Going through some comics I ran into Steve Engleheart's run on Green Lantern that had Hal & Arisa (underage alien) get together after she unwittingly had her ring turn her into an adult mentally & physically. Hal struggles with it for a bit but eventually fucks her a couple of times. This seemed pretty pedo to me.

Another icky moment would be the whole Wanda, Vision & Wonderman triangle where the Vision basically gets rebooted into a emotionaless robot. Wanda asks Wonderman for his memory patterns to help get her husband back and Wonderman refuses because he loves Wanda. Previous to this story it had been established that these guys where not just friends but thought of each other as brothers. So it's a pretty big betrayal on Wondy's part. We also find out Wanda's kids were not real after all. The Vision has no penis. Wanda goes nuts. I liked these characters prior to this but ick! This may have been the first flop Byrne had with a team.

Anybody else have some icky moments to share for this icky topic?
I felt disgusted when they let a black guy become Green Lantern!
The one where Superman rapes Jimmy Olson's mom to teach him a lesson about dragging dirt into the Fortress of Solitude was reallllllly out of line.
I guess the theme of this topic is weird sexual stuff that happened during the era of the comics code.

Not because of the Comics Code, but in spite of the comics code. Just during the era of the Comics Code.

Then there is determining what are the parameters of "during the Comics Code".
Looking at my complete E.C. Library collection, the Comics Code stamp began appearing with the August 1955 cover of INCREDIBLE SCIENCE FICTION 31. And the end-date, well... I looked at BATMAN covers, and the Comics Code stamp remained on the covers until BATMAN 705 (Feb 2011) !
Although I'd argue that the relevance and influence of the code has been insignificant since the mid or late 1980's. The last book where I'm aware the Comics Code was even a consideration was DAREDEVIL 167 in late 1980 ("Child's Play" by Roger McKenzie and Miller/Janson) when the story was with-held and another ran in its place. But it was expanded to a 2-issue story and ran in 1982 in DAREDEVIL 183 and 184, at which point the Comics Code became completely irrelevant, whether stamped on the cover or not from that point forward.

I think one of the weirdest for me was in the 1983-to-1986 run of Byrne's ALPHA FLIGHT, where Aurora and Northstar, brother and sister, had an incestuous relationship. And Northstar I believe beyond that is credited to be the first overtly gay character in comics. But what a twisted gay character.
Another gay supporting character from the same years was in the latter half of Grell's JON SABLE FREELANCE (roughly issues 20 to 40), a much happier and less tormented gay character.


Wasn't Northstar just overly protective of his sister? She had multiple personalities and while one was fairly aggressive the other one was really meek & timid. As we found out he wasn't interested in women sexually and his sister is a female.

G-man's links has some pretty icky moments. The Wanderers was a title that I had trouble buying even though it was a Legion spin off. I'm not even sure if the bird rape story was the low point with that title.
I don't think anything tops Superman macking on his underaged cousin
Yeah that is definitley up there. I remember a line in that story by one of the Supes about cousins being able to marry on Krypton. Maybe it was less of a big deal in the silver age?

Some non-sexual icky moments would be the whole concept of Batman & Robin. Wealthy guy brings his underaged ward into really dangerous situations.

Than there's Marvel's Power Man who volunteered to be experimented on in prison. The guy doing these dangerous experiments is looked at as one of the good guys!

And how about Ronnie Raymond Firestorm, who's origon basically starts out with him being a terrorist when he goes along with a crowd to blow up a nuclear power plant. Even pre-9/11 this seemed really wrong.
And how about Ronnie Raymond Firestorm, who's origon basically starts out with him being a terrorist when he goes along with a crowd to blow up a nuclear power plant.

Ronnie wasn't a terrorist, he was a dupe:
  • Ronnie sought to impress Doreen by becoming politically active in the community. He joined an anti-nuclear protest group known as the Coaltion to Resist Atomic Power. Little did Ronnie know however, was that the leader of the group, Eddie Earhart, was actually a terrorist. The Coalition prepared to blow up the recently constructed Hudson Nuclear Power Plant. Ronnie believed that they were simply going to stage a harmless protest.
Speaking of "icky" origins, the now-abandoned one where Jessica Drew was a mutated spider had to be one of the worst.
Ooof my memory failed on that one.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Speaking of "icky" origins, the now-abandoned one where Jessica Drew was a mutated spider had to be one of the worst.

That was icky but I still liked it.
How about the screw fest that went on in The Ultimates? Tony Stark a Black Widow make a porno and everyone sits around watching the porno with them. Quicksilver and his sister screwing. That whole story just felt wrong.

Was there some Ultimate story where Thor had to impregnate his cousin so he could be reborn?

Nope. She is Thor's niece. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hela_(comics)#Ultimate_Marvel Hela is Loki's daughter and a goddess of death. She wanted Uncle Thor to impregnate her and in return she would give him new life.
I didn't even bother finishing that third series of Ultimates and don't get why the writer went that far. Did they think it would get more sales?
They were trying too hard to emulate what they thought was the reason Millar's "ultimates" was so successful. Yes the original series had some innuendo but really it was less about sex and more about being "Michael Bay's Avengers."

Also once you had uberhack Loeb get his mitts on it the series was going to go downhill the matter what
Loeb can't even spell innuendo, let alone use it.
Honestly, Loebs ultimate comics run was the worst writing in the Ultimate lines short history, including a bunch of the X-mens and Fantastic Four. Thor speaking in Shakespearian English, the Ultimates watching Tony and (the recently deceased traitor) Black Widow have sex while Tony becomes a depressed and dying drunk instead of the 'dying-but-care-free Playboy sex addicted billionaire who drinks a dry martini before jumping into a $100 billion robots ass', Pietro and Wanda getting horny after watching the video and going into their room to fuck, Wasp explaining to Cap that the twins are in love, treating Cap as an asshole for thinking that's gross, Blob eating Wasp in Ultimatum, and I'm sure I'd find more if I ever went back and looked at his run of issues again but I honestly just can't. I don't think anyone other than Millar and Ellis really understood what the Ultimate comics should be. Even Bendis couldn't get any footing when he stepped out of Ultimate Spiderman. Hell even Damon Lindelof, who only got to write a mini because of he co-created Lost (a show Loeb wrote for) did a better Ultimate universe comic than Loeb could ever hope to do!
Wasp explaining to Cap that the twins are in love, treating Cap as an asshole for thinking that's gross,
I wish Cap would have said "Bitch,that is fucking gross and you know it"!
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Wasn't Northstar just overly protective of his sister? She had multiple personalities and while one was fairly aggressive the other one was really meek & timid. As we found out he wasn't interested in women sexually and his sister is a female.

I just re-read my Byrne ALPHA FLIGHT run about 6 years ago, and I can't recall anything overt. Maybe Byrne just mentioned it as something he wanted to explore in an interview, and then never explored.
I remember the over-protectiveness.
I remember the split personalities.
And the gayness.
But I can't recall any confirmed incest.

So I withdraw that one, and give you Miracleman having sex with Miraclewoman in MIRACLEMAN 16.

And the gratuitous vagina-shots left-and-right childbirth issue (MIRACLEMAN 9).

Both those made me pretty uncomfortable.

I was going to list the Superman/Wonder Woman porn flick, from ACTION COMICS 592-593.

And the Ms. Marvel mind control/rape/abduction/childbirth/incest in AVENGERS 200, by Michelinie and Perez.

On the latter, obviously Chris Claremont thought it was pretty icky too, and did his part to explain and halfway resolve the many loose ends, in AVENGERS ANNUAL 10 (1981), where a plenty-pissed off Ms. Marvel confronts the Avengers for not watching her back.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

a white woman kissing a black guy? ewww!
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
a white woman kissing a black guy? ewww!
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
i love you pro!
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
stop visciously slandering me pro!
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I know,right!! Luke Cage would never wear that vest/shirt combo!!
The correct spelling is vicious.

 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
stop visciously slandering me pro!

I didn't use the word this time, but...


vicious (ˈvɪʃəs)
— adj

1. wicked or cruel; villainous: a vicious thug

2. characterized by violence or ferocity: a vicious blow

3. informal unpleasantly severe; harsh: a vicious wind

4. characterized by malice: vicious lies

5. (esp of dogs, horses, etc) ferocious or hostile; dangerous

6. characterized by or leading to vice

7. invalidated by defects; unsound: a vicious inference

8. obsolete noxious or morbid: a vicious exhalation

[C14: from Old French vicieus, from Latin vitiōsus full of faults, from vitium a defect]

— adv

— n

...one look at your posts, and the shoe definitely fits.

Malice, slander, and deliberate misrepresentation seem as natural to you as breathing.
Back in the 70's the Legion of Superheroes experimented with clones. The icky part was they were exact duplicates of members who had perished. Nor were they told they were clones. The Legion tested them by sending them back to Superboy's time where they proved they were as brave as the originals were. After doing so they exploded. Apparently clones explode thus preventing the Legion from really using the clone technology till they fixed that problem.

I actually enjoyed that story, early into Grell's run on SUPERBOY/LEGION, in issue 206.

I found it a nice tribute to the two dead Legion characters, and a pleasant adventure that allowed readers to see them one last time.
I also loved an AVENGERS story in issues 215 and 216, by Jim Shooter and Al Weiss, where Tigra was part of the Avengers. In the opening pages, she is in a bar and some guy is being nice to her, showing an interest in her. Then she finds out he's a fur fetishist pervert, and disgusted, tells him off and leaves.

I also love a scene in the same issue, where Dr. Donald Blaine gets a call for an emergency, and goes in the men's room to tap his cane and turn into Thor. As Thor exits the men's room, a guy says "There's a... god... in the men's room!"




Blowing off a guy’s head with a stick of dynamite is pretty darn evil, but a flesh-tone coloring error cranks the badness on this cover up to 11. Jack “King” Kirby illustrated this Amazing Heroes #47 cover from 1984; the colorist, mercifully, remains uncredited.


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I actually enjoyed that story, early into Grell's run on SUPERBOY/LEGION, in issue 206.

I found it a nice tribute to the two dead Legion characters, and a pleasant adventure that allowed readers to see them one last time.

Same here. Ferro Lad wasn't a member for very long before dying so it was nice seeing more of him. The clone concept bugged me though.
What about the time Year Man molested a goat?

Man, that was FUCKED up...
Byrne is a dodgy, dodgy bastard.

There was the Superman/BigBarda porn movie thing in Adventures of Superman: was it a Darkseid henchman called Slugg or something? He has mind control over the two and is making them have sex and filming it. At one stage he commands them to get back on the job, so to speak, and Big Barda says something like, "No, please not again...". At the end of the story the bad guy is defeated, and we see a bemused Mister Miracle who must have been wondering what to do about the issue of his wife being forced to have sex with Superman. I think I was 20 or so when I read this and remember wondering what the hell small kids reading Superman would have made of this issue.

Then there was the She-Hulk adults-rated graphic novel. She-Hulk is nude, in chains, being tortured on the SHIELD helicarrier by rogue SHIELD agents. She busts loose, steals some clothes, and is shot in the chest, revealing large dark green nips under the shredded shirt. There's all sorts of icky Freudian skullduggery around Byrne letting loose over She-Hulk's breasts. You get the impression that Byrne is doing all this for his own dirty private amusement first, and as a paid job second.

Oh look there's more: http://cbddossiers.blogspot.com.au/2006/09/record-john-byrne.html
There's also this one:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy



Blowing off a guy’s head with a stick of dynamite is pretty darn evil, but a flesh-tone coloring error cranks the badness on this cover up to 11. Jack “King” Kirby illustrated this Amazing Heroes #47 cover from 1984; the colorist, mercifully, remains uncredited.


Sorry, I just got this. That's extremely amusing.
 Originally Posted By: First Among Daves
Sorry, I just got this. That's extremely arousing.
Why don't you take your silly, silly little comments and go back to the oh so cool and high and mighty Cracked.com forum and keep not publishing really really really good stuff?

Mxy, when you 'adapt' this thread for a Cracked article called 'five ickiest moments in modern comics' or something please consider sharing the royalties with the rest of us.
He's forgotten the little people.
I have a big penis.
But Mxy owns a publishing empire. He's actually Carlos Slim.
Carlos Slim? I barely knew him!
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I was going to list the Superman/Wonder Woman porn flick, from ACTION COMICS 592-593.

Wonder Woman. Since when is Big Barda Wonder Woman?
Open your eyes and your brain.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I also love a scene in the same issue, where Dr. Donald Blaine gets a call for an emergency, and goes in the men's room to tap his cane and turn into Thor. As Thor exits the men's room, a guy says "There's a... god... in the men's room!"

Remember the time Dr Donald Blake was replaced by David Blaines brother?
He doesn't have room for facts, he watches Fox "News".
And that relates to ickiest moments in comics... how?

If you weren't just trolling with your head up your own ass, you'd see I quote a lot of other sources than Fox News. Recently, mostly from AOL/HuffingtonPost, since I run across it so often.

But since you mentioned Fox News...

CNN's Ratings Fall After Zimmerman Trial Coverage Concludes

After CNN's win on Monday (thanks to two exclusive interviews related to the George Zimmerman trial verdict) FOX News Channel has returned to outpacing both MSNBC and CNN in both Prime and Total Day. Additionally, FNC delivered 12 of the top 15 telecasts in cable news last night. See below (and our cable news post) for more:


Total Day

FNC: 1,234,000 in P2+ (251,000 in 25-54)

CNN: 430,000 in P2+ (162,000 in 25-54)

MSNBC: 393,000 in P2+ (124,000 in 25-54)


FNC: 2,197,000 in P2+ (416,000 in 25-54)

CNN: 575,000 in P2+ (219,000 in 25-54)

MSNBC: 734,000 in P2+ (241,000 in 25-54)

It seems an overwhelming majority go to Fox News for reliable information.
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I was going to list the Superman/Wonder Woman porn flick, from ACTION COMICS 592-593.

Wonder Woman. Since when is Big Barda Wonder Woman?
Open your eyes and your brain.

My mistake in the comment. It's obviously Barda and not Wonder Woman. I was thinking Barda and somehow wrote Wonder Woman instead.

A full retraction, we regret the error.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
And that relates to ickiest moments in comics... how?

If you weren't just trolling with your head up your own ass, you'd see I quote a lot of other sources than Fox News. Recently, mostly from AOL/HuffingtonPost, since I run across it so often.

But since you mentioned Fox News...

CNN's Ratings Fall After Zimmerman Trial Coverage Concludes

After CNN's win on Monday (thanks to two exclusive interviews related to the George Zimmerman trial verdict) FOX News Channel has returned to outpacing both MSNBC and CNN in both Prime and Total Day. Additionally, FNC delivered 12 of the top 15 telecasts in cable news last night. See below (and our cable news post) for more:


Total Day

FNC: 1,234,000 in P2+ (251,000 in 25-54)

CNN: 430,000 in P2+ (162,000 in 25-54)

MSNBC: 393,000 in P2+ (124,000 in 25-54)


FNC: 2,197,000 in P2+ (416,000 in 25-54)

CNN: 575,000 in P2+ (219,000 in 25-54)

MSNBC: 734,000 in P2+ (241,000 in 25-54)

It seems an overwhelming majority go to Fox News for reliable information.
