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"Platinum Crisis"?
I know this one's fake cause the title is not on caps.

Son, how would you feel about being sold to a website?
An ultimate website?
I think he would happy if it's a sex slave site.
Do we really need a new crisis? I mean, I'm still unclear on what exactly was the crisis in the previous one. Sure, there was the vampire superman (what the fuck?) But still, what exactly was the problem?
Dan Didio.
 Originally Posted By: Chant
Do we really need a new crisis? I mean, I'm still unclear on what exactly was the crisis in the previous one. Sure, there was the vampire superman (what the fuck?) But still, what exactly was the problem?

Darkseid's plot to overthrow reality, and the subsequent death and corruption of various characters and their universe.
and something to do with a rubik's cube...