Originally Posted By: the G-man
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama were all supporting the bill. The Democrats who voted for it were supporting those three, not Bush.

Furthermore, even if we assume you are correct-that voting for the bill was sort of act of political courage and voting against it an act of cowardice-then you've just alleged that forty percent of your own party in congress are cowards.

You can twist this any way you like but, logically and factually, it's a bipartisan vote.

Finally, are we really sure that defeat of the bill was so bad? When parties as diverse as Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Kucinich and Michael Moore all think something's bad for America why should we be so quick to assume it was a good idea in the first place?

Err so do you believe everyone in your party put country first? Maybe that is where we're different. We both may be partisans but I know there are cowards as you put it in both parties. If they based their vote because they were afraid of affecting their re-election bids, their cowards no matter what party they belong to.

And for those GOPs that say they switched their vote because they didn't like Pelosi's speach, hope that bit of pettiness was worth it for them.

Fair play!