let me ask the resident Yankee fans a question: what now? Which free agents do they keep, which do they let go? How does the outfield line up? Does the long-rumored A-Rod trade happen after yet another poor postseason performance? Which free agents do they go after? What do you see for this offseason?

I have no anger....none whatsover. If the Red Sux the scum of the Earth were in it maybe...but no anger towards anyone else. I'mm looking forward to the rest of the playoffs.

I feel your supressed rage. It's okay...let it out.

Meanwhile, what are your thoughts on speculation about Torre's future? Will he be fired or asked to resign? With Girardi and Piniella available, do the Yankees go after one of them? Is Mattingly the next Yankee manager? And what are your thoughts on the other questions I posed?

It's fun to rattle your cage a little, but I really am interested in your thoughts.
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-09 1:57 AM
Well, the New York Daily news reported last night that Torre is out and Steinbrenner-favorite Pinella is in, and now everyone else seems to have run with the story. Seems a little quick for something like this to be decided, but whatever.

Girardi is, like Pinella, a former Yankee, and shares Steinbrenner's disdain for facial hair.

Jarrod Washburn, Josh Beckett, Ervin Santana Jeremy Bonderman; all winning pitchers in games in which the Yankees were eliminated, all developed internally. Money-whipping marquee hitters hasn't worked too well in the postseason for New York. How about developing some pitching?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-09 2:20 AM
u know what the problem with the yankess was this season...the owner clearly didnt spend enough money...cheap bastard!
Posted By: Brad Lee Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-09 5:36 AM
I am at a loss for words...

Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-09 5:44 AM
i celebrate with u brad...
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-26 11:19 PM
Updated: Oct. 26, 2006, 11:22 AM ET

Report: Yankees to pick up $13M option on Sheffield

ESPN.com news services

NEW YORK -- Gary Sheffield was told Wednesday that the New York Yankees will pick up his $13 million option for next season, according to a newspaper report.

Sheffield said he was hoping to test the free-agent market and get another three-year contract, USA Today said in a story on its Web site.

"This will not work, this will not work at all," Sheffield told the newspaper. "I don't want to play first base a year for them. I will not do that."

Sheffield, sidelined from May 29 to Sept. 22 with an injured left wrist that required surgery, hit .298 with six homers and 25 RBIs in 39 games this season. He played first base for the first time in his major league career after he returned in September.

"I don't know what they're [Yankees] going to do," Sheffield said. "Maybe they picked it up just to trade me. If they do that, if I just [go] to a team for one year, there's going to be a problem."

A message was left by The Associated Press seeking comment from Sheffield's agent, Rufus Williams.

It's possible the Yankees are positioning themselves to trade Sheffield, as several teams are reportedly interested in a player of his type. The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that at least a half-dozen teams -- the Angels, Orioles, Cubs, Giants, Astros and Rangers -- are in the market for a power-hitting corner outfielder, and that doesn't include the Red Sox and Mets, who could also use the help. The Yankees can now prevent Sheffield from going to such rivals without getting anything in return.

One GM reportedly called Yankees GM Brian Cashman last week about Sheffield. "To be honest," he said, "I was kind of put off, leaving me to believe he's got at least a couple of teams really pushing him hard [for Sheffield]."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-26 11:20 PM

PJP said:
Updated: Oct. 26, 2006, 11:22 AM ET

Report: Yankees to pick up $13M option on Sheffield

ESPN.com news services

NEW YORK -- Gary Sheffield was told Wednesday that the New York Yankees will pick up his $13 million option for next season, according to a newspaper report.

Sheffield said he was hoping to test the free-agent market and get another three-year contract, USA Today said in a story on its Web site.

"This will not work, this will not work at all," Sheffield told the newspaper. "I don't want to play first base a year for them. I will not do that."

Sheffield, sidelined from May 29 to Sept. 22 with an injured left wrist that required surgery, hit .298 with six homers and 25 RBIs in 39 games this season. He played first base for the first time in his major league career after he returned in September.

"I don't know what they're [Yankees] going to do," Sheffield said. "Maybe they picked it up just to trade me. If they do that, if I just [go] to a team for one year, there's going to be a problem."

A message was left by The Associated Press seeking comment from Sheffield's agent, Rufus Williams.

It's possible the Yankees are positioning themselves to trade Sheffield, as several teams are reportedly interested in a player of his type. The New York Daily News reported Wednesday that at least a half-dozen teams -- the Angels, Orioles, Cubs, Giants, Astros and Rangers -- are in the market for a power-hitting corner outfielder, and that doesn't include the Red Sox and Mets, who could also use the help. The Yankees can now prevent Sheffield from going to such rivals without getting anything in return.

One GM reportedly called Yankees GM Brian Cashman last week about Sheffield. "To be honest," he said, "I was kind of put off, leaving me to believe he's got at least a couple of teams really pushing him hard [for Sheffield]."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Brilliant move really. Now they can trade him and maybe get a starting pitcher and keep him away from the Red Sox and Mets.
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-26 11:31 PM
Man, Sheffield is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed!

Great move by the Yankees. And, anyways, fuck Sheffield. He was treated damn well by the Yankees. Considering he negotiated his own contract, he's got no bitching rights.
Posted By: The Watcher Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-27 12:03 AM
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-27 7:14 AM

Joe Mama said:
Man, Sheffield is piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed!

Great move by the Yankees. And, anyways, fuck Sheffield. He was treated damn well by the Yankees. Considering he negotiated his own contract, he's got no bitching rights.

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-27 7:15 AM
Report: Mattingly replaces Mazzilli as Yankees bench coach
yahoo sports

    Don Mattingly will take over as bench coach for the New York Yankees next season, replacing Lee Mazzilli, according to a newspaper report.

    The move puts Mattingly one step closer to manager Joe Torre's job, making him the favorite to take over when the long-time skipper leaves, according to the report, posted Thursday night on Newsday's Web site.

    The Yankees would not confirm the report when reached Thursday night by The Associated Press.

    Torre's contract expires after next season. Mattingly has been the Yankees' hitting coach for three seasons.

    Mazzilli was fired during his second season as manager of the Baltimore Orioles and joined the Yankees as the bench coach last November. He also was New York's first base and outfield coach from 2000-03.

    As a player, Mattingly was a six-time All Star with a career batting average of .307 in 14 major league seasons, all with the Yankees.
Posted By: jafabian Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-10-27 10:28 AM
Sheff should realize things could be worse for him. He could be a Knick!
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-08 10:37 PM
Gooden being released from prison
Associated Press

    Former baseball star Dwight Gooden is set to be released from prison Thursday after finishing a sentence for violating his probation by using cocaine.

    With gain time and credit for 93 days already served in the Hillsborough County Jail and in a secure drug treatment facility, his total prison time will be about seven months. He had been sentenced to a year and a day.

    The Department of Corrections refused to give a time for when Gooden would be released from Gainesville Correctional Institution, DOC spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said. Gooden has had numerous legal problems, most related to drug problems.

    Last April, Gooden chose to accept prison time instead of an offer of probation. If he had violated probation, he would faced the prospect of five years in prison.

    The 41-year-old was serving three years' probation for speeding away from police during a drunken driving traffic stop last year when he failed a drug test and acknowledged to a probation officer that he had used cocaine.

    Gooden was the 1984 NL Rookie of the Year and 1985 NL Cy Young Award winner while with the New York Mets. He went 194-112 with a 3.51 ERA before retiring in 2001. He also pitched for the New York Yankees, Cleveland Indians, Houston Astros and Tampa Bay Devil Rays.

    In 1994, while with the Mets, Gooden was suspended for 60 days for testing positive for cocaine. He tested positive for cocaine again while on suspension and was sidelined for the 1995 season.

    Another Mets and Yankees star, Darryl Strawberry, was released from the same prison on April 8, 2003, after serving 11 months of an 18-month prison sentence for violating probation on cocaine possession charges.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-08 10:37 PM
go get'em, steinbrenner!
Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-12 5:00 AM
Tigers deal three pitchers to Yankees for Sheffield:


NEW YORK -- Gary Sheffield left New York with what he wanted: a $28 million contract extension through 2009 and a promise that he wouldn't be playing first base.

Sheffield was traded from the Yankees to the Detroit Tigers on Friday for three pitching prospects in the first major trade of the offseason, a deal that brings him back to Tigers manager Jim Leyland and team president Dave Dombrowski.

"I was ecstatic because I get reunited with the people that I've always loved," Sheffield said. "They're business-minded. They're smart people. They're respectful people. They treat you like men. That's what you want to be around. To reunite with them after 10 years is a blessing."

New York gets right-handers Humberto Sanchez, Kevin Whelan and Anthony Claggett.

"I was trying to find something that would make the Yankee family happy and consequently that would make the Sheff family happy, so I think this worked in everybody's favor," New York general manager Brian Cashman said. "I had a number of deals on the table and this is the one I wanted."

In 1997, Sheffield won a World Series title for the Florida Marlins, managed by Leyland under Dombrowski, who was the team's general manager.

"This is one of the ultimate bats in baseball and one of the ultimate people in baseball," Leyland said. "I have the utmost respect for him. I can't tell you how happy we are. It's almost unbelievable. It's hard for me to believe that we landed Gary Sheffield."

Detroit and New York reached a tentative agreement on the deal Tuesday night, and the Tigers had a three-day window to agree to a contract extension. Sheffield and the Tigers agreed Thursday to the new contract, which includes some deferred money, and Sheffield took a physical Friday.

"It's unfortunate from the sense that Gary's a good friend," Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter said. "That's the part of the business you never get used to."

Sheffield, who turns 38 on Nov. 18, has 455 homers in 19 seasons but became superfluous in New York after the Yankees acquired Bobby Abreu from Philadelphia in late July. Sheffield topped 34 homers and 120 RBI in each of his first two seasons with the Yankees, but missed most of 2006 with a wrist injury from an April collision with Toronto's Shea Hillenbrand.

"I'm happy it didn't drag out," manager Joe Torre said Friday night at a dinner for his foundation. "It just looked like it was getting uncomfortable for both sides. At least Gary's going back to the manager he won a World Series with and I know that Jimmy thinks very highly of him."

When Sheffield returned in late September, the Yankees shifted him to first base.

"I have no plans to play him at first base," Leyland said. "It might get on his mind and affect his hitting."

Leyland plans to use Sheffield primarily as a designated hitter as Detroit tries to repeat as AL champions and win the World Series for the first time since 1984. Sheffield also will be a backup to Magglio Ordonez in right and possibly to Craig Monroe in left.

"We have said all along that we wanted to add a big bat as one of our goals in the offseason," Dombrowski said. "As things turned out, we were able to do that in a very quick fashion."

Leyland said Sheffield would hit third, fourth or fifth.

"I made about 30 lineups out last night and I can assure you his name was in every one of them," he said.

New York exercised Sheffield's $13 million option last weekend to prevent him from becoming a free agent. Sheffield's first choice was to stay with New York and he said "middle men" on the Yankees blocked him from speaking with George Steinbrenner. Sheffield also said that if the owner's health wasn't an issue, he was confident he'd stay with the Yankees for 2007.

"The only thing I'm disappointed about is I didn't bring them a world championship," Sheffield said. "That was my sole reason for going there. I didn't go for the publicity of being a Yankee. I went for the big stage to win a ring."

The 23-year-old Sanchez was a combined 10-6 with a 2.53 ERA and 129 strikeouts in 123 innings with Triple-A Toledo and Double-A Erie this year. He is a hard thrower and was mentioned in trade speculation last summer before hurting an elbow.

"We're happy we're adding three quality arms to our system, hopefully we can use to out advantage and give us more depth and flexibility," Cashman said. "Sanchez obviously has a lot of potential. He has a lot of ability and we're planning on him going to spring training and hopefully take a lot of steps forward. We look at him as a long-term asset that hopefully we can cash in as early as '07."

Whelan, 22, was 4-1 with a 2.67 ERA and 27 saves for Class A Lakeland. Claggett, 22, was 7-2 with an 0.91 ERA and 14 saves for Class A West Michigan.

"We gave up a lot," Dombrowski said. "I winced."

Earlier this week, Sheffield had said he would retire if the Yankees sent him to a team he didn't want to be with.

"I've always said I want to go out on my terms and they allowed me to do that, and I thank them for that," he said.

Posted By: Animalman Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-12 5:10 AM
Humberto Sanchez is a fairly good prospect. A Dominican who grew up in New York, he was a starter in the Futures Game(the minor league all-star game, basically). He's got potential, if he stays off the DL and away from the buffet line(he's a big boy). Whelan and Claggett are both 2005 draftees and, for the most part, unknowns at this point. Detroit doesn't have a very good farm system, but Sanchez was probably their top pitching prospect.

Assuming Sheffield is healthy, this looks like a pretty good deal for the Tigers. They didn't surrender anything vital to their youth development, and they added another productive bat who, presumably, will be less of a pain than usual under the supervision of fellow Marlins World Series buddies Leyland and Dombroski.

I'm not sure just how healthy Sheffield is, though.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-13 12:25 AM
this seems to have been a very un-yankees-like deal, trading the older big name for three younger no names -- particularly to a team that stands give them trouble in 07's post season
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-13 8:34 AM
Yanks deal Wright to O's for reliever
By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com

    Earlier this week, the Yankees dealt Gary Sheffield for three pitching prospects rather than allowing the outfielder to leave via free agency after the 2007 season.
    On Sunday, the Yankees took the same approach with Jaret Wright, dealing him to the Orioles for right-handed reliever Chris Britton. New York also sent $4 million to Baltimore in the deal.

    Wright, who is set to earn $7 million in 2007, had a clause in his contract that would have allowed the Yankees to buy out the final year of his deal for $4 million.

    Since Wright was not expected to return to the Yankees next year, it was widely assumed that his contract would be bought out, but general manager Brian Cashman opted to pay that same $4 million to a team willing to acquire the pitcher, allowing the Yankees to obtain a player in return.

    "We are excited with the addition of Chris Britton, who we expect to compete for a role in our bullpen," said Yankees general manager Brian Cashman in a statement. "This acquisition provides additional flexibility to our pitching staff as we continue the transition toward the 2007 season. We thank Jaret Wright for his contributions as a Yankee and we wish him and his family nothing but the best."

    Wright, who will turn 31 on Dec. 29, went 11-7 with a 4.49 ERA in 2006, his second season with the Yankees. He signed a three-year, $21 million contract with New York before the 2005 season, but he battled injuries in his first year of the deal, making just 13 starts.

    The trade leaves just Randy Johnson, Chien-Ming Wang and Carl Pavano as starting pitchers on the Yankees roster, though free agent Mike Mussina is expected to return on a new two-year contract.

    Wright pitched well down the stretch in 2006, going 6-2 after the All-Star break and 2-0 with a 2.95 ERA in three September starts. But his final start for New York came in Game 4 of the American League Division Series, when he was hit for four runs (three earned) in just 2 2/3 innings against the Tigers. The Yankees lost that game, 8-3, ending their postseason run much earlier than expected.

    In two seasons with the Yankees, Wright went 16-12 with a 4.98 ERA in 43 games, 40 of which were starts. Wright is 68-57 in his 10-year career as a member of the Indians, Braves, Padres and Yankees.

    Britton, who turns 24 on Dec. 16, is an intimidating right-hander at 6-foot-3 and 278 pounds. He went 0-2 with one save and a 3.35 ERA in 52 games with Baltimore in 2006, his first year in the Majors.

    With Scott Proctor, Kyle Farnsworth and Brian Bruney set to return to the bullpen next season, Britton could open the year at Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-11-17 1:19 AM
I was in Vegas and couldn't comment......but I really like all the moves the Yanks have made so far this year. If they sign Zito I'll be mucho happy.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-06 4:17 AM
Yanks undecided on Bernie's status
By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com

    Bernie Williams wants to finish his career with the Yankees, the only team for which he has ever played. The question now is, has he already played his final game for New York?

    Williams, who just completed his 16th season in pinstripes on a one-year, $1.5 million contract, is back on the free-agent market for a second consecutive winter. But while Williams is hopeful to return to the Bronx for one more year, the Yankees haven't decided whether the veteran outfielder fits in their plans for 2007.

    General manager Brian Cashman has spoken with both Williams and his agent, Scott Boras, at least two times, but he hasn't determined whether there will be a role for the 38-year-old Williams, who would be a fifth outfielder and switch-hitting pinch-hitter off the bench if he returned.

    "We're working through how this club will shake out and where the opportunities on this club are -- if there are going to be any opportunities," Cashman said. "I've told Scott and Bernie to give us some time. There are no guarantees here."

    Williams seems willing to give the Yankees as much time as they need to decide his future. A longtime friend of Williams said that the outfielder has no plans to finish his career with another team, leaving his fate in the Yankees' hands.

    "I think it's the Yankees or nothing," said Williams' friend, who asked not to be identified. "It's going to be agonizing for Bernie if he has to wait all winter, but I don't think he'll play anywhere else."

    Williams hit .281 with 12 home runs and 61 RBIs last season, playing in 131 games. Although he was brought back to serve as a part-time DH and bench player, Williams was forced into action after Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield suffered major wrist injuries. Williams started 49 games in right field, 28 in center, five in left and 27 as the designated hitter.

    With Johnny Damon, Matsui and Bobby Abreu set to start in the outfield, and Melky Cabrera locked in as the team's fourth outfielder, it remains to be seen if Williams will fit in as the final outfielder. Aaron Guiel, who is arbitration-eligible, could take that spot, as he offers more versatility and is four years younger than Williams.

    If the Yankees decide that Williams doesn't fit their 2007 roster, he will likely retire. Given what he has meant to the Yankees during his tenure in center field, the team will likely handle his situation very carefully.

    "Bernie has been a great Yankee for quite some time," Cashman said. "But at the same time, we're going to look at the 2007 roster and see who the best fits are, then try to secure those fits for us. It's too early to see whether he's going to be part of that plan or not."

    Williams ranks among the franchise's all-time leaders in several categories, including doubles (2nd), at-bats (3rd), hits (4th), games played (5th), home runs (6th) and RBIs (6th).

    Only six other players have worn the Yankees' uniform for as many seasons as Williams, who joins Yogi Berra (18 seasons), Mickey Mantle (18), Lou Gehrig (17), Bill Dickey (17), Frank Crosetti (17) and Whitey Ford (16).
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-06 6:46 PM
Hopefully the Yankees will do right by Bernie, either by offering some sort of role on the team or by offering him a job somewhere within the organization, either as a scout or coach or something.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-06 11:19 PM
i dont think bernie really has any interest in not playing, just yet. the yanks should pick him up to serve as a clutch pinch-hitter type, like ruben sierra did for a few years.

280 is still a purdy fuckin good batting average that could prove useful down the line.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-08 4:47 AM
Yankees talks with Pettitte ahead
By RONALD BLUM, AP Baseball Writer

    Now, Andy Pettitte is likely the chief target on the offseason agenda for the New York Yankees' general manager.

    Usually one of the teams that drives the market, the Yankees didn't make any major moves all week. But they'd love to reacquire Pettitte, who pitched for them from 1995-2003.

    Pettitte helped the Yankees win four World Series titles, and Cashman acknowledged that players from that era hold a special appeal for the team's fans.

    "There's no doubt there's a love affair for some of these players that will last for a lifetime, and you've seen that obviously when some of these guys return to our park in another uniform -- or guys that have been playing with us still," Cashman said.

    Pettitte left after the 2003 World Series to sign with his hometown Houston Astros and until Wednesday wouldn't say whether he wanted to pitch next season. The Yankees and Astros are the only teams he is considering, and it's unclear whether he would turn down more money from New York to stay in Houston.

    "I felt that over time he would decide to play and put himself in the marketplace," Cashman said.

    New York turned down left-hander Ted Lilly, who wanted to sign with the Yankees but instead accepted a four-year deal from the Chicago Cubs worth about $40 million.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-09 4:01 AM
Pettitte agrees with Yankees on $16 million, 1-year deal
By RONALD BLUM, AP Baseball Writer

    Andy Pettitte is headed back to the New York Yankees. Could Roger Clemens be next?

    Pettitte and the Yankees reached a preliminary agreement Friday on a $16 million, one-year contract, a deal that reunites the two-time All-Star with the team he helped to win four World Series titles.

    "Roger has yet to decide what he wants to do," Randy Hendricks, the agent for both pitchers, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "He has, however, followed the events with Andy and the Astros very carefully."

    Pettitte's deal with the Yankees includes a $16 million player option for 2008. His agent, Randy Hendricks, said Pettitte would not exercise the option if he were hurt and unable to play.

    Pettitte must pass a physical for the agreement to be finalized. Yankees general manager Brian Cashman confirmed the preliminary agreement but declined further comment.

    "It's been a brutal several days trying to come to this decision," Pettitte told Houston television station KRIV. "It's been extremely difficult. That's really all I can say right now. It's been an emotional day. It's been an emotional couple of days."

    When Pettitte left the Yankees after the 2003 season to sign with his hometown Astros, he felt unwanted by New York. This time, he felt unappreciated by Houston.

    "We told the Astros we would do the same deal at $14 million," Hendricks said. "They have been stuck on $12 (million) and essentially said, 'Take it or leave it."'

    Astros general manager Tim Purpura wouldn't get into numbers but said Pettitte's side made a late request for an option year, which was a deal breaker for Houston.

    "When things really changed for us was Wednesday," Purpura said. "The adding of the second year was too wide a gulf for us."

    A day earlier, Houston was on the verge of obtaining pitcher Jon Garland from the Chicago White Sox for outfielder Willy Taveras, pitchers Taylor Buchholz and Jason Hirsh. But the deal wasn't announced, perhaps because Chicago didn't like Buchholz's medical reports.

    "The aborted Garland trade proves they had no intention of increasing their offer, so there was nothing more to wait for except a decision by Andy, which he made this afternoon," Hendricks said.

    The 34-year-old Pettitte pitched for the Yankees from 1995-2003 and went 13-8 for them in postseason play. The lefty spent the last three years in Houston and, joined by Clemens, helped the Astros reach the World Series for the first time in 2005.

    Clemens said he would retire after the 2003 season, but Pettitte's decision to join the Astros caused the Rocket to sign with Houston, too. Clemens thought about retirement again after 2004 and 2005, but rejoined the Astros both times.

    Purpura said Houston will look elsewhere for starting pitching.

    "It's a disappointment certainly," Purpura said. "We wanted to have Andy back, but it just didn't come to pass . . . That being said, though, we're being very active on the trade front and on the free-agent front."

    Pettitte was 14-13 with a 4.20 ERA last season and joins a Yankees rotation that includes Chien-Ming Wang, Mike Mussina and Randy Johnson. Carl Pavano, sidelined by injuries for 1 1/2 seasons, hopes to return next year, and the Yankees also have the rights to sign Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa. The Yankees have not made it back to the World Series since Pettitte left, plagued by inconsistent pitching, especially in the postseason.

    The two-time All-Star's return to the Yankees reunites him with Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada and possibly Bernie Williams.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-09 5:19 AM
16 million? That's like a quarter of some teams' payroll...
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-09 6:29 AM
and its too much for pettitte, let alone pettitte in 2007
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-09 8:36 AM
I don't care...I'm thrilled to have him back.
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2006-12-09 11:21 PM
me too. he was one of my favorites, and i think the yankees really fucked him over when he left a few years back. plus, i liked the fact that he was a career yankee (until then) since they drafted him.

16 mil for a one year deal is a crap load for someone who just went almost 500, with a 4+ era -- and could possibly have s'more serious arm issues.

but i am glad to have him back. an annual 15-game winning left hander is something the yanks need desperately. hopefully he's still got that
Posted By: PJP Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2007-06-01 8:55 PM

MisterJLA said:
I just hope you don't get disappointed if Rob doesn't appoint you, PJP.

I should be mod of the Women's and Video Game boards, but I made fun of Howard Stern today, so I don't see it happening...

Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2007-06-01 9:49 PM
excellent point, pjp. well said.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2007-06-01 9:58 PM
I am the mod of the Arcade Room?
Posted By: Rob Re: How 'bout those Yankees 2006 - 2007-06-01 10:00 PM
are you!