Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: whomod
awwww. so you're mad that he called it like it was.

Boner ..um boehner said himself that they voted the way they did because Pelosi hurt their feelings when she said that the Republican philosophy of unregulated markets caused this meltdown. AAAIIEEE!! The HORROR!!! Having to sit there and listen to what most economics say caused this meltdown!!!

So much for the party of personal responsibility.

So I'd be careful as to who you call douchebags. The market lost over $1 trillion dollars today as a result of the bailout vote fiasco. If you are one of the 62 million Americans who have retirement monies invested in a 401k, for example, you just lost 7% of the total money you had for your retirement. Let me walk you through what that means

- If you had $10,000 in your retirement account this morning, you just lost $700 of it.
- If you had $100,000 this morning, you just lost $7,000 of it.
- And if you had $1,000,000 this morning, you just lost $70,000 of it.

As Charlie Gibson on ABC noted, losing 7% on the market in a year would be a huge story.

What happened today was real. ABC's financial consultant noted the following tonight: "I don't care if you're a big corporation, a small business, an individual trying to send your kid to college, or buy a car or buy a house, it is virtually impossible to get a loan in this country." As a nation, we no longer have loans, for practically anything. I realize people aren't thrilled about the bailout plan - and as someone who didn't buy a house in the past few years because I wasn't willing to gamble with a risky loan, I'm not pleased about bailing out morons who did gamble, and lost - but giving up 7% of your retirement seems like one hell of a bad way to stick it to Wall Street.

But hey it's Barney Frank who's the douchebag. Not the asshole Republicans who caused the meltdown in the 1st place and not the asshole Republicans who voted in a 2/3rds majority to make the bill fail thus make the market react.

And what do you think about the Democrats who didn't vote for it?

I think they need to explain to Americans just why they thought letting the market slide 7% was preferable to actually trying to work with their fellow Democrats and 1/3rd of Republicans as well as the White House and Treasury to try to stop this erosion of confidence.

Listen, i'm not happy about this bill either. but I am unhappy about the alternative, which is to continue to squabble along party lines even further as all our retirement savings and quite possibly and inevitably, our ability to borrow evaporate.

What I see happening now and to a lesser extent (or micro version) here is people emphasizing the Democrats who voted AGAINST the plan even though 2/3rds of them voted FOR and 2/3rds of Republicans voted AGAINST. What kills me is that they voted for partisan and ideological reasons rather than to actually try to stave off astronomical losses.

Why are Republicans only ever fiscally responsible when it's someone else trying to do something to help people? When it comes to waging wars of choice for their own ideological theories, then running rampant deficits is all fine and dandy. But when it comes to health care, education and now trying to keep our economy solvent, suddenly they're back to being the fiscal guardians once more.