Posted By: Sacman How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2003-07-09 6:30 AM
I'd like to know other people's take on lending out money (no I'm not looking for any). How much is too much? Is 10 bucks a lot? 5? 1? A friend of mine tried to ask for about 150 dollars for his girlfriend's hotel room. He said she'd pay me back the second she got off the plane. THAT is too much. So I say anything over 20.
Posted By: klinton Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2003-07-09 11:55 AM
I dunno. I know when you're out partying, things get expensive, and there's always hundreds of dollars flying in all directions between my freinds and I. I'm sure some of it has gone unaccounted for, and never repayed...But for the most part I think everyone is pretty good about making sure everything's on the level.

If a freind asked for $150, and I had it on me, I don't think I'd think twice about giving it (and I'm in Canada, where everyting costs twice as much to us as to you guys). I mean, I've spotted freinds at least as much just to keep them from going home from a night out, so why wouldn't I give it to them for an emergency? We all fuck up our little budgets sometimes, and it's nice to know that there are people you can count on to help you out if you fall short somewhere. Asking a freind, IMHO is far more respectable than calling home to your folks.
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2003-07-09 12:14 PM
It depends who it is....Family, I'd give them money as much as loan it (It depends which family memeber and what for). Same is basically true for the 3 or 4 really great friends I have. Now when we start getting into friend/aquantences that I'd become less giving in terms of loaning...

I think it's sage advice to only loan as much as you can afford not to get back.....
Posted By: Chant Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2003-07-09 3:19 PM
Well, I know it´s not in $$, but a guy in my platoon when I was a soldier asked me if I could lend him 5000 DKK, that´s about 800 $$.....


Lend as much as you can afford, I like that, and I live by it, but then again, it depends on who it is for, and for what!
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2003-07-09 3:40 PM
Yeah, I do lend money to friends even though I don't make that much. If its under $50 we don't usually pay it back in cash though. Usually we'll go out we just spot each other for whatever. But when we get to the high bills I don't accept anything but cash.
Posted By: rex Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2005-01-20 12:40 PM
It's amazing that there's an entire board of these losers with no lives. I guess if you have no friends in real life, and no girl would ever want you, spamming message boards might be the only thing left.
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2011-03-19 3:54 AM
63. "Money is the barometer of a society's virtue." - Ayn Rand

64. "It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy." - George Lorimer
Posted By: Frank Burns Re: How much $$ is too much to lend? - 2011-03-19 4:27 AM
1. "Early to bed, early to rise, keeps you healthy, wealthy and wise." - Benjamin Franklin