I'm not much of a gamer. by not much, I mean I played Injustice for 3 months and that's the only thing i ever played on my PS3.

However...I have a 10 year old and a 7 year old so I'm looking for the system that will grow with them and has/will have decent games rated E or T. Not ready for them to play all the mature games.
Posted By: Pariah Re: best system for children: XBOX One or PS4? - 2013-12-20 1:42 PM
Most E and T games are going to be multiplat anyway.

But, from my perspective, Sony seems to make bigger investments in the 'games for everyone' arena.
Posted By: Pariah Re: best system for children: XBOX One or PS4? - 2013-12-20 2:37 PM
I didn't do it for you! It's for the kids!
I would hold off on buying a next gen system right now. Neither have enough games to right now for the kids. I'd say keep your eyes out on the websites for indie games news for both systems and decide based off what's coming down the pike.
Simple fact is, if you want a console for kids its the Wii (or even Wii U if you really have to be one of the 6 people who own one).
The PS4 and XBone will be equal to eachother as far as kid related titles go, once the library is bigger for both.
At the moment you have things like Lego Marvel, Need For Speed and a couple of other games that are cross platform to the extent that they are on the last gen as well. The only game I can think of right now thats PS4 exclusive that would fit the bill is Knack, and most reviews are slating it.
As for the Xbone, no idea.
The only XBox One exclusives that are E-T rated out right now is Forza and DL games like Kinect Sports, Zoo Tycoon, and Peggle 2. As Nowie said, everything else in that rating is cross platform/gen.
Wii U
Wii Wii?
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Simple fact is, if you want a console for kids its the Wii (or even Wii U if you really have to be one of the 6 people who own one).

I'm one of those six people and my nephews all love the console. Here's a recent ad explaining how it's different from the Wii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybA6nGKi9pY

Lots of games rated E and T, too (obviously):
Mexicans love Wii.
Both the Xbone and PS4 are woefully short of games at the moment, but while I cannot comment on the XBone, I can say that there are a reasonable selection of free games on the PS4 if you have PS+ membership (its essential now as its the only way you can play online with most games now). Contrast and Resogun are both free to members, but am not sure of their rating (Resogun is an old style sideways shooter so should be fairly low rating). Then you have the free to play games Blacklight retribution, Warframe, War Thunder & DC Universe Online.

All free to download but you can use micro transactions if you want to buy things in game. Of these, only Warframe and Blacklight might be higher rated.

DC Universe is actually the same game available on the PS3, but they did a small graphics upgrade on the PS3 and PC versions before the PS4 version was launched so it looks a little better, and I think is cross play, so you can still play with people on the PS3 as well.

These 4 free games may require PS+ to play online, but I dont know for sure as I have been a member for a while now.

None of these games would be deal breakers though as to whether you buy a PS4 or not as none of them are amazing, but are good at least.
Posted By: allan1 Re: best system for children: XBOX One or PS4? - 2013-12-23 5:00 PM
If it's just for the kids,I agree that a Wii is best. They're cheap and then you just snag any Super Mario/Marioparty,Lego Batman/Star Wars/Harry Potter game. Most are around $15-$30 tops.

While most western systems cost as much as an Asian human's life, the Polystation is the other way around, where if you get one, the asian clerk on the counter will actually give you one of her extra babies.
Posted By: allan1 Re: best system for children: XBOX One or PS4? - 2013-12-24 9:38 PM
I'd buy that for a dollar!!
Thats how much the ching chong man was paid per day to make them.