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#1237897 2023-08-24 6:33 AM
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Several looked good, but--damn--Vivek was an annoying bombastic reminder of the unseriousness shenanigans Trump normalized among certain parts of the GOP. Hard pass.

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I'm a Republican, but I didn't even watch it, without Trump. I saw some of the highlighted clips on Newsmax.

Ramaswani is the only one who is an independent thinker. And of course you would oppose him, as the only one who is getting traction and surpassing Ron Desantis in the polls. I hope if Trump wins in 2024, Ramaswami is given a White House position where he can evolve and come back in 2028 or later as a more solid candidate. Like Trump, he is a self-made businessman with a personal fortune in the hundreds of millions. He certainly has knowledge and good instincts, but still needs to refine how he presents himself to be a better candidate.
I also like Larry Elder, who was shunned from the debate at the last minute. Another reason to boycott Fox and the RNC for this debate, until they show more respect for their viewers and prospective voters.

Beyond that, the rest are all milquetoast or deep-state candidates, who for whatever eloquence, will not actually do anything in the unlikely scenario they were ever actually elected.

Trump is NOT "unserious", he actually did virtually everything he promised in 2017, and that was with one hand tied behind his back with relentless investigations and impeachments, and Demcorats / deep state infiltrator bureaucrats obstructing and leaking from within his administration.

Quantifiably accomplished.

Imagine how much Trump could do in a second term, now that he knows who he can trust to appoint and actually do the job, and especially now, when the Democrats have run out of frivolous things to indict him for.

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Yes, Trump is an unserious person and that's relatable to you so you like him.

Of those at the debate, while I may disagree on some issues generally thought of as "big," Pence and Haley were my favorites. I like Christie's cleaning Trump from the GOP's colon message, but that's pretty much his only strong point. Scott faded into the wallpaper. I don't know why Hutchison and Burgum were there. DeSantis and Vivek are what happens when Trump splits into two people divvying up his most unlikeable traits.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Yes, Trump is an unserious person and that's relatable to you so you like him.

Of those at the debate, while I may disagree on some issues generally thought of as "big," Pence and Haley were my favorites. I like Christie's cleaning Trump from the GOP's colon message, but that's pretty much his only strong point. Scott faded into the wallpaper. I don't know why Hutchison and Burgum were there. DeSantis and Vivek are what happens when Trump splits into two people divvying up his most unlikeable traits.

My cited and sourced facts.
Your baseless insults, vs. Trump's vast quantifiable accomplishments.

Pence is establishment and Anti-Trump. The GOP put Pence on the 2016 ticket to later be Trump's G.H.W. Bush-style successor, and go back to establishment ways, and abandon any of Trump's reforms. Pence ultimately betrayed the nation on Jan 6 2021 and handed the country over to the Bolsheviks. Pence is unelectable. We depended on him to defend us, and he just sat on his hands when it truly mattered on Jan 6th, and let the Bolsheviks seize power.

Chris Christie is just a loudmouth blowhard with a vendetta against Trump, a willing stooge no doubt financed by the Democrats, to vainly try to bloody Trump, but who will ultimately get no traction. Christie is the most hated, and most irrelevant to Republican voters. And he also left as NJ governor with only 9% support, hated in his own state. And still has the "bridge-gate" scandal and other baggage to weigh down any potential rise or traction with GOP voters.

Haley stabbed Trump in the back in Jan 2021 and blamed Trump for the Jan 6th riots (that were in fact "at least 20" FBI "Unindicted co-conspirators" (as they admit in their own files, plus about 20 Antifa Salt Lake City disguised as Trump supporters, who openly gloated about getting Trump supporters blamed for their own destruction that day. And (as admitted by the DC Metro P D in an article I posted, they ALSO had 10 undercover Metro officers disguised as Trump supporters. That's 50 of the 60 who engaged in violence or vandalism. )
And Nikki Haley still blames Trump?!? She is instantly disqualified as a serious contender, another deep state RINO, another Mitch McConnell, John Thune or Mitt Romney, who promises things and in reality will do nothing but betray Republican voters.

Asa Hutchinson is another establishment guy who has no business even being on the stage. And snipes at Trump without ever articulating any vision to be president.

Will Hurd is a former CIA agent, and another deep state foil sent to kneecap Trump. And failing.

But regardless, Trump has over 50% support (between 52% to 72% in the polls I've seen for various national and state polls) more than all the others combined. So from the start, the others are irrelevant. Trump is the clear nominee. Trump had the most impressive 4 years since at least Eisenhower or FDR, quantifiably. Trump has proven he can be a highly effective president, so opposite the person in there now, Trump is a relentless fighter who never tires or gives up, and Trump has proven he deserves a second term, to do what he was prevented from doing by an obviously rigged 2020 election, by the Democrat-Bolshevik party.
I've never seen anyone fight so hard to be president, he certainly has earned the opportunity, and proved his ability in his first 4 years, that no one would work harder for his voters.

Tim Scott seems like a nice guy, but no charisma or real clearly stated reason to be running. Everything I like about Tim Scott, I like better in Rep. Byron Donalds.

Of the others, I'd like to see Perry Johnson , Vivek Ramaswamy, Larry Elder and Gov. Doug Burgum given positions in a Trump administration.

The others are disloyal, RINOs, standard virtue-signalling politicians giving empty promises, and unworthy of higher office. When they attack Trump and yet can voice no vision for what they would do as president, I've stopped listening to them.

In Desantis' case in particular, he's had 9 months to lay out a vision of how he would run the country, and has failed to ever do it. It took him 6 months to even officially announce he was running. Plus my other stated reasons. While being disloyal and running against Trump, Desantis has been the Anti-Trump establishment candidate, which makes it highly suspect he would fight for the issues meaningful to Trump/Conservative voters. He had his opportunity and he blew it. His few moves, such as taking on Disney and taking a hard pro-life stance, seem to me desperate moves to re-ignite his candidacy. But interest is dropping off, regardless.

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If you dislike them, then they must be okay

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Originally Posted by iggy
panic If you dislike them, then they must be okay ;panic:

That works in reverse. If you support Occupy Wall Street and open borders illegal immigration, and every Republican who loses and lets Democrats win, your endorsement of them verifies they are a bad choice.


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Dude, I gave up on OWS pretty quickly when they showed no ability to formulate a coherent idea. Kinda like ditching the Tea Party when it pivoted to abortion and the gays instead of debt. I'm willing to give people a chance to prove themselves before I slam the door whether left or right. Sorry not sorry for not being beholden to a party, brand, or person and demanding a cultist, cultist.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, I gave up on OWS pretty quickly when they showed no ability to formulate a coherent idea. Kinda like ditching the Tea Party when it pivoted to abortion and the gays instead of debt. I'm willing to give people a chance to prove themselves before I slam the door whether left or right. Sorry not sorry for not being beholden to a party, brand, or person and demanding a cultist, cultist.

Gee, that's really funny, because in OVER 12 YEARS I've never heard you say you renounced OWS.
I suspect your petty vendetta against me that never cools off is because I was critical of Occupy Wall Street. 12 years later and you still rage on me over that endlessly.

I see the Reagan conservatives/Reagan Democrats, and Newt Gingrich's 1994 "Republican Revolution", and the Tea Party, and the Trump movement, as one continuous movement by different names but upholding the same ideas.

And like the liar you are, you continue the Democrat talking points that the Tea Party shifted to abortion and opposing gay rights. That was just a slander to push people away from the Tea Party by the Democrats by portraying it as extreme or hijacked. I was a Tea Party guy and I never felt a shift in that direction by any of the Tea Party people I knew. If any were pro-life or defense-of-marriage, those were issues by groups in separate rallies, separate from the Tea Party movement.
The REAL reason the Tea Party movement folded is IRS audits and harassment of small business owners who led them (led by Jack Smith by the way, along with Lois Lerner), who no longer could afford the time to organize Tea Party clubs and rallies because of the additional harassment paperwork created by the IRS.

You seem more like the type who would hate on Tea Party people and call them "tea-baggers" right from the very beginning, and I recall you did at points in the OWS topics.
So you're a liar, just like always. Dipshit.

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More words saying nothing substantial. Seems dumb to denounce something I easily wear able to just walk away from because I didn't fully commit but gave room to prove itself. They were dumb, unprincipled, and pulled a CHAZ before CHAZ was the dumbest thing in the summer of 2020.

And, yes, the Tea Party did get astroturfed and led astray because I was there and walked away because of social issues purity politics.

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Originally Posted by iggy
More words saying nothing substantial. Seems dumb to denounce something I easily wear able to just walk away from because I didn't fully commit but gave room to prove itself. They were dumb, unprincipled, and pulled a CHAZ before CHAZ was the dumbest thing in the summer of 2020.

And, yes, the Tea Party did get astroturfed and led astray because I was there and walked away because of social issues purity politics.

Unlike your words, mine ARE substantial, factual, sourced and linked.

And I multiple times linked a poll of Tea Party demographics, from the National Review by pollster Doug Schoen, that proves the lie of what you allege.
Liars like you alleged that the Tea Party was "white racist". Schoen's poll showed thst the Tea Party was actually ethnically diverse, and demographically proportionate to all of the U.S. more than maybe any other group in the country, across all races, across all incomes, across all income demographics.
Liars like you allege that the Tea Party either was or became extremist, but aagain, the polled demographics aagain showed their beliefs were very representative of the mainstream of America, not some extreme fring.

So... you're a fucking liar, just like always.

And what killed the Tea Party movement was Lois Lerner and the IRS auditing them out of existence, buried so much in paperwork that Tea Party groups didn't haave time to organize anymore, or fundraise because of IRS hgarassment.

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Dude, that's from barely a year in. Anti-abortion bills were passing through the House and state legislatures pretty early into 2011. By 2012, we were getting "legitimate rape" candidates. Those people very much decided they wanted all the room in the tent and drove others out.

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Originally Posted by iggy
Dude, that's from barely a year in. Anti-abortion bills were passing through the House and state legislatures pretty early into 2011. By 2012, we were getting "legitimate rape" candidates. Those people very much decided they wanted all the room in the tent and drove others out.

That's your lying narrative.

The reality is, Tea Party members were laser focused on lower taxes, eliminating deficit federal spending, and small government that doesn't intrude on citizens' freedoms. PERIOD.

Like I said, what killed the Tea Party was Lois Lerner and weaponization of the IRS, to the point that Tea Party leaders no longer had time to organize or fundraise their Tea Party groups.

Did some of them belong to other religious conservative groups that were concerned about abortion or pushing back against gay marriage? Of course. But none of those were the concern of the Tea Party groups, at the beginning, or at the end. That's just more liberal media narrative to slander the Tea Party and try to make them seem extreme and push people away from them.
I don't believe anything you say at this point, about you attending Tea party groups, or you ever voting Republican, you just make that shit up for manipulative reasons, but clearly in the 15 years or so, you're an ultra-Leftist, and you rail endlessly on conservative posters here, on conservative Republicans, on Fox News , OAN or any other conservative media source, if it's facts from a conservative source, you immediately dismiss it, and only believe Politico, CNN and the like, who AREN'T AT ALL BIASED. rolleyes

. And UNTIL TODAY, I never NEVER heard you voice any support for the Tea Party. You front to be a Ron Paul supporter, but for the 13 years or so you've posted here, you've raged rage endlessly at any conservatives who are Tea Party or Trump supporters, despite that they're the clear successors to the Ron Paul movement.

So you're just a liar, like always. Obviously. What you say doesn't make any logical sense. because it is all lies.

And as I've said repeatedly, you only like conservatives who don't win, who attack other Republicans, and help Democrats win elections.


iggy #1238015 2023-09-09 10:06 PM
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So angry...get help.

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Originally Posted by iggy
So angry...get help.

So, I'm not supposed to be bothered at all that you're just flatout lying at this point?

IIt's actually kind of fun to put on display what a liar you are, with the easily sourced facts.


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