Posted By: Irwin Schwab PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 5:18 PM
I got this in a PM and he asked me to pass it along:


Fellow members of the RKMB,

For some time now I have been living a lie. The life of a internet princess. In my mind it made me feel better about myself. In time the lies got worse. I pretended to be a teacher, latching on to the lives of gymnasts in a desperate pleas for attention. Why? Because I hate my self. I hate myself for my racist attitudes towards blacks, sponges, and martians. I hate myself because of my total disrespect for my grandparents who have provided a good life for me. That is why I have lashed out so much at them in my posts as well as everyone else. I would like to make a special apology to basams and Mxys, you perserverence in uncovering the truth about me has exposed me to the world, and in a strange way myself. I have to move on now, the state has set me up with an appointment to see a doctor and I pray that someday I'll have a normal life again. To those I cybered with under the guise of a woman I apologize for any embarassmen. To r3x29yz4a who knew I wasn't a woman but didn't care thanks fo the hours of online wank, and the soiled undies you FedEx'd me. I will return someday. Reborn, refresheshed and anew. I pray when my sessions are completed, you will find the new me and accept me with open arms. For I will no longer be PrincessElissa The Lying Teacher Impersonatort, But PrinceEli Truth Teller!

Jake "PrincessElissa" Johnson

Posted By: Poverty Lad Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 5:27 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 5:29 PM
at least he's getting help.
Posted By: TheTranslator Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 5:36 PM

PrincessElisa said:
Post deleted by PrincessElisa


I'm a compulsive liar.

I never even heard of this person, and certainly didn't get a PM, but I'm glad I was mentioned.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 5:49 PM
you realize UPS Ground would have been cheaper? and you say you get better pricing deals than me?

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
you realize UPS Ground would have been cheaper? and you say you get better pricing deals than me?

I use Supersaver shipping.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-03 8:35 PM
For when it absolutely, positivly has to be there next year.

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
I got this in a PM and he asked me to pass it along:


Fellow members of the RKMB,

For some time now I have been living a lie. The life of a internet princess. In my mind it made me feel better about myself. In time the lies got worse. I pretended to be a teacher, latching on to the lives of gymnasts in a desperate pleas for attention. Why? Because I hate my self. I hate myself for my racist attitudes towards blacks, sponges, and martians. I hate myself because of my total disrespect for my grandparents who have provided a good life for me. That is why I have lashed out so much at them in my posts as well as everyone else. I would like to make a special apology to basams and Mxys, you perserverence in uncovering the truth about me has exposed me to the world, and in a strange way myself. I have to move on now, the state has set me up with an appointment to see a doctor and I pray that someday I'll have a normal life again. To those I cybered with under the guise of a woman I apologize for any embarassmen. To r3x29yz4a who knew I wasn't a woman but didn't care thanks fo the hours of online wank, and the soiled undies you FedEx'd me. I will return someday. Reborn, refresheshed and anew. I pray when my sessions are completed, you will find the new me and accept me with open arms. For I will no longer be PrincessElissa The Lying Teacher Impersonatort, But PrinceEli Truth Teller!

Jake "PrincessElissa" Johnson

I hate to say I told you so, but I do believe I told you so. Now it's all out and you knew 'cause I wanted to.
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 7:15 AM
Posted By: rex Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 7:16 AM
NON can talk?
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 7:17 AM
Non......................go and get me a soda Bitch!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 7:19 AM

NON said:

False and malicious statements or reports that damage the reputation or well-being of another is called slander and defamation of character. You're treading a line here, buddy. I suggest you get yourself a life and seek therapy for your own sake, if not for the safety of others.

Wrong ID.
Posted By: Daffy Duck Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 7:35 AM
That's despicable.
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:19 AM
Posted By: rex Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:22 AM
Posted By: Chris Oakley Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:23 AM
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:43 AM
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:45 AM
Posted By: King Snarf Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:57 AM
I'm going to throw my opinion in here. At first, ragging on PrincessElisa was kind of funny BSAMS, but then it quickly turned mean-spirited. Now, this seems almost cruel. Now, while some posters here deserve all manner of cruelty thrust upon them, PrincessElisa seemed like a very nice person. Granted, I didn't talk to her as much as Jeremy did, but I feel she got a lot of abuse undeservedly.
Posted By: rex Re: king snarf smokes cock - 2005-03-04 12:56 PM
She should have known what she was getting into. Everyone here gets made fun of. I'm actually surprised she lasted as long as she did.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 2:57 PM

NON said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
I got this in a PM and he asked me to pass it along:


Fellow members of the RKMB,

For some time now I have been living a lie. The life of a internet princess. In my mind it made me feel better about myself. In time the lies got worse. I pretended to be a teacher, latching on to the lives of gymnasts in a desperate pleas for attention. Why? Because I hate my self. I hate myself for my racist attitudes towards blacks, sponges, and martians. I hate myself because of my total disrespect for my grandparents who have provided a good life for me. That is why I have lashed out so much at them in my posts as well as everyone else. I would like to make a special apology to basams and Mxys, you perserverence in uncovering the truth about me has exposed me to the world, and in a strange way myself. I have to move on now, the state has set me up with an appointment to see a doctor and I pray that someday I'll have a normal life again. To those I cybered with under the guise of a woman I apologize for any embarassmen. To r3x29yz4a who knew I wasn't a woman but didn't care thanks fo the hours of online wank, and the soiled undies you FedEx'd me. I will return someday. Reborn, refresheshed and anew. I pray when my sessions are completed, you will find the new me and accept me with open arms. For I will no longer be PrincessElissa The Lying Teacher Impersonatort, But PrinceEli Truth Teller!

Jake "PrincessElissa" Johnson

False and malicious statements or reports that damage the reputation or well-being of another is called slander and defamation of character. You're treading a line here, buddy. I suggest you get yourself a life and seek therapy for your own sake, if not for the safety of others.

Non, if you would read the PM he is getting therapy. I don't think he was in his right mind when he made the false and malicious statements. You should have pity for Jake instead of condemnation. Also I have it on authority that the "Princess" has retained watsonwil pro bono.
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 3:18 PM

King Snarf said:
I'm going to throw my opinion in here. At first, ragging on PrincessElisa was kind of funny BSAMS, but then it quickly turned mean-spirited. Now, this seems almost cruel. Now, while some posters here deserve all manner of cruelty thrust upon them, PrincessElisa seemed like a very nice person. Granted, I didn't talk to her as much as Jeremy did, but I feel she got a lot of abuse undeservedly.

you just want to sleep with her..............with that said she'll be missed.
Posted By: TheTranslator Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 3:25 PM

NON said:
That's right kiddies. Just keep posting. My printer is full of paper.


I'm talking out of my ass. You need to understand, I have no real friends.

Posted By: The Governator Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 3:44 PM

NON said:

PJP said:
Non......................go and get me a soda Bitch!

Something tells me you're not his defense attorney.

NO! You are not his defense attorney!
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 8:32 PM
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 8:57 PM
How do you prosecute alt ids?.......and secondly where would you prosecute alt ids?.......Disneyland!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 8:57 PM
does you brother get alot of message board username slander cases? i hear the courts are full of them , note to NON(we know who you are) in order to prove libel there has to be damage done.......not just some guy posing as a teacher being exposed.....
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 8:59 PM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:
does you brother get alot of message board username slander cases? i hear the courts are full of them , note to NON(we know who you are) in order to prove libel there has to be damage done.......not just some guy posing as a teacher being exposed.....

......so says the Ugandan Headhunter
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:02 PM
i couldnt find an hakeem the african dream avatar.....
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:07 PM
I always liked Kamala............except for the fact that he should be wearing a bra.
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:15 PM

NON said:

TheTranslator said:

NON said:
That's right kiddies. Just keep posting. My printer is full of paper.


I'm talking out of my ass. You need to understand, I have no real friends.

Thanks for taking an interest. I do have real friends, one of whom happens to be PrincessElisa. I also have a brother-in-law who happens to be an attorney. I just got off the phone with him, and he has this and the other threads bookmarked. He's never had a case like this that wasn't settled at a mediation, but I sense this may be an exception.

Before I go eat lunch i just wanted to ask you to stop bothering bsams..............if you are going to sue anyone over this it shall be Rob Kamphausen who not only allowed this horrible lawless environment to exist but he allowed it to thrive by not having adequate mods......something we the posters have been demanding for some time now.......all further complaints should be directed towards Rob Kamphausen......Thank You.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:18 PM
watsonwill has bookmarked this page, i suspect a return to the phantom zone is in order for you. watsonwill has litigated several cases involving phantom zone villains making threats, many were solved in mediation but a wedgie is not out of the question.

NON said:
Thanks for taking an interest. I do have real friends, one of whom happens to be PrincessElisa. I also have a brother-in-law who happens to be an attorney. I just got off the phone with him, and he has this and the other threads bookmarked. He's never had a case like this that wasn't settled at a mediation, but I sense this may be an exception.

Did you tell your brother that Jake Johnson a.k.a. Malcom Jefferson (the person who you think is going to sue, since those are the names we mentioned when talking about the crimes, someone with a different name couldn't sue for libel) deleted his posts after the mention of either posing as a teacher or sharing a student's private information? What did your brother think about that? Does he think the school has a case against him?
Did you tell your bro that you're a little bitch, too? I think that might be vital information for the case. Oh, sorry, are you gonna sue me for calling you a bitch, cocksucker? Golly, I guess I should probably stop insulting this cowfucker.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:24 PM
I hope the brother does represent the Princess. I think that the facts are as MXY stated A) Jake was impersonating a teacher, or Was giving out personal information of a student. Now who wants to defend that? Let me ask you NON do you like people that pretend to be teachers? Do you like teachers that give out personal info on their students on the net? I await these answers anxiously. And for the record your a bitch. We win again!
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:29 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:31 PM
note to self: WE WIN AGAIN!
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:50 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:52 PM
oh no you din't!
Did you inform your brother about your bitch status, NON? It's very important that you keep him updated on the case! If you don't tell him now, when the fact that you're a little bitch comes out in a court of law he'll be pissed at you for not telling him!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 9:58 PM
you might also inform him that you tend to get worked up over message boards, a insanity plea might be an option.
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:00 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:01 PM
Posted By: Harvey Krypton Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:08 PM
Keep laughing funny boy. I just got a full ink cartridge, with your name on it!
Posted By: Dabney Donovan Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:16 PM
I think I liked NON better when he was mute.
Posted By: Evil Otto Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:19 PM

NON said:
Just keep telling yourself that.

Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 10:23 PM
I'm glad you're telling your brother, it's the wiser thing to do NON.
Posted By: Kristogar Velo Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 11:25 PM

NON said:
False and malicious statements or reports that damage the reputation or well-being of another is called slander and defamation of character. You're treading a line here, buddy. I suggest you get yourself a life and seek therapy for your own sake, if not for the safety of others.

I have to take issue with this post.

Slander is spoken. When it's written, it's libel.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 11:38 PM
They read the posts out loud, turning it into slander.
Posted By: NON Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 11:41 PM
Posted By: Jeremy Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 11:42 PM
I don't get it.
Posted By: rex Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-04 11:43 PM
This reminds me of when we raid other boards and the windowlickers come here and try to raid us.
This reminds me of Gigli for some reason, and I didn't even see the movie.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 12:04 AM
I just pray NON is ok when he realizes he was wanking to a dude.
Posted By: McGurk Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 12:16 AM
I say we get an attorney. I'm thinking Otto or Sinistar.
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 12:23 AM
I'll represent us......I just read an article on lawyers and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Plus my brother's old college roomate's friend's sister's cousin's neighbor who knew this guy who owned a Pizza Place who's father's dentist's cousin's prison roomate was an attorney and I met him once at a party for like 5 minutes........so we're good.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 12:29 AM
Didja steal the towels?
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 12:33 AM
that's the best part......of course!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 1:07 AM
Posted By: Joe Mama Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 1:12 AM
May I suggest, PJP, that you countersue Non for harrassment and extortion? I'd be willing to testify against him.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 1:15 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 2:04 AM

Joe Mama said:
May I suggest, PJP, that you countersue Non for harrassment and extortion? I'd be willing to testify against him.

no testimony needed boy, i just went to wal-mart and bought a printer! finally i can say with pride once again..... I'M A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: mimic Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 8:49 AM
go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch go and get me a soda bitch 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Posted By: Emperor Joker Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 9:40 AM
I don't know what makes Non think he can do anything, even if he had the resources. After all, he couldn't beat the oh so predictable boy scout when he did have Zod and Ursa's help.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with taking a risk or twelve for a cheap thrill. Why else would I have made Supey choose between killing me and letting Lois die? What a waste that was, if only Batman hadn't inter--

Wait a minute.. Non, how dare you lead me to open my old pre-emperesque wounds! Off with your head!
Posted By: Hybrid Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-05 9:46 PM

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

Joe Mama said:
May I suggest, PJP, that you countersue Non for harrassment and extortion? I'd be willing to testify against him.

no testimony needed boy, i just went to wal-mart and bought a printer! finally i can say with pride once again..... I'M A LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!

That's just lawyer talk, bsams...
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-06 10:37 PM

Emperor Joker said:
I don't know what makes Non think he can do anything, even if he had the resources. After all, he couldn't beat the oh so predictable boy scout when he did have Zod and Ursa's help.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with taking a risk or twelve for a cheap thrill. Why else would I have made Supey choose between killing me and letting Lois die? What a waste that was, if only Batman hadn't inter--

Wait a minute.. Non, how dare you lead me to open my old pre-emperesque wounds! Off with your head!

This gives me an idea... NON versus Emperor Joker at Robblemania XX!!! Loser has to kneel before the winner, or off with his head!

Just a thought.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 2:06 AM
That'll be tough, seeing as how Robblemania XX was LAST YEAR.
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-07 7:53 AM

How about the next Tuesday Night Havoc? A guillotine crypt match!
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-07 7:55 AM
Oh, and I know I'm a little late here with all the craziness in my life, but good job in the SBTB match! Zach and Slater never stood a chance!
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 7:59 AM
Hrm.....somehow I missed the goodbye memo ;P

Everyone forget what bsams wrote in a drunken rage. He's just jealous I don't have time to drive up and see him during break this week
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-07 8:09 AM

Welcome back.
Posted By: Nonoxynol9 Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 8:54 AM
Oh. That's Non.
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 9:19 AM
I thought kotn meant kiss me on the nose ;P Like the gnomes did in story books I think? or was it a cartoon.

Anyways hiya nonys!
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-07 9:33 AM

PrincessElisa said:
I thought kotn meant kiss me on the nose ;P Like the gnomes did in story books I think? or was it a cartoon.

Check my custom title, princess! *kotn* (once more)

I think he was correcting himself, cause in the past they've shortened nonoxynol to non.

But anyways, I'm just glad to see you're okay. I don't come here as often as I once could. Busy as usual, still haven't upgraded from dail-up.
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 9:35 AM
Awwww poor Sideways! I had to do dial-up for a weekend and it just about killed me. I don't know what Im going to do w/out the net for 24 hours but we'll see!!

How's work and everything going for you? Are you in school or out?
Posted By: Jeremy Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 10:03 AM
Yeah dial up sucks.

Jeremy said:
Yeah dial up sucks.


The Translator said:
Yeah I'm jealous Sideways wants to stick it to her too.

Posted By: Dabney Donovan Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-07 11:24 PM
Ooooh, so THAT's who the Translator is (or should be)!
The juob doesn't pay well.
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-08 12:50 AM
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-08 1:38 AM
*gasps in amazement* In the words of bsams, "RACIST :P"
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-08 1:41 AM
you make a ;P symbol after the words racist? racism reall is funny to you isnt it?
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-08 1:59 AM
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-08 4:37 AM
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-09 5:10 AM

PrincessElisa said:
Awwww poor Sideways! I had to do dial-up for a weekend and it just about killed me. I don't know what Im going to do w/out the net for 24 hours but we'll see!!

How's work and everything going for you? Are you in school or out?

In school, but I've just about lost track of whether I'm considered a full or part time worker or student. For all it matters, I barely have time for anything and that includes hanging around here and it's so bad that I had to close down my blog which was pretty much abandoned. As is, I'm practically doing a group project alone in one class.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:11 AM
i bet youre used to doing things that usually involve multiple people alone....
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:11 AM
the other group members threatened to beat you up if you didn't do all the work huh?
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:12 AM
Dont ya hate that Sideways? Gosh....that's why I don't have group projects in any of my classes. I always got stuck doing them all in school!

I think full time is considered 12 hours or more by financial aid standards but it's okay I'm impressed you have time to work, get through school, and post occasionally on the boards.

Keep up the good work!
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:15 AM
maybe he should stop posting at the boards huh?
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:16 AM
Nooooo he's nice to me PJP. He needs to post on the boards :P
Posted By: Sideways rex is a cradle robber! - 2005-03-09 5:35 AM
Princess: We're supposed to set up a presentation about kinesics but three of the five people in my group are really slacking off, yet I don't want to flunk (obviously). I tend to get antisocial during times like this. In a way, PJP's right. Posting less or none at all would help me out and those whom I've rubbed the wrong way (speaking figuratively). I don't see my self loosening up anytime soon so...

Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-09 5:38 AM
Awwwwww *kotn* to you toos! Take care alright? And try not to study tooo hard!
Posted By: PJP Re: Sideways' *temporary* Goodbye post - 2005-03-09 6:00 AM

Sideways said:
Princess: We're supposed to set up a presentation about kinesics but three of the five people in my group are really slacking off, yet I don't want to flunk (obviously). I tend to get antisocial during times like this. In a way, PJP's right. Posting less or none at all would help me out and those whom I've rubbed the wrong way (speaking figuratively). I don't see my self loosening up anytime soon so...


I'm just messing with you man.
Posted By: drunk Re: Sideways' *temporary* Goodbye post - 2005-03-09 7:24 AM
who let the flying badminton playing pink elephants in here????????
Posted By: Dabney Donovan Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-14 9:08 AM
Hmm... All Non's posts are changed to:


NON said:

Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-14 9:09 AM
Yeah he's had a rough week! Should be back postin away this week though!
Posted By: URG Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-14 10:49 AM
Posted By: rex Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-14 10:51 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-15 9:36 PM

URG said:

Posted By: McGurk Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 2:41 AM

Dabney Donovan said:
Hmm... All Non's posts are changed to:


NON said:

"The plaintiff rests, your honor."??
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 3:39 AM
What's up with the pictures of the door??? How does this tie in with the thread :P
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 3:39 AM
I think the better question is how does it not tie into the thread.
Posted By: rex Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 3:54 AM

PrincessElisa said:
What's up with the pictures of the door??? How does this tie in with the thread :P

Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 3:55 AM
Posted By: SINISTAR Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 10:43 AM
Beware, I live!
Posted By: Anonymous Post deleted by Rob Kamphausen - 2005-03-16 8:00 PM
Posted By: URG Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-16 11:59 PM
Posted By: PrincessElisa Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-17 2:33 AM
Rack URG (sorry Stupid...I couldnt help it :P)
Posted By: PJP Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-17 2:39 AM

PrincessElisa said:
What's up with the pictures of the door??? How does this tie in with the thread :P

The door is blocked in with snow.
Posted By: URG Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-03-17 11:02 AM
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: PrincessElissa's Goodbye Thread - 2005-10-14 6:29 AM