I think it is extremely telling to listen to Obama's remarks (and, notably, answers to questions) in Florida today and then to hear McCain's in Wisconsin. For one thing, as Obama said elsewhere on the stump, McCain can only propose attacking Obama as a solution to our problems. For another, McCain's all over the map with a hodge-podge and rehash of previous and loopy proposals, most of which are bandaids and doctor's office lollipops on a seriously bleeding artery.

That seems to be the consensus.

NY Times:

Senator John McCain gave a few new details of his economic proposals at a speech here Friday morning, but the address seemed as much a political shot at Senator Barack Obama as a policy prescription.

Washington Post:

Republican presidential candidate John McCain offered few new details this morning on how he would respond to the crisis in the nation's financial markets, instead renewing his criticism of Democratic rival Barack Obama's ties to former heads of mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

The campaign yesterday had promised more information about McCain's economic plan. But McCain, in a speech to a hastily assembled meeting of the local chamber of commerce, mostly repeated his call for a new government trust that would identify and help rescue failing financial institutions and a set of principles to guide future regulation and legislation.

Having watched both speeches myself, there really was a sharp contrast between the angry accusatory tone of McCain and the steady, measured message from Obama. Several political reporters picked up on the fact that McCain's economic plan was basically an attack on Obama.

One the one hand, in Barack Obama we've got a statesman who wants to work together to get things done for all Americans. On the other hand, in John McCain we've got a yipping little dog (apologies to canine lovers everywhere) who will tear anything down to get ahead.

It's striking that not only was Obama sober and nonpartisan today but so was Bush and every Senator I saw on TV. The briefing on Capitol hill last night was some scary sobering shit apparently and the only one who thinks this is some political game still, is John McCain. Both Obama and Bush made the argument and set the tone that we need a bipartisan solution to this very real and very dire financial crisis and then in contrast, we had John McCain blaming Obama for the economic mess, the same guy he derides as barely having been in Washington to affect anything.

Obama is acting Presidential while McCain is flailing about trying to make everyone forget about his out of touch 'sound economy' comments on Monday.