
All it took was a scene last fall in the NBC TV series Community to convince comic-book writer Brian Michael Bendis that he was on the right track for a new Spider-Man.

A year ago, Community star Donald Glover embarked on a Twitter campaign to play an African-American version of Spider-Man in a new movie (a role that went to white actor Andrew Garfield for next summer's The Amazing Spider-Man). As an inside joke, he appeared on the season premiere in Spider-Man pajamas.

"He looked fantastic!" Bendis recalls. "I saw him in the costume and thought, 'I would like to read that book.' So I was glad I was writing that book."

The writer gives Glover "mucho credit" for the way Miles Morales looks in Ultimate Fallout issue 4, which is out Wednesday and marks the first appearance of a new Spider-Man. His adventures will continue in September's Ultimate Spider-Man No. 1, written by Bendis and illustrated by Sara Pichelli.

More than a year ago, a Marvel Comics brain trust decided that, at least in the Ultimate Universe, Peter Parker needed to die, in a battle with the Green Goblin. When they began to think about whom they'd put under the new mask, a multicultural vibe emerged.

"It's certainly long overdue," Bendis says. "Even though there's some amazing African-American and minority characters bouncing around in all the superhero universes, it's still crazy lopsided."

Marvel comics have been populated with many minority heroes over the years, from Luke Cage to War Machine to the Black Panther, many of whom have starred in their own books. And several men of varying skin color have wielded Captain America's shield and worn Iron Man's armor.

But only Peter Parker ever crawled on walls and strapped on web shooters as Marvel's signature superhero. So to put an African American under that mask probably is going to pack more of a cultural punch than simply creating a new minority superhero.

Race may have been a question had Peter Parker been African American when Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created Spider-Man in 1962. But now, minorities play a bigger role in society. So Bendis says that if fans have a beef, it will be with the fact that the new Spider-Man is not Peter Parker, not his replacement's skin tone. "Some will perceive that (Parker) had to die to make this happen, which is not the case," he says. "This character carries on the legacy of Peter Parker, a Spider-Man who will have a completely different relationship to the world."

The creation of Miles Morales, a teenager with an African-American father and Hispanic mother, has been personal for his creators. Axel Alonso, Marvel's editor in chief, is of mixed cultures (his father is Mexican, his mother is British), and Bendis has two adopted daughters, a 3½-year-old from Ethiopia and a 4½-month-old African American.

"Wouldn't it be nice for them to have a character or a hero that speaks to them as much as Peter Parker has spoken to so many children?" Bendis says. "There's nothing wrong with that, and I think we need more of it."
what difference will a black man make when Spiderman's costume covers him from top to toe. People really need to stop worshipping their own skin color.

(unless they're going to make spidey talk in ebonics or do drugs and jack cars and any of that black stereotype shit).
A Muslim Spiderman, on the other hand, will be awesome.
I don't care about what color he is, I just think its that this is what came out of the whole Donald Glover as Spider-Man thing.
I don't care about what color he is either, I just want to be racist against black people.
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
A Muslim Spiderman, on the other hand, will be awesome.

Is he going to swing into a building with a bomb strapped to his chest with webbing?
 Originally Posted By: rex
I don't care about what color he is

"It's certainly long overdue," Bendis says. "Even though there's some amazing African-American and minority characters bouncing around in all the superhero universes, it's still crazy lopsided."

Long overdue? What do you mean, Bendis? What happens to the "equality" of fictional comic book characters when you create a non-white Spider-Man? What's that? About as much that happened to it when Luke Cage, James Rhodes, John Stewart, etc. were created? Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Lopsided how? You mean too many mutants in Marvel? Too many aliens in DC? OH! Wait. You mean not enough specifically "black" characters. Gotcha. Sorry, I thought you were talking about the fictional world of comic books for a second. That would be pointless, of course, since heroes of those worlds are made up by green-skinned, blue-skinned, black-skinned, white-skinned (etc.) aliens and superheroes. Race has no bearing on imagination.

But now, minorities play a bigger role in society.

Yeah. They're called "White People". \:lol\: I wish these reporters/writers/media monkeys would do some research for one.

"Wouldn't it be nice for them to have a character or a hero that speaks to them as much as Peter Parker has spoken to so many children?" Bendis says. "There's nothing wrong with that, and I think we need more of it."

Why can't a man of any color "speak to them" from under that mask? Did Donald Glover fall in love with the idea of Spider-Man because he was white....or because he was Spider-Man? Can I not hear Dr. MLK's words and have them mean something to me because I am white? What about Mozart? Can non-whites not hear the beauty of his music? How does one separate blacks and whites by who "speaks" to them?

I love the idea of a different Spider-Man. I love the idea of someone new under the mask. However, whether he's black, white, asian, whatever...it doesn't fucking matter. And focusing on his skin color to prove it's something "revolutionary", "fresh", and "new" is a very tired and dated talking piece for media interviews. Bendis is right. If Stan Lee and Ditko had tried to make Peter black in 1963, it would have meant something. Doing it now, in 2011, it shouldn't "mean" a thing other than someone new is under the mask. The fact that he's (hushed tones from whitey)...black...is no more relevant than if he were white, French, Eskimo, or fucking albino.

But, my rant is pointless, in the end. It's obvious for all to see that Marvel wants to trumpet the race card so that it can be seen as a progressive move, and thus (in their minds) increase sales. They are no more interested in exploring the race issue by making Spider-Man black than they are exploring what it means to be white through Bruce Banner. It's all just the same old tired marketing machine...
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
what difference will a black man make when Spiderman's costume covers him from top to toe. People really need to stop worshipping their own skin color.

THANK YOU yellow man!! Exactly my point.
Meh. Boring.
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
Meh. Boring.

this would have been the big, shocking move they're looking for in 1988. i mean, shit, the president beat you to it, marvel.
 Originally Posted By: Rob
 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
Meh. Boring.

this would have been the big, shocking move they're looking for in 1988. i mean, shit, the president beat you to it, marvel.

\:lol\: \:lol\:

Given this isn't even the "real" Spiderman, how is this any more groundbreaking than when Spiderman 2099 turned out to be Hispanic?
Its a gimmicky attempt to appeal to 2 minority groups at once. He'll probably live in the projects with his grandma because his father left him when he was a baby and his mom died in the tsunami. He'll be a mutant with some insect-like powers and Fury will say "fuck this, no more kids dying. We're training you." so they give him the symbiote suit (they fix it or something) and black Spiderman has a black suit with red carnage trim (to be flashy. He is half Latino after all). And voila! Interracial Spiderman!
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Given this isn't even the "real" Spiderman, how is this any more groundbreaking than when Spiderman 2099 turned out to be Hispanic?

Or when John Stewart got a GL power ring?

Or John Henry Irons wore the Superman symbol?
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Its a gimmicky attempt to appeal to 2 minority groups at once. He'll probably live in the projects with his grandma because his father left him when he was a baby and his mom died in the tsunami. He'll be a mutant with some insect-like powers and Fury will say "fuck this, no more kids dying. We're training you." so they give him the symbiote suit (they fix it or something) and black Spiderman has a black suit with red carnage trim (to be flashy. He is half Latino after all). And voila! Interracial Spiderman!

Will the Ultimate Spider-buggy have spinners on the rims and hydraulics?
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Given this isn't even the "real" Spiderman, how is this any more groundbreaking than when Spiderman 2099 turned out to be Hispanic?

Or when John Stewart got a GL power ring?

Or John Henry Irons wore the Superman symbol?

Or they put Jim Rhodes in the Iron Man armor?

And let's not forget the black Capt. America in Truth, the black female Captain Marvel and, of course, black Ultimate Nick Fury.
glen beck had a hissy fit about this on his radio show today. He said he looks just like barack obama and this was all michelle obama's idea.

That alone makes it a great decision.
 Originally Posted By: rex
glen beck had a hissy fit about this on his radio show today. He said he looks just like barack obama and this was all michelle obama's idea.

That alone makes it a great decision.

Did he cry while reporting on it?
 Originally Posted By: rex
glen beck had a hissy fit about this on his radio show today. He said he looks just like barack obama and this was all michelle obama's idea.

That alone makes it a great decision.

It's like when he went on his tirade when Superman renounced his citizenship. I can't tell if he believes his own shit or is just catering to the lowest common denominator these days.
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
 Originally Posted By: rex
glen beck had a hissy fit about this on his radio show today. He said he looks just like barack obama and this was all michelle obama's idea.

That alone makes it a great decision.

It's like when he went on his tirade when Superman renounced his citizenship. I can't tell if he believes his own shit or is just catering to the lowest common denominator these days.

At this point, he's either the most brilliant satirist/provocateur of our time or a complete loon.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
complete loon.
So I bought the issue. Waste. If you buy it to see the new Spiderman just go to newsarama or bleeding cool and look at the previews, because that's all of it. It also seems one of his new powers might be some sort of spider-sting judging by the wavy lines everytime he punches the Kangaroo. I'll download the first few issues, and if its any good I'll pick up the trade.
One sign it's been a while: it took eight tries before I got my username/password right.
congrats on the spider-man gig, all the same
Thanks. And don't worry, white people. I'll be saving you just as often as the last guy did. I mean, it's not like I'd have any socio-economic/history-based/"let's kill all the white people!" reasons to ignore your pleas for help, right?
I totally voted for you in the last Presidential election...
Also, you will make a great Perry White!
and whitey's on the moon
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I totally voted for you in the last Presidential election...

You will be spared.

Only you.

 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
Also, you will make a great Perry White!

And maybe you.

 Originally Posted By: Rob
and whitey's on the moon

You're a goner, though.
...on the moon!
Welcome back, Mr. Disco Steve!