it's interesting. i don't agree that just because rudy was there on 9/11 that he is an expert on the motives behind the attacks. and i think cross is right on that it's not as simple as they make it out.
Ron Paul is wrong. They hate us because we own homes.
Well I don't blame Rudy for trying to milk 9/11 for votes. It's won his party some elections but it seems whenever he tries it backfires on him. All those 9/11 firefighters & ground zero workers have been a problem for him.
Posted By: whomod Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:00 PM
Not only are Ron Paul supporters “a bunch of liberals pretending to be Republicans,” but they are now restricted in their use of the RedState.com website. In a stunning move against supporters of a Republican candidate for President of the United States, the powers that be at RedState.com, a magnet site on the conservative end of the political spectrum, has decided to censor those from the party RedState supports.

Life is really not fair

Effective immediately, new users may *not* shill for Ron Paul in any way shape, form or fashion. Not in comments, not in diaries, nada. If your account is less than 6 months old, you can talk about something else, you can participate in the other threads and be your zany libertarian self all you want, but you cannot pimp Ron Paul. Those with accounts more than six months old may proceed as normal.

Now, I could offer a long-winded explanation for *why* this new policy is being instituted, but I’m guessing that most of you can probably guess. Unless you lack the self-awareness to understand just how annoying, time-consuming, and bandwidth-wasting responding to the same idiotic arguments from a bunch of liberals pretending to be Republicans can be. Which, judging by your comment history, you really don’t understand, so allow me to offer an alternate explanation: we are a bunch of fascists and we’re upset that you’ve discovered where we keep the black helicopters, so we’re silencing you in an attempt to keep you from warning the rest of your brethren so we can round you all up and send you to re-education camps all at once.

Hey, we’re sure *some* of Ron Paul’s supporters really are Republicans. They can post at any one of a zillion Ron Paul online forums. Those who have *earned* our respect by contributing usefully for a substantial period of time will be listened to with appropriate respect. Those who have not will have to *earn* that respect by contributing usefully in the other threads… and not mentioning Ron Paul. Given a month of solid contributing, send one of us an email and we’ll consider lifting the restriction on your account.

You may now resume your regularly scheduled RedState activities. Everyone but the Ron Paul spammers, that is. You can resume your regularly scheduled activities somewhere else.

Man, there’s trouble in RedStateland. Imagine! They’ve got a candidate doing far better than anyone thought he could. ron Paul. They’ve got other candidates who are about as middling as middling gets. the whole collection of McCain, Thompson, Romney and Giuliani have maybe half the excitement and firepower that Ron Paul does. Certainly Ron Paul has the supporters who are willing to work for him. So what do these Republicans at RedState do? They ban the speech of the Ron Paul supporters.

Even Republicans care about free speech when it is their own. What RedState has done here is offend some highly vocal Republicans. It won’t harm RedState one bit when they hear the whining and complaining from the Ron Paul supporters. But it will hurt the eventual Republican candidate in Fall ‘08, because some of those Ron Paul supporters will not be voting for the eventual Republican candidate, and none of those Ron Paul supporters will work for the eventual Republican candidate. RedState is pissing off the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party, the only wing of the Republican Party that acts like Republicans used to act, with care for balanced budgets, real moral values and sensible foreign policy ruled by facts, not Dick Cheney’s fantasies. (Sorry to put that tiny image of Dick Cheney’s fantasies in your brains — just down a shot or two and maybe you won’t remember the horror.) Yes, RedState’s move will hurt Republicans.

RedState is trying to use the whole "private Property" it's my site so I can do what I want argument. But that sort of argument when it's a public site devoted to discussing politics rings sort of false when it singles out one set of supporters over everyone else.

I'm not a Republican, I'm not voting for Ron Paul, but man, I'm glad he's been in some of these debates. He brings a refreshing frankness and reality to what otherwise would be a bunch of tired talking points, 9/11 references, "victory victory "bringing Democracy" "they want surrender" sound bytes and contests of who loves America, the troops and thru extension, the war, more.

I don't know if that is offensive to some people to have that kind of challenge from within their own party but that comment that Paul supporters are really "liberals" goes back to what i was saying that anyone who challenges Administration mantra is immediately labeled a "liberal" by these Bush cultists that abound our society, in some weird attempt to marginalize and minimize the dissention and critical examination.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:18 PM
Ron Paul... Was that the guy in the one debate when the candidates were talking about actions on Iran and how quick they would do it, he was like "No! Uh, Constitution? CONGRESS needs to declare war."? (Granted I'm paraphrasing.)
Posted By: whomod Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:21 PM
The guy who actually understands how our Government works?

yeah, that guy.
Posted By: King Snarf Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:27 PM
Yeah, I like him. He seems to be the only Republican candidate without a case of "Wild Cowboy" syndrome.
Posted By: the G-man Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:33 PM
I'm not a reader of RedState, but I know that some blogs and online polls have had problems with Paul supporters flooding polls and spamming the sites.

Could that be behind the banning in this case also?
Posted By: whomod Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-27 11:48 PM
That is the reason given by RedState. Which may be entirely true.

I however have to wonder why an enthusiastic bunch of people that are electrified by this guy and his ideas is a BAD thing. Especially given the torpor and general malaise that Republicans get with the rest of the GOP candidates. It seems that the last thing one would want to do is stamp out the only genuine real grass roots excitement for a gOP candidate happening in cyberspace.
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I'm not a reader of RedState, but I know that some blogs and online polls have had problems with Paul supporters flooding polls and spamming the sites.

Could that be behind the banning in this case also?

Posted By: the G-man Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-28 12:44 AM
 Originally Posted By: whomod
That is the reason given by RedState. Which may be entirely true.

I however have to wonder why an enthusiastic bunch of people that are electrified by this guy and his ideas is a BAD thing. Especially given the torpor and general malaise that Republicans get with the rest of the GOP candidates. It seems that the last thing one would want to do is stamp out the only genuine real grass roots excitement for a gOP candidate happening in cyberspace.

Excitment's good if it translates into more debate and a more open exchange of ideas. If Paul's supporters want to help shape the debate, more power to them.

On the other hand, excitement's not so good if the result is nothing but spamming boards and corrupting poll results in a misguided attempt to generate cheap heat for their candidate. That doesn't help shape the debate. If anything, it discourages discussion.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-28 12:48 AM
On the other hand, excitement's not so good if the result is nothing but spamming boards and corrupting poll results in a misguided attempt to generate cheap heat for their candidate. That doesn't help shape the debate. If anything, it discourages discussion.

I disagree...I won a OT mod election years ago doing that exact same thing...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-28 12:53 AM
Posted By: the G-man Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-28 4:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
On the other hand, excitement's not so good if the result is nothing but spamming boards and corrupting poll results in a misguided attempt to generate cheap heat for their candidate. That doesn't help shape the debate. If anything, it discourages discussion.

I disagree...I won a OT mod election years ago doing that exact same thing...

Some would say you just proved my point, sir.

Posted By: MisterJLA Re: RedState.com bans Ron Paul supporters. - 2007-10-28 4:21 AM
I was excited!

Ron Paul is the man. I'd love to see the race come down to him and O'Bama.
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
Ron Paul is the man. I'd love to see the race come down to him and O'Bama.

O'Bama? There's some Irish-American candidate I'm not familiar with?
Oops. Obama. Just got done lambasting Bill O'Reilly on Youtube.
Wow. You really are a slayer of conservatives! I bet he'll be feeling the sting from that for a while. And by feeling the sting I mean I bet he even knows you exist by now!
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Wow. You really are a slayer of conservatives! I bet he'll be feeling the sting from that for a while. And by feeling the sting I mean I bet he even knows you exist by now!

sammitch, halo is now bonafide. PJP seconded my motion.
Is that a fact? I'm impressed.
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Wow. You really are a slayer of conservatives! I bet he'll be feeling the sting from that for a while. And by feeling the sting I mean I bet he even knows you exist by now!

Yeah that's right Man-Sammitch, so FUCK OFF.

...I'm sorry. I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch to you and I couldn't wait anymore. God that was lame. Somebody should slap me.
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Wow. You really are a slayer of conservatives! I bet he'll be feeling the sting from that for a while. And by feeling the sting I mean I bet he even knows you exist by now!

 Originally Posted By: Halo82
I've been dying for an excuse to say man-sammitch to you...

Well, with a rap like that, and a handle of "slayer of conservatives" I guess there's nothing left for the Republicans on this board to do. We've lost.

There's no way to win a debate with a guy who possesses the rhetorical skills to call a fellow poster "Man-Sammitch". Seriously. That's like the H-bomb of debating techniques right there. We just can't recover from that.

Rob, if you are reading this post, please. I beg of you. Shut down the politics board right now. Halo has invoked the ultimate weapon in our battle of wits. The battle is over. The conservatives are slain.
I said I'm sorry.

Come on, sandwhich...sammitch...how can you resist?
I'm not offended, dude. I really hope that wasn't your best stuff, though, or I'm gonna be really disappointed. \:\(
I hope so too.
captain sandwich?
didn't he battle the red tortilla chip in the battle to end my afternoon hunger?
captain sandwich used to be cool, but then he sold out and started using cheaper pickles.
I actually like Ron Paul. He's sincere, and a Washington outsider, who speaks from the heart, and from outside the two-party system that is actually one system owned by lobbyists.
Many of his positions regarding healthcare, border security, and opposing amnesty for illegals, appeal to my populist tendencies.

It wasn't until I saw him interviewed, separate from any of the debates, that I could get a feel for what he stands for.

One area I disagree with him on is his notion that American foreign policy is the cause of terrorist attacks, and that if we pull out of the middle east, they'll just leave us alone.
Pulling out of the middle east won't save either us or Europe from islamic aggression. And islamic aggression began well before the U.S. ever had troops in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or Iraq. It's just ignoring reality to buy into that rationalization.
Like Buchanan, he sees foreign wars as not vital to U.S. national security, and at least in the short term, that would save money that would otherwise be spent on costly wars, and costly peacetime overseas deployments.

But I would argue that preventing hostile powers from seizing control of the world's oil supply, and tripling the cost of oil, or depriving us of it altogether, as a vital U.S. national interest.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

One area I disagree with him on is his notion that American foreign policy is the cause of terrorist attacks, and that if we pull out of the middle east, they'll just leave us alone.

Bin Laden has said numerous times that our presence in Saudi Arabia and Islamic soil is the reason for his attacks. In a religious decree issued in 1998, he gave religious legitimacy to attacks on Americans in order to stop the United States from "occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places."
 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

One area I disagree with him on is his notion that American foreign policy is the cause of terrorist attacks, and that if we pull out of the middle east, they'll just leave us alone.

Bin Laden has said numerous times that our presence in Saudi Arabia and Islamic soil is the reason for his attacks. In a religious decree issued in 1998, he gave religious legitimacy to attacks on Americans in order to stop the United States from "occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places."

You state Bin Ladin's position with the passion of a fully indoctrinated Al Qaida member, Whomod.

You, of course, take the word of an islamic terrorist, and accept every word at face value, while you simultaneously look on our own government's every action with scorn and cynicism, while repeating Bin Ladin's talking points.

Gee, why do I see you as anti-American?

You talk about Bin Ladin's 1998 Declaration of Jihad on Jews and Crusaders as if you know something I don't. When in fact I've posted it repeatedly in various topics here. The difference is I post it to expose his murderous fanaticism and lies, whereas you cite it as gospel truth to demonize our own country for simply defending ourselves.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You state Bin Ladin's position with the passion of a fully indoctrinated Al Qaida member, Whomod.

Wonder Boy.

Eat me.

You are such a jackass I swear to God.
 Originally Posted By: WB stated

Wow, what’s up with that? For a guy raising the type of money he is—I don’t understand how they can justify his exclusion.

Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network “is scared” of him.

“They are scared of me and don’t want my message to get out, but it will,” Paul said in an interview at a diner here. “They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative.”

Paul’s staff said they are beginning to plan a rally that will take place at the same time the 90-minute debate will air on television. It will be taped at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown…read on

I have to agree with him on that front. FOX Noise has a very set agenda on the Iraq war in place and Paul only mucks things up. LGF and many other warmongering right wing bloggers will be happy though since they exclude him from their polls already… He’ll probably raise another boat load of cash and stay in the race much longer even if his poll numbers are very fairly low. Way to go Roger Ailes…

And Ron Paul is ahead of Fredrick of Hollywood in NH:

And the one month trend between both of their polls shows Paul’s doubled while at the same time Frederick’s halved. That’s significant.
What ever their reason, I'm sure it's "Fair and Balanced"... ;\)
State GOP withdraws as FOX debate partner

The New Hampshire Republican Party has pulled out as a co-sponsor of tomorrow night’s Fox News debate, due to the controversies surrounding the exclusion of Ron Paul. Fox News is barring Paul from the debate, with many people believing it is because of his opposition to the Iraq War.
Fucking great. Now all the ron paul fanboys will bitch and cry.
Funny. If there was anyone here at the RKMBs I pictured as a Ron Paul supporter it would have been you, rex, given your appreciation of Ayn Rand.
Posted By: whomod Re: Sean Hannity Flees Ron Paul Supporters - 2008-01-08 7:03 AM

Ron Paul supporters were yelling ” FOX News Sucks” and chasing after Sean Hannity the other night. “Hey Hannity, how about an interview?” “We’re not falling for it anymore” “You suck Sean”…FNC shut out Ron Paul from their Republican Presidential forum on Sunday which angered many supporters of his campaign.

Ron Paul got 10% of the vote in Iowa. That’s not chump change and Paul is at 10% in NH polls at this point so there really was no excuse for Chris Wallace to cut him out.
That's awesome. I thought it was funy when somebody said "you're unamerican, you're betraying america" or whatever exactly it was. Now Hannity knows how annoying patriotism can be.
Posted By: whomod Re: Sean Hannity Flees Ron Paul Supporters - 2008-01-08 8:18 AM

Populism sucks.


 Originally Posted By: whomod

Ron Paul supporters were yelling ” FOX News Sucks” and chasing after Sean Hannity the other night. “Hey Hannity, how about an interview?” “We’re not falling for it anymore” “You suck Sean”…FNC shut out Ron Paul from their Republican Presidential forum on Sunday which angered many supporters of his campaign.

Ron Paul got 10% of the vote in Iowa. That’s not chump change and Paul is at 10% in NH polls at this point so there really was no excuse for Chris Wallace to cut him out.

where the hell does Fox News keep getting these hot, but evil, blonde women?
Posted By: whomod Re: Sean Hannity Flees Ron Paul Supporters - 2008-01-08 9:43 AM
I did watch Fox. The one thing that kept striking me was that almost every single woman on the channel has been made to look like a Barbie doll (just not as articulate); and almost every man is old and white. - Andrew Sullivan

A reader writes:

You just realized this? I swear, the giddy suburban cheerleader quality of the Fox girls has been an ongoing cause of vitriol in my household. They just seem to confirm that peculiarly misogynistic, "who's yah daddy?" sleaze exuded by all those pasty, wrinkled geezers. I've always imagined there must be some ingenious contraption hidden below the camera's gaze, a 'giggle prod" of sorts, that gives these teases' bottoms a good squeeze every time the pruned-dude shows those bedroom eyes.

Another adds:

The women anchors do not look like Barbie dolls. They look like ex-porn stars. I think it’s the look they’re cultivating.

I think it just feeds into their dreams of WASP stepford idyll.

FOX Anchors - Female

Even Laura Ingram criticizes Fox for being sexist pigs from time to time.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Ron Paul in 08? - 2008-02-10 1:03 AM
Ron Paul has released a statement noting that now that Romney's out, "the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero," and saying that while he's not dropping out of the race, he is scaling back his presidential campaign to focus on defending his congressional seat. He also says definitively that he will not be making a third-party run.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Ron Paul in 08? - 2008-03-18 11:52 PM
I guess Ron Paul is still in the race.

It kind of surprised me to see votes listed for him in the Texas and Ohio primaries a few weeks back. That's when I became aware he was still campaigning.
Even Huckabee, until he opted out, was getting far more votes than Paul.

But he's not a significant factor now, if he ever was.

I guess people are voting for him as a protest vote. The same reason I voted for Perot and Nader in previous elections. But at least in the case of Perot and Nader, a decent turnout could have gotten them federal funding for a third party that would offer a serious challenge to the Big Two parties, that could possibly leverage needed reform.
I don't see any logic in voting for Ron Paul at this point.
Posted By: rex Re: Ron Paul in 08? - 2008-03-19 4:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The same reason I voted for Perot and Nader in previous elections.

So now you're back to admitting you voted for them?
Posted By: whomod Re: Ron Paul Plans His Own Convention - 2008-06-14 11:27 PM
Ron Paul plans his own convention

By David Brown
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Maverick GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has booked an arena in Minneapolis for a "mini-convention" that could steal some of John McCain's thunder just days before he accepts the Republican nomination.

A Paul campaign aide said the Texas congressman hopes to pack about 11,000 supporters into the Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota on Sept. 2, which coincides with the second day of the Republican National Convention at the Xcel Energy Center in neighboring St. Paul.

Paul, 72, will announce details for the rally Thursday at the start of the Texas Republican Convention in Houston.

The campaign hopes the daylong event will "send a message to the Republican Party," Paul campaign spokesman Jesse Benton tells the Tribune-Review.

"There is a growing surge of people out there just craving" for a return "to traditional American government, limited government that places personal liberty first and places an emphasis on personal responsibility and essentially gets out of the way after that," Benton said. "The buzz we get from supporters is that they are very eager to come to St. Paul and very eager to send a strong message."

McCain spokesman Jeff Sadosky declined comment. Paul has won 35 convention delegates, but was not invited to speak in St. Paul because he refuses to endorse McCain, according to his campaign.

Paul's plan to stage his own event is bad news for McCain, said G. Terry Madonna, a political scientist at Franklin & Marshall College.

"Conventions are about demonstrating unity and purpose and showcasing the nominee. They are media events made for prime-time TV. Any distraction from the central message of the convention is not helpful," Madonna said.

McCain clinched the nomination on March 4 after gaining enough delegates to reach the 1,191 needed to win. Although Paul conceded in March he'd lost his bid for the White House, he's maintained a scaled-down campaign.

Paul, a Green Tree native, surprised most of the political establishment by raising about $35 million, mostly via the Internet. Paul's Libertarian-leaning views created a following across a broad political spectrum.

Paul did not win any primaries or caucuses, but continued to pick up significant votes in key states such as New Mexico and Pennsylvania even after McCain had clinched the nomination.

Jerry Shuster, a political communications expert at the University of Pittsburgh, said Paul's timing for the event is likely to put him in a media spotlight during at least one day of the convention.

Paul's forum probably won't be aimed at hurting the GOP, Shuster said.

"He never seemed to be an open opponent of the Republican Party, but more about what the Republicans need to get back to," Shuster said. "This is a golden opportunity for him to do that. The media is all going to be there so it's just a matter of going down the block to see him.

"You know he's going to get his 15 minutes on national news."

Good for him.

y'know the Republicans did this to themselves. If only they'd have addressed the real concerns and the real situation in Iraq as well as the real national mood over this war, Ron Paul would never have had much to run on. Instead, the GOP candidates almost in lock step decided Iraq was to be framed in the same old discredited talking points from 2004-5.

And along comes Ron Paul who actually talks about Iraq in something resembling reality and before you can say presto, he became a phenomena among Republican moderates and Independents. The ones who weren't still swallowing the Bush Kool-Aid.

So although I disagree with most of his social issues, I applaud the fact that he's a contrary voice out there that forces the right wing media to take notice of issues he brings to light that otherwise would be dismissed by the blowhards as "traitorous liberal rhetoric designed to demoralize the troops and is a call for surrender yadda yadda"
Posted By: iggy Re: Ron Paul Plans His Own Convention - 2008-06-14 11:36 PM
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Ron Paul Plans His Own Convention - 2008-06-15 6:41 PM