Just as I alluded to this afternoon, McCain has now jeopardized the bailout deal. Nice stunt our hero pulled. Now things are worse. McCain reckless fratboy rashness politicized a deal that was almost done. Compete freaking moron. Don't believe me, read Politico:

A high-profile White House meeting on Treasury’s $700 billion Wall Street rescue plan ended Thursday on a sour, contentious note, with no joint endorsement by the two presidential candidates, Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama.

Democrats complained of being “blindsided” by a new conservative alternative to the plan first put forward by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. And the outcome casts doubt on the ability of Congress to move quickly on the matter, even after leaders of House and Senate banking committees reached a bipartisan agreement Thursday on the framework for legislation authorizing the massive government intervention.

It was McCain who urged President Bush to call the White House meeting attended by House and Senate leaders as well as Obama, his Democratic rival. But the candidates left without commenting to reporters outside, and the whole sequence of events confirmed Treasury’s fears about inserting presidential politics into what were already difficult negotiations.

Wall Street had posted a gain of 197 points earlier in the day, buoyed by hopes of an agreement. The markets had closed by the end of the White House meeting, but Friday could bring turmoil, and there will be immense pressure now by Treasury to get back on track before Monday.

"Country first" my ass. We'll be incredibly lucky to escape certain economic disaster now. All because a desperate John McCain wanted to try to inject a new stunt into his quickly collapsing campaign. Asshole.

Now look at this guy:

He reasserts the importance of not injecting presidential politics into this delicate process and is actually acting responsible and more importantly, Presidential.

I dunoo... it's beyond the pale what John McCain has done today. I think the country got a measure of just exactly who John McCain is, today and also of Barack Obama's more responsible approach.

This is how it ends for the GOP but hopefully not for our economy....