Posted By: Irwin Schwab Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:02 AM

How can Fox News be labeled “destructive” and MSNBC considered “invaluable” by the White House?

That‘s the question CNN’s John King was asking last night during a segment in which he pitted the “destructive” network against the “invaluable” one. By showing clips of both Fox and MSNBC hosts, King mocked Obama’s recent comments that Fox is a “destructive” force while a White House spokesman said that MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow provide “an invaluable service” to the country:

But King didn’t stop there — he also used a May speech from “professor Obama,” in which he encourages graduates to listen to dissenting voices, to point out more hypocrisy. Obama: “For if we choose only to expose ourselves to opinions and viewpoints that are in line with our own, studies suggest that we become more polarized, more set in our ways.”

King responds, “I think he’s right. In that commencement speech, he’s right.” And later added a sarcastic, “I’m shocked.”
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:14 AM
This was just reported a few moments ago:

President Obama cites CNN for being "anti-progress" and "dangerous ideas".

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:49 AM
When was CNN the liberal media?

Btw I'll start posting stuff from Media Matters if I keep seeing The Blaze being used for threads. (balance and all that shit y'know)

Fair play!
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:52 AM
dude, you're living Media Matters paraphrase. if you haven't noticed everyone here has you tuned out. youre the liberal Wonder Boy, post away.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:55 AM
Lets not be a crybaby basams. If you want to post crap from the blaze go ahead, it's easy enough to skip your stuff.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:56 AM
When was CNN the liberal media?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:02 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:18 AM
I don't think the issue is whether CNN is "liberal media", but rather the very clear and obvious point they provide on this subject. The bias is just screamingly apparent.

As for CNN themselves, I'd say they are slightly less liberal than MSLBC. But, with this segment, I also imagine it's simply the number three news station trying to somehow suck some ratings off covering Number One and Number Two. They aren't involved, and contrary to what the guy says at the beginning, they so obviously want to be involved in this FOX/MSNBC/WHITE HOUSE thing. They want to be relevant and talked about. And the way they are trying to do it is by pointing out the fallacy of the White House's official statement on the subject.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:21 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I don't think the issue is whether CNN is "liberal media", but rather the very clear and obvious point they provide on this subject. The bias is just screamingly apparent.

As for CNN themselves, I'd say they are slightly less liberal than MSLBC. But, with this segment, I also imagine it's simply the number three news station trying to somehow suck some ratings off covering Number One and Number Two. They aren't involved, and contrary to what the guy says at the beginning, they so obviously want to be involved in this FOX/MSNBC/WHITE HOUSE thing. They want to be relevant and talked about. And the way they are trying to do it is by pointing out the fallacy of the White House's official statement on the subject.

I read your posts Pro. Unlike MEM's.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

that reporter was batshit crazy enough for Huffpo or MSNBC.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:24 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

Posted By: iggy Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:30 AM
this is why MEM is still not allowed at the big kids table.
Posted By: rex Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:31 AM
Or allowed outside without a helmet and a handler.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:34 AM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 3 minutes 17 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up?
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:34 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Over all do you feel that one selected clip honestly represents CNN?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:34 AM
that just happened.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:37 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Over all do you feel that one selected clip honestly represents CNN?

Do you deny that she was being incredibly biased and aggressive to people who were 'right wing' and 'not family friendly'?
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:40 AM

CNN's Rick Sanchez, "States' Rights is a racist term"
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:42 AM
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play!
7500+ posts 3 minutes 10 seconds ago Making a new reply
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up?
Posted By: rex Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:43 AM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

CNN's Rick Sanchez, "States' Rights is a racist term"

To be fair he probably read that off of twitter.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:47 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
When was CNN the liberal media?

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/i2H170pf3a8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Over all do you feel that one selected clip honestly represents CNN?

Do you deny that she was being incredibly biased and aggressive to people who were 'right wing' and 'not family friendly'?

So not answering my question?

I've seen reporters be incredibly biased and aggessive to people who were left wing, that doesn't make the whole network defined by just those select moments though.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 6:48 AM
Posted By: rex Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:01 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I don't watch youtube clips, or think for myself.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:06 AM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q41e6wl216I?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q41e6wl216I?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

You could do that with any network though. I could post a couple of clips from FOX that would make them look liberal or MSNBC making them look conservative. Would that prove anything?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
dude, you're living Media Matters paraphrase. if you haven't noticed everyone here has you tuned out. youre the liberal Wonder Boy, post away.

That's such a bullshit thing to allege about me. If I cited Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and The Blaze in every post, maybe the allegation would have the slightest truth to it.

But it doesn't.
I don't even quote Fox news that often!

Until recently, for most of the 8 years I've been posting here, my primary news source was the PBS News Hour.
While I'm clear about my conservative beliefs, I read and quote many sources, and am not a partisan kneejerk shill for the GOP position.

As I've said many times:
I voted Bush Sr in 1988.
I voted Ross Perot in 1992.
I voted Ross Perot again in 1996.
I voted Ralph Nader in 2000 (if I'd known more about Buchanan at the time I might have voted for him instead)
I reluctantly voted Bush in 2004 because the Democrats gave us the unthinkable nominee John Kerry, and relative to that, Bush was the better choice.
I voted McCain for the same reason, while making clear my distance from McCain on issues like amnesty for illegals, free trade, and "we are all Georgians".

I've even said that if I were old enough to vote in 1976, I would have voted for Jimmy Carter, because regardless of his later performance, he was a boy scout of a candidate and had the moral character anyone would want in a president, despite a performance as president that would have made me later regret that vote.
(Although since I said that, Carter has diminished his own character in recent years, in negotiating with the N. Koreans and screwing us, siding with the Palestinians against Israel in a way that is arguably anti-semitic, partisanly bashing Fox News a week ago, etc.)

Does THAT sound like someone merely repeating GOP talking points from some GOP slander-site?

No, it definitely doesn't.

The two guys I quote most are Pat Buchanan and Glenn Beck, both of whom are far more critical of the Republican party than most Republicans or Conservatives. Both are critical of both parties.

Because you have some kind of axe to grind against me, or just out of pure troll behavior, you keep alleging something that clearly isn't true.

I've described how on issues like U.S. global military police action, abortion, immigration, and other issues, my opinion has flipped 180 degrees to the opposite of what I believed in 10 years ago. Again: that is not what someone who is a partisan shill does.

If you continue to call me the "conservative M E M", you are deliberately misrepresenting the truth that is obvious in my posts. I'm a conservative, yeah, so of course I often prefer what the Republicans advocate. But my voting record and my frequent dissent is very clear on many issues, over 8 years of posts.

You can more fairly make the "conservative M E M" of others here. And I think you know that mold doesn't fit me before you even post the words.

Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:15 AM
Maybe if you used more material from "the Blaze" basams would respect you more WB. (oh and rail against the liberal media)
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:16 AM
the twins are awake.
Posted By: thedoctor Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 7:22 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor

You could do that with any network though. I could post a couple of clips from FOX that would make them look liberal or MSNBC making them look conservative. Would that prove anything?

Head in the sand there, MEM. Twice you have the reporters for CNN arguing with guests/interviewies with one purposefully misquoting his guest, stupidly, with the guest right there to disprove the false quotes. It's one thing to play the devil's advocate. It's another to try and twist your guest's words around constantly to make him seem like a bad guy when it's obvious that he said nothing close to what the 'journalist' claimed.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 2:45 PM
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q41e6wl216I?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Q41e6wl216I?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

You could do that with any network though. I could post a couple of clips from FOX that would make them look liberal or MSNBC making them look conservative. Would that prove anything?

Head in the sand there, MEM. Twice you have the reporters for CNN arguing with guests/interviewies with one purposefully misquoting his guest, stupidly, with the guest right there to disprove the false quotes. It's one thing to play the devil's advocate. It's another to try and twist your guest's words around constantly to make him seem like a bad guy when it's obvious that he said nothing close to what the 'journalist' claimed.

I wasn't defending those clips but asking you if you thought they fairly represented CNN in general. Personally I see them as being more in the middle of FOX and MSNBC.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 5:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
That's such a bullshit thing to allege about me. If I cited Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and The Blaze in every post, maybe the allegation would have the slightest truth to it.

But it doesn't.
I don't even quote Fox news that often!

Now, Glenn Beck just said this:

  • Until recently, for most of the 8 years I've been posting here, my primary news source was the PBS News Hour.
    While I'm clear about my conservative beliefs, I read and quote many sources, and am not a partisan kneejerk shill for the GOP position.

    As I've said many times:
    I voted Bush Sr in 1988.
    I voted Ross Perot in 1992.
    I voted Ross Perot again in 1996.
    I voted Ralph Nader in 2000 (if I'd known more about Buchanan at the time I moght have voted for him instead)
    I reluctantly voted Bush in 2004 because the Democrats gave us the unthinkable nominee John Kerry, and relative to that, Bush was the better choice.
    I voted McCain for the same reason, while making clear my distance from McCain on issues like amnesty for illegals, free trade, and "we are all Georgians".

    I've even said that if I were old enough to vote in 1976, I would have voted for Jimmy Carter, because regardless of his later performance, he was a boy scout of a candidate and had the moral character anyone would want in a president, despite a performance as president that would have made me later regret that vote.
    (Although since I said that, Carter has diminished his own character in recent years, in negotiating with the N. Koreans and screwing us, siding with the Palestinians against Israel in a way that is arguably anti-semitic, partisanly bashing Fox News a week ago, etc.)

    Does THAT sound like someone merely repeating GOP talking points from some GOP slander-site?

    No, it definitely doesn't.

    The two guys I quote most are Pat Buchanan and Glenn Beck, both of whom are far more critical of the Republican party than most Republicans or Conservatives. Both are critical of both parties.

    Because you have some kind of axe to grind against me, or just out of pure troll behavior, you keep alleging something that clearly isn't true.

    I've described how on issues like U.S. global military police action, abortion, immigration, and other issues, my opinion has flipped 180 degrees to the opposite of what I believed in 10 years ago. Again: that is not what someone who is a partisan shill does.

    If you continue to call me the "conservative M E M", you are deliberately misrepresenting the truth that is obvious in my posts. I'm a conservative, yeah, so of course I often prefer what the Republicans advocate. But my voting record and my frequent dissent is very clear on many issues, over 8 years of posts.

    You can more fairly make the "conservative M E M" of others here. And I think you know that mold doesn't fit me before you even post the words.

I hate the Liberal Media!

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-01 11:01 PM
did anyone read that?
more liberalism today:


This is going to be a tough day for Rick Sanchez. The CNN host, as Mediaite notes, is the frequent butt of "Daily Show" jokes, which may have contributed to his ill-considered comments yesterday on Pete Dominick’s satellite radio show.

First, Sanchez called Jon Stewart a “bigot,” though he walked the comments back a bit later.

Dominick: How is he a bigot?
Sanchez: I think he looks at the world through, his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I’m so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine.
Dominick: What group is he bigoted towards?
Sanchez: Everybody else who’s not like him. Look at his show, I mean, what does he surround himself with?

Then, he suggested that CNN is run by Jews.

I’m telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah.

the host is clearly Anti-Semitic one of the truest signs of a liberal.

Rick Sanchez Out at CNN After Saying Jon Stewart a Bigot, Suggesting Network is Run by Jews
Posted by Lucy Madison 42 comments Share 1441diggdigg Share E-mail Print Font
CNN's Rick Sanchez
(Credit: CNN)
Update, 6:14 p.m. Eastern Time: CNN has released a statement that Sanchez "is no longer with the company."

"We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well," it reads. Original story below...

On a radio program on Thursday, Rick Sanchez, the CNN anchor and host of Rick's List, said he thought Comedy Central's Jon Stewart was a "bigot," and nd seemed to suggest that "everybody who runs CNN" is Jewish.

Sanchez, during the course of a 20 minute interview on comedian (and regular CNN contributor) Pete Dominick's SiriusXM radio show, spoke about the discrimination he has felt as a Cuban-American over the course of his career, and decried what he called "elite, Northeast establishment liberals" like Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Stewart and Colbert, he said, are among those who say "I like black people and Mexicans as long as they're, 'here, let me tap you on the head. Way to go, Ricky, you're doing a good job.'"

"I think Jon Stewart's a bigot," Sanchez said. "I think he looks at the world through his mom, who was a school teacher, and his dad, who was a physicist or something like that. Great, I'm so happy that he grew up in a suburban middle class New Jersey home with everything you could ever imagine."

When asked by radio host Pete Dominick (who used to work as a warm-up comic for the Daily Show) against whom he thought Stewart was bigoted, Sanchez said, "everybody else who's not like him. Look at his show, I mean, what does he surround himself with?"

Dominick pointed out that as a Jew, Stewart was also a minority - to which Sanchez responded, snickering, "Please, what are you kidding?.. Yeah, a very powerless people."

"I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart," Sanchez said. "To imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah."

Sanchez later tempered his comments, retracting his use of the word "bigot" and instead calling the Daily Show "essentially prejudicial - against anyone who doesn't agree with his point of view, which is very much a white liberal establishment point of view."



Looks like somebody agrees with some of you here about CNN.
sanchez can now be seen sitting on a street corner with a sign saying "will read tweets for money".
it looks like CNN is starting to push the liberal bs out. first John King waking up and now getting rid of the Anti-Semitic chorus line. when MSNBC joins Air America MEM will only have Media Matters.
Now CNN will cater to the retarded right instead of the retarded left.
Which means wondy will be wanking off to their new shows.
I can't wait till CNN dumps Rick Sanchez. Before he moved up to CNN, Sanchez worked many years for channel 7 (WSVN) local news in Fort Lauderdale. I thought we were finally rid of his fat face until he showed up again years later at CNN.

After Hurricane Andrew hit Miami in 1992, there was a benefit concert in Miami for the victims. Weatherman Jim Brosmer of channel 4 walked out on stage and got a standing ovation for his coverage of the storm and other charitable work in the aftermath.
Later Rich Sanchez went out, and was booed off the stage.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Liberal Media Wakes Up: Jon Stewart - 2010-10-02 4:46 AM

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2010 - Democratic Campaign Woes
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

Damn, I never thought Stewart would wake up. Even if you don't like Stewart you've gotta watch this, he actually hits every point about Obama that everyone with common sense has been saying for a long time. Very funny stuff.

It feels like Bizarro World today.

Posted By: iggy Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up: Jon Stewart - 2010-10-02 5:13 AM
Jon Stewart has been on a roll as far as fairness goes. Like I said in another thread, check his "coverage" of the Alan Grayson Taliban Dan spot and the media's unwillingness to expose this (save, of course, FoxNews). I almost wonder if Stewart is suffering from a lack of enthusiasm.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up: Jon Stewart - 2010-10-02 5:16 AM
WB's reading comprehension skills are astounding.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Looks like somebody agrees with some of you here about CNN.

I'm on the side of justice.
Sanchez later tempered his comments, retracting his use of the word "bigot" and instead calling the Daily Show "essentially prejudicial - against anyone who doesn't agree with his point of view, which is very much a white liberal establishment point of view."



Doesn't sound like a liberal considering he bashes Stewart for being liberal.
that's because youre an idiot. and that is why no one takes you serious.
If the liberal media ever "woke up", they just fell back asleep again.

Or skipping the fluffy metaphors, they've gone back to trashing conservatives:

    Event serves in part of as counter-rally to Glenn Beck's last month
    The Associated Press
    updated 10/2/2010 2:39:17 PM ET

    WASHINGTON — Tapping into the same anger that fuels the tea party movement, a coalition of progressive and civil rights groups marched Saturday on the Lincoln Memorial and pledged to support Democrats struggling to keep power on Capitol Hill.

    "We are together. This march is about the power to the people," said MSNBC host Ed Schultz. "It is about the people standing up to the corporations. Are you ready to fight back?"

    In a fiery speech that opened the "One Nation Working Together" rally on the National Mall, Schultz blamed Republicans for shipping jobs overseas and curtailing freedoms. He borrowed some of conservative commentator Glenn Beck's rhetoric and vowed to "take back our country."

    "This is a defining moment in America. Are you American?" Schultz told the raucous crowd of thousands. "This is no time to back down. This is time to fight for America."

    With a month of campaigning to go and voter unhappiness high, the Democratic-leaning organizers hope the four-hour program of speeches and entertainment energizes activists who are crucial if Democrats are to retain their majorities in the House and Senate. The national mood suggests gains for the GOP, and Republicans are hoping to ride voter anger to gain control of the House and possibly the Senate.

    Organizers insist the rally is not partisan. They say the message is about job creation, quality education and justice. However, the largest organizations, such as the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union, tend to back Democratic candidates.

    And the first speakers hardly shied from criticizing Republicans.

    "They want to change this country," Schultz warned participants of Republicans.

    More than 400 organizations — ranging from labor unions to faith, environmental and gay rights groups — partnered for the event, which comes one month after Beck packed the same space with conservatives and tea party-style activists.

    Beck and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gathered near the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech to urge a vast crowd to embrace traditional values. Though also billed as nonpolitical, the rally was widely viewed as a protest against the policies of President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats.

    One Nation organizers said they began planning their event before learning about Beck's rally, and said Saturday's march is not in reaction to that.

    Obama was spending the weekend at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland.

Tea Party protestors --rather than portrayed as sincere protestors of socialist policy because it is radically changing the nation and threatening us with loss of individual rights, encroaching on our lives with heavy taxes and authoritarian control-- are portrayed by the AP as "hoping to ride voter anger to gain control", with no more implied legitimate or worthy goal than fear and exploitation.

While the same article glows with praise of the opposing liberal rally.

I also love how the rally attempts to "join us together as a nation" by demonizing and blaming everything on the Republicans.
That would be the same Senate who could (until Scott Brown) ram through laws without a single Republican vote by a Democrat supermajority?
And an overhelming majority that still exists in the House?

Also rich is "Organizers insist the rally is not partisan. They say the message is about job creation, quality education and justice. However, the largest organizations, such as the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union, tend to back Democratic candidates."

"Tend to back?" Puh-LEASE! AFL-CIO, and especially SEIU are the brownshirted footsoldiers in Obama's street army of intimidators of any dissent. And they have clearly received benefits and political favors for their work in gwetting Obama elected, and continuing to intimidate dissenters.
It is disingenuous to so vastly understate that these groups "tend to lean toward" the Democrats.
Quite obviously to anyone who is not an AP liberal media writer, that is a remarkably inadequate euphemism for the mercenary strong-arm thugs for Obama that they truly are, and the grants they have received from the Obama administration for their dirty work.

Dozens of youtube videos of SEIU members beating up and harassing town hall and Tea Party protestors are testament to this, often wearing SEIU tea shirts while unleashing their thug violence.

Likewise the federal funding and favors bestowed on ACORN for their part in getting Obama elected with every dirty trick in the book. Government funds that were only cut off due to the scandal unveiled by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles.
Everyone knows that we should all be bashing liberals, not conservatives, doesn't anyone watch fox news?
Wondy, you linked to MSNBC. That's like linking to FOX and complaining they're bashing the White House. CNN may have "woken", but MSNBC and FOX will always be the extremes that will never "wake up" when it comes to fair reporting...
 Originally Posted By: rex
Everyone knows that we should all be bashing liberals, not conservatives, doesn't anyone watch fox news?

Do you have any reading comprehension skills whatsoever?
That was AP, not Fox News.
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wondy, you linked to MSNBC. That's like linking to FOX and complaining they're bashing the White House. CNN may have "woken", but MSNBC and FOX will always be the extremes that will never "wake up" when it comes to fair reporting...

As many polls have shown, Fox is actually quite balanced in its news coverage.

Fox had the most balanced coverage of the 2008 presidential campaign for example, negative stories of Obama and negative stories of McCain were both 45%. And the Center For Journalistic Excellence quantified that and said Fox had the most balanced coverage. All the other networks were around 80/20 and 75/35 , way skewed for Obama.

If Fox is "right leaning" in its news coverage, it is only relative to the extreme left skew of the combined liberal media.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
Everyone knows that we should all be bashing liberals, not conservatives, doesn't anyone watch fox news?

Do you have any reading comprehension skills whatsoever?
That was AP, not Fox News.

Thanks for missing the point, beardboy.
Nah. FOX is the extreme Right, and MSNBC is slanted hard Left. All the polls in the world won't change that fact. Unlike how you changed your article quote to not look like a link to MSNBC...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up: Jon Stewart - 2010-10-03 3:48 AM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

"Seventy-percent??!" LMAO!! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

What does G-Man forgetting his Depends have to do with any of this?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wondy, you linked to MSNBC. That's like linking to FOX and complaining they're bashing the White House. CNN may have "woken", but MSNBC and FOX will always be the extremes that will never "wake up" when it comes to fair reporting...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Nah. FOX is the extreme Right, and MSNBC is slanted hard Left. All the polls in the world won't change that fact. Unlike how you changed your article quote to not look like a link to MSNBC...

That's not a sincere remark.

It is clearly labelled as an AP press release. Clearly MSNBC just reprinted the article on their site. I didn't reprint it from MSNBC, I found it reading Yahoo news.
But the source of the article is clear, so spare me the bogus drama.
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

What does G-Man forgetting his Depends have to do with any of this?


One little typo, and look what happens.

Rex must be gwetting himself just thinking about it.
I think you are a little obsessed with me.
Posted By: the G-man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-03 4:28 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Nah. FOX is the extreme Right, and MSNBC is slanted hard Left. All the polls in the world won't change that fact...

As I recall it wasn't a poll. It was a university study.
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-03 5:19 PM
Probably something in their methodology might account for any odd finding like that. They're conservative just like MSNBC is liberal.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

It is clearly labelled as an AP press release. Clearly MSNBC just reprinted the article on their site. I didn't reprint it from MSNBC, I found it reading Yahoo news.
But the source of the article is clear, so spare me the bogus drama.

What drama?? What are you talking about? You linked to MSNBC to report that the media was liberal. Well, my answer to that is: No shit. Link to FOX and show me Liberal. Oh wait, that's right, I forgot. They're perfect and The Good Guy, and the rest of the media is Liberal.

I really need to read your rule book so I can keep up with who is Good and who is Bad in the world... \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Nah. FOX is the extreme Right, and MSNBC is slanted hard Left. All the UNIVERSITY STUDIES in the world won't change that fact. Unlike how Wondy edited his article quote to not look like a link to MSNBC...
I do think you sometimes confuse the FOX commentators with their news coverage. FOX definitely is stacked with Conservative commentators but they at least present both sides of the story in their news stories unlike MSNBC.
Perhaps, but it is said commentators that set the tone for all info presented. I've been burned on O'Reilley and Beck and nutbags like that. Can't trust any channel with an agenda. And whether FOX is "more fair" than the others, the point is that the agenda still exists...
Is it really a plus for FOX that those here with the strongest anti-liberal bias think the network is fair? It seems the only thing the two sides can agree on is if something like MSNBC is biased towards liberals.
I really don't consider Bill O'Reilly a conservative. When I was talking conservative commentators I mean Beck, Hannity ect. O'Reilly is likely the most independent commentator with a show on TV.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Is it really a plus for FOX that those here with the strongest anti-liberal bias think the network is fair?

I don't think that is the case. Rating and polls show that FOX is the most trusted source for news amongst ALL Americans. This leads me to believe it's the fact that people get to hear both sides of an issue. Which to me, no matter my philosophical leanings is very important. I have had very strong opinions in the past and been swayed by information or arguments contrary to those beliefs. If I'm watching/reading/listening to the news I want to hear both sides.

On another note, has The Daily Show responded to the Rick Sanchez firing yet? I couldn't find any vids on YouTube about it.

EDIT: Oh, wait, it just happened on Friday. Hot damn, I cannot WAIT for Monday's episode then.
Stewart mad some comments at an event yesterday. I'll have to dig em up.
I'm glad Sanchez is finally off the air. CNN will be far better off without him.
I expect those kind of comments out of an upper class white jew like yourself.
Oh, it starts with a few jokes and some slurs. "Hey, denty!" Next thing you know you're saying they should have their own schools.
You think that dentists are so different from me and you? They came to this country just like everybody else, in search of a dream.
PJP was one of my students. And if this wasn't my son's wedding day, I'd knock you teeth out you anti-dentite bastard.
They have their own schools.
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
Stewart mad some comments at an event yesterday. I'll have to dig em up.

Jimmy Fallon, Sarah Silverman, Jim Gaffigan, Lewis Black, Joel McHale, Lewis Black, Robin Williams and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog also appeared. So did Paul Simon, offering to help out as Morgan and Rock closed the show with an off-key, lyrics-mangling version of Scarborough Fair.

Lewis Black appeared twice!
none more Black.
Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-04 4:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Probably something in their methodology might account for any odd finding like that. They're conservative just like MSNBC is liberal.

MEM, you're put on notice!

Posted By: Prometheus Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-04 6:48 AM
\:lol\: !!!!
Posted By: iggy Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-04 6:51 AM
\:lol\: \:lol\:
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Is it really a plus for FOX that those here with the strongest anti-liberal bias think the network is fair?

I don't think that is the case. Rating and polls show that FOX is the most trusted source for news amongst ALL Americans. This leads me to believe it's the fact that people get to hear both sides of an issue. Which to me, no matter my philosophical leanings is very important. I have had very strong opinions in the past and been swayed by information or arguments contrary to those beliefs. If I'm watching/reading/listening to the news I want to hear both sides.

It is only because the other networks all tilt so far left that Fox News seems "right wing extreme" to liberals by comparison.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-04 6:00 PM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

I had no idea my penis video had reached the national stage.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-04 6:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Probably something in their methodology might account for any odd finding like that. They're conservative just like MSNBC is liberal.

MEM, you're put on notice!

A zillion points!

Posted By: Irwin Schwab Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-05 12:46 AM
post of the day?
Posted By: rex Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-05 1:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

I had no idea my penis video had reached the national stage.

You really are a mentally challenged, aren't you?
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-05 1:40 AM
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
post of the day?

Let's not get greedy now!

(most likely, yes)
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Liberal Media Wakes Up? - 2010-10-05 2:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

I had no idea my penis video had reached the national stage.

It's right up there with Barbara Streisand and Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy!!! (although some people think the two are one and the same)

Another guy who will be joining Rick Sanchez in the unemployment line:

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy (as scripted by rex)

God are you obsessed.

I must have really hit a nerve and hurt your feelings. You're trying like hell to win back your internet honor.

Wonder Boy
--rex's personal obsession
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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\:lol\: \:lol\:
that was actually pretty good stuff.