I *finally* got to the comic store again today and just now caught up on the last 4 issues of Detective Comics.

As some of you just might happen to remember, I fucking HATE HUSH. HUSH was the worst piece of stinking feces. Hate.

I'm really really liking Dini's Hush, though. I saw it coming (well, the cover was a dead give-away), but I still love it! Cutting out Selina's heart! OMG YES! THAT IS SO FUCKING BADASS!

Any idea who he's making his face look like?

no idea. but yeah ive been enjoying it too. Dini can do no wrong...
I've heard nothing but bad before...but the cutting out of Salina's heart has me stoked.
Actually you all can't like this comic, cause it's vaguely related to RIP and RIP as we all know ruins everything ever (even chocolate and unicorns). Sorry. Try to keep up, eh?
Hence the first part of my statement. But thanks for the dose of reality buddy.
I'm not your buddy, gay!
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Actually you all can't like this comic, cause it's vaguely related to RIP and RIP as we all know ruins everything ever (even chocolate and unicorns). Sorry. Try to keep up, eh?

i kinda liked the last two issues of RIP. the first ones sucked ass though...
Nah, that's just you coming around.
Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk love Moderator SPLURT!
15000+ posts Sun Oct 05 2008 01:35 AM Reading a post
Forum: Comic Books
Thread: 'Tec (aka "Is there nothing Dini can't make awesome?")
Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk love Moderator SPLURT!
15000+ posts Sun Oct 05 2008 01:38 AM Reading a post
Forum: Comic Books
Thread: 'Tec (aka "Is there nothing Dini can't make awesome?")
picked up the new issue. the scenes in the first few pages where joker watches batman interogate crane where hilarious...
that was about it though. They took a good idea and ruined it. The whole Hush making his face to look like Bruce Wayne is stupid IMHO. Lately it's the same old same old with all these comics. I am almost down to nothing as to what I collect. I never thought I'd see a day where I didn't buy comics but it seems to be coming.
Damn fucking spoilers! GODDAMNIT!
you really should have known better...
Yeah, the anger was self-directed.
The woman in Hush's flashbacks is the new Ventriloquist.

So, now Hush is Batman's "evil twin"?

Meh. I expect better from Dini.

Still, that's wildly better than Morrie's shit these days.
I bet the stupid Hush forgot to grow an evil goatee.
I loved the bit with Joker commenting as Bats beat the shit out of Scarecrow. \:lol\:

This is better than Christmas.
Swear to God!
I wish Dini would go back to his one shots on 'Tec
Eh. Steve T.
 Originally Posted By: Steve T
I wish Dini would go back to his one shots on 'Tec
where in the hell have you been?
Well, i started actually doing some work and it cut into my rkmbs time!
Sudden;y I realised I missed you bastards! Well, most of you...
Awwww... Who are you?
I'm that dark shape you think you see moving in the shadows at night...
You're the dude peeing in the alley behind the bar?
peeing? Why pee when you can take a big crap!
You gotta empty your bladder at some point, son.
Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk love Moderator SPLURT!
15000+ posts Thu Oct 16 2008 12:36 AM Reading a post
Forum: Comic Books
Thread: 'Tec (aka "Is there nothing Dini can't make awesome?")