Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
a lot of this is what i've been saying all along, the McCain is Bush tactics just come off as petty. John McCain is a known person by the people of the US, he is known as a Maverick and has been a well known thorn in Bush's side. a couple months of attacks wont change that. If Obama wants a shot at this he needs to define who he is, and what he is going to do and show some proof from his past that he can and is willing to achieve change, and what that change is. making silly McCain is Bush comments works with the wacko lefties like whomod, but they were going to vote for Obamassiah anyways.

Running McCain as Bush's third term doesn't really work for me either, pretty much for the reasons you've stated. It's less sound bytie but I think Obama does better when he spends time on specific policies that McCain & Bush share.

Fair play!