In fact, the lobbyist leading McCain's tranistion team has been lobbying for Freddie Mac

Yesterday, we learned the blockbuster news that John McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, made millions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Sarah Palin and John McCain have been railing about those companies out on the campaign trail. You'd think McCain would fire Davis.

There's more.

William Timmons, who is leading John McCain transition efforts (which will hopefully never come to be), is a "prominent Washington lobbyist" according to Time Magazine. That's bad enough. It gets worse in light of McCain's feigned outrage at Fannie and Freddie. McCain's transition leader had been lobbying for Freddie Mac "through this month" -- until Freddie had to stop lobbying :

The lobbying firm of the man Republicans say John McCain has chosen to begin planning a presidential transition earned more than a quarter of a million dollars this year representing Freddie Mac, one of the companies McCain blames for the nation's financial crisis.

Timmons & Co., whose founder and chairman emeritus is William Timmons Sr., was registered to lobby for Freddie Mac from 2000 through this month, when the federal government took over both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Newly available congressional records show Timmons's firm received $260,000 this year before its lobbying activities were barred under terms of the government rescue of the failed mortgage giant. Timmons, 77, is listed as a lobbyist for Freddie Mac on the company's midyear financial-disclosure form.

While Republicans say Timmons is making plans for the transition if McCain wins in November, the campaign wouldn't confirm his role. Timmons didn't return a phone call seeking comment.

McCain has labeled Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae as prime culprits in creating the financial storm that has roiled Wall Street and Washington.

This is just another example of McCain's blatant hypocrisy. McCain has been making stuff up about Obama's ties to Freddie and Fannie via Raines. Meanwhile, McCain's top guys have hauled in tons of dough from them.