Pretty funny.
Actually its not funny.
I read the first few paragraphs, and got so bored that I felt the need to insult you some more. (not that I generally need a reason, but its good to have one)

Fuck off and die, you retard bald monkeys arse!
I read and watched it. It wasn't funny. The yellowhat dude was rude and a dick. I don't like Rob Liefield's work either, and feel that he doesn't deserve his success - that's why I don't buy nor read his stuff, and I make a lot of jokes about him. But I won't publicly humiliate the person unless I want to get into a fight.

A person getting paid for poorly drawn feet is not a reason for me to get into a fight, specially if it's not my money he's being paid with. A jerkwad trying to flirt with my wife, now there's a reason to get into a fight. I think I'd even be able to consider killing the jerk.

I think the bulk of the comments say that it was pretty pathetic.
They were more readable than what that twat did or wrote.

Sad, pathetic little man.
No wonder Snarf thinks he is funny!
the guy was a pussy he didn't even have the nutsack to stand their while Liefeld read it, no wonder snarf is a fan.
\:lol\: Liefelds Captain America was the worst book I ever read. The douche bag deserved that public shaming!
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
the guy was a pussy he didn't even have the nutsack to stand their while Liefeld read it,

“I’m not going to say anything,” I told him. “I’m just going to set it in front of him, and then walk away.”

“…and then what?” asked August.

“I don’t care,” I sad. “I don’t care what happens. You can watch if you like.”

I started sweating pretty bad, and started to hyperventilate. “You okay Coons? You gonna make it?” said August.

Immediately, I regain my composure.

“No, I have to do this. I’ve waited thirteen years for this,” I tell August.

chances are if a dude waited 13 years for that, he hasnt got laid in that time either. another snarf commonality!
You know what I found really funny? Liefeld's side of the story in his twitter:

I was drawing commissions, making a dent in the list...
when this mumbler comes up, trembling, I saw his friends filming so I figured it was a set up. Mumbler studders his Cap statement, I shrug..
Seriously, this guy couldn't seem more nervous, like he was gonna piss his pants. I could barely hear him, told him thanks...
Said it was nice to meet you, and he was STUNNED. Guy wanted a reaction, he got zip. There was no face tightening. Valentino said to him..
"Glad you got that off your chest" as he wandered away. Later, he zipped past the table, you can see on his vid, I didn't see it...
But I felt the breeze and the bump on the table. Marat smiled and said that mumbler ran up and put his book on the table. He opened it..
We laughed and he said "Great, I needed one of these since my house burned down." I said it's yours and we continued....
Later, Marat flipped through it and we saw the note and laughed. Now dude writes a blog where he's this BMOC, acting like he was bold..
Guy looked like someone I wouldn't trust around my kids, could barely speak, almost pee'd his pants, and now he's bold. I don't thinks so.

The dude was a pussy who thought he'd get praised online but instead everyone's telling him how much of an idiot he is. Beautiful.
Liefeld is a shitty artist, but I laughed more at what he said than what that total and utter Snarf did.

"I wouldn't trust him around my kids!" bwah ha ha!

At the end of the day, the guy chose to buy the Cap book, so its his own fault.
Did I buy it? Yes!
Did I like it? No!
Do I think Liefeld owes me anything? No!
Do I think anyone who thinks what that guy did is funny, is a total retard? Yes!
# Nowhereman Says:
August 12th, 2009 at 2:48 am

Yellow Hat Guy, you are a cunt!
Nuff said!
I think giving Rob Liefeld that book is actually a good idea, and it could've been funny if the guy hadn't put it in a bag, thrown it on the table, and ran away.
What makes me laugh as well is that fact that he says that Rob looked angry when he dropped the book on the table, and how his face was this, and his face was that, when you can clearly see in the videos that he wasnt even bothered in the slightest.

What a moron!
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think giving Rob Liefeld that book is actually a good idea, and it could've been funny if the guy hadn't put it in a bag, thrown it on the table, and ran away.

I think it was also the whole "demanding an apology" that made it unfunny.
If the guy had just walked up to him, handed him the book and said "I think this may be of use to you!" or "I think this might help you!", then yes, that might very well have been funny.

His Non-apology is also stupid.
The guy is a twat.
He admits that he is wrong, but then says he wasnt!

Very Snarfian indeed!
King Snarf owes me an apology for his life, as even I cannot retcon it to make it interesting.
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
I think giving Rob Liefeld that book is actually a good idea, and it could've been funny if the guy hadn't put it in a bag, thrown it on the table, and ran away.

I think it was also the whole "demanding an apology" that made it unfunny.
If the guy had just walked up to him, handed him the book and said "I think this may be of use to you!" or "I think this might help you!", then yes, that might very well have been funny.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
What would have been funny, is if he had shat in the book first and then gave it to Liefeld!

Or he could have just shat on the table Liefeld was working at - saving the price of the book and relieving himself!
Isnt there already a guy with glasses and a stupid floppy hat that does that?
 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
What would have been funny, is if he had shat in the book first and then gave it to Liefeld!

Or he could have just shat on the table Liefeld was working at - saving the price of the book and relieving himself!

 Originally Posted By: King Snarf

That was stupid and you are a twat.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf

That was stupid and you are a twat.
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Isnt there already a guy with glasses and a stupid floppy hat that does that?

Liefeld can never say no to my logs!
Snarf was ran from another thread.

Now there's a surprise.

if snarf really wants to be interesting he should always pause before he posts and type the complete opposite of whatever was in his pea brain.
I think by "pause" you mean "think it over for a couple of days"...
King Snarf User Award-Winning Author
10000+ posts 08/13/09 10:51 PM Reading a post
Forum: Comic Books
Thread: Fans demand an apology from Liefeld for Heroes Reborn.
He's still thinking.
I wondered what that burning smell was.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf

What a horrible little man.
It surprises me that you find this kind of thing to be funny.
Yes, Snarf is a horrible little man.
Snarf isn't a man....
so snarf was that you or iggy in the yellow hat?
What the fuck? All these little people are still trying to find out a sensible reason they like Liefeld in the first place. Now they want to bemoan him for making a shitload of money for drawing big bosoms on Cap. WTF? Grow up and move on. I liked Madureira for a bit and realized he was an Adams/Golden clone mixed with anime...who cares? Move on. Liefeld sucks, but if you like him more power to you.

If you like 3 Dog night or Josh Groban or Katy Perry who cares? Nowhereman and BSAMS will make fun of you for some of it, but have the balls to take their shit--as justified as it is. Stand up for yourself.

Who the fuck runs away from Liefeld? Anyway, Cap's dead....sniff.
It isn't easy being this dumb
I have to swallow a lot of cum
But when I have chugged down enough
I always want more of the stuff
 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
Cap's dead....sniff.

He was never dead. He was shot by a magic time bullet. Just like Batman was.
 Originally Posted By: Pig Iran
What the fuck? All these little people are still trying to find out a sensible reason they like Liefeld in the first place. Now they want to bemoan him for making a shitload of money for drawing big bosoms on Cap. WTF? Grow up and move on. I liked Madureira for a bit and realized he was an Adams/Golden clone mixed with anime...who cares? Move on. Liefeld sucks, but if you like him more power to you.

If you like 3 Dog night or Josh Groban or Katy Perry who cares? Nowhereman and BSAMS will make fun of you for some of it, but have the balls to take their shit--as justified as it is. Stand up for yourself.

Who the fuck runs away from Liefeld? Anyway, Cap's dead....sniff.

katy perry or cap? who has bigger breasts?

We know which ones you like more.
Black Machismo and my fine self, are soon to be married. I do hope he does not have breasts, as I find them most disgusting.
 Originally Posted By: Matthew Maybray
Black Machismo and my fine self, are soon to be married. I do hope he does not have breasts, as I find them most disgusting.

Poor Tommy. He tried so hard to win his love...
Please tell me that's not Snarf's real picture.......
what the fuck is the deal with the beard...or rather, what there is of it.
Is that balding as well?
Snarf, if that IS your real picture, here's some advice for picking up women:

Fuck a man. That's all you got left, buddy.

No, seriously, change your glasses, lose some weight, shave, and FUCK SOME FUCKING PUSSY!!! Can I say it any other way?
Why the fuck does snarfs chin look like a pussy?
......too easy, but with many levels. Well played, Rex.
How else will I get a ladies reproductive organ near my face?

My mother says I am the most wonderful creature she has ever seen.
Jesus. Bigfoot photographs better than I do....
 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus
Please tell me that's not Snarf's real picture.......
He looks like li'l Jimmy Norton hopped up on the stickiest of the icky.

I'm gonna go with the majority, Snarf. Take a female friend in to pick out some new frames, shave off that ridiculous chin merkin, drop a few pounds, and invest in a better wardrobe. All that would be step one towards getting some broad to bounce on your knob.
Or alternatively, he could just kill himself.
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
Jesus. Bigfoot photographs better than I do....

That's because he's at least courteous enough to put the camera out of focus.
Big Foot doesnt exist...bit like Snarfs hair, taste in clothes and sexual prowess.
just to clarify i do have manly man boobs.
Snarf, if you want to lose fifty pounds of unsightly fat, you can always go for the quick fix and decapitate yourself...
 Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus
Snarf, if that IS your real picture, here's some advice for picking up women:

Fuck a man. That's all you got left, buddy.

No, seriously, change your glasses, lose some weight, shave, and FUCK SOME FUCKING PUSSY!!! Can I say it any other way?
ditch the faggy glasses, shave the chin pubes, and get your piggie ass on a treadmill and weights regiment every day for 6 months and MAYBE you'll be fuckable. at worst you'd have a better chance of nailin a drunk chick if you stop looking like a vagina. at best you'll meet some hot piece of ass at the gym (NOT the YMCA) thats willing to jump on your bone. I mean, jesus. we shouldn't even have to say this...it should've been obvious a long long time ago!
 Originally Posted By: Alt ID
ditch the faggy glasses, shave the chin pubes, and get your piggie ass on a treadmill and weights regiment every day for 6 months and MAYBE you'll be fuckable.

Quickly, Snarf, while he's still interested in you.
Snarf, I know this is late, but sometimes I feel like we should demand an apology from God for creating you.
Especially that Spawn team-up arc, WTF was that about?
The worse was the Reign of the Snarfs arc. Four Snarfs at once with each as gay, useless, and annoying as the others.
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Alt ID
ditch the faggy glasses, shave the chin pubes, and get your piggie ass on a treadmill and weights regiment every day for 6 months and MAYBE you'll be fuckable.

Quickly, Snarf, while he's still interested in you.

\:lol\: Beat me to it! \:lol\:
sure, he's basically 3/4 of a bitch anyway.