Hey everyone,

I'm not sure how many actually care about this any longer, but I thought I'd let you know that the Message Board League is quickly coming up to its 10th anniversary.

On June 2, 1999, a poster under the handle of Mad67 posted a thread on the DC Comics Message Board called:


It began as a playful exercise in witty banter, a typical chat-type message board thread, but somewhere along the way it took a turn that led to the formation of a group of original superheroes based on message board posters' handles called the Message Board League. The thread continued on as a strange mixture of chit-chat and storytelling.

The next thread was called "The New Message Board League" and, unlike the previous thread, was mostly straight storytelling. By this time a mythos had begun to form around the small group of original superheroes led by the poster known as Rypta Gud'n.

Months passed, and the Message Board League moved to several different forums and message boards, going from the JLA forum to the Other DC Universe Topics forum, to the Minx forum, to this Yahoo! club, to the Promethean City/Athanon message board, and finally to Rob's Damn Boards, where the last MBL stories were written, and where the MBL's descendant, Vanguard/Hero Revolution, began.

It's been a long, strange ride.

No new MBL stories have been written for a few years, now, but I've begun archiving all the MBL, TOMB, and Vanguard stories (amongst others) on the BLAMguard site:


My goal in archiving these old stories is first to make sense of all that's been written in the shared MBL/TOMB universe, second to edit and rewrite stories where needed so that anyone reading them for the first time will be able to understand each one, and finally to inspire people to start writing again, whether using some of the characters of the MBL universe or starting something brand new. Some of my fondest memories have been writing collaborative fiction. It's often frustrating, sometimes tedious, but usually very fun.

I'd like to hear your ideas on what we can do to begin collaborative writing once again, or on how we can celebrate the 10th anniversary of the MBL.

Anyway, I'm not sure how many of the old MBLers/TOMBers/Vanguardians this will reach, so if you happen to get this message, and you've kept in touch with some of the old crowd, please pass this message along.


The Time Trust
Doc Quantum
You forgot the Witching Hour board! And the hidden forums, of course, but I'm not sure if we're supposed to mention those. Bibbo might get angry if unwanted posters end up there. \:\(
Right, right... the Witching Hour board was what I was thinking of when I said Minx forum. Got confused. The Minx board was really only ever the domain of HOBBES...
what ever happened to Athanon?
What happened to Baby Jane?
Posted By: Franta Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-01-11 11:11 AM
The MBL ten-year anniversary reunion group is on facebook:

I have Rypta's e-mail address if you want to contact him.
Posted By: LLance Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-02-08 12:47 PM
10 years? Wow! Long live T.O.M.B. and the MBL!!
Posted By: LLance Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-02-08 12:48 PM
Got a kick out of reading the first two TOMB stories! I'd like to read some of the MBL stories I participated in as well TTT!
I had no idea I was in the first TOMB story. I didn't even remember Franta was there!
Yup, you were. And Franta was a TOMB founder. Even came up with the name.

Just so you know, guys, the TOMB (and MBL) stories as they are online now are the early draft. I'll be filling in a lot of detail while remaining true to what was originally written. I want those early stories to be Vanguard-quality.
you know, TTT, no vanguard archive would be complete without love...

Definitely. I'll fit it in alongside the Vanguard story that it takes place at the same time as.
HA. I didn't remember that at all.

Uncle Otto. What the fuck was I thinking.
As I recall the events of that first year differently Mxy you were ret-conned in T.O.M.B Crisis 2006 to save the Multiverse. Unfortunately you slipped on Joker1's bananna peel and all of reality was obliterated...and we had to do another damn ret-con!. Hence, no more Joker1! Incidently, Joker1 was my best bud...so thanks Mxy...thanks for nothing!
I've tried to track down the poster known as Joker1, but with no luck. All I could find was his Yahoo! e-mail, which he probably hasn't used for several years. Does anyone have any current contact info for Joker1?
 Originally Posted By: LLance
As I recall the events of that first year differently Mxy you were ret-conned in T.O.M.B Crisis 2006 to save the Multiverse. Unfortunately you slipped on Joker1's bananna peel and all of reality was obliterated...and we had to do another damn ret-con!. Hence, no more Joker1! Incidently, Joker1 was my best bud...so thanks Mxy...thanks for nothing!

No prob!

LLance, you were best friends with a Bat-Boreder? It's like Romeo and Juliet! (He and Gotham Resident left OPPT after the Bat-Bored raid.)
Posted By: LLance Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-02-11 12:47 AM
Did not know he was ever a Bat-Boarder but Joker1 was cool on the TOMB threads Mxy and my guess he resides at Arkam Asylum! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
I didn't mind Joker1, seemed like an okay guy, but apparently he didn't think much of NBs. I guess your love was so great that he made an exception! Love conquers all.
Posted By: Pariah Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-02-16 10:56 PM
The way I remember it, Joker1 ate babies. He was a swell guy.
Pariah User Triteness kicks us in the nads.
15000+ posts 02/16/09 05:24 PM Reading a post
Forum: RDCW
Thread: Who Are You? 2007
Yeah doc, Pariah wants to re-launch the RDCW.
The MBL's tenth anniversary on June 2 came and went. Oh well.
I'm lost...
........................................holy crap.
....was that?.....was that Chewy?....
was it!
was it?

sorry, force of habit. \:\(
Kevin Costner: The Guardian
Dammit basams! Don't scare him off!
he escaped Phil's basement!
Posted By: rex Re: The Message Board League's 10th anniversary! - 2009-06-19 10:47 PM
Poor guy had to crawl over tons (literally) of fat chicks to escape.
Yeah, Sammitch is probably out somewhere with a chaingang chasing him through the woods.

Run Chewy! RUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!
see! hes out of breath from the chase!
You're so nasty, Sammitch...
The things I've witnessed no man should see.
CHEWY! Quick, hide in my profile page!! I'll PM Phil and tell him I think you went to the Political Forum. He'll be lost in there for at least half-an-hour. Then, while he's distracted, we'll sneak you out through the Media forum...
Hey look at everyone here...
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Hey look at everyone here...
 Originally Posted By: Chewy Walrus
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Hey look at everyone here...
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Hey look at everyone here...

Look at my penis.
 Originally Posted By: Cowgirl Jack
Hey look at everyone here...

Yeah I know I've been super busy...I really need to get back into writing. \:\)
Wow. First WBAM. Now CJ. It's like old home week.