Posted By: Jeremy Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-02 7:06 PM
Some weird stuff, that Final Crisis.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-02 7:17 PM
I'm waiting for the special edition hardcover: "Absolute Final Crisis."
Posted By: Chant Re: Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-03 12:24 PM
Why can't we all just wait for the "Final Crisis, this time we REALLY mean it!" ?

I think I've read 2 or 3 comics in the final crisis run, I'm not sure what it's about and I'm not really that interested. Secret Invasion isn't the best, but it sure is better than what I've read so far from Final Crisis
Posted By: iggy Re: Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-03 9:01 PM
I am actually enjoying Final Crisis. It takes a nasty chunk out of my wallet. But, I'm finding it to be a good read. And, I am really enjoying the tie-ins. Rogues Revenge and Revelations have been really good. And, I suspect, some of the others like Submit and Resist will be enjoyable, as well. I'm not going to say this is the most stellar story ever. But, it is solid and I am enjoying it.
I'm enjoying it too, a lot. But then again I also like ASS-Bat, RIP, Brand New Day and even Trinity. What do I know.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-04 5:15 AM
That you like ASS-Bat, RIP, Brand New Day and even Trinity.
Posted By: Jeremy Re: Hey, anyone remember Final Crisis? - 2008-10-05 7:55 AM
I've checked out some of the spinoff titles. Last Will and Testament is good for those that like Geo-Force, otherwise it sucked. Superman Beyond caused me to agree that Grant Morrison is raping my eye sockets, my time, and my wallet. Legion of Three Worlds is the only title that feels like a crisis. We know the villains from the get-go. I really want to see that worthless Superboy-Prime get torn apart. But the delay is killing me, at least fill the time with something worthwhile.
Last Will and Testament was just another Brad Meltzer wankfest. I get the impression that he pulls these comics out of his sphincter whenever he's ready to launch a new novel, just so he can get a little extra exposure. I don't know why they bothered calling it a FC tie-in. It doesn't even make sense with the series chronology.

Final Crisis: Revelations, on the other hand, is pretty cool. It was marketed as an Spectre comic, but it's more of a follow-up to Rucka's Question mini from last year. I haven't read Gotham Central, but apparently the plotlines can be followed all the way back to that comic, since it deals with the relationship between Question (Montoya) and Spectre (Crispus Allen).
  • A familiar source known collectively as "New York comics industry employees talking in bars" tells me that the last issue of "Final Crisis" is further delayed as it is suffering from serious rewrites. It appears that DC Executive Editor Dan DiDio was unhappy with the way the story concluded and the implications for the DC Universe for a while and had ordered changes from a, naturally, rather unhappy Grant Morrison. Considering this is the way he wrote the pitch for the book.

    As a result, creative teams working on a number of spinoff and affected books have also had to stop work while the “Final Crisis” ending is reworked.

    Expect more lateness, more annoyance and less likelihood of Grant Morrison doing DCU work in the near future.

Wow. This is kind of a moral dilemma case. FC sucks and I can support DiDio making Morrison change the ending. On the other hand, if Morrison's story is consistent with what he pitched in the first place, why didn't the Goatfucker demand the story changes before they started publishing the damn thing?
Dan also wants to wait for Grant to be available to do anything with the Multi-verse. Looks like that'll be delayed also. *cough*Hypertime*cough*

That's fine with me. I'm quite satisfied with the main ongoing titles anyway. The continuity established in Countdown/FC does not fit with the ongoings at all (See Legion of Three Worlds and the Feb09 issue of Action Comics or anything regarding Batman). The sooner FC is over the better.
When is all the final crisis stuff supposed to end?
when jeremy stops stealing cocks....
Jesus Christ! A 50+ year crossover event!? (Assuming Jeremy's cock stealing doesn't wind up getting him killed before dieing of natural causes.)
I think Jermemi uses the stolen cocks to prolong his life. Kind of like a vampire for cocks.
Why a vampire? Because he sucks the fluids from them? Because he hisses when you hold a vagina (or a picture of a vagina) up to his face? Because vaginal fluid burns his skin on contact? Because he can't enter a home without first being invited? Why SoM? Why a vampire? Do all vampires look and act the same to you, you damned vampirist?!?
well, I was trying to segue into a joke about cocksucking but I got lost in transit.
two guys walked into a bar, one was a jew and the other is a muslim. AND THEN JERMEMMY SUCKED A COCK!
\:lol\: \:lol\:
If Morrison wants to do mainstream work and play in DC's sandpit, he's got to do it knowing that the editors can jump on the sancastle.
I seriously can't see why a guy like Morrison wouldn't just do "All Star" books, graphic novels and the like. He could play in the sandbox, but since they are "stand alone" stories, he'd be a lot less likely to get editorial interference.

I suspect that answer is that Morrison thinks that, by doing these crossovers and events, he'll be the guy who gets to kick over everyone else's castle when the time comes.
What, as editor?

DC hire him for his name as a wrter, not as an editor-in-chief.
No, not as an editor. I was stating that I suspect that Morrie is trying to be the "idea man" or (in TV terms) "showrunner" for the DCU. He does these crossovers with the expectation that the ideas contained therein will end up being the "canon" of the DCU that other writers have to follow.
Nobody follows Morrison, at least not for too long. Most writers don't understand what the fuck he's on about, and those who do are too intimidated to use his concepts.
Doesn't he already have some sort of gig as continuity updater? Probably the same "idea man" role that G-spot is talking about.

I'm utterly underwhelmed by cross-overs and special events. and I don't think Morry does them well anyway, if SSOV is any measure. I enjoyed the concepts, but it was hardly mindblowing and went nowhere.
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
Doesn't he already have some sort of gig as continuity updater? Probably the same "idea man" role that G-spot is talking about.

Yeah, pretty much.

I'm utterly underwhelmed by cross-overs and special events. and I don't think Morry does them well anyway

Yeah, pretty much.
Exactly Dave, like an Insurgent without ritalin, Grant's writing is all over the place with no real direction. I don't mind buildup, cliffhangers, or suspense, but we're on issue 5 now. Throw the readers a bone here, this shit makes no sense.
Eh, I thought the last couple of issues were pretty straighforward.
I can't take that post seriously with the avatar you have.
If you don't stop looking at my boner like that I am going to call the Cock Police.
germy's gonna steal the avatar too
Notwedge wants the avatar.
I do feel a little guilty for enjoying Final Crisis, because it makes so many people suffer. It's like cheering the Gaza strip conflict.

Superman Beyond, however...

Fuck you all, this fucking RAWKS!
I was really hoping pre-Crisis Supergirl would've shown up in limbo.
She did show up a few years ago at the end of PAD's series. The Heckler, on the other hand...

What's the name of that guy with the padded helmet? Wild Dog?
I thought that was Hardhat from the Demolition Team. Wild Dog is skinnier and most recently appeared in the alternate timeline where Booster saved Ted in Booster Gold (c. issue six).
Oh right, Wild Dog is the guy with the hockey mask. I think he also made a cameo in (Non-Final) Infinite Crisis.
Yeah, I think he was raining bullets down on the Trigger Twins.
I'm surprised there's still a limbo in the DCU, with Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison around...
It was the greatest crossover EVAR!