Posted By: Wonder Boy How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:25 AM
Looking back at one of my old posts, I thought this one outlined Pro's formula pretty well.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Your comments, in post after post, are calculated to piss someone off. Not just me, anyone.

You mean when I disagree with your political beliefs? That pisses anyone off? Are you sure? ;\)

That's an admission of your antagonism and intent.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
Mostly I shrug it off.

No you don't! \:lol\:

Actually, I mostly do shrug it off. I ignore a lot, and only occasionally get into it with the trolls who unrelentingly ride me the hardest and finally catch me on the right day. And that has clearly been your intent for about 2 months now.

If I responded that way to any liberal, I'd be clashing with guys like Chant too. I don't.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
You go apeshit-apoplectic...

Apoplectic is the word I use to describe YOU !! \:lol\: \:lol\:

That's an attempted reversal, and basically an admission of all the times I've reduced you to a raving lunatic just by expressing my dissenting conservative opinion, and just watched you go nuts with all the namecalling and Tourette's Syndrome!

 Originally Posted By: Pro
...on ANYone who dares to question your beliefs or decide they don't agree.

No, not "anyone", just those who relentlessly bait and antagonize me, until I finally give them a taste of their own medicine.
Lying sacks of shit like you, who slander, put words in my mouth, call me racist (when ironically it is you calling people "nigger" and so forth), pedophile, using any revealed personal information as a weapon to attack me... and then shocked, SHOCKED! on an occasion that they successfully get me angry.
Your tactics are loathesome. Manipulative and deceitful. Just because Rex and others use them too doesn't mean you get a free pass for taking it that low.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

Seriously. Go back over your posts and threads. People don't dismiss your rantings because they're calm, polite, and informed. They dismiss them because you're a ranting lunatic two-steps away from taking your rage out on others.

Oh, here we go again. More lies. G-Man and Sammitch and even Knut get on me for taking the bait or being too serious. They don't attack me on my political beliefs.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
You can sit there and threaten a complete stranger with death because they don't tow the Tea Party line. That's not just wrong, it's pathetic, David.

I didn't threaten you. I wished that you would say to someone else what you said to me --someone who wouldn't just get angry, but would kick your face in, and give you exactly what you deserve for your malicious antagonism. Because it's obvious this is a practiced antagonism that you exercise on many, many people. Probably your wife and family as well.
I'm opinionated, but I don't go around deliberately trying to make other people miserable, trying to push their buttons, or deliberately lying, slandering or manipulating them, as you constantly do with me.
And yes, it would please me to see you pay a high price for that, having your own trap painfully close on you.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
And I'm sure there are many, many people who know you and deal with your defiant in-your-face antics on a regular basis who would love --LOVE!-- to watch on the 6 o'clock news that you pulled your act on the wrong person and got your face kicked in.

Oh! And here we are again. Fantasizing about violence and my death. Careful David. You're crossing a real-world line from "crazy guy on the internet" to "REAL crazy guy, in real life, someone call the cops".

I never threatened you.
I just wished you would try the slanderous antagonism you pull on me in real life, and reap what you sow. Say the crap you said to me to a real soldier. No threatened violence on my part, just you having your own trap close on you.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Oh and btw, consider how many "buddies" you have, say, here online. Now, think about how many I have.

I don't see any valid claim of superior numbers there. There's a clique of liberals here who mercilessly harass anyone with conservative beliefs, if they dare to voice any firm support for a conservative stance on abortion, the death penalty, gay rights, support for Republican candidates, support for U.S. wars, etc.

Anyone who expresses support for the conservative stance gets harassed mercilessly: Me, G-man, Pariah, Mister JLA (when he was conservative, now that he's not, he's part of the club), Rex. Even Sammitch I've seen frequently take the heat, though he's softened and gotten acceptance over the years.
The only two exceptions here are theDoctor, and BASAMS, who I guess get some free pass as original Nature Boys. Although even they have occasionally had their harassers.

I don't see that I get more harassment than any of the above. You guys seem to pre-select who you will take seriously and who you won't. And even when I post opinions and sources identical to, say, BASAMS or Rex (hotair, theblaze, glennbeck, other conservative sources) --IDENTICAL!-- they don't get harassed and I do.

From the conservative side, G-man expresses his opinion, with sources to back it up better than anyone here, and while he trades jokes and quips with you, you guys still often harass him as mercilessly as you do me.
There is no logic to it beyond arbitrary cliquishness and ideological hatred.
It varies at times to be one, the other, or both.

But as exists on the liberal side, there is also a loose confederation and solidarity among the conservatives on RKMB. I consider G-man and Pariah and Mr JLA friends.
I like Iggy too, and don't really understand why he's gone into overdrive on me (in the Wall Street topic), but I finally fired back in kind.
I've occasionally sent you friendly posts. You can be friendly, and at other times you can be very backstabbing and abusive.

Other liberals I've been friendly with here (often with an initial period of clashing, that later became friendly) are DarkKnight, MagicJay, and others who haven't posted in a while.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Now, think how that might translate to real life. It leaves me with a lot of good friends and a great family, and you? Who knows? But, no, there's very few people in the world that dislike me. Why? Because I'm a reasonable, open-minded person...

\:lol\: \:lol\: Not on RKMB's you're not!
You're pure antagonism, looking for a fight, immune to presented facts, and \:lol\: and your way out of any corner you are painted into, and never, NEVER admit you are wrong.
And generally punish me or G-man or whoever for embarassing you with the facts, circumnavigated by harassing them endlessly with personal insults and slanders.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
...with a sense of humor and a broad perspective on life.

How very generously self-congratulating you are.
I see an intolerant jerk with a vindictive streak toward anyone who simply has a different political viewpoint than you do. As I've pointed out quoting you repeatedly.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
I don't sit in a corner and demand the world be the way that I want it. I adapt and enjoy life. You should look into it. You might find life isn't quite that miserable anymore.

Assuming facts not in evidence.
And based on your online posts, I'd say you have a vindictive need to belittle others and squeeze them into box categories, in order to rationalize your own worldview, and convince yourself that you're superior to someone else.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
I frankly find it hard to believe that you have military in your family

Frankly, I don't care what you believe. As ever, facts and reality prove you wrong. Cry all you want, the truth beats you every time.

That doesn't gel with your constant slanders, deliberate antagonism, and stated opinions about U.S. foreign policy and the military. Again, if you do have military family, I find it hard to believe they are aware of your political and U.S. military views.

G-man described you as "Pro flinging his poo across every forum"

That's pretty accurate.

And you harass, slander and emoticon yourself out of every corner you paint yourself into.
There's no such thing as a conversation with you anymore. It's always a poo-fight.

I'm done with you.
Posted By: Captain Sammitch Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:26 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy (to Pro)
I'm done with you.

no offense, but I call shenanigans.
Posted By: rex Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I'm done with you.

No, you're not.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I can't beat him!! I can't!!


If you can't stand other people's opinions, go away.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy (to Pro)
I'm done with you.

no offense, but I call shenanigans.
 Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I'm done with you.

No, you're not.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:28 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: rex Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:30 AM
You two are too much alike to quit either of you.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:31 AM
HELLLOOOOO ROB'S BOARDS!! Who takes the Political Forum takes the universe! But-bad new everyone.....CAUSE GUESS WHO?!


Except all you little whiny redneck trolls, crying about all over place, it's really very distracting. Could you all just shut the fuck up a moment because--


Now...question of the hour: Who's got the Political Forum, answer: I do. Next question: WHO'S COMING TO TAKE IT FROM ME?!

COME ON! Look at me! No plans! No backup! No weapons worth a damn! Oh! And something else I don't have: ANYTHING. TO. LOSE.

SO! If you're sitting behind that silly little computer monitor, with all your silly, little, insecurities, and you've got any plans on taking the Political Forum--To that: Just remember one thing!

Remember: Every fucking day I've ever stomped you! And then!


Do the smart thing.....

Let somebody else try first...

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: rex
I'm too much like Dave to quit either of you.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:33 AM
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:33 AM
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 1 minute 25 seconds ago Logging out
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:35 AM
 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
And I'm sure there are many, many people who know you and deal with your defiant in-your-face antics on a regular basis who would love --LOVE!-- to watch on the 6 o'clock news that you pulled your act on the wrong person and got your face kicked in.

Oh! And here we are again. Fantasizing about violence and my death. Careful David. You're crossing a real-world line from "crazy guy on the internet" to "REAL crazy guy, in real life, someone call the cops".

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:36 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Would that you would express this opinion to a Navy SEAL, and he would rip out your beating heart and shove it down your throat. But the Tea Party doesn't advocate violence or killing people....just me!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Good old Extremist Right racist hatemongers. They always show their bloodlust in the end... \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 5:36 AM
You're right David. This thread was a perfect idea.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 6:07 AM
Prometheus Moderator The 420th Incarnation
15000+ posts 10/14/11 11:06 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: How to troll like Prometheus

He wants to learn how to troll like Prometheus...
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 6:44 AM
I was hoping to pick-up a few pointers. Anyone who can run Dave off the boards (?) deserves to be listened to...
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 7:42 AM
I ran Disco Steve, K. Velo, whomod, FNB, and most recently, britneyspearsatemypalin.

You got a long way to go, kid.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 8:01 AM
All true, MasterJLA

However, keep in mind I am singularly responsible for getting G-Man de-modded from this forum. That has to count for something...
Posted By: iggy Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 8:05 AM
at both of you.

Watching. Learning. Finding a target. ;\)
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 8:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
All true, MasterJLA

However, keep in mind I am singularly responsible for getting G-Man de-modded from this forum. That has to count for something...

Posted By: iggy Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 8:11 AM
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
All true, MasterJLA

However, keep in mind I am singularly responsible for getting G-Man de-modded from this forum. That has to count for something...


Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 9:19 AM
\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 9:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm done with you.

Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 3 minutes 15 seconds ago Viewing a private message

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 9:25 PM
I just sent David a PM:

Come home, darling. I miss the sex.

I hope he gets it. \:\(
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-15 9:34 PM
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession
7500+ posts 3 minutes 23 seconds ago Viewing a private message

Wish fulfilled!
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-10-17 5:14 AM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm done with you.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 7:13 AM
Wonder Boy content User mighty weilder of the Penis of Truth
7500+ posts 1 minute 10 seconds ago Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: How to troll like Prometheus
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 7:13 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm done with you.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 7:27 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
HELLLOOOOO ROB'S BOARDS!! Who takes the Political Forum takes the universe! But-bad new everyone.....CAUSE GUESS WHO?!


Except all you little whiny redneck trolls, crying about all over place, it's really very distracting. Could you all just shut the fuck up a moment because--


Now...question of the hour: Who's got the Political Forum, answer: I do. Next question: WHO'S COMING TO TAKE IT FROM ME?!

COME ON! Look at me! No plans! No backup! No weapons worth a damn! Oh! And something else I don't have: ANYTHING. TO. LOSE.

SO! If you're sitting behind that silly little computer monitor, with all your silly, little, insecurities, and you've got any plans on taking the Political Forum--To that: Just remember one thing!

Remember: Every fucking day I've ever stomped you! And then!


Do the smart thing.....

Let somebody else try first...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

This was a fun post.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 7:28 AM
So was this...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
And I'm sure there are many, many people who know you and deal with your defiant in-your-face antics on a regular basis who would love --LOVE!-- to watch on the 6 o'clock news that you pulled your act on the wrong person and got your face kicked in.

Oh! And here we are again. Fantasizing about violence and my death. Careful David. You're crossing a real-world line from "crazy guy on the internet" to "REAL crazy guy, in real life, someone call the cops".

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Would that you would express this opinion to a Navy SEAL, and he would rip out your beating heart and shove it down your throat. But the Tea Party doesn't advocate violence or killing people....just me!

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Good old Extremist Right racist hatemongers. They always show their bloodlust in the end... \:lol\:
Posted By: THE Bastard Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 7:32 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
All true, MasterJLA

However, keep in mind I am singularly responsible for getting G-Man de-modded from this forum. That has to count for something...

really? how'd that happen?
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:01 AM
We played a game of BATTLESHIP in the Super-Secret-Mod Forum. I got his Destroyer in the opening volley.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:05 AM
Seriously, his clear hard-Right bias pissed so many people off for so long that when he started making lewd and crude comments about my wife, we took our battle to a higher-plane (the actual "Mod Forum"). Rob got tired of everyone complaining, and agreed to de-mod G-Man. That's the honest version. The better version is where you envision it like an Asgardian battle, I have flowing locks of blonde awesome hair, a mallet made of weed, forged by Gob himself, and G-Loki is played by the Late Andy Rooney...
Posted By: rex Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:06 AM
So you de-modded g-man and then became him?
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:06 AM
I envisioned it more like the deleted scene from Caligula.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:08 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I envisioned it more like the deleted scene from Caligula.

Tell me more.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:09 AM
 Originally Posted By: Brian J, the Pussy
I'm a pussy!

Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 8:10 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I envisioned it more like the deleted scene from Caligula.

Tell me more.

You haven't seen that yet? The big orgy scene? There was even a midget being fellated by two girls.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 5:43 PM
Glacier agrees!
Posted By: the G-man Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 6:44 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Seriously, his clear hard-Right bias pissed so many people off for so long that when he started making lewd and crude comments about my wife, we took our battle to a higher-plane (the actual "Mod Forum"). Rob got tired of everyone complaining, and agreed to de-mod G-Man.

That's an...interesting...version of what happened.

I'm sure you've got a copy of the posts (with links and stuff) to prove that, as opposed to posts where I said I was tired of being mod and asked Rob to appoint someone else.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 9:33 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Seriously, his clear hard-Right bias pissed so many people off for so long that when he started making lewd and crude comments about my wife, we took our battle to a higher-plane (the actual "Mod Forum"). Rob got tired of everyone complaining, and agreed to de-mod G-Man. That's the honest version. The better version is where you envision it like an Asgardian battle, I have flowing locks of blonde awesome hair, a mallet made of weed, forged by Gob himself, and G-Loki is played by the Late Andy Rooney...

You're full of shit as usual.

I asked both Rob and G-man in private messages what happened, and your convoluted spin doesn't resemble what either one said in any way.

G-man stepped down right after the Nov 2006 election, and it's because he chose to. You and several other idiots were gloating, and I asked Rob directly, and he said no, he didn't remove G-man.

You're lying. Again.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to rock like Prometheus - 2011-11-16 11:58 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

\:lol\: \:lol\:
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-17 12:00 AM
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Seriously, his clear hard-Right bias pissed so many people off for so long that when he started making lewd and crude comments about my wife, we took our battle to a higher-plane (the actual "Mod Forum"). Rob got tired of everyone complaining, and agreed to de-mod G-Man.

That's an...interesting...version of what happened.

I'm sure you've got a copy of the posts (with links and stuff) to prove that, as opposed to posts where I said I was tired of being mod and asked Rob to appoint someone else.

Oh jeebus, here we go...time for the "G-Spin Zone"...

Whatever dude. You and I know the truth. Like Dave tries to deny his death threats, your pride will always get in the way of facts.

I beat you. Don't ever forget it, old man.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-17 3:56 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I beat you off. Don't ever forget it, old man.

Please don't give Joey from Friends a reason to visit the politics section
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-17 6:52 AM
\:lol\: \:lol\:

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-17 11:30 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Seriously, his clear hard-Right bias pissed so many people off for so long that when he started making lewd and crude comments about my wife, we took our battle to a higher-plane (the actual "Mod Forum"). Rob got tired of everyone complaining, and agreed to de-mod G-Man.

That's an...interesting...version of what happened.

I'm sure you've got a copy of the posts (with links and stuff) to prove that, as opposed to posts where I said I was tired of being mod and asked Rob to appoint someone else.

Oh jeebus, here we go...time for the "G-Spin Zone"...

Whatever dude. You and I know the truth. Like Dave tries to deny his death threats, your pride will always get in the way of facts.

I beat you. Don't ever forget it, old man.

There's a huge difference between actually threatening you, and saying I hope you try your deliberate provocation on the wrong person and get exactly what you deserve.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, post # 1162219 - 10/14/11 04:04 PM

from military chaplains can perform gay marriage topic

 Originally Posted By: Pro, post # 1161293 - 10/07/11 01:46 AM
David, I post my personal political beliefs. How is that any different than what you do? Huh? So, why do you get to threaten my life and it's "perfectly understandable"? I would NEVER say something like that to you. Hell, you have got to know that 75% of the time I'm not even serious. So, how can you possibly get THAT angry at a complete stranger?

 Originally Posted By: Pro ( just a few posts later on the same topic page)
Then, I had to live with eight-years of Bush, jr. A puppet so obvious I was insulted They actually propped him up there. I have never loathed three politicians more than I loathe Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney. Karl is a fat, weak, pussy that outed a CIA agent for political retribution. He should go to prison and get gangraped every day until his natural death. As far as Cheney goes, I'll just have to let the universe deal with that monstrosity. Satan in human form. He will get his judgment. And Rumsfeld is just a fucking criminal on the level of Johnson or Nixon. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

First off, I didn't threaten you. I just said you should get what you deserve in response to your antagonism, when you tell some soldier (not me) your contemptible opinion of our military. But you're a weasel who would only say that behind a soldier's back.

And then you came right back and made a comment in the same identical vein about Karl Rove, your violent fantasy of what you wish would happen to him.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-17 11:38 AM
And speaking of someone wishing death on others...

Occupy Wall Street topic, page 6:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, post # 1160002, 10/02/11 07:49 PM

 Originally Posted By: G-Drone
Yeah, but...the police say it didn't happen.

 Originally Posted By: Wondy, Back to Form
I deny a show of unity and want to destroy everything about this because it threatens the status quo! Baaaah!

 Originally Posted By: Rex

Why do I even bother trying to talk to any of you on normal, rational terms? All three of you are so embittered by your own insecurities, you cannot see outside your own obsessively fantasy-driven universe. Just forget I even tried. I just hope you are prepared to find your liberties, freedom, and personal finance crumbling around your ears. If you're not prepared to stand-up for yourself and think for yourself, then you deserve what you get.

When the bankers fall, G-Man will probably die first, because of his age. He won't be able to survive in the elements. Rex will probably live for awhile on the bodies of his friends and family. But, after that, who knows? And I'm pretty sure Wondy will just eat a shotgun barrel the moment society collapses. I hope I'm wrong.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2011-11-18 12:23 AM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Would that you would express this opinion to a Navy SEAL, and he would rip out your beating heart and shove it down your throat!

Nope, that's not a threat at all.

Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2012-03-29 6:59 AM
Apparently you lack reading comprehension skills, Pro.

Another recurring tactic of Pro's is to call anyone who disagrees with his convoluted image of patriotism a "traitor".

Pro thinks low-life uninformed hippies who want to "overthrow capitalism", attack police, burn American flags, and who consistently hate America are "patriotic"... but that our military soldiers are "Pavlovian psychopaths who will assassinate their own people without question" and "the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world." :

America's transgender population in limbo regarding military service...? topic:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 10-8, 2011
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Agreed. At least transgenders are honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind their insecurities like you describe...

Exactly. They can't have self-loathing issues, either, since they embrace their nature.

Quoting the article again:

"But Tobin disagreed, citing countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, which have or are in the process of accommodating transgender military members."

Three of our best allies are accepting of their transgender military members, but we are not?

JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.

Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness.

People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.

The irony... it rather piles up, doesn't it?

Pro, you are SUCH a lying manipulative sack of shit.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2012-03-29 6:30 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Would that you would express this opinion to a Navy SEAL, and he would rip out your beating heart and shove it down your throat!

Nope, that's not a threat at all.

Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-03-29 6:35 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor

We know, you hateful, sad little man. You've already proven your allegiance to whatever FAUXNews tells you to believe. You've already shown your lack of compassion for American innocents and patriotic veterans when they are beaten and shot. The facts are all here in this forum. I don't know why you waste your time repeating your hateful lies and manipulative condemnation of young men and women that have put their lives on the line for you during wartime. It's just a shame you cannot support them when they aren't killing non-whites...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: How to troll like Prometheus - 2012-03-29 8:52 PM
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Another recurring tactic of Pro's is to call anyone who disagrees with his convoluted image of patriotism a "traitor".

Pro thinks low-life uninformed hippies who want to "overthrow capitalism", attack police, burn American flags, and who consistently hate America... but that our military soldiers are "Pavlovian psychopaths who will assassinate their own people without question" and "the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world." :


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus, 10-8, 2011
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Agreed. At least transgenders are honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind their insecurities like you describe...

Exactly. They can't have self-loathing issues, either, since they embrace their nature.

Quoting the article again:

"But Tobin disagreed, citing countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, which have or are in the process of accommodating transgender military members."

Three of our best allies are accepting of their transgender military members, but we are not?

JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.

Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness.

People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.

The irony... it rather piles up, doesn't it?

Pro, you are SUCH a lying manipulative sack of shit.
Posted By: Prometheus Re: How to hate like Wonder Racist - 2012-03-29 10:32 PM
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Traitor

We know, you hateful, sad little man. You've already proven your allegiance to whatever FAUXNews tells you to believe. You've already shown your lack of compassion for American innocents and patriotic veterans when they are beaten and shot. The facts are all here in this forum. I don't know why you waste your time repeating your hateful lies and manipulative condemnation of young men and women that have put their lives on the line for you during wartime. It's just a shame you cannot support them when they aren't killing non-whites...
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Repostmetheus-ing the same slanders and insults multiple times doesn't make them the slightest bit more true.