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#1236593 2022-10-14 4:59 PM
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The Durham Probe was the real witch hunt all along?!?

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You didn't give enough information for anyone to know what you're even talking about.

Durham's investigation had Danchenko on the stand today, he was offered $1 million by the FBI, to give evidence to prove the Russia Dossier allegations against Trump, WHICH DANCHENKO COULD NOT PROVIDE.

On top of that, the FBI HIRED Danchenko for about $2 million, even after Danchenko was a proven unreliable intelligence source, just to corruptly buy his loyalty and silence for the FBI, in the wake of the discredited Russia Dossier.
( The Russia Dossier being a salacious and unconfirmed disreputable document, used to illegally obtain FOUR consecutive FISA warrants to do surveillance on Trump foreign policy aide Carter Page, and through surveillance on Page, on two more layers of callers Paige communicated with in 2016-2017 over that 12 months of FISA warrant surveillance, giving the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama administration opposition research on the entire Trump campaign, and then on the entire inaugurated Trump administration, by the Democrat-weaponized FBI.)

Durham's case proves that James Comey used unconfirmed Russia Dossier information, to illegally obtain FOUR different FISA surveillance warrants on Carter Page, of which James Comey personally signed for THREE of the warrants, every three months, for an entire year. The fact that Dancheko was offered $1 million by the FBI to confirm it, and Danchenko could NOTprovide that evidence,even for that amount, proves that the FISA court judges were deliberately given false information, when Comey and others in the FBI rubber-stamped the Russia Dossier files submitted for the FISA warrants as "CONFIRMED", each of the four times.

The Russia Dossier used for FISA warrants, absolutely by this evidence, was NOT confirmed by either the FISA judges, or the FBI agents submitting the warrant requests.
Submitting false information to a federal judge as evidence, as occurred here, FOUR TIMES, is a federal crime.

So I fail to see how this incriminates or invalidates Durham's investigation.

Wonder Boy #1236605 2022-10-18 5:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
...ass occurred here...

(Something stupid about Tourettes)



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Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic I support Democrat corruption ! panic panic Viva la resistance!

Yes, yes, I know...

You're such a jerk. What are you even celebrating, dipshit?

That Danchenko was at the center of the 97% Democrat-donating FBI's corrupt attempts to spy on and destroy Trump with false charges?
That Danchenko was at the center of providing the false allegations for the "Russia Dossier"?
That the Russia Dossier was used (unconfirmed, not proveable to be evidence) by the 97% partisan Trump-hating Democrat FBI to (illegally putting the Russia Dossier before FISA Court judges to get FOUR consecutive illegal FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through Page, on the entire Trump campaign, and entire inaugurated Trump administration in the White House?
That Danchenko was hired by the FBI to keep him silent about the Russia Dossier and paid $200,000 , and Christopher Steele was offered $1 million to confirm the Russia Dossier, and even for that amount could not? But Danchenko kept silent and allowed this to happen, for it to be used to get four illegal FISA warrants to spy on the Trump administration, and Dancheko, paid off by the FBI, did nothing to reveal the truth, to stop the surveillance, or to reveal the FBI's abuse after the fact?

Because Danchenko intensely hates Trump too.

With a partisan judge who suppressed evidence that would have gotten a different verdict. And the jury selection for the trial in Washington DC is pooled from a population that voted over 92% for Biden.

The same over 92% jury pool that partisanly found Roger Stone guilty even with a jury foreperson to have posted rabidly partisan comments about Roger Stone and Donald Trump on Twitter, but even then the judge allowed her to stay on the jury, and even remain foreperson.

The same over-92% jury pool to find Sussman not guilty just a few months ago, one juror whose daughter was on the same sports team with Sussman's daughter?

I was hoping for the best and a fair trial in the Danchenko case. But I was very aware and ready for this after the Sussman trial.
Score another victory for the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

What exactly is it you're celebrating? Partisanship?
The destruction of our Constitutional republic? The shredding of the Constitution, and the birth of the authoritarian Democrat-Bolshevik one-party state, that manufactures false evidence against Republicans, and scuttles cases against Democrats, no matter how corrupt?

Yeah, that's really something to celebrate, isn't it?


Wonder Boy #1236607 2022-10-18 8:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Everything that does not go my way is a vast unprovable conspiracy.

Cry harder, chump, then realize gullible is a fucking choice.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy (as scripted by Iggy, because that's all he's got)
Everything that does not go my way is a vast unprovable conspiracy.

Cry harder, chump, then realize gullible is a fucking choice.

I'm not gullible, I just cited the extensive facts that your shit-filled spiteful brain selectively ignores.

Again, asshole: What exactly are you celebrating? Corruption? Bolshevism?

iggy #1236609 2022-10-18 8:52 PM
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The bitter tears caused by your Cheeto God's special counsel fishing expedition failure taste delicious. "It's only fair if it renders my preferred outcome" is a shit life philosophy, shitlord.

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Danchenko is acquitted, but Comey and the FBI are guilty of perpetrating the Russia hoax
The corrupt FBI was also on trial in federal court where Igor Danchenko was being tried for making false statements

by Gregg Jarrett

Igor Danchenko was acquitted in federal court Tuesday on all four counts of lying to the FBI about where he obtained the phony information that he secretly fed to ex-British spy Christopher Steele for his fictive dossier that smeared Donald Trump as a Russian asset. The loss is another setback for special counsel John Durham, but the verdict comes as no surprise.

The case was tried in Alexandria, Virginia where 80% of residents voted Democrat in the last presidential election. In a politically charged case involving names like Trump and Clinton, it was always an uphill battle for Durham, just as it was in the earlier trial of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann who was acquitted by a Washington, D.C. jury in a district where 92% of voters cast ballots for Biden in the last election and a scant 5% for Trump. But the not guilty verdicts are a minor footnote in the sordid story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history.

The Virginia trial was never really about Danchenko at all. Sure, he was the named defendant. But as testimony unfolded it was obvious that he was a conduit for a worthier ambition —a damning indictment of the FBI’s gross misconduct.

Durham candidly admitted it to the jury during his closing argument when he referred to the bureau as "the elephant in the room."

In reality, the crooked FBI was in the dock throughout the weeklong trial, exposed for its years of shameful lies, shocking corruption, and devious cover-ups.

It was former Director James Comey and his sleazy confederates who colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign to falsely accuse Trump of colluding with Russia. They framed him for alleged crimes he never committed.

The genesis of the lies came from Hillary herself, according to declassified documents. In the run-up to 2016 presidential election, she personally approved a plan to defame her political opponent as a clandestine Russian mole. Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, confirmed it in an earlier trial five months ago.

But that’s not all. Clinton’s acolytes covertly funded the specious dossier authored by the now-disgraced Steele who was already pocketing cash while on the FBI payroll. Hillary’s cronies and political operatives not only furnished the fabricated garbage in the document, but they disseminated it to the Trump-loathing media. With the FBI as witting accessories, the Russia hoax took flight and a dilating witch hunt ensued.

Any intelligent person who has ever read Steele’s preposterous report knew immediately that it was bogus. It read like a dime novel penned by a halfwit.

Naturally, the geniuses in the liberal mainstream media thought it was real. Blinded by their own bias and contempt for Trump, they accepted it as gospel and reported it as such, never bothering to verify any of it. But the FBI knew better.
Early on, the agency easily debunked much of it as demonstrably false. Yet, in October of 2016 they offered Steele a reward of $1 million dollars —the equivalent of a bounty on Trump’s head— if only the former spook would corroborate its contents. Steele could not, of course, because it is impossible to prove the truth of a lie.

Although the bureau was unable to verify the dossier, that did not stop the FBI from exploiting it. That same month, Comey signed a warrant application to spy on the Trump campaign by vowing under oath to the FISA court that the faux document was "verified" even though it was not.

He further represented to the judge that the dossier was "credible" and that Steele was "reliable," intentionally omitting the vital fact that Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying.


Three more warrants followed over the course of a year, as the FBI doubled-down and triple-down on it’s deceptions that the dossier was verified. All the while, top agency officials knew that their pivotal piece of evidence was completely fake.

But the FBI’s illicit conduct was not limited to lying to the court. Undeterred by the constraints of law, the bureau used the dishonest dossier as a pretext for escalating its investigation of Trump.

Ever the Machiavellian actor, Comey tried to entrap the newly elected president in a private meeting about the dossier in January of 2017, never telling him that the FBI had discredited it.

Their discussion was immediately leaked to journalists so that reporters would have an excuse to publish the dossier, which they did.

Almost overnight, the Trump-Russia phantasm ignited a public firestorm. Trump deserved the truth about the document, not to be sullied in the media by erroneous accusations underwritten by the Clinton campaign and circulated by the FBI.

Days after the inauguration, Danchenko —Steele’s primary source— confessed to Comey’s agents that the document was all a sham.

As Democrats and the media proceeded to convict Trump in the court of public opinion, the sanctimonious Comey and others at the bureau remained mute and happily watched as their nemesis struggled to defend himself.

They continued peddling lies to the FISA court while withholding from both congress and the public their exculpatory evidence that Trump was innocent.

Collusion was a hallucination they helped propagate. They concealed Danchenko’s admission that the dossier was a collection of idle rumors, innuendos, multiple hearsay, and —literally— gossip in a bar. Instead, behind the scenes the FBI manipulated the narrative to depict the president as guilty of conspiring with Russia. Comey, Clinton and others colluded to frame him and evict him from office.

There were countless other acts of misfeasance and malfeasance by the FBI, all of which were driven by the agency’s unabashed hatred of Trump.

They weaponized the law for partisan purposes and politicized our nation’s justice systems. To some extent, they succeeded.

Through their abuse of power they managed to convince tens of millions of citizens that the president was a traitor without a shred of evidence.

There was never any credible evidence that Trump was a Russian agent. There were no seditious acts that he cooked up with the Kremlin or some nefarious cabal to steal the 2016 election.
It was all a damning fiction that constitutes what is surely the dirtiest political trick ever perpetrated in politics.
Special counsel Durham should be commended for his dogged pursuit of the truth. He may have lost the trial, but he succeeded in unraveling a multitude of pernicious lies.

He exposed how a malignant force of unelected officials committed uncommon corruption through insipid deceptions and malevolent acts. They subverted our rules of law and undermined the democratic process. By their venal acts, they damaged the institutions of American government. And they squandered the nation’s trust.

Comey and his miserable minions may be gone from the FBI, but the wretched rot lingers.

Gregg Jarrett is a Fox News legal analyst and commentator, and formerly worked as a defense attorney and adjunct law professor. He is the author of the No. 1 New York Times best-selling book "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump." His latest book is the New York Times bestseller "Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History"

Woods for the trees, Iggy.

So even if Durham couldn't avoid a rigged jury, he still gave exposure to the true facts in the Sussman and Danchenko cases. The massive conspiracy that began in the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DNC (who both funded funded the Russia Dossier), Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, Danchenko, the Russian intelligence agents they paid millions to for disinformation they put in the Steele Dossier, the FBI, the DOJ, the FISA court, the CIA, and the moles and Russian assets the FBI sent in to entrap members of the Trump administration. And the Obama administration, who brainstormed the fake charges against Michael Flynn on January 5, 2017 in a White House meeting, confirmed by written records of the meeting that day from Sally Yates, James Comey, and Susan Rice, who all were at the meeting where it was plotted.

Guilty verdict or not, those are the undeniable facts.

In districts that are respectively over 92% Democrat, and 80% Democrat, it's hard to find jurors who will rule on the facts of the case, rather than their partisan Democrat loyalties.
And in the Roger Stone case, the hate-filled malice of the head juror. And the bias of a judge who would not dismiss this rabidly partisan woman from the jury, and prosecute said head juror for her perjury, for hiding her rabid Democrat partisan hatred for Stone and Trump, to get on the jury.

Likewise the bias of the judge in the Michael Flynn case, the George Pappadapoulos case, the Paul Manafort case, the Rick Gates case. All prosecuted only on manufactured process crimes. Only in the case of Mark Cohen did they get him to flip on Trump, and that was by flipping him to avoid charges on a taxi-cab business he owned where he avoided paying for taxi-cab medallion licenses, not because Cohen was involved in any crimes involving Trump, or could prove any actual crimes by Trump, beyond the shit garbage made-up allegations the FBI gave him and scripted Cohen to read, to get his FBI plea deal.
AGAIN: from the 97% Democrat donating, Trump hating FBI and DOJ.

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Originally Posted by iggy
The bitter tears caused by your Cheeto God's special counsel fishing expedition failure taste delicious. "It's only fair if it renders my preferred outcome" is a shit life philosophy, shitlord.


Insults, B.S. and panic on your part, nothing of substance to even respond to.

Again, my sourced facts, vs. your hysteria, Tourette's Syndrome, and 6-year-old level insuts.

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Insinuating that normal American citizens on jury duty rule based solely on their political leanings because they may not lean the same way as you do has fuck all to do with facts, clown show. You are a fucking moron posting hyperbolic bullshit on a dead forum where most all the former posters couldn't be bothered to stay in touch...even the ones seemingly "on your side." Yet, here you are when you could supposedly be fucking a twenty something. You are all the reason why no one fucking believes you, takes you seriously, or keeps in touch. You're a couple minutes of fucking with to get a furious partisan screed from to lol at, oh man of many failed relationships. Go fuck yourself.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Insinuating that normal American citizens on jury duty rule based solely on their political leanings because they may not lean the same way as you do has fuck all to do with facts, clown show. You are a fucking moron posting hyperbolic bullshit on a dead forum where most all the former posters couldn't be bothered to stay in touch...even the ones seemingly "on your side." Yet, here you are when you could supposedly be fucking a twenty something. You are all the reason why no one fucking believes you, takes you seriously, or keeps in touch. You're a couple minutes of fucking with to get a furious partisan screed from to lol at, oh man of many failed relationships. Go fuck yourself.

#facts #fuckyourpartisanfeelings



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Originally Posted by iggy
Insinuating that normal American citizens on jury duty rule based solely on their political leanings because they may not lean the same way as you do has fuck all to do with facts, clown show. You are a fucking moron posting hyperbolic bullshit on a dead forum where most all the former posters couldn't be bothered to stay in touch...even the ones seemingly "on your side." Yet, here you are when you could supposedly be fucking a twenty something. You are all the reason why no one fucking believes you, takes you seriously, or keeps in touch. You're a couple minutes of fucking with to get a furious partisan screed from to lol at, oh man of many failed relationships. Go fuck yourself.

Translated from the language spoken on Planet Iggy:
Originally Posted by Iggy
panic panic Nyah Nya Nyah, you're a poopyfacy, fuck you, fuck your mother, asshat, doofus, etc., etc. panic panic

In the case of Democrats, who are immune to facts and who operate on pure emotion, yes, as several cases have proven, they rule based solely on their political leanings rather than the facts. The Roger Stone case jurors, for example. With a judge who rigged the case with overtly partisan manipulation of the case, in selecting the jurors, and keeping hardcore-partisan- psycho-Democrat jurors who should have been dismissed. And then sentencing Stone (a guy with diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure, Covid-vulnerable conditions) to the most Covid-infested prison in the federal penitentiary system. Every DEMOCRAT convicted Antifa and BLM and violent axe murderer and white collar criminal was released because of Covid, but Roger Stone was conversely maliciously prosecuted under a partisan judge and jury, even when the FBI chose not to prosecute because of egregiously visible FBI abuses, then sentenced, and with his ailments, purposefully sentenced to the most Covid-infested federal prison to die. Only a last-minute pardon by then-President Trump saved him from that fate.

I've also seen this at a grassroots level in my personal and professional life. Republicans can respect that someone can be a Democrat and just have a different point of view, and even still be friends and business associates with Democrats, or be clients or customers of Democrats. But Democrats will unfriend you on Facebook for your views, block you, refuse to even listen to dissenting views, stop doing business with you, maliciously attempt to get you fired.
And in Stone's and others' cases, maliciously find you guilty and send you to prison. If they are given the chance. Not every Democrat, there are some sane ones, but a very high ratio want to destroy anyone who is a Republican or Trump supporter, and even refuse to be friends or do business with them. People I could chitchat with on the job about politics for over 20 years, prior to 2016, I now have to hide my political views from, because Democrats are that intolerant and insane.

Democrats have become the party of hate, and they have completely lost their minds. There are a number of polls showing Democrats' widespread intolerant refusal to continue relationships with people they know to be Republicans, whereas the same mentality is not true of Republicans toward Democrats. Fact.

iggy #1236623 2022-10-22 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by iggy
panic panic The bitter tears caused by your Cheeto God's special counsel fishing expedition failure taste delicious. "It's only fair if it renders my preferred outcome" is a shit life philosophy, shitlord. panic panic

[Linked Image from]

[Linked Image from]

Yeah, it's just impossible for Democrat aligned FBI and DOJ officials, Democrat judges, or Democrat jurors abuse their positions to ever maliciously go after innocent Republicans they hate, just because they can, right? rolleyes
Exactly how you, consumed with hate, as a North Carolina junior college teacher, have openly boasted about maliciously abusing and harassing Christian students in your junior college classes.

I could just as easily post quotes demonstrating bias of other Democrat officials such as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, James Baker, James Rybacki , Kevin Clinesmith, etc. (basically the entire senior leadership at the FBI while Trump was president).

And quotes of Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr among others (again, pretty much all the senior people in the 97% Democrat-donating DOJ ) who slid the discredited "Russia Dossier" in the back door of DOJ and FBI, allowing it through improper channels to be used as falsified evidence to submit four consecutive judges to obtain four illegal FISA warrants, to spy on Carter page and the entire Trump campaign.
Which alone is a federal crime punishable by years in jail, if the Democrats running these agencies then or now were interested in equal justice under the law, rather than malicious prosecution of their Republican opponents, just to damage them politically, to eliminate them as competition, or as the above posts make clear, to just hurt them out of pure sadistic pleasure because they're people with an ideology they don't like.
And quotes of Rudolf Contreras (judge in the Michael Flynn case, and a FISA court judge for illegal warrants. Who Strzok and Page in their text messages detailed as a like-minded comrade they planned to have an illegal ex parte secret meeting with about a case, inside a dinner party they all attended. The secret plotting friendly like-minded Bolsheviks, until their texts were exposed. Vive la resistance ! )

And quotes of then-CIA director John Brennan, and others in the CIA, including his handpicked successor Gina Haspel.
And quotes of Robert Mueller, and every one of the 17 lawyers on the Mueller special investigation team.

And by the way, "Cheeto God" (a term manifesting your psycho-hatred of Donald Trump, a variant on "orange man bad") did NOT appoint John Durham to investigate the 2016 election interference. Durham was appointed by then-attorney general William Barr, who is not exactly best buds with Donald Trump. And as is clear in his decades-long record, Durham has a distinguished career as a U.S. Attorney and prosecutor of some very threatening people, and has a spotless reputation as an unbiased and relentless prosecutor.

And by the way ...

Following those five years as a state prosecutor, Durham became a federal prosecutor, joining the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Connecticut.[11] From 1982 to 1989, he served as an attorney and then supervisor in the New Haven Field Office of the Boston Strike Force in the Justice Department's Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. From 1989 to 1994, he served as Chief of the Office's Criminal Division. From 1994 to 2008, he served as the Deputy U.S. Attorney, and served as the U.S. Attorney in an acting and interim capacity in 1997 and 1998.[12][13]

In December 2000, Durham revealed secret Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documents that convinced a judge to vacate the 1968 murder convictions of Enrico Tameleo, Joseph Salvati, Peter J. Limone and Louis Greco because they had been framed by the agency. In 2007, the documents helped Salvati, Limone, and the families of the two other men, who had died in prison, win a $101.7 million civil judgment against the government.[14]

In 2008, Durham led an inquiry into allegations that FBI agents and Boston Police had ties with the mafia.[15] He also led a series of high-profile prosecutions in Connecticut against the New England Mafia and corrupt politicians, including former governor John G. Rowland.[14]

From 2008 to 2012, Durham served as the acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.[12]

On November 1, 2017, he was nominated by President Donald Trump to serve as U.S. Attorney for Connecticut.[16] On February 16, 2018, his nomination was confirmed by voice vote of the Senate. He was sworn in on February 22, 2018.[12]

Attorney General William Barr secretly appointed Durham Special Counsel on October 19, 2020.[17]

Durham resigned as U.S. Attorney effective February 28, 2021.[6] He was one of 56 remaining Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys President Joe Biden asked to resign in February 2021.[18] He remains Special Counsel as of September 2021.[18]'s clear he's not a good-ol'-boy for the FBI or Trump or the Republicans, he overturned cases where the FBI had framed mobsters, that made the FBI look bad. He has integrity and is not afraid to go against the establishment, or even his own employers. Which is precisely why Joe Biden asked for his resignation.

But while resigning as a U.S. attorney, he still is remaining on to conclude the Russia election investigation.
And we all know that leads right to the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign, the heavily Democrat-connected and partisan Perkins-Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, the DNC (who also funded the salacious Russia Dossier), Christopher Steele, Danchenko, and other Russian intelligence agents and informants, and moles sent into the Trump campaign to frame him. Even if judges try the cases in regions with heavily Democrat juries and judges, those facts still remain clear. The facts of the cases remain clear, even if Democrat officials rig and deflect the ability to prosecute them.
While simultaneously maliciously prosecuting 1300 Trump supporters who attended a rally at the Capitol on January 6 2021 ( of whom only 60 are guilty of any violence or vandalism, and of that 60 about 20 are Antifa, and another 20 unprosecuted FBI agents who tried to stoke Trump supporters to violence, to frame them).

While DOJ / FBI simultaneously intimidate, arrest and maliciously prosecute parents who object to "woke" indoctrination of their children, when speaking up at PTA meetings nationwide.

While DOJ / FBI simultaneously intimidate, arrest and maliciously prosecute peaceful anti-abortion demonstrators nationwide, while at the same time letting vandalism and violence on a Kristallnacht level, burning and vandalizing churches and pro-life centers nationwide.

There's no effort by DOJ and FBI to investigate, arrest or prosecute these leftist attackers of churches and pro-life centers, only using FBI to arrest and harass peaceful pro-life demonstrators, and those who peacefully object to leftist indoctrination in public schools.

The Democrat-Left weaponization of government, to crush and humiliate all political dissent against their authoritarian Bolshevik regime, pure and simple.

iggy #1236630 2022-10-25 9:26 PM
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Should I go back and post everything that was promised to drop from this investigation by Orange Doofus or will you just shove your fingers in your ears and try to tickle your mush brain? Nevermind, I know that answer.

iggy #1236631 2022-10-26 3:03 AM
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Originally Posted by iggy
Should I go back and post everything that was promised to drop from this investigation by Orange Doofus or will you just shove your fingers in your ears and try to tickle your mush brain? Nevermind, I know that answer.

What do your petty vindictive personal insults have to do with the Durham investigation?

On the subject of ANY of the Trump investigations: 6 years of malicious prosecution by the Democrat-weaponized FBI and DOJ, and contrived Mueller special investigation, and absolutely nothing has been found to indict Trump.
And New York state AG Leticia James. And the U.S. Democrat-zealot attorneys of the Southern district of New York. On and on.
Given the size of the numerous federal, state, and U.S. attorney microscopes aimed at Trump, with the malicious eagerness of these Democrat zealots from multiple fronts to pin ANYTHING they can on Trump for partisan reasons, it demonstrates an incredible level of integrity on Trump's part they could not find anything. In many cases baiting the trap and falsifying evidence against him. Just about anyone else would be in jail on some contrived minor business indiscretion, or tax evasion, or perjury trap, or the slightest contrived appearaance of wrongdoing.

SIX YEARS of investigation !
And these weaponized partisan zealots have found nothing. NOTHING !

And you throw spiteful insults, because that's all you've got. Shithead.

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