Posted By: rex Nintendo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 8:35 PM

    Nintendo announces the console formerly known as the Revolution has a new--and surprising--moniker. Analysts' reactions are mixed.

    In a surprise announcement this morning, Nintendo revealed the new name of its forthcoming game system: Wii. "As in 'we'," the official statement adds. For the official announcement visit the Revolution...err...Wii Web site.

    After a brief Flash introduction, the site explains Nintendo's move. "While the code-name 'Revolution' expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer. Wii will break down that wall that separates game players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their games … and each other."

    The site goes on to say that Wii should be easy to remember for people around the world, no matter their language, and that it will avoid abbreviation. The "ii" spelling is intended to represent "both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play." It may also be worth noting that "ii" means "good" in Japanese.

    Nintendo sums up the name change with the following comments. "So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because, it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything."

    Game-industry analysts were swift with their responses. "Looks like a good solid name for Nintendo," said an optimistic Michael Gartenberg, vice president and research director of Jupiter Research. "The key is making sure they follow up with a strong launch campaign to evangelize the new brand and help drive the message forward."

    Wedbush Morgan Securities' Michael Pachter was more mixed in his assessment. "My initial reaction, of course, is that the name is dumb," he bluntly stated. "However, upon reflection, I thought that the name Game Boy was dumb, REALLY thought that the name Xbox was dumb, and can't even recall my reaction to PlayStation. Let's face it, devices with cool names like Dreamcast and Gizmondo fail, and the lame names seem to do well."

    Colin Sebastian, Lazard Capital Markets' senior research analyst for Internet and interactive entertainment, displayed Vulcan-like logic responding to the Wii revelation. "The success of the console will have much more to do with the quality of the games and the gameplay," he said. "Nintendo probably believes they've found a name that can stick with consumers. Revolution was catchy, but given similarities with the Xbox 360 name, perhaps Nintendo felt they had to make a change."
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 8:37 PM
god damnit. That has to be the worst name ever.
Nintendo is actually trying to shoot themselves in the foot. It's fucking more and more obvious with every 'buisness' descision they make. The world isn't ready for thier weirdness.

rex said:
god damnit. That has to be the worst name ever.

Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 8:53 PM
Its not even a fucking word!
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 9:22 PM
its basically the worst move they could make.

revolution = aweshome name. perfectly defines the console and is pretty kick ass on its own.

wii = pr nightmare.

it amazes me that, even after all these years of seemingly losing focus on what the american market wants, and then in the past year of revolution build up, seemingly reclaiming the perfect direction and focus on what the american market wants... that it then drifts to "wii"

not that true in japan, butin the states, and most of europe, at least 50% of the game is marketing and cool factor. nintendo has suffered because of brilliant campaigning by the other two systems, and lackluster on nintendo's part.

"wii" actually becomes counter-productive campaigning, a new low.

my only hope is that the backlash will be so loud and so prominant that they'll revert the name back to the code name (as they did with nintendo 'ds')

i sure as fuck am gonna boo the name announcement at e3.
I'll make sure I always pronounce it as "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!".
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 10:22 PM
there was a rumor a couple weeks ago that the revolution was going to be called the "Nintendo Go". I thought it was a okay name, a very Japanese sounding name but something that I could get used to. "Go" and "five" are also the same word in Japanese, and this is Nintendo's fifth console. I thought that was kinda cool so I kinda expected that to be the final name.

Nintendo has the chance to really shine with this console. A lot of publishers are excited about the new controller, even EA said today that they were going to use the controller in for their sports games and not just use the same control from other consoles.

Nintendo did shot themselves in the foot with this one. It makes no sense, and isn't even a word. I've thought some ohter console names were bad (dreamcast and playstation) but this could never do that. Like I've said already and I'll say again, its not ever a word. There is no way I'm going to call this thing the "Nintendo We", I will continue to call it the Revolution until Nintendo comes to its senses and names it something else.

I'm still excited about it, and it will probably be the first next gen console I buy, but Nintendo made a major blunder today and it will take a lot to make up for it.
i will probably do what i did with the gamecube. just call it nintendo. i think i had the gamecube for over a year, and that was like 2 years after it came out, before i started calling it gamecube

with a crappy name like wii, i doubt i will switch, just keep calling it nintendo.
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 10:29 PM
I like "gamecube". I didn't care for it at first and thought it sounded to toyish, but it grew on me.
But Gamecube is an actual word, Wii is not.
Wii is crazy, but what about the Xbox 360? I remember everyone I knew hating that name when it was first announced as a possible candidate, and yet somehow it has just grown into the name I use. Xbox 2 would have been better, just like anything would have been better than 'Wii'.

Sounds very 'alien' and that seems to put Western gamers off. Thats why a lot of Eastern MMORPG's haven't made it big in the U.S. and why Jade Empire didn't do so well. They all claimed it was because they had too much of an Eastern feel, and us Westerners didn't like it. Personally I thought that was bollox, but I dig that whole Eastern mythical Samurai shit
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-27 11:17 PM
Xbox 360 is one of those names that tries to sound cool, but isn't. I would have preferred Xbox 2, but Microsoft thought that that name would have made it sound inferior to the PS3.

rex said:
I like "gamecube". I didn't care for it at first and thought it sounded to toyish, but it grew on me.
But Gamecube is an actual word, Wii is not.

you realize Xbox, and PSP arent actual words dont you?
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-28 4:50 AM
Xbox is more of a word then Wii. PSP is an abbreviation.
Both sound much better then Wii anyhow.

rex said:
Xbox is more of a word then Wii.

is more of a word?
I was gonna buy one, but with a name like that I think I'll just wii on it.
I'll buy it....I've bought every Nintendo machine to date...not gonna stop now.
Yes you are! I'll see to it!
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-30 4:05 AM
i'll still get it. and i'll still love it. ridiculous names don't make games better or worse.

... they just kill the impact the machine could have.
The only way Nintendo could've come up with a gayer name is if they called it the Nintendo Kamphausen.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-30 10:13 AM
I actually sent them an email responding to the poor choice of title. Let's see what happens now.
Did you remember to put spoilers at the end of the email?
make sure the words you use are more of a word than wii.
I am a knight who says Wii!
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-04-30 8:06 PM

King Snarf said:
The only way Nintendo could've come up with a gayer name is if they called it the Nintendo Kamphausen.

at least then, it would have been funny seeing you try to blow a console.
is nintendo an actual word? anyone? rex?
My message:

    To Whom This May Concern,
    While I admire the fact that Nintendo is looking to market a new name for its upcoming next-gen system, the new name is something to joke about. Personally speaking, Wii just does not have the same strength as the old Revolution title. Wii sounds far too childish. Revolution has the potential to rise above lamer console titles that end in a simple number. Please Nintendo, I intended on buying the Revolution with all it offered. However, now that its retitled, Im not certain I want a console by the new title in my household. Revolution was a
    great name, please save yourself the really bad PR and go back to the better name. My fellow video game enthusiasts agree that you are guaranteed better success with a name like Revolution. Thank you very much for your time!
    A concerned gamer.

Their response:

    Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

    I appreciate your taking the time to share your comments regarding the name of our next home console. If you haven't yet had the opportunity, please click the link below to learn why Nintendo chose this unique name:


    Rest assured that your feedback will be forwarded to the appropriate department for further review.


    Nintendo of America Inc.

Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-01 8:05 AM
But you'd think enough messages like mine might get Nintendo to change their minds.

hint hint Rob....
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-01 8:11 AM
I still don't think they're going to keep this name. If they still have it after E3, then I will get pissed.
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-01 9:06 AM
plan on it being there after e3.

it'd be silly to announce it, then change it days later.

if there will be another change, or reverting to the codename, that more than likely wouldn't happen until nearer to launch time, i.e; november.

all that said...

jeremy, would you honestly not buy the system were it to keep this name?

i'm totally with you in hating it, but... when it all comes right down to it, personally, i could't give a fuck what the name is.
Honestly, if it still offers the same cool stuff I'd probably still buy it. However that's not what I want them to think. I want them to think that a name that rhymes with "Pee" won't be as strong as a good name like "Revolution".

Rob Kamphausen said:

King Snarf said:
The only way Nintendo could've come up with a gayer name is if they called it the Nintendo Kamphausen.

at least then, it would have been funny seeing you try to blow a console.

I see you've confused me with yourself, and the Nintendo system with Hulk Hogan.
Posted By: klinton Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-01 10:42 PM
Have they announced any major launch titles for this? I mean, we have Zelda comming around the same time for the GC, and Mario comming this month for the DS....but I've heard nothing about Nintendo franchises for this machine.
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-01 10:57 PM
I think the only one they've said for sure is Smash Bros.
I'm sure they will announce more at E3.
I like the E3 because it's a real word about real people.

King Snarf said:

Rob Kamphausen said:

King Snarf said:
The only way Nintendo could've come up with a gayer name is if they called it the Nintendo Kamphausen.

at least then, it would have been funny seeing you try to blow a console.

I see you've confused me with yourself, and the Nintendo system with Hulk Hogan.

I don't care what it's called as long as I can download me some classic Nintendo games to play.
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-02 3:52 AM

King Snarf said:
you've confused me with yourself, and the Nintendo system with Hulk Hogan.

i can understand confusing hogan with you, or even the console with you, as not one of you has had hair in quite some time.

allan1 said:
I don't care what it's called as long as I can download me some classic Nintendo games to play.


Rob Kamphausen said:

King Snarf said:
you've confused me with yourself, and the Nintendo system with Hulk Hogan.

i can understand confusing hogan with you, or even the console with you, as not one of you has had hair in quite some time.

Wow! A bald joke! What a clever and witty retort! And SO original too! You should post that in your blog so you can share that humorous put down with all 5 people who read it!
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-02 6:57 AM
heh. sure, the gay joke was original comedy gold, but yer all riled up over this?

snarfy, please, you should relax before those final few drift away.
Oh, zing! Kampy, you knave! You are in rare form tonight, you scamp. You should post it in your blog.
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-02 7:01 AM
wow, lookit you!

with the zings, even.

shouldn't you not be getting so pissy over jokes you're used to?
This isn't pissy. It's certainly not on the level of Chris Oakley. Though you started this, and I'll punch you in the face, and so forth.

King Snarf said:
and I'll punch you in the face,

I'd pay to see that. Not cause it's Rob mind you, I just wanna see Snarf punch somebody in the face.
In that case, I hereby challenge Rob Kamphausen to fisticuffs. Because I want to make internet posters whom I've never met before happy.
Your move Bobo!
Kampy fears Snarf!
The Queer and the Bald!
You men and your wii wiis
Butterican is the voice of reason!
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-02 5:41 PM
she is also very hot in her superheroine outfits!

mmm... super heroin....


King Snarf said:
In that case, I hereby challenge Rob Kamphausen to fisticuffs. Because I want to make internet posters whom I've never met before happy.

if your wrath incurs more vicious and/or brutal blog mockery, then i am too askerd to fight back
Just put me in the damn blog already!

King Snarf said:
Just put me in the damn blog already!

You heard it here first folks!! Not only is the Snarf bald....he's also a flaming homosexual. Snarf, have you met Jim Jackson? I'm sure the two of you have a lot to discuss.

rex said:
I still don't think they're going to keep this name. If they still have it after E3, then I will get pissed.

do you believe you typed this? you will actually get pissed about the name of a video game console? look dude, im sure the parents are proud your moderator of the video game forum and all but really, pissed?

MisterJLA said:

allan1 said:
I don't care what it's called as long as I can download me some classic Nintendo games to play.


Like MySpace or RKMBs.
Or Google.
Random information: If you search for the word "Wii" at Google, you'll get more matches than if you search for the words "lemur", "flamingo" or "Doritos". What does this prove? That I have too much time on my hands.
More words with less matches than "Wii":

Pabst, Arthurian, flume, quasar, gasket, notwedge, dungarees, Gambit, pimpmobile, lilac, N64, tuxedo, Kamphausen, Huntress, improv, Lebowski, Dharma, parka, Epcot, WildStorm, loofah, pinto, Deuteronomy, glaive, Fanta, chortle, Magnavox, clamp, kelvin, plummet, crouton.

Again. this proves nothing but my vast ammount of free time.
Vast amount of free time, eh?

Mommy! The man's scaring me!
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-10 1:22 AM
Nintendo reveals Wii classic controller

    Nintendo gives the Wii a "classic" gamepad for Virtual Console games.
    By James Yu, GameSpot
    Posted May 9, 2006 2:44 pm PT

    Nintendo included an image of a new Wii controller hidden within a package of hardware screenshots available for download on the Nintendo press site. The image titled "Wii_classic_0501" shows a gamepad-shaped controller with a Wii logo front and center.

    The "classic" file name suggests that the controller will be used for classic Nintendo games that use a traditional gamepad interface.

    The controller is reminiscent of a Super Nintendo Gamepad with its oval shape, d-pad, and an x, y, a, and b button set in a familiar diamond formation. The controller also features what appears to be four buttons along the top of the controller. The classic controller face also has two analog sticks, which are necessary to maintain GameCube compatibility.


britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
is nintendo an actual word? anyone? rex?

Forget Nintendo, is Nintedo a real word?
If not, why is it in the thread title?
It's a cereal.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-10 5:45 AM
I think robs already got enough jerk off material in this thread.
Posted By: rex Re: Nintedo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-10 8:05 PM
Nintendo Adds Opera Browser to Wii

    Gamers using Nintendo's next generation Wii console will be able to surf the Internet using a browser from Opera Software, the companies said today.

    Opera isn't revealing specific capabilities of the Wii browser, which is still in development, but said it will be a full-featured browser.

    While many current game consoles are connected to the Internet to support multiplayer gaming, few of them allow full Web browsing. Some consoles, like Microsoft's Xbox 360, don't come with browsers but users can download limited functionality browsers to the console.

    Wii customers will browse the Internet using the same controllers they play games with, the companies said. Nintendo unveiled some details of the controllers, which can sense motion and translate that motion into action in the game, this week.

    The browser may play a hand in incorporating Web technology into games, an Opera spokeswoman said.

    Similar Software

    The announcement that Opera's browser will feature on the Wii console follows the news that Opera is also supplying a browser for Nintendo's handheld DS gaming device.

    Nintendo won't build the browser into the Nintendo DS, but the software will be sold like a game cartridge in Japan in July.

    The companies have not announced plans to sell that browser in other markets, the Opera spokeswoman said.

    Nintendo said it will start selling Wii around the world in the fourth quarter.

What has any of this to do with Nintedo?
Posted By: rex Re: Nintendo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-11 12:22 AM
Wii wielding gun

    E3 06: Wii wielding gun
    Unannounced peripheral in the shape of a gun makes appearance at Nintendo's booth; combines both halves of nunchaku into one pistol-packin' package.
    By Tim Surette, GameSpot
    Posted May 10, 2006 12:25 pm PT

    LOS ANGELES--One of the biggest attractions at this year's E3 is Nintendo's Wii, which features the motion-sensing controller many have nicknamed "the Wii-mote," because of it looks like a television remote control. Gamers aren't limited to just that controller, though. Additional peripherals can be used in its stead or even attached to it.

    A separate analog joystick attachment has been known about for a while, and Nintendo revealed the classic controller yesterday, a pad that has two analog sticks as well as a more traditional button set-up.

    Today, in the Wii section of Nintendo's booth, a new, unannounced peripheral was shown off in a display case. Dubbed "The Zapper," the new addition to the Wii family is a casing that houses the Wii-mote and the analog joystick in a configuration that looks like a gun.

    The purpose seems simple--instead of holding both attachments in one hand (the analog joystick controls movement and the Wii-mote controls aim), one hand can control both.

    Old school gamers will recognize the Zapper name. In 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System was sold with a light gun named the Zapper, which was used to shoot hapless ducks and snickering dogs in Duck Hunt.

fucking snickering dogs.....
Posted By: Rob Re: Nintendo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-15 12:03 AM
that is disgusting, bsams.
You know what else is disgusting? Your lily-livered cowardice! I challenged you here, and you ran off like a scalded dog!
Fuck off!
I am pleased to announce that the new regime officially declares "Wii" to be a real word.
Posted By: rex Re: Nintendo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-24 9:05 AM
Wii's World Wide Web

    May 23, 2006 - At the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that its forthcoming Wii console would be able to access the Web with the Opera browser. Iwata said that the Wii console could, "… power up virtual console games and applications like our Opera Web browser saved to flash ROM… in just a few seconds."

    We recently chatted with Opera for Devices' executive vice president, Scott Hedrick, about its partnership with Nintendo and what benefits the Web browser will bring to Wii users.


    IGN Wii: There are a lot of Web browsers on the market. Why do you think Nintendo chose Opera for Wii?

    Scott Hedrick: Opera is a full Web browser for desktop, mobile and devices. We use our same desktop core to run on non-traditional devices, often with constrained resources. Opera is able to provide Nintendo with a full functioning Web browser, customized for Nintendo and working within any limitations the device presents. We are also able to use the device's features, whether dual screens or an innovative remote control, and incorporate these features into the browsing experience. I think that Nintendo quickly found that Opera was really the only browser that could meet and exceed their expectations in terms of speed, functionality and innovation. We are also very like-minded companies, placing the user experience first and ensuring that our products are not exclusive but rather inclusive, no matter age or gender.

    IGN Wii: What immediate benefits does Opera bring to the table for Web browsing?

    Scott Hedrick: Opera is fast, secure and features unique functionality to make the browsing experience easier. We deliver this experience on every platform Opera runs on, whether a custom Nintendo platform or Windows. Also, there is no learning curve with Opera. Once you have used the browser on your desktop, you will find the same Opera on your phone and now on your TV with Wii.

read more
This should work out great, since I'm holding my Wii half the time when I'm on the internet anyway.
Posted By: rex Re: Nintendo's next system will be called....... - 2006-05-25 8:28 PM

    Nintendo indicates Wii pricing
    Price tags underline affordability; the Wii will not exceed $250 in America.
    By Phil Elliott, GameSpot UK
    Posted May 25, 2006 7:04 am PT

    Nintendo has announced the price point for its new living-room console, the Wii, which will be launched globally in Q4 2006. Although for now the pricing is not exact, it will not exceed $250 in America or 25,000 yen in Japan. No estimate was announced for the European market, but the indication given was that it would be a "similar, affordable price".

    In addition Nintendo said it was expecting to ship six million consoles between its launch date and the end of March next year, as well as 17 million games.

    The news comes hot on the heels of an earlier posting by the company of a 19 percent drop in annual profits, and a warning that results for the current financial year would be 3.5 percent lower than previously thought.

    However, Nintendo still expects sales to grow by 18 percent globally, based on continuing sales of the Nintendo DS and hopes for a successful Wii launch. The DS Lite, a new, sleeker version of the twin-screen handheld, is due to launch on June 11 in America and June 23 in Europe, and new key titles such as New Super Mario Bros. will no doubt cause sales spikes globally.

    Nintendo's pricing decision will compare directly with key Japanese rival Sony, whose PlayStation 3 console will ship for a significantly higher price at around the same time, up to $599 for the top-end model.


rex said:
Its not even a fucking word!

And people call models stupid. Perhaps you should take a Science class, Wii was the name of one of the greatest wars of our generation before we were born.