Posted By: thedoctor Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-23 7:00 AM
That is all.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-23 7:23 AM
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-23 7:25 AM
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-23 7:26 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-23 8:42 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
That is all.

Does it have a good singleplayer, or is it an online thang?
Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 12:16 AM
Its only single player.

When ever I get a 360 this will be the first game I get.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 2:08 AM
My friend let me play this on his 360. It is indeed aweshome.

I can't wait for it to make it's way over to PC/PS3. Unless of course Microsoft feels like shelling over the better part of $860 million dollars to EA.
Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 2:14 AM
All of Biowares other xbox games were ported to the PC. I just hope it won't take as long as Jade Empire did.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 3:58 AM
The Forza Motorsports/Marvel Ultimate Alliance deal is EPIC. Forza goes for $59.99 alone, and it's a kick ass game...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 5:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
My friend let me play this on his 360. It is indeed aweshome.

I can't wait for it to make it's way over to PC/PS3. Unless of course Microsoft feels like shelling over the better part of $860 million dollars to EA.

Microsoft helped make the game, and this deal (for a trilogy of 360 games) dates back to before the EA buyout.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 5:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
That is all.

Does it have a good singleplayer, or is it an online thang?

It's KOTOR mixed with Gears of War.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 5:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf

Really the only problem I have with the game. You'd think that advanced civilizations would have faster elevators. It's mostly a problem in the Citadel (1st level). Not so bad elsewhere.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 5:10 AM
Also, it has a very John Carpenter soundtrack that's pretty damn cool.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 6:49 AM
I never played KOTOR at all, but Gears does RAWK...
Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 10:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I never played KOTOR at all

Stop whatever you're doing and play the first one. Its the greatest video game I've ever played.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 11:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Microsoft helped make the game, and this deal (for a trilogy of 360 games) dates back to before the EA buyout.

*shrug* We'll see what happens. Publishing rights can be reversed.

Either way, I'm 90% sure it'll make it to PC.
Posted By: whomod Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-24 1:20 PM
I was just reading the review in the X-Box magazine.

It got a 10 and a incredible review.

I'll have to check this one out. Although a part of me wants to wait a year or so and get it when it's a "Platinum Hits" title. We aern't all made of unlimited disposable income, y'know...
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2007-11-29 10:23 PM
It looks like I'm nearing the end of the game, which is sad because that means it'll clock in at about ten hours less than what I did on KOTOR; and I've done most, if not all, of the side missions on this one. There's not enough civilized worlds on this one. There's plenty of world that you crawl around on and do missions, but none like the Citadel and a couple of colonies where you actually go around and talk to a large group of people and collect more side missions from. That's really the bread and butter of RPG's, and this comes up a bit short on that front. But this is supposed to be a trilogy; so, hopefully, more of that will come along in the next two. Some trouble with framerate drops, NPC's getting stuck, a little aiming issues with the Mako (tank-like vehicle), and the need for a better inventory system is all I can complain about; and most of that isn't really that big of a deal for me.

That being said, the story is top fucking notch. It's really interesting and uses a lot of good ole sci-fi standards. The cinematic style of the game is really damn cool. It's like you're playing a movie with every bit of dialogue being said by damn fine voice acting talent. The choices could do with a little better clarification in some situations; but, overall, it's a really fun way to develop who your character is and create allegiances or rivalries with NPC's (including those who join your party). The game also makes you face tough, moral decisions about the fates of entire colonies and even species as well as those of the people in your own party. If Bioware can shore up the previously mentioned pitfalls and maintain this caliber story and voice acting, then the next two games will be the greatest fucking things to ever be digitally composed in the history of mankind.
Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-01-27 12:38 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-01-27 3:39 AM
That video was as whiny and stupid as the retards covering this crap on gamespot.

EA calls out Fox on Mass Effect.

Lawrence Cooper admits that she misspoke on Mass Effect

I realize I should put more time on these kind of things on this board--Being the mod here and all--But only on GS will you get true stupidity.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-01-27 5:27 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Really the only problem I have with the game. You'd think that advanced civilizations would have faster elevators. It's mostly a problem in the Citadel (1st level). Not so bad elsewhere.

Not to be nitpicky, but I think the 'elevators' serve as the loading screens. Back in KOTOR you got a loading page with facts about the universe, characters, history, blah blah blah. On Mass Effect they use the elevators and the Normandy's decontamination chamber as a way to load the next section without being as jaring as a loading screen. It's slow, but I think it's a smarter way to play.

I think I'm almost done with the game. The female hairstyles are...well...I think longer hair just wouldn't have worked (with helmets). But it's so much better than KOTOR...some of those faces you could chose were not very pretty.

And as far as plot...I love it. I got the backstory very easy, which I usually have trouble with some sci fi stuff. The soundtrack (ten bucks on iTunes) is great. The plot doesn't have that mess-with-your-head twist like KOTOR and and Empire -- and that's okay. The speech is more military. I just got to the part where Saren explained his reasoning for his actions. You sort of feel sorry for the deluded bastard.

And the romance angle is much better than in KOTOR. As everyone here probably remembers, I wasn't too happen about my female Jedi getting a simple 'I think I love you' from her man on the side. I'm still weirded out that there's a sex scene in a video game...but...er...maybe that's the way of the future.
Posted By: the Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-01-30 9:40 AM
Grimm Moderator Horseman of the aPOPalypse!
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Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-02-09 12:05 PM
There's a $5 download coming out for this game. Another reason why I'm glad I didn't get this one yet.
Posted By: rex Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-02-12 10:29 PM
Mass Effect Heads to PCs in May

Warm up the Normandy for some remastered and optimized space opera action.
By Mark Whiting, 02/12/2008

Oh, BioWare. You tease, but in the end you always do right by those who love you.

After several months of steadfast "no comment" on the subject, BioWare has just announced that its critically acclaimed and FOX News titillating sci-fi epic Mass Effect will be docking on PCs come May 2008 -- though technically this time around under the publishing auspices of proud new parent Electronic Arts.

Much like previous BioWare releases, PC Mass Effect will sport a revamped interface and presentation specifically optimized for the mouse-and-keyboard experience. This includes:

* A new optimized interface designed specifically for PC play, with keys and controls totally remappable for those who like to customize their play style.
* High resolution visuals -- textures, characters and environments.
* "Run & Gun Control" with biotic powers and skills mapped to hot keys for a heavier focus on action.
* A new decryption mini-game.
* New inventory screen GUI and functionality, with an enhanced inventory system that makes it easier for players to equip and modify their weapons and armor.

Sadly, no word yet from the company on the subject of whether or not PC players will also be able to get their hands on the recently-announced "Bring Down the Sky" (or other as-of-yet unannounced downloadable Mass Effect content add-ons) at launch time. Still, it's good to see BioWare continuing to reach out to the platform that gave them their big start back in the rookie leagues.

Also unknown at this time is whether Electronic Arts' magnanimity will extend to a simultaneous release over a direct download service like Valve's Steam, a la the Jade Empire Special Edition or whether Mass Effect will stay strictly retail once May rolls around. Whatever the case, PC gamers don't have long to wait for one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2007 to head their way. Good show!
Posted By: Pariah Re: Mass Effect Kicks All Kinds of Ass - 2008-02-13 1:02 AM
Yep. It was only a matter of time.

I'll be picking it up as soon as I get an upgrade.