Posted By: the G-man Batman jogger on crusade to lose weight - 2008-04-05 10:59 PM
Associated Press:
  • Holy weight loss, Batman! The Caped Crusader has picked the rural roads of Ellington for his effort to get in shape.

    There have been multiple sightings of the man in the costume jogging through town for some time now.

    Batman, as always, is keeping his true identity under wraps. But this version says he's a 41-year-old consumer advocate helping homeowners facing foreclosure.

    He says the jogging started as a bet with his three sons: If they bought him a Batman suit, he would start running in it.

    He tells the Journal Inquirer of Manchester that he's lost 56 pounds so far. The first people who saw him stopped their car and took pictures.

    Batman says he's keeping the town's residents and cows safe.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Batman says he's keeping the town's residents and cows safe.

Mxy's got a new arch enemy!
Lord save the cows