G-Man and the McCain campaign may try to weasel out of any responsibility for this crisis, even though it was caused by their philosophies, The media isn't going to give these abominable liars a free pass to peddle their bullshit, not when the stakes are this dire.

So after McCain says everything's fine by almost directly quoting Herbert Hoover about "the fundamentals of the economy being strong", he now says a day later that we're in "a crisis" and he's the guy to lead us out. Not that he says what exactly he plans to do. But hey, that's OK, at least everyone knows he's spent the past 27 years as a deregulator. And finally after what seemed forever, he realizes that the economy ain't doing so well... I'm guessing that someone told him he sounded like a clueless asshole when he says everything is OK.

Not to say that he's an out of touch "elitist", what with owning more homes than he can remember. But hey, he's for the little guy now. Never mind all the times he's voted against raising the minimum wage and for tax breaks to big oil and corporations who outsource jobs. He's really for the little guy..now. uh huh.

ABC News slams McCain flip-flops on economy, says McCain supported policies that led to economic meltdown

ABC showed how John McCain supported the very deregulation rules that companies like AIG exploited in order to get in to the economic mess they're in. That links McCain directly to the current crisis. Here's the transcript since G-Man still may be averse to tru.. um.. I mean video:

CHARLIE GIBSON: And with apologies for our technical difficulties, we're going to turn back to the difficult economy, and the way the presidential candidates are dealing with it, particularly John McCain. Here's David Wright.

DAVID WRIGHT: John McCain was against the government bailout of AIG, before he was reluctantly for it. Here he was yesterday on "Today."

JOHN MCCAIN: We cannot bail AIG or anybody else. We have to work through it.

WRIGHT: Asked about the same topic today on "Good Morning America" -

MCCAIN: I don't think anybody I know wanted to do that. But there are literally millions of people whose retirement, whose investments, whose insurance were at risk here. And they were going to have their lives destroyed.

WRIGHT: Senator McCain appears to have changed his tune on regulation in a fundamental way. Today on the stump, he's a champion of reigning in Wall Street with tough regulations.

MCCAIN: We're going to put an end to the reckless conduct, corruption and greed that have caused a crisis on Wall Street.

WRIGHT: But for more than 25 years in the Senate, McCain has fashioned himself as a champion of smaller government, less regulation.

MCCAIN: I am less government, less regulation, lower taxes, et cetera.

WRIGHT: In the mid 1990s, he supported a measure to ban all new government regulations. McCain supported legislation a decade ago that broke down the firewalls between commercial and investment banks and insurance companies -- the very rules companies like AIG exploited to get in the current mess. And as recently as March of this year, after the collapse of Bear Stearns, McCain was all for deregulating Wall Street.

MCCAIN: Our financial market approach should include encouraging increased capital in financial institutions by removing regulatory, accounting and tax impediments to raising capital.

GEORGE WILL: When the deregulation was the wave through Washington, he surfed that wave. Now it's not, and the populist inside John McCain is out.

WRIGHT: Today, the Wall Street Journal accused McCain of selling out his free market ideals. Said today's top editorial -- "denouncing greed and Wall Street, isn't a growth agenda,"

GEORGE WILL: It's a conversion of convenience, some will say.

Which is the nice way of saying it. I'd call it a FUCKING LIE!

Chris Matthews also let one of you pig Republican liars have it for pretending to now be akin to Independents or something, "The change party" I suppose. You guys won't even stand and defend your philosophies or even your President which got us into this mess in the 1st place. Pathetic scumbags the lot of you.

No, you lying weasel Republicans aern't going to slime your way out of being the ones who wrecked the economy and trying to pass yourselves off as "change".

Here, let your next President explain it to you:

Funny how all the idiotic GOP distraction crap about Pigs and secret muslims and angry wives doesn't work when peoples lives, jobs and savings evaporate because of Republican policies.

So much so that the "fundamentals" that McCain now champions after looking like an out of touch asshole when he was talking about the REAL fundamentals before he decided to give it a new meaning, let him have it at a GM plant. The fundamentals" sported Obama shirts, caps, buttons and started chanting "Obama '08" to a quickly fleeing McCain.

As an aside, The McCain spent the rest of the day sending a terrorist prosecutor to Alaska to do more important work. Stymie the Palin troopergate investigation!! Always thinking about the country and it's security first!

Last edited by whomod; 2008-09-18 4:37 PM. Reason: video of McCain fleeing "the fundamentals"