Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 5:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Danny
Oh, right. That's why I left. Some people here do retarded shit like that.

Retarded shit has been taken care of...again. This is the second time in less than a week that I've had to take care of people spamming the Writer's Block.

The last time, I sent a PM to the person. And because I got this as a response:

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
Dear Jack,

Rob considers editing someone's posts an offensive move. You better go suck some fag cock or you'll lose your own mod powers.


I have decided to post everything for everyone to see.

So here's the deal. No more shit like this in these forums. Otherwise, all threads will be locked. No one is enjoying this. It's pissing people off. If anyone else has another idea for dealing with this, I'm all ears.
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 6:50 PM
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:

Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 7:31 PM
Well, damn. Beardguy's gone again?
Even though he posts too much about Star Trek (I just don't CARE about Han Solo, okay?) he keeps this place lively. Nobody can deny that. That and he tries being a genuinely nice guy. Which won't pay the bills but it counts for somethin'...
Posted By: Beardguy57 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 7:35 PM
That's just the thing.

I'm sitting here with a VERY sour stomach, thinking about events from here since January 3,2008, when the event known as Uschi destroyed a space thread I had worked nearly two years on.

Thanks for the compliment.

Han Solo, heh!
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 9:13 PM
Dude,don't leave because retarded shits call you names. Ignore the harassment and it will stop or the retarded shits will spend most of their time here chasing you around the boards calling you names. Either way you win.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 10:21 PM
No lockie threads.

No leaving because of two people.

No overreacting to spam.

It happens sometimes, and then it's done.
Posted By: Grimm Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 10:47 PM
yeah, you don't wanna contract Legionnaire's disease.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 11:31 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
No overreacting to spam.

The thing is it was over a page of pictures at one point...in a story thread. Story threads and talk threads are two different things. One post on a talk thread...well, there's nothing to bitch at. People do it all the time. A dozen reposts in a story thread? That's not cool. It would be no different that Person B posting in Person A's story when Person A intended to do the story alone. Person A has the right at that point to shout "What the fuck?" and kick the shit out of Person B.

I'll be the man here (heh) and say I overreacted on the talk threads. I went on a little 'deleted this post' craze there. But I stand by my choice to deleted every fucking interruption in the story threads.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 11:35 PM
Way I see it... if all the mods accept the resolution (In this case, deleting posts, and if the problem persists, locking threads) and Rob doesn't feel it's excessive... it's their forum to moderate. If you feel it's a huge problem, take it up with Rob, tell him the mods aren't modding to their maximum mod capabilities.
Posted By: Stupid Doog Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-27 11:45 PM
I gotta say, I agree with cj. spam has no place in the writers block. stupid shit can be said in every other forum, but this is about artistic expression, good and bad, and a modicum of respect should be given. in fact, if you don't want your thread posted in create a talk thread for it. post any vitreal there but don't fuck up the whole forum.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 12:28 AM
Spam is artistic expression.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 12:40 AM
Of what, pray tell?
Posted By: MrJSA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 12:52 AM
I have a feeling that reax is about to gay up the thread.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 1:02 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

No faggot, you're the one who should be banned.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

These boards were made from people that were banned from the DC boards. We thrive on immaturity (something you are not immune from yourself)

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

Fuck you. You're just as bad as anyone else here and you fucking know it. You think every forum here should change just because of your retardation.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

This isn't every other chat forum. This one is better. The only downside is that pedophiles like you don't get banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

All you need is a dude jerking off on you and it will be just like second grade, right?

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

Then don't.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I'm pretty sure you became a monster the first time you sodomized a kid.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

Fag power!

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

There is no such thing as a nice person. Just someone who is afraid to tell the truth and face the facts. Thats person is you.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

Thats because you're a hateful person.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

Then just fucking leave.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

No Oakley never molested a kid. He a better person than you are.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

You are not a good person. Stop lying to yourself.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

I thought I didn't get to you anymore?

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Such a hateful thing to say for someone who claims he's a "nice" person.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

More delusional crap.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

No, our purpose in life is to get rid of worthless pieces of shit like you.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

It makes no sense because you're full of shit.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

No, its your true self coming out. Don't hide it, let all the gay retard rage out.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

the only person who has control over you is yourself. Don't blame your shortcomings on a couple people from a message board. You need to face reality beardtard.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 1:03 AM
Just to clear something up, I don't think you should spam this forum. Everything else is okay but this one has always been different. Except for the pedo stories. Those should be spammed as much as possible until the retard finally leaves or kills himself, whichever comes first.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 1:03 AM
 Originally Posted By: MrJSA
I have a feeling that reax is about to gay up the thread.

Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 1:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:


Don't let the terrorists win Jerry! Remember at the end of the Sinestro Corps wars the GLs thought they won.....but Sinestro knew better he made them authorize the rings with the power to kill so in reality he won. In this case i love beardguy and rex are Sinestro.....so don't authorize the rings to kill Jerry don't do it!
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 2:03 AM
Weirdest damn analogy ever.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 2:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 2:46 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 2:58 AM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Weirdest damn analogy ever.

but u know what? it kinda worked. thank god for pjp...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 2:59 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

No faggot, you're the one who should be banned.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

These boards were made from people that were banned from the DC boards. We thrive on immaturity (something you are not immune from yourself)

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

Fuck you. You're just as bad as anyone else here and you fucking know it. You think every forum here should change just because of your retardation.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

This isn't every other chat forum. This one is better. The only downside is that pedophiles like you don't get banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

All you need is a dude jerking off on you and it will be just like second grade, right?

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

Then don't.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I'm pretty sure you became a monster the first time you sodomized a kid.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

Fag power!

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

There is no such thing as a nice person. Just someone who is afraid to tell the truth and face the facts. Thats person is you.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

Thats because you're a hateful person.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

Then just fucking leave.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

No Oakley never molested a kid. He a better person than you are.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

You are not a good person. Stop lying to yourself.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

I thought I didn't get to you anymore?

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Such a hateful thing to say for someone who claims he's a "nice" person.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

More delusional crap.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

No, our purpose in life is to get rid of worthless pieces of shit like you.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

It makes no sense because you're full of shit.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

No, its your true self coming out. Don't hide it, let all the gay retard rage out.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

the only person who has control over you is yourself. Don't blame your shortcomings on a couple people from a message board. You need to face reality beardtard.

id just like to point out just how sad and pathetic reax is for responding to each and every point in that post. Damn dude, go get some pussy...
Posted By: random alt id Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 4:53 AM
Hey you, don't talk to rex like that! He has more pussy control in his pinky than you and everyone else has in a thousand of their own bodies!
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 4:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
No lockie threads.

No leaving because of two people.

No overreacting to spam.

It happens sometimes, and then it's done.

 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
I gotta say, I agree with cj. spam has no place in the writers block. stupid shit can be said in every other forum, but this is about artistic expression, good and bad, and a modicum of respect should be given. in fact, if you don't want your thread posted in create a talk thread for it. post any vitreal there but don't fuck up the whole forum.

Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 6:35 AM
Jester Joker Moderator 25+ posts Sun Jan 27 2008 10:34 PM Making a new reply
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Re: Retarded Shit
Posted By: Jester Joker Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 6:40 AM
To whomever it may concern, just take it easy. It's only a message board, you'll survive. It's not worth losing it.
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 6:45 AM
K-nutreturns User now
7500+ posts Sun Jan 27 2008 10:43 PM Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:06 AM
Joey From Friends User How You Doin'?
2000+ posts Sun Jan 27 2008 11:04 PM Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:07 AM
the "Who's Online" obsessor drunk User 300+ posts 01/27/08 10:06 PM Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:40 AM
Beardguy never understood the RKMBs. He better FUCK OFF! before it kills him.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:42 AM
And Ceej? You've also made my shit-list. I never had anything against you, but for an infrequent visitor like you to pull rank on me for a pud like beardguy? Wrong priorities, mein freuline.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Ha ha ha! I *should* be easy to figure out, retard! I'll answer any question asked, I'm up front about all my misgivings and shortcomings! I don't think I'm dark, I think I'm an ass with a heart of gold. I don't think I'm deep or mysterious, I think I'm entertaining and straight-forward. Is it crap? No, I'm honest as Abe. I've said for years; I do not like you. You got more and more annoying. You got my powers taken away so I couldn't privately torment you. So I'm publicly tormenting you and you can't handle it.

I hate to mention, 'cause I'm having a lot of fun (especially the heart attack! oh my god, jerry -- this is the INTERNET! not real life!), but since I'm *NOT* a mod now, you could simply just put me o----- no, I'll not tell you. I like that you're about to leave.

Fuck off and good riddance, beardguy. Go find some candy-ass MB to have fun chattingf about flowers and pasta at. It'll help your blood-pressure. Shit, go the the DC message boards, those are "safe" and "non-offensive" enough for you to be happy with, and they tralk about comics there. Go sign up at a Star Trek MB and wank yerself to oblivion.

You don't FIT here, beardguy. You've run off some of the most endearing, foundation members here. You and your influence ran off Nowhereman. You're fagification of the entire place has taken the calibre of the RKMBS down. Get out. I don't want you. We don't want you. Anyone that does can fuck themselves up their CareBear-soft assholes.

Look, you even got me reaching out and helping *teach* you, like you want the whole world to be about. Learn the fuck up. Get out.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 8:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
You and your influence ran off Nowhereman.

There are a few posters here who now post without fear of Nowhereman's scrutiny.

And that is in no way a good thing.

Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 8:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
You and your influence ran off Nowhereman.

Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 8:37 AM
Beardguys run off a lot of people. Everyone got sick of his spamming.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 9:04 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Danny
Oh, right. That's why I left. Some people here do retarded shit like that.

Retarded shit has been taken care of...again. This is the second time in less than a week that I've had to take care of people spamming the Writer's Block.

The last time, I sent a PM to the person. And because I got this as a response:

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
Dear Jack,

Rob considers editing someone's posts an offensive move. You better go suck some fag cock or you'll lose your own mod powers.


I have decided to post everything for everyone to see.

So here's the deal. No more shit like this in these forums. Otherwise, all threads will be locked. No one is enjoying this. It's pissing people off. If anyone else has another idea for dealing with this, I'm all ears.

Put a cock in Uschi.

I didn't even have the balls to rape the Writer's Block forum--Well, actually I did, but I knew the response would be the same as always since...You know, I'm me.

But since Uschi's the one who did it, she's got everyone confounded about what to do.

Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 9:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:


Posted By: King Snarf Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 11:38 AM
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 11:41 AM
Yup, that makes me not want to read them even more.
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 12:51 PM
"Honestly, you guys are the most unhelpful mutherfuckers I have ever seen on the inernet!"
- whomod
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 12:51 PM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Of what, pray tell?

Posted By: Geronimo Jackson Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 7:26 PM
Posted By: Rob Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 8:42 PM
ok me. i'm in the writers block. i write. blocks.

so, basically... i read most of the stuff here and i think i got the idea of what went down. beardguy posts, uschi mods, cj mods, worlds (writers block and deep thoughts, i guess) collide, rex hates everyone. mixed in were various opinions, spam, and other such stuff. more or less, right?

my feeling is that modding stuff is bad. i know there are "moderators" and that is inherently confusing if i then say moderating is bad, but... whatever. ill stand by it. i don't mind so much if a mod goes through and starts discussions or splits topics into two topics if they're different enough and warrant it or stickies (tee hee!) topics or whatever. yer basic stuff.

going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all. there's gonna be spams or floods or downpours of nigh-naked llance imagery, but its no big deal. after a few new posts, its gone, anyway (save the llance nipples forever burned into your brain), so no need to be too worried about it.

rex, you're allowed to hate beardguy; beardguy you're allowed to hate rex. uschi, you can hate either or both. everyones allowed to post what they want, everyone's allowed to hate one anothers posts. and thats more or less it.

Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 9:07 PM
I object to the term "moderator" and prefer to be known as a "Kick Ass Knight of Order". But that's just me.
Posted By: Rob Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 9:10 PM
i'll second.
Posted By: Geronimo Jackson Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 9:44 PM
Denny Crane.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 10:03 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
ok me. i'm in the writers block. i write. blocks.

so, basically... i read most of the stuff here and i think i got the idea of what went down. beardguy posts, uschi mods, cj mods, worlds (writers block and deep thoughts, i guess) collide, rex hates everyone. mixed in were various opinions, spam, and other such stuff. more or less, right?

my feeling is that modding stuff is bad. i know there are "moderators" and that is inherently confusing if i then say moderating is bad, but... whatever. ill stand by it. i don't mind so much if a mod goes through and starts discussions or splits topics into two topics if they're different enough and warrant it or stickies (tee hee!) topics or whatever. yer basic stuff.

going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all. there's gonna be spams or floods or downpours of nigh-naked llance imagery, but its no big deal. after a few new posts, its gone, anyway (save the llance nipples forever burned into your brain), so no need to be too worried about it.

rex, you're allowed to hate beardguy; beardguy you're allowed to hate rex. uschi, you can hate either or both. everyones allowed to post what they want, everyone's allowed to hate one anothers posts. and thats more or less it.


Rob, you're a fucking retard. Uschi and me and every other person that hate beardguy hates him because of several things.

1. He's a pedophile

2. He tried to control every one else on these boards. See his movie discussion thread and space thread. He did that to have all discussion for that forum be in one thread where only he can say what goes on in it.

3. He's a pedophile.

4. He wants these boards to be his own personal blog and anytime someone disagrees with that he edits posts or goes on some "faggot power" rampage where he brings up shit no one wants to hear about except for his therapist and he only wants to hear it because he gets paid to hear it.

5. He's a pedophile.

6. He posts pics of old naked guys in the random chat forum for no fucking reason at all.

7. He's a pedophile.

8. He fakes being too happy and sunshiney about everything. No one is like that, except for elisa and these boards can only hold one person like that.

9. He's a pedophile.

To sum things up, get rid of his mod powers and all the spamming will go away.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 10:14 PM
rex, with all due respect..and with all seriousness...I've seen as much evidence that you're a pedophile as I've seen to indicate that beardguy is.

Seriously. I'm not saying that either of you are a pedophile but of the two of you, we've seen the following from you that would seem to fit the pedophle profile:

You live alone or with your parents;
You have problems forming relationships with adults;
You take care of small children that aren't your own;
You are interested in things that give you access to kids (toys, etc.)

So what makes beardguy a pedophile and not you?

This is not a joke on my part. It's a serious question. Calling someone a pedophile is a pretty serious charge. What has beardguy said or done that makes him any more likely a pedophile than you?
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 10:22 PM
Look, a fascist old creepy man defending another fascist creepy old man. You guys should start a club. Call it nambla or something like that.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 11:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Retarded shit has been taken care of...again. This is the second time in less than a week that I've had to take care of people spamming the Writer's Block.

The last time, I sent a PM to the person. And because I got this as a response:

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
Dear Jack,

Rob considers editing someone's posts an offensive move. You better go suck some fag cock or you'll lose your own mod powers.


I have decided to post everything for everyone to see.

 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all. there's gonna be spams or floods or downpours of nigh-naked llance imagery, but its no big deal. after a few new posts, its gone, anyway (save the llance nipples forever burned into your brain), so no need to be too worried about it.

Posted By: notwedge Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 11:52 PM
rex obviouly is not a pedophile. socks aren't kids.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-28 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
rex obviouly is not a pedophile. socks aren't kids.

But how do we know he isn't thinking of little children when he rubs one out into a sock?

Listen, I've prosecuted pedophiles. And rex arguagbly fits the profile as well as anybody here.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:13 AM
I think reax is forgetting his little temper tantrums when it came to spam and people being not serious in a certain thread that he wanted to be serious. Must we start digging up goodbye threads? He's only siding with Uschi because she hates Beardguy too. Roles reversed, reax would be bitching another tune.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
ok me. i'm in the writers block. i write. blocks.

so, basically... i read most of the stuff here and i think i got the idea of what went down. beardguy posts, uschi mods, cj mods, worlds (writers block and deep thoughts, i guess) collide, rex hates everyone. mixed in were various opinions, spam, and other such stuff. more or less, right?

my feeling is that modding stuff is bad. i know there are "moderators" and that is inherently confusing if i then say moderating is bad, but... whatever. ill stand by it. i don't mind so much if a mod goes through and starts discussions or splits topics into two topics if they're different enough and warrant it or stickies (tee hee!) topics or whatever. yer basic stuff.

going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all. there's gonna be spams or floods or downpours of nigh-naked llance imagery, but its no big deal. after a few new posts, its gone, anyway (save the llance nipples forever burned into your brain), so no need to be too worried about it.

rex, you're allowed to hate beardguy; beardguy you're allowed to hate rex. uschi, you can hate either or both. everyones allowed to post what they want, everyone's allowed to hate one anothers posts. and thats more or less it.


Rob, you're a fucking retard. Uschi and me and every other person that hate beardguy hates him because of several things.

1. He's a pedophile

2. He tried to control every one else on these boards. See his movie discussion thread and space thread. He did that to have all discussion for that forum be in one thread where only he can say what goes on in it.

3. He's a pedophile.

4. He wants these boards to be his own personal blog and anytime someone disagrees with that he edits posts or goes on some "faggot power" rampage where he brings up shit no one wants to hear about except for his therapist and he only wants to hear it because he gets paid to hear it.

5. He's a pedophile.

6. He posts pics of old naked guys in the random chat forum for no fucking reason at all.

7. He's a pedophile.

8. He fakes being too happy and sunshiney about everything. No one is like that, except for elisa and these boards can only hold one person like that.

9. He's a pedophile.

To sum things up, get rid of his mod powers and all the spamming will go away.

For the record. My name is Uschi and I do not support this post.

I mean, I hate beardguy, but this post was retarded.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:36 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:41 AM
If Uschi really wanted to be clever, she would have spammed this thread...
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:56 AM
I still have one more image to spam with. I just like to wait a few days between so it's more annoying.

Plus I just a minute ago thought up a better one than what I was GOING to use. I'll go make that before work.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 1:58 AM
I trust it will be EPIC!
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:13 AM
Beardguy Ray Cirus!

Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy

For the record. My name is Uschi and I do not support[rex's] post.

I mean, I hate beardguy, but this post was retarded.

Thank you.

But, speaking of retarded, what's up with the dopey, badly photoshopped, spam photos? I think you know it's not going to get you back your mod powers. And I've seen you do better work.

It just seems, if not counterproductive, at this point to be a waste of everyone's time.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:37 AM
I think thew art lies in the fack that it isn't exact. Alot of them show her personality.

It's not the quality of the shop sometimes as much as the idea;

Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:39 AM
Lookit him go! He's insatiable !
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:40 AM
My only point about them being badly photoshopped was that Uschi Loves Beardguy is capable of much better work.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:44 AM
Who went tits up and made you head photoshop connoisseur?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:45 AM
wasnt me...
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:51 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Who went tits up and made you head photoshop connoisseur?

Hey, I know what I like, is all...and I've liked her other work better.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:52 AM
The Chinaman is not the issue!
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I think thew art lies in the fack that it isn't exact. Alot of them show her personality.


 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Who went tits up and made you head photoshop connoisseur?

I'd imagine the previous Head Photoshop Connoisseur did.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:55 AM
And also, Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. "Asian American," please.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:57 AM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
I think thew art lies in the fack that it isn't exact. Alot of them show her personality.


 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Who went tits up and made you head photoshop connoisseur?

I'd imagine the previous Head Photoshop Connoisseur did.

Where were you with the spell check before I hit submit?
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 2:59 AM
I was not there.

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 3:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
I gotta say, I agree with cj. spam has no place in the writers block. stupid shit can be said in every other forum, but this is about artistic expression, good and bad, and a modicum of respect should be given. in fact, if you don't want your thread posted in create a talk thread for it. post any vitreal there but don't fuck up the whole forum.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
Spam is artistic expression.

i agree with the colored gentleman.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 3:15 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:


Don't let the terrorists win Jerry!

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 3:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
im gay.

Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
so, basically... i read most of the stuff here and i think i got the idea of what went down. beardguy posts, uschi mods, cj mods, worlds (writers block and deep thoughts, i guess) collide, rex hates everyone. mixed in were various opinions, spam, and other such stuff. more or less, right?

The first I heard of anything was when Beardguy PMed me about Uschi putting all these pictures in his story thread. I go to check it out, and there's an entire page worth of the same picture. I deleted them and messaged Beardguy and Uschi that I had deleted them.

my feeling is that modding stuff is bad. i know there are "moderators" and that is inherently confusing if i then say moderating is bad, but... whatever. ill stand by it. i don't mind so much if a mod goes through and starts discussions or splits topics into two topics if they're different enough and warrant it or stickies (tee hee!) topics or whatever. yer basic stuff.

Damn right you got me confused. Why give us the option of deleting a thread? It's like giving Grimm your bottle of beer and expecting him to just give it back to you later.

I wasn't aware of any Mod's Code around this place.

going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all.

You call it a slippery slope, I think it could be considered housecleaning.

rex, you're allowed to hate beardguy; beardguy you're allowed to hate rex. uschi, you can hate either or both. everyones allowed to post what they want, everyone's allowed to hate one anothers posts. and thats more or less it.

Yeah...I wasn't aware of any drama between all these parties...probably because I don't hang out in the Random Junk forum that much. And you're right, everyone can hate everyone else. I really don't care. This was not a case of me siding with Beardguy or against Uschi. This was me hearing a complaint about one user posting non-story material in another user's story thread.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:17 AM
i would like to lodge a complaint against beardguys thread, could you please delete it. thanks.
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:25 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
i would like to lodge a complaint against beardguys thread, could you please delete it. thanks.

To requestion a post deletion, please pull a number from the dispenser and wait in line. You are number 1,658,541,328. Now serving number 12.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:27 AM
Ooh, I'm #12! Uhm. Can I get a Coke?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...

dont they sell penthouse letters where you live?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
i would like to lodge a complaint against beardguys thread, could you please delete it. thanks.

please pull a number

you sly minx, i know what you mean!
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...

dont they sell penthouse letters where you live?

but are the stories true???
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Ooh, I'm #12! Uhm. Can I get a Coke?

sure, get me a soda bitch!
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 4:35 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:28 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:29 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 5:55 AM
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 6:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...

No, I haven't... yet.
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 6:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 6:16 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...

dont they sell penthouse letters where you live?

but are the stories true???

Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 6:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

You haven't written some 19-century erotic Victorian story, have you? Because that just might clear up my headache...

No, I haven't... yet.

Too bad you can't write what you know.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 7:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: Spammer
****You are Ignoring this User****

See, everyone, how hard was that?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 7:25 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 8:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Spammer
****You are Ignoring this User****

See, everyone, how hard was that?

I just can't cross that line. It goes against all my principles as a rat bastard.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 8:11 AM
I can't claim to be a rat-bastard but I've never ignored anyone.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 11:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Spammer
****You are Ignoring this User****

See, everyone, how hard was that?

Shh! Don't let beardguy know that or he might have another heart-attack!
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 11:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
my feeling is that modding stuff is bad. i know there are "moderators" and that is inherently confusing if i then say moderating is bad, but... whatever. ill stand by it. i don't mind so much if a mod goes through and starts discussions or splits topics into two topics if they're different enough and warrant it or stickies (tee hee!) topics or whatever. yer basic stuff.

Damn right you got me confused. Why give us the option of deleting a thread? It's like giving Grimm your bottle of beer and expecting him to just give it back to you later.

I wasn't aware of any Mod's Code around this place.

The MB designer has the buttons. Despite all Rob's coding abilities, I don't think he can remove buttons from moderators.

The mod code comes from the reason 90% of us are here: we were banned repetedly at the DC mbs and Rob sent us here where we can spam or troll or do what ever the fuck we want and not worry about being deleted or banned. It's not a mod code so much as it is he heart and soul of the RKMBs. And you didn't know. that's pathetic, Ceej.

going further than that to edit someone else's posts or deleting stuff or whatever... its a slippery slope, and i'd just rather that didn't happen at all.

You call it a slippery slope, I think it could be considered housecleaning.

Yes, well, you've never spammed in your life, have you? You've probably never been banned either. Regardless, Rob is Gob and Gob makes the rules... so what you think is horseshit.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 12:26 PM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
My only point about them being badly photoshopped was that Uschi Loves Beardguy is capable of much better work.

this one I actually worked on:

this wasn't hard, but it took a lot of time, what with taking screen-caps while playing the videos on-line...

Rob wrote truth when he suggested I fracture the text on the mirror-cracks. But I never have:

a beardguy one I didn't bother looking up beardguy's face for:

goddamn, this is getting boring. Okay, well, as you see, I rarely take time to do much more than paste a couple things together. Occasionally I bother with erasing extra bits of image, even less frequently I do layers and transparencies and shit. MOST times I take a pre-fab image and paste text to it like this:

Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-29 3:56 PM
It's still better than anything I can do.
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 12:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy

Fuckin' awesome.
Posted By: Rob Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 1:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Why give us the option of deleting a thread?

The MB designer has the buttons. Despite all Rob's coding abilities, I don't think he can remove buttons from moderators.

aye, thats pretty accurate.

typically, you'll know i'm trying to make changes to the code. thats when the boards are either down or on fire.

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
I wasn't aware of any Mod's Code around this place.

The mod code comes from the reason 90% of us are here: we were banned repetedly at the DC mbs and Rob sent us here where we can spam or troll or do what ever the fuck we want and not worry about being deleted or banned. It's not a mod code so much as it is he heart and soul of the RKMBs.

also pretty accurate.

there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack

It's like giving Grimm your bottle of beer

you leave your crazy theories out of this!!
Posted By: Matt Foley Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 2:09 AM
JEEZ O FREAKIN' PETE ROB! If you keep riding the fence, someday you're going to find yourself living in A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!
Posted By: Spammer Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 3:46 AM
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 5:33 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 5:36 AM
I'm with CJ here, it's just rude to fuck with a story thread, even PJP wouldn't do that.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 5:40 AM
Your spammer alt id says otherwise.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 5:40 AM
Literal tards:

Uschi already admitted that was her.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 5:49 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 6:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

sounds good!
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:06 AM
When moderators are outlawed only outlaws will have moderators!
Posted By: notwedge Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:10 AM
exactly. just look at what the comics forum has become.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
When moderators are outlawed only outlaws will have moderators!

very true jaburg...
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: notwedge
exactly. just look at what the comics forum has become.

I hear it's got space bugs.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:19 AM
y-you do?
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

sounds good!

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Isn't there something inherently contradictory about attacking CJ (or any other past or current mod) for abusing their powers while defending Uschi Loves Beardguy for abusing hers in ways at least as, if not more, intrusive?

I remember certain posters in the past, [Uschi] included, calling for the head of any mod that took a proactive approach (right or wrong), nagging Rob to have them removed for doing even a fraction of what [Uschi] did.

So, guess what, Rob finally did what you guys wanted him to do with a "bad mod." It just so happens that the bad mod in question was [Uschi].
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:29 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
To be honest, I almost forgot that forum, along with the videogames one. But then I remembered that beardguy posts a lot in the writer's block. And I WAS out to hurt him.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:39 AM
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 7:41 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

sounds good!

Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 1:46 PM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: rex

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
To be honest, I almost forgot that forum, along with the videogames one. But then I remembered that beardguy posts a lot in the writer's block. And I WAS out to hurt him.

Stupid Pagliacci... Ceej *DELETED* my spam here.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 1:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

ROB! Ceej just decalred she's gonna be a mod like at DCMBs HERE! ROB, WHATTA YOU GONNA DO?!??!?!?!!!?!!??!?!?1bbq!!!>!?!?!
Posted By: Danny Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-30 4:45 PM
I have not read the majority of this thread.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 1:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

sounds good!

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Isn't there something inherently contradictory about attacking CJ (or any other past or current mod) for abusing their powers while defending Uschi Loves Beardguy for abusing hers in ways at least as, if not more, intrusive?

I remember certain posters in the past, [Uschi] included, calling for the head of any mod that took a proactive approach (right or wrong), nagging Rob to have them removed for doing even a fraction of what [Uschi] did.

So, guess what, Rob finally did what you guys wanted him to do with a "bad mod." It just so happens that the bad mod in question was [Uschi].

....someone is still sore i forced their resignation...
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 2:35 AM
1-2-3Not it!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 2:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

....someone is still sore i forced their resignation...

Even if we assume, for the sake of argument, that you "forced [my] resignation" that only makes any defense you might offer towards Uschi for abusing her mod powers all the more contradictory.

As noted above, in the case of Uschi, Rob finally did what you guys wanted him to do with a "bad mod." Yet, you still complain.

I realize that you're here to stir up shit and play the clown, and you do both things in a very entertaining manner, but usually you're better about not looking so, for lack of better term, hypocritical when you do it.
Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 3:03 AM
G and basams have good points.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 3:25 AM

while i agree with you that my point that g-man is sore i forced him to resign(after i got rob to take half his forum from him) i disagree with you thinking g-man had good points, I never once said rob shouldnt have taken uschi's modship, i merely attacked the pussies who were crying for beardguy, and pointed out robs hypocrisy....

Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 3:32 AM
oh in that case you win again!
Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 3:33 AM
by the way you haven't complimented my new name since you've been back.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 3:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
G and basams have good points.

On the top of their heads! Ah-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa!
Posted By: the G-man Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 4:07 AM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
I never once said rob shouldnt have taken uschi's modship

So you agree that Rob was correct to take her modship?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 4:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
by the way you haven't complimented my new name since you've been back.

your new name pisses excellence!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 4:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
oh in that case you win again!

i am much to modest to say so myself!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 10:34 AM
Rob Kamphausen Administrator cobra kai
15000+ posts 01/31/08 02:32 AM Making a new reply
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Re: Retarded Shit
Posted By: Rob Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 10:52 AM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

So...what's the solution? Revoke my modness? Ban me? Otherwise, if a person complains about stuff in their story thread, I'm rather tempted to deleted. If it's going to raise hell, just revoke my mod status.

banning is so dcmbs! im not, like, angry or anything, ceej. i just tells ya what i thinks, and i'll let what i said before about deletion and heavy editing and such stand; i don't like it, wont like it, and wish it din't happen.

if the question now becomes "is this forum somehow different" ... well, i dunno. my initial reaction is, no. everything should really sorta hold up to the general status quo. however, there's a lot of you that say otherwise. and, if the whole notion of the rkmbs is, by definition, "for the masses", and its the masses of the writer's block deciding they want light moderation in this folder (is that the case?) then i dunno, maybe it is a different situation. and i don't mind letting you all decide that, either, even if i personally disagree with it.

i will say this much... even if you universally decide spam = bad, or whatever, it'll probably (especially?) continue. and once you set yourself up as the cleaning service, as opposed to finding some other way around it (whatever that may be), this will likely stop being fun and instead become a job. of perhaps daily maintenance. which, i'm sure, would be terrible for you, and rightfully so.

like i said, it becomes a slippery slope.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 10:56 AM
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 10:58 AM
Less whiny begging and emo crap would make people read your little stories and actually comment on them.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 7:17 PM
Dude. If we aren't giving feedback, isn't that saying something in itself? I've written little things here that got zero replies. You don't see me with a sandy vagina.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 11:27 PM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

And you wonder why you never get laid!
Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-01-31 11:54 PM
Snarf's real last name is Penish in origin.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 1:00 AM
i would like light moderation as well, i enjoy making moderators go nuts trying to moderate my posts and eventually resigning because of the inevitability of my win!
Posted By: Rob Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 1:05 AM
plus, y'know... your stories.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 2:20 AM
and my stories.
Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 2:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
Snarf's real last name is Penish in origin.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 4:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
by the way you haven't complimented my new name since you've been back.

your new name pisses excellence!
Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 4:59 PM
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 8:53 PM
This is the most active this forum's been in years!

Good job, Uschex!
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 9:51 PM
Posted By: Jason E. Perkins Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 10:31 PM
Are you asking.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-01 11:14 PM
Are you.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 1:17 AM
Go back to pleasuring your landlord PCgay, the grownups are talking here.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 2:08 AM
Then why are you involved?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 2:20 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 3:43 AM
I whole heartedly support the spamming of this forum!
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 6:40 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 8:20 AM
we can dig it...
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 8:42 AM
please don't colored-man up the writers block, thanks.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 9:18 AM
Posted By: Cowgirl Jack Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 5:24 PM

 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen

if the question now becomes "is this forum somehow different" ... well, i dunno. my initial reaction is, no. everything should really sorta hold up to the general status quo. however, there's a lot of you that say otherwise. and, if the whole notion of the rkmbs is, by definition, "for the masses", and its the masses of the writer's block deciding they want light moderation in this folder (is that the case?) then i dunno, maybe it is a different situation. and i don't mind letting you all decide that, either, even if i personally disagree with it.

That's kind of my train of thought at the moment. Keep in mind, the whole point of the Block was because the DCMBs weren't too fond of us. Several people here who post their stories here are the ones getting annoyed. The rest don't give a shit.

i will say this much... even if you universally decide spam = bad, or whatever, it'll probably (especially?) continue. and once you set yourself up as the cleaning service, as opposed to finding some other way around it (whatever that may be), this will likely stop being fun and instead become a job. of perhaps daily maintenance. which, i'm sure, would be terrible for you, and rightfully so.

It's been a job for the past week. I could be spending time...you know...cleaning the gutters, or rearranging my books under the Dewey Decimal System.

So...what do the people who post stories want? That's the most important thing.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 5:28 PM
i think it's also important to remember that those who do not want to post stories have wants and needs too.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 6:21 PM
Especially that Spammer dude!
He looks like he has lotsa needs!
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 6:42 PM
I think "cow anus" is more of a desire than a need, honestly.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 6:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
So...what do the people who post stories want? That's the most important thing.

They think the spammers should replace you as mod.
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 6:49 PM
I think people just want to save money.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-02 9:40 PM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
I think "cow anus" is more of a desire than a need, honestly.

you would. fake suiciderer.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 5:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

God I fucking hate you!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 5:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Why give us the option of deleting a thread?

The MB designer has the buttons. Despite all Rob's coding abilities, I don't think he can remove buttons from moderators.

aye, thats pretty accurate.

typically, you'll know i'm trying to make changes to the code. thats when the boards are either down or on fire.

 Originally Posted By: i love beardguy
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
I wasn't aware of any Mod's Code around this place.

The mod code comes from the reason 90% of us are here: we were banned repetedly at the DC mbs and Rob sent us here where we can spam or troll or do what ever the fuck we want and not worry about being deleted or banned. It's not a mod code so much as it is he heart and soul of the RKMBs.

also pretty accurate.

there's a general "no real rule" rule here ...which, of course, contradicts itself, by nature. thats mostly based on the foundation of how this community came to be (with a braveheart-like search for freedom) and party due to my laziness (of not wanting to make a job out of moderating here)

there's nothing overtly set in stone, and everyone hates at least one portion of some part of that ideal, but most people like most of it, so thats what we've stuck with.

 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack

It's like giving Grimm your bottle of beer

you leave your crazy theories out of this!!

Fucking gay cunt!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 5:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Literal tards:

Uschi already admitted that was her.

No she didnt you ignorant cunt!
Nobody has admitted to it yet, not even me!
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 5:18 AM
Don't upset PCgay, he might fake internet suicide himself again.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 5:21 AM
Lets hope he doesnt fake it this time!
I could do with a laugh!
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 8:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Literal tards:

Uschi already admitted that was her.

No she didnt you ignorant cunt!
Nobody has admitted to it yet, not even me!

Posted By: PJP Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 3:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

God I fucking hate you!
Posted By: harleykwin Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 6:57 PM
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Literal tards:

Uschi already admitted that was her.

No she didnt you ignorant cunt!
Nobody has admitted to it yet, not even me!

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 10:45 PM
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 10:52 PM
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 10:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:02 PM
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Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:03 PM
Well, shit.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:03 PM
Pcgay, do us all a favor and STOP BEING A RETARDED KISS ASS.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
yeah, I'm a tard for saying that.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:12 PM
Shut it black PCgay. You're all the same fucking person. Go develop a personality and maybe I'll care what you have to say.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:14 PM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:14 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Shut it black PCgay. You're all the same fucking person. Go develop a personality and maybe I'll care what you have to say.

kinda defensive there reax...
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:15 PM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:19 PM
Methinks Rex is raggin'.

... rrrrrrrrraggin' Reax.

Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:50 PM
Go blow your landlord.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-03 11:59 PM
He's at a superbowl party, Raggin' Reax.
Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 12:21 AM
aw, poor little baby have no dicks to suck now? Maybe you can go blow your dad.
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 12:29 AM
Gettin' desperate, eh, Rex?
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 12:41 AM
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 12:46 AM
Careful. You might be accused of leg-humping.

You might try an' fuck my kneecap.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 3:21 AM
As much as I hate to be seen as siding with rex, shut the fuck up cunt!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 3:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
You know, all this time spent arguing could be better spent in more productive endeavors, such as reading my stories and offering criticism. Doesn't that sound fun?!?

God I fucking hate you!

Well its true!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 3:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: harleykwin
 Originally Posted By: Uschi
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Literal tards:

Uschi already admitted that was her.

No she didnt you ignorant cunt!
Nobody has admitted to it yet, not even me!

If only they knew huh girls, if only they knew.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 3:55 AM
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
Careful. You might be accused of leg-humping.

You might try an' fuck my kneecap.

Go away.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 4:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Go blow your landlord.

Hey BJ, I don't understand this reference.

Is that something Chris has done?
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 4:17 AM
Geez, now it looks like I am siding with Pariah as well.
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 7:51 PM
Posted By: klinton Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: rex
Shut it black PCgay. You're all the same fucking person. Go develop a personality and maybe I'll care what you have to say.

Sadly, the inbread abortion bucket escapee has a point. Jumping around, reading threads...you see very little original content, and a whole lotta hangers on going 'duh...yeah, what he said...gu-ha'.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:38 PM
 Originally Posted By: Uschi

Posted By: klinton Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:41 PM
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
 Originally Posted By: rex
Go blow your landlord.

Hey BJ, I don't understand this reference.

Is that something Chris has done?

Nah...rexorz just seems to see pedophiles every where he looks. 'S like how fags think everyone around them be gay.

I think there's to be a huge 'reveal' anyday now (on Oprah's wanted list...or something equally tragic...) about our dear freind Brian.
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:42 PM
Posted By: klinton Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:43 PM
Either that, or he assumes everyone pays rent the same way he does....
Posted By: PCG342 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 10:51 PM
But Rex lives with his mom, or brother, or some shit like that.
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 11:05 PM
 Originally Posted By: klinton

Nah...rexorz just seems to see pedophiles every where he looks. 'S like how fags think everyone around them be gay.

I think there's to be a huge 'reveal' anyday now (on Oprah's wanted list...or something equally tragic...) about our dear freind Brian.

Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-04 11:59 PM
 Originally Posted By: klinton
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
 Originally Posted By: rex
Go blow your landlord.

Hey BJ, I don't understand this reference.

Is that something Chris has done?

Nah...rexorz just seems to see pedophiles every where he looks. 'S like how fags think everyone around them be gay.

PCgay is 18 now. His landlord isn't a pedophile, just a gay.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 4:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: klinton
 Originally Posted By: rex
Shut it black PCgay. You're all the same fucking person. Go develop a personality and maybe I'll care what you have to say.

Sadly, the inbread abortion bucket escapee has a point. Jumping around, reading threads...you see very little original content, and a whole lotta hangers on going 'duh...yeah, what he said...gu-ha'.

The Gay Canadian speaks the truth!

And yes, I realize that's redundant.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 6:48 AM
"Howard Johnson is right!"
Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53 Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 8:36 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 8:47 AM
"I think we are all indebted to Gabby Johnson here for clearly stating what had to be said, and I'm glad the children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, but it expressed a courage that is little seen in this day and age."
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 11:50 AM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 12:20 PM
"hey, where are all the white women at?"
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 12:36 PM
Posted By: K-nutreturns Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-05 12:59 PM
Im sheriff?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-09 7:22 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-14 6:14 AM
Wow, this forum didnt recover from the spammers attack did it!
I'm so proud!
Posted By: Nowheredoog Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 1:03 AM
That's because this forum is full of whiny cunts!
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 1:06 AM
Arent they all?
Posted By: Nowheredoog Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 1:08 AM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 4:22 AM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 7:19 AM
I just met 'er!

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-02-16 5:03 PM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-04-20 4:31 AM
Rob is gay!
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-04-20 6:07 AM
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-05-28 5:13 AM
reply to favorite this
Posted By: Grimm Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-05-29 10:46 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
Wow, this forum didnt recover from the spammers attack did it!
I'm so proud!

hell, it was the most action this forum had seen in months!
Posted By: Uschi Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-06-01 3:21 AM
Or lifetimes, for Snarf!
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-06-08 8:51 AM
rex content User breaker of the insurgency
15000+ posts Sun Jun 08 2008 01:50 AM Viewing list of forums
Posted By: The YouTube video poster Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-07-07 5:26 AM
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-08-09 6:12 AM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
5000+ posts Fri Aug 08 2008 11:11 PM Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-08-21 4:50 AM
King Snarf content User 10000+ posts Wed Aug 20 2008 09:49 PM Viewing a list of posts
Forum: Comic Books
Posted By: the Re: Retarded Shit - 2008-09-06 5:51 AM
sneaky bunny crying Moderator Some Fat Bitch
15000+ posts Fri Sep 05 2008 10:50 PM Viewing the portal page
Posted By: Wonder_Boy Re: Retarded Shit - 2009-01-12 3:46 AM
Speaking of retarded shit, Obama claimed to be an American.How do he associate himself with MY COUNTRY! Where's Pat Buchanan?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2009-11-27 3:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Anonymous 7 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: Retarded Shit - 2009-11-28 3:44 AM
Warning, Spoiler:
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:


Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Retarded Shit - 2009-12-08 5:45 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Anonymous 7 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit

Posted By: The YouTube video poster Re: Retarded Shit - 2009-12-09 9:43 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-11 4:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-18 7:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-24 6:26 AM
Balloon Knot ass-kicky User Sex Offender Since 1978
3000+ posts 2 minutes 22 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit
Posted By: Grimm Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-24 6:36 AM
Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-26 7:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-27 8:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: Nöwheremän Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-27 11:11 PM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-01-27 11:47 PM
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: The AFLAC Duck Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-02-03 8:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Balloon Knot ass-kicky User Sex Offender Since 1978
3000+ posts 2 minutes 22 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Writer's Block
Thread: Retarded Shit

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-02-05 6:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
 Originally Posted By: King Snarf
I would prefer light moderation for this board. I've written a few stories here, and have been waiting for feedback, so every time I see there's a new post in one of my threads, I'm like "Score!". Then I die a little inside when I see it's some stupid picture or that "Who's Online" nonsense....

Posted By: rex Re: Retarded Shit - 2010-02-05 6:50 AM
 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
Jackie, the ONLY suggestion I have is one that Rob just won't do:

Ban Uschi.

And anyone else who engages in similar childish, immature behavior.

But that will never happen.

Rob is a pretty cool guy, but, as long as he allows people who are immature, disruptive, hateful, petty and so full of themselves like Uschi and Rex in here, the other posters here will suffer.

At almost any other Chat forum, people who are like that are banned.

Uschi and Rex dump on me a lot here. It's become like the second grade for me here, and, last night, while things were happening, I got sick to my stomach, I felt dizzy, my heart was beating wildly, and my chest hurt. I thought I was having a fucking heart attack. Hours later, I felt better, but, since heart disease runs in the family - and, last night, the anger I felt at Uschi and a few others here was intense and frightening - I logged out.

Now? I'm not sure I want to post here anymore.

To survive being attacked by monsters, I'd have to become one.

I would have to match the hate thrown at me, and surpass it.

I can do it. Part of me would love to do it, as I am totally sick of being dumped on. You push hard enough at even the nicest people, and they will react with anger.

In having to deal with the bitter, anger filled ones, I found myself becoming as angry as them.

I don't want, and don't need that in my life.

I'm tired of the childish, never - ending circular arguments that seem to escalate into ever tightening spirals of futility.

I am certain that several here will merely perceive this missive as an " Oakley Meltdown", and just laugh and start threads about what an "emo" I am.

Eventually, such individuals will drive away all the good ones here.

That will be a sad day.

Rex is a pathetic loser with delusions of humanity.

Uschi is an anger filled, spiteful child, who thinks she sould be able to get away with anything. She thinks she is so dark, deep and mysterious, but that's crap. She's as easy to figure out as a two piece jigsaw puzzle is.

Life will catch up with these two. They won't believe it now, but it will. I've seen it happen many times in my life to others who thought they were so cool and superior.

People such as they really have only ONE true purpose in life:

To serve as teachers for others - for how NOT to behave, and how NOT to be.
And as a constant reminder to ever be on guard, lest we begin to become as they are.

I might just stay on, and post my stories here.. I might not.

Why bother to work hard at building a sand castle, when there are immature ones here just waiting eagerly to smash it down?

It makes no sense.

Oh, and BSAMS? You called me a "Fascist" for deleting the bullshit that Usci put into the DT forum.

And that I was becoming what I hate.

That is only partially correct. I was dealing with extremely childish behavior.
Extreme behavior that could only be dealt with by engaging in extreme measures.

But I did become what I despise: An anger filled person.

When such anger is dumped on you long enough, it corrupts and taints you.

The hate filled, childish reactions that this post will incur will only serve to prove me right - however, the haters will not see it that way.

They will rationalize, justify, and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They will make fools of themselves with each angry post, and not even realize it.

That is sad.

I have seen this in many people over the years.

The faces vary, but the minds and thinking are alike.

I might not be back. I might just post my stories. Right now? I do not know.

I cannot again have to unleash anger as I began to last night. It could destroy my health. I have worked hard to eliminate anger from my life.

A pity that a few here embrace it like a warm, comforting, and comfortable piece of apparell.

I would miss the ones here who are kind, amusing, and fun to chat with.

You know you are - and thank you for your online friendship.

I can't think of a good way to end this..

So, one word will have to suffice:

