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Wasnt Gaylord Kamphausen sposed to be setting up a vote for new forum mods?
That cunt is slower than a PCGay thought process.
I'm ashamed of myself for getting past the first ten seconds of that.
"That is sooo 90's."
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
"That is sooo 90's."

More to the point - it is sooo Kamphausen!
with a capital G
Anonymous 04/09/08 11:38 AM Reading a post
Forum: Comic Books
Thread: Petition to terminate Pig Iran as Comic Books Mod, and replace him with Jeff Glacier................
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Petition to terminate Pig Iran

Pig's been gone awhile now. I think Nowie did something to him...
Stole his GI Joes?

Killed him and ate him?

Guesses his passwords?
good point